Heat Power Engineering
Heat Power Engineering
Heat Power Engineering
: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 142501 Subject Name: Heat Power Engineering Time: 02:30 pm to 05:00 pm
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) State the second law of thermodynamics as per (i) Kelvin-Plank and (ii) 07 Clausis, and prove that both statements are equivalent although they appear to be different. (b) Obtain an expression for the efficiency of Diesel Cycle with usual 07 notations. (a) Explain with neat sketch a single stage impulse turbine. 07 (b) Explain with the help of neat sketch the working of a single stage 07 reciprocating air compressor. OR (b) Explain the following as referred to air compressor: 07 (i) Isothermal efficiency, (ii) Volumetric efficiency, (iii) Free Air Delivered and (iv) NTP Condition (a) Describe giving neat sketch the cycle of operation of a simple constant pressure open cycle Gas Turbine. (b) Explain the working of Vapour Compression Refrigeration system with neat sketch. OR (a) What is meant by the term Jet Propulsion? Describe briefly the working of a Turbo-Jet Engine. (b) Define the following terms: (i) Dry bulb temperature, (ii) Wet bulb temperature, (ii)Specific Humidity, (iv)Relative Humidity, (v) Degree of saturation, (vi) Dew point temperature and (vii)Psychrometry. 07 07
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(a) Discuss the applications of steady flow energy equation for (i) Boiler, 07 (ii) Heat exchanger and (iii) Compressor. (b) A reversible engine receives heat from two constant temperature 07 sources at 870 K and 580 K. It rejects 3000 KJ/min to a sink at 290 K. The engine develops 85 KW. Determine the heat supplied by each source and the efficiency of the engine. (a) 2.5 kg of air at 27 C and 1000KN/m2 is expanded to 5 times its initial 07 volume. The law of expansion being PV1.3 =C. Find the change in entropy. (b) What is meant by compounding of steam turbine? Explain the Velocity 07 Compounding in detail.
(a) An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.5m3 , pressure 1 bar and temperature 27 C at the beginning of compression stroke. The pressure at the end of compression is 10bar. The heat added during constant volume process is 200KJ. Calculate: (a) percentage clearance,(b) efficiency and (c) mean effective pressure. (b) Explain different modes of heat transfer. OR (a) Write short note on Heat exchanger. (b) A single acting single stage compressor is belt driven from an electric motor at 400 rpm. The cylinder diameter is 150mm and the stroke 175mm. The air is compressed from 1 bar to 7 bar and the law of compression PV1.3 =C. Find the power of the motor, if transmission efficiency is 97% and the mechanical efficiency of the compressor is 90%. Neglect clearance effect.
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