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Introductory Lecture Removable Prosthodontics "DENT 343"

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Introductory Lecture Removable Prosthodontics "DENT 343"

Dr.Esam Alem started his lecture by ivin us a brie! summary about "rosthodentics course # the !ollo$in notes can hel" you to stay tuned durin the course % The Removable Prosthodontics course o! this semester is considered one o! a lon series o! seven "rosthodontics courses that $e $ill ta&e in the u"comin years.

Removable Prosthodontics " ' " $ill discuss mainly complete dentures $hich are used !or "atients $ho lost all their teeth# or !or a child $ith no teeth at all.

Removable Prosthodontics " (" discusses partial dentures $hich are used in the case o! loosin less than '4 teeth in an individual )a$.

It*s im"ortant to ta&e a ood care o! the basic in!ormation that $e $ill ta&e durin this semester s"ecially in "+onservative and "rosthodontics " courses , since in the 4th and the -th years $e $ill have a com"rehensive e.ams that $ill contain /uestions about the basic in!ormation that $e $ill o thro$ this semester. Dr Esam advices us not to memori0e in!ormation !or the sa&e o! this semester e.ams ,instead $e should build u" our basic in!ormation !rom here .

Prosthodontics is divided into t$o branches% '1 Removable Prosthodontics % that the course $ill discuss "rimarily. (1 Fixed Prosthodontics % $hich $e $ill ta&e some "reclinical courses in the summer semester o! the 4th year about them #that $ill discuss re"lacement o! one or t$o teeth usin a !i.ed brid e.

Removable prosthesis% enerally is re"lacement !or somethin that is missin in the body .2here dental prosthesis is a re"lacement !or somethin that is missin in " the oral cavity " #e. , i! a !ull set o! teeth are missin $e $ill use com"lete dentures $hich are considered a "rosthesis.

In com"lete denture $e re"lace (3 teeth rather than 3( 4No $isdom teeth5, '4 teeth in the u""er arch and '4 in the lo$er arch. The "atient $ill need - visits in order to et his com"lete denture ready # so it $ill ta&e time be!ore the !inal results comes out. There!ore, $e $ill s"end a lot o! time durin this semester in the lectures and in the labs be!ore seein the !inal result o! our $or&. In this course $e $ill tal& about %

The anatomy o! the edentulous "atient . The im"ression "rocedures . The relationshi" bet$een the u""er and the lo$er )a$ .

6o$ to "lace the teeth #and ho$ they su""ose to meet each other $hen the "atient che$s . 6o$ to ma&e the "rosthesis and ho$ to ive it to the "atient .

1 1 1 7o you $ill see the !inal results in the '3th or in the '4th $ee& o! the semester, there!ore you have to be patient 8 The midterm e.am is com"osed o! a "ractical and a theoretical "arts# as $ell as the !inal e.am .

The midterm e.am $ill be in the 3th or in the 9th $ee& o! the semester, "robably on 7aturday .

The "ractical e.am either it $ill be done by ivin you an assi nment that you must do in a limited "eriod o! time# or it can be a s"ot e.amination 4 li&e the one that $e too& in dental anatomy labs 5#or an online s"ot e.am $here you have a "hoto ra"h and a /uestion that you have to ans$er.

The theoretical !inal e.am $ill be held in the !irst or the second $ee& o! :anuary# but the "ractical !inal e.am is oin to be a $ee& be!ore it .

The division of marks : '1 The semester $or& is 4; < o! the rade #and the !inal is =; <.

This 4; < $ill be divided li&e this % '- < !or the "ractical $or& that you $ill do in the lab #similar to teeth carvin #but this time you $ill ma&e a com"lete denture in the labs.
1 1 1

'- < !or the theoretical midterm e.am. '; < !or the "ractical midterm e.am .

>>> There $ill be "o" /ui00es in the lab .

There $ill be other doctors in the course %

Dr 7ara :aser#Dr Anas al Ibraheem #Dr 7aleh al 7hanna/ in addition to other lecturer uests.

the dental technicians $ill hel" us durin the labs . >>> The doctor advices us to treat the lab technicians ri ht cause they are not lo$er than a dentist #they )ust chose another s"ecialty .

>>> Then he said % "Don?t under estimate "eo"le in !ront o! you durin li!e " . Don?t assume that i! you are in a medical s"ecialty that you are better than anybody else .

Complete dentures are made in 5 steps : '1Initial im"ression

(1 A !inal 4secondary im"ression 5. 31 A )a$ relationshi" record 4 the bite 5.

41 Try the $a.y denture in the "atient*s mouth . -1 @ive the denture to the "atient .

In the lab , sometimes $e $ill do some $or&s as a dentist but other times you $ill do a dental technicians* $or& #so it*s im"ortant to &no$ the di!!erent .

> The most common /uestion is % 2hy I should do a laboratory $or& $hile I am a dentist A 2ell ,i! you don?t &no$ ho$ the laboratory ste"s are done you $ill not be able to communicate in a ri ht $ay $ith the lab technicians# so i! somethin oes $ron you $ill not be able to troubleshoot it. Bou must be able to do the $or& as $ell as the lab technician but not as !ast as him . Bou are not e."ected to ma&e a denture in the lab but you are e."ected to &no$ ho$ it is done .Bou should never !eel that learnin lab "rocedures is a $aste o! time .

Attendance is compulsory it is allo$ed to '; < abscesses $ith no e.cuse #$hich means ( lectures and ( labs# the Dr $ill ta&e attendance and a!ter '; minutes o! the lecture he $ill close the doors 88

The doctor*s o!!ice is located in the !loor under 4';63 and ';64 5 com"uters lab .

6is e1mail is %esamalemCyahoo.com

@ood Luc&

Done Dy % Enas 7alameh

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