2014 q1 Sponsorship Online
2014 q1 Sponsorship Online
2014 q1 Sponsorship Online
We are continuing our commitment in 2014 to reach out to the Shenandoah Valleys diverse community and build bridges to stimulate economic growth. We will continue the work initiated through the Society for Diversity in Leadership in 2013. Our signature event is the Hola Shenandoah Valley Multicultural Festival; which was successfully inaugurated in October 2013, and is scheduled for 13 September 2014 during Hispanic heritage month. Our goal is to present you with sponsorship opportunities early in your budgeting cycle to market the event successfully and improve on the lessons learned from the previous year.
This Special package applies to all commitments signed during the 1st Quarter of 2014 1 Month FREE advertising in La Voz Latina QS Newspaper 1 Month FREE advertising in WSVG AM Radio 1 FREE one hour of Business Management / Coaching / Consulting from the BMOC GROUP Spot Light Speaking opportunities to represent your business during the monthly recurring Society for Diversity in Leadership networking events FREE Consultation with WSVG / La Voz Latina and the BMOC GROUP to investigate Marketing and Growth Opportunities for your business
Our VISION - To be a sustainable bridge organization leading in business and personal growth in support of cultural awareness and economic development Our MISSION - To promote and facilitate business development opportunities by developing and enhancing relationships among public and private sector leaders and related professionals Complete and return the form with information regarding your sponsorship package; please fax or email to 540-459-1751 ~ Megan@BMOCgroup.com. If you have any questions please call me at 540-2333689. Thank you for your support.
Jorge L. Gutierrez
Jorge Gutierrez, MSM CEO BMOCgroup Founder of the Society for Diversity in Leadership Command Sergeant Major, US Army (Ret)
Jose Larios
Jim Jones
Jose Larios, President Editor La Voz Latina QS Jim Jones, MBA Owner WSVG / WAMM RADIO
Office: (540) 459-3221 Mobile: (540) 233-3689 Fax: (540) 459-1751 Jorge@BMOCgroup.com www.BMOCgroup.com
This Special Package applies to all commitments signed and agreed on the 1st Quarter of 2014
1 Month FREE advertising in La Voz Latina QS Newspaper 1 Month FREE advertising in WSVG AM Radio 1 FREE one hour of Business Management / Coaching / Consulting from the BMOC GROUP Spot Light Speaking opportunities to represent your business during the monthly recurring Society for Diversity in Leadership networking events FREE Consultation with WSVG / La Voz Latina and the BMOC GROUP to investigate Marketing and Growth Opportunities for your business
GOLD $750 SIVER $500 BRONZE $250
Music sponsor Solo Banner in the festival Company Logo in all Advertising in Newspapers Company Logo in All News Releases Space for Information Tents (2 Maximum) Tickets 25% ($375) towards a scholarship
Solo Banner in the festival Company Logo in all Advertising in Newspapers Space for Information Tent Tickets 30% ($225) towards a Local Veteran Organization http://dvchvets.org/aboutdvch/meet-our-team/
Solo Banner in the festival Space for information Tent Company Logo in all News Releases Tickets
Building Bridges in the Valley, for the Valley ~ Construyendo Puentes en el Valle, para el Valle
Fill out Table below in order to help us manage the space and resources. Select your sponsorship level
Certificate of Insurance: Y ~ N
Table Size Tent
Name: Date:
Hola Festival