Collage Drama Learning Sequence
Collage Drama Learning Sequence
Collage Drama Learning Sequence
Kellie Ward
This phase introduces students to collage drama and the theme of body image. Students develop and present their ideas, experiences and views of how they believe identity is constructed through the theme of body image by looking at stimulus, exploring the media and social influences. They will participate in improvisation and teacher-led activities.
Student resource 2
Step 2 Who am %?
Students walking around space and stop when the emotion is called. With a partner facing each other
Students write in 'ournal about activity. Students learn about offering and accepting.
"iscuss as a class
0roups of 1-2
background story. 5ach student says a word about how that character feels at the time the picture was taken. Students explore the characters family life, friends by writing a short sentence each. 0roup members take turns in the hot seat to further develop a back story. "iscuss why their character may feel like that? When have you ever felt like that? Who influences how you feel and look? &s a class discuss findings and views explored. %nteract with students using the teacher-in-role. Teacher will act as a today tonight reporter interviewing students on body image. %n groups using the articles provided students analyse and comment on their positioning in relation to the article. They take on roles from both sides of the argument, and interview each other in role. 5ach group will be given a different scene from 6What!s the matter with #ary 8ane!. "evise a 9min piece and present to class. "iscuss elements and conventions used by each group and how bodyimage has been presented by the writer. Students work in small groups. The first person finishes the line; when % look at me % see; they then fold the paper so the other person cannot see what they have written except for the last line. The next person continues writing a sentence and then a beginning sentence, this continues until everyone in the group has written a sentence. <sing these sentences play around with particular words, repeating them, saying them fast or slow, and chanting. What feelings are stirred? -ow do particular words make you feel? <sing the stimulus look at the poems. %n groups students choose 9 poem each and play with the wording. *hoose a style or emotion
Teacher-in-role in front of class. Students sitting on floor in front of 6%nterviewer!. %n groups of 2 around classroom
Student resource
0athering views from students by asking 7uestions in role and allowing them to take on the role of interviewer and interviewed. #onitor students contribution to the discussions.
0roups of :-1
*lass in circle
6What is the matter with #ary 8ane! scenes "see student resource)
&llowing teacher to see how students work with script and are able to experiment with text.
Step # ,oetry
Students in groups of =.
to go with your poem. Step $ #aga.ines #ake a list of headlines or words that grace the cover of maga.ines 3ne by one students express them using different tones in their voice &s a whole class %ndividually >ewspaper #aga.ine White +oard #arker +eing able to manipulate voice to create a different meaning.
Step 2 *haracterisation
%mprovisation games *hoose a picture from your collage and create a free.e frame of how that character feels inside. Walk around space with the physicality of that character and acknowledge other people around you %n character say hello to each person When signaled stop and find out three things about one other character and tell three things about your character, when signaled walk around space and repeat. %n circle each student shares a piece of information on what they found out about each character. %ndividually students fill in a character profile sheet and character web Students write a short monologue or diary entry on how they feel when they look in the mirror. %n groups of 1-2 students discuss their character and then create a still image which encaptures each student!s individual character. They then devise : more free.e frames to create a se7uence of events either before or after.
*lass %ndividually
#aga.ines >ewspapers Scripts ? "ags, 8uice, Whats the matter with #ary 8ane @ormative task sheet. 'esource Students individual collage drama
Students are able to engage in an individual and collaborative approach to character building. 8ournal entries
%n pairs
"evelop a back story for a character to create depth and believability. 8ournal entries
0roups of 1-2 teacher moving from group to group and watching time
Students participate in the process of developing and sustaining characters and creating tension between characters. 8ournal entries
5ach group present to class and the class discuss what they have seen and themes that have emerged. "eveloping from the free.e frames the teacher taps students and they are to break out of the free.e and say what the character is thinking and feeling internally. "iscuss what tensions may be underlying between different characters. Students devise a short scene which implements tension between characterAs. by looking at the relationships between the characters presented. &s a class discuss how groups were able to generate a particular mood in their scene Students stand in two lines facing each other they take on the role as the 6media or member of the papara..i!. 5ach student walks down the 6red carpet! in their character and the media voice a word describing their inner thoughts on that character. 3ut of role discuss how each character felt by being scrutinised by the media. Buestion how the media portrays how teenagers as individuals should think and feel. Students will be taken through vocal warm-ups and tongue twisters. Students lay on floor with eyes closed. Teacher creates a setting (see resource) students are to create the sounds to that environment. Then the class will create a soundscape relating to the body and the insides of a character or a schoolyard. "iscuss how you could incorporate a soundscape into their collage performance. %n groups of = students are given a brief in which they are to create a piece of technology by only using voice and a repetitive movement. 5ach group is given a card with a piece of technology 9 person starts in the middle of the circle and does a movement and a sound to represent their technology, the :nd person enters and creates Same groups as free.e frames 8ournal entries
*lass discussion
Step $ Soundscape
Teacher $esource
8ournal entries
Step ( #ovement
%n groups of =
another movement and sound. This continues until all members have formed the machine. 5ach group presents their machine to the class in which the other members must guess what they presented. *lass presents machine again however a piece of music is added to each. "iscuss as a class how the music has changed the mood or theme of their machine. ,rop improvisation game Students work on short scenes based around an ob'ect, fabric, movement, word or costume -ow may symbolism be used create meaning? Students complete worksheet %mprovise scenes with mask. Students play with white neutral mask, they create a short scene showing indifference to a person in need. -ow do people wear masks in real life? 5xperiment with breaking the 2th wall through creating a short scene and breaking out and speaking to audience or singing a song. ,lay with scenes such as someone being bullied by a group of students, the student being bullied may break into a funny dance. -ow does this break up a scene? "iscuss other ideas of how you may make smooth transitions between scenes in collage drama. Work in theatre and play with lighting effects, eg. Shadow or pro'ection. 5xperiment with music in a scene, it could be something that compliments or distracts from the action. -ow is the mood enhanced or altered by using lighting or music in a scene? -ow could music or lighting be used in your collage drama?
*lass discussion
Step ) Symbolism
Step 1* #ask
Students are able to use symbolism as a device to create meaning. 8ournal entries
'esource 0roup work %n pairs >eutral mask Students are able to create meaning using masks. 8ournal entries
Students are able to improvise in front of class and create a transition. They are able to recognise tension and where a scene may be interrupted. 8ournal entries
3-T *ellophane +amboo skewers Tissue paper 0lass 'ar White sheet
Students are able to play with staging and lighting devices to create meaning or mood. 8ournal entries
Organisation of Learners
Students are put into groups by teacher.
&ssessment task sheet and criteria sheet.
Teacher walks around groups gives support, encouragement and feedback throughout the rehearsal process. Students participate in the process of developing a collage drama incorporating elements and conventions.
4ideo camera
Stage @eedback
Teacher and peer feedback and discussion on the successful elements of each performance
%n a circle on floor
Students confidently perform using appropriate vocal, movement, characterisation and physicalisation skills. Teacher films the performances. @ormal written feedback and grading