Project Report ON Antenna Design, Simulation and Fabrication
Project Report ON Antenna Design, Simulation and Fabrication
Project Report ON Antenna Design, Simulation and Fabrication
This project report is submitted to VNIT in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication
Under the guidance of Dr. A. S. Gandhi Submitted by Prasanna Ramachandran, T.S.Keshav, Laxmikant Minz Vamsikrishna Parupalli and Shaibal Chakravarty Department of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (Deemed University) Nagpur 440011 2006-2007
This is to certify that Mr. Prasanna Ramachandran, Mr. T.S.Keshav, Mr. Laxmikant Minz, Mr. Vamsikrishna Parupalli and Mr. Shaibal Chakravarty have carried out their project work on Antenna Design, Simulation and Fabrication in the Electronics and Computer Science Department of VNIT, Nagpur during the year 2006-2007. Their work is approved for submission in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology.
We would like to thank our Project Guide, Dr. A.S. Gandhi, for his continuous support and encouragement. It was he who provided an aim and direction to this project and constantly pushed us to work harder on it. We would also like to thank the Communication Lab in charge, Mr. Prashant Jaronde for providing us all hardware and software tools required for completing this project. His assistance was invaluable.
Wireless technology is one of the main areas of research in the world of communication systems today and a study of communication systems is incomplete without an understanding of the operation and fabrication of antennas. This was the main reason for our selecting a project focusing on this field. The field of antenna study is an extremely vast one, so, to grasp the fundamentals we used a two pronged approach by dividing ourselves into groups. The first group focused on the fabrication and testing of a slotted waveguide omni directional antenna and a biquad directional antenna. The second group focused on the design and simulation of patch antennas (which are widely used in cell phones today) with an emphasis on optimization of a 1.9 GHz rectangular probe fed patch antenna. A dual band antenna and a microstrip fed patch antenna, used in the communication lab were also simulated.
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Antennas
1.1 Antenna Parameters 1.2 Types of Antennas 1 1 9
26 26 28 29 29 34 40 41
3.8 Simulation of 1.9 GHz Patch Antenna 3.9 Simulation of 5GHz Patch Antenna 3.10 Simulation of Dual Band Patch Antennas
43 70 74 85 85 85 86 88 92
Equation 1.1 Gain is achieved by directing the radiation away from other parts of the radiation sphere. In general, gain is defined as the gain-biased pattern of the antenna.
Equation 1.2 1.1.2 Antenna Efficiency The surface integral of the radiation intensity over the radiation sphere divided by the input power P0 is a measure of the relative power radiated by the antenna, or the antenna efficiency.
Equation 1.3 where Pr is the radiated power. Material losses in the antenna or reflected power due to poor impedance match reduce the radiated power. 1.1.3 Effective Area Antennas capture power from passing waves and deliver some of it to the terminals. Given the power density of the incident wave and the effective area of the antenna, the power delivered to the terminals is the product.
Equation 1.4 For an aperture antenna such as a horn, parabolic reflector, or flat-plate array, effective area is physical area multiplied by aperture efficiency. In general, losses due to material, distribution, and mismatch reduce the ratio of the effective area to the physical area. Typical estimated aperture efficiency for a parabolic reflector is 55%. Even antennas with infinitesimal physical areas, such as dipoles, have effective areas because they remove power from passing waves. 1.1.4 Directivity Directivity is a measure of the concentration of radiation in the direction of the maximum.
Equation 1.5 Directivity and gain differ only by the efficiency, but directivity is easily estimated from patterns. Gaindirectivity times efficiencymust be measured. The average radiation intensity can be found from a surface integral over the
radiation sphere of the radiation intensity divided by 4, the area of the sphere in steradians:
Equation 1.6 This is the radiated power divided by the area of a unit sphere. The radiation intensity U(,) separates into a sum of co- and cross-polarization components:
Both co- and cross-polarization directivities can be defined: Equation 1.7 Directivity can also be defined for an arbitrary direction D(,) as radiation intensity divided by the average radiation intensity, but when the coordinate angles are not specified, we calculate directivity at Umax. 1.1.5 Path Loss We combine the gain of the transmitting antenna with the effective area of the receiving antenna to determine delivered power and path loss. The power density at the receiving antenna is given by equation 1.2 and the received power is given by equation 1.4. By combining the two, we obtain the path loss as given below.
Equation 1.8 Antenna 1 transmits, and antenna 2 receives. If the materials in the antennas are linear and isotropic, the transmitting and receiving patterns are identical . When we consider antenna 2 as the transmitting antenna and antenna 1 as the receiving antenna, the path loss is
Equation 1.9
We make quick evaluations of path loss for various units of distance R and for frequency f in megahertz using the formula 3
Table 1.1 1.1.6 Input Impedance The input impedance of an antenna is defined as the impedance presented by an antenna at its terminals or the ratio of the voltage to the current at the pair of terminals or the ratio of the appropriate components of the electric to magnetic fields at a point. Hence the impedance of the antenna can be written as given below. Equation 1.10 where Zin is the antenna impedance at the terminals Rin is the antenna resistance at the terminals Xin is the antenna reactance at the terminals The imaginary part, Xin of the input impedance represents the power stored in the near field of the antenna. The resistive part, Rin of the input impedance consists of two components, the radiation resistance Rr and the loss resistance RL. The power associated with the radiation resistance is the power actually radiated by the antenna, while the power dissipated in the loss resistance is lost as heat in the antenna itself due to dielectric or conducting losses.
1.1.7 Antenna Factor The engineering community uses an antenna connected to a receiver such as a spectrum analyzer, a network analyzer, or an RF voltmeter to measure field strength E. Most of the time these devices have a load resistor ZL that matches the antenna impedance.
The incident field strength Ei equals antenna factor AF times the received voltage Vrec. We relate this to the antenna effective height:
Equation 1.11 AF has units meter but is often given as dB(m ). Sometimes, antenna factor is referred to the open-circuit voltage and it would be one-half the value given by equation 1.11. We assume that the antenna is aligned with the electric field; in other words, the antenna polarization is the electric field component measured:
1 1
Equation 1.12 This measurement may be corrupted by a poor impedance match to the receiver and any cable loss between the antenna and receiver that reduces the voltage and reduces the calculated field strength. 1.1.8 Return Loss It is a parameter which indicates the amount of power that is lost to the load and does not return as a reflection. Hence the RL is a parameter to indicate how well the matching between the transmitter and antenna has taken place. Simply put it is the S11 of an antenna. A graph of s11 of an antenna vs frequency is called its return loss curve. For optimum working such a graph must show a dip at the operating frequency and have a minimum dB value at this frequency. This parameter was found to be of crucial importance to our project as we sought to adjust the antenna dimensions for a fixed operating frequency (say 1.9 GHz). A simple RL curve is shown in figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 RL curve of an antenna 1.19 Radiation Pattern The radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the far-field radiation properties of an antenna as a function of the spatial co-ordinates which are specified by the elevation angle () and the azimuth angle (). More specifically it is a plot of the power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle which is nothing but the radiation intensity. It can be plotted as a 3D graph or as a 2D polar or Cartesian slice of this 3D graph. It is an extremely parameter as it shows the antennas directivity as well as gain at various points in space. It serves as the signature of an antenna and one look at it is often enough to realize the antenna that produced it. Because this parameter was so important to our software simulations we needed to understand it completely. For this purpose we obtained the 2D polar plots of radiation patterns for a few antennas in our lab using a ScienTech antenna trainer kit shown in figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2 ScienTech Antenna Trainer Kit The transmitter of the kit was rotated through 360 degrees in 20 degree intervals and the received power was measured (in V converted to dB) by a receiver to plot the radiation patterns of a few antennas. A simple MATLAB code written by us to obtain the 2D Polar Plots is given in Appendix A. The main disadvantage of this trainer kit is that it works only at 750MHz. However, it helped us to visualize the radiation patterns of some antennas shown in the following pages.
Figure 1.5 2D Polar Plot for a Rhombus Patch Antenna A general 3D radiation pattern is also shown in figure 1.6
1.20 Beamwidth Beamwidth of an antenna is easily determined from its 2D radiation pattern and is also a very important parameter. Beamwidth is the angular separation of the half-power points of the radiated pattern. The way in which beamwidth is determined is shown in figure 1.7.
Figure 1.8 - The vertical dipole and its electromagnetic equivalent, the vertical monopole A monopole over an infinite ground plane is theoretically the same (identical gain, pattern, etc., in the half-space above the ground plane) as the dipole in free space. In practice, a ground plane cannot be infinite, but a ground plane with a radius approximately the same as the length of the active element, is an effective, practical solution. The flat surface of a vehicles trunk or roof can act as an adequate ground plane. Figure 1.9 shows typical monopole antennas for base-station and mobile applications.
Figure 1.9 - Typical monopole antennas for (a) base-station applications and (b) mobile applications 1.2.2 Corner Reflector An antenna comprised of one or more dipole elements in front of a corner reflector, called the corner-reflector antenna, is illustrated in figure 1.10.
Figure 1.10 - Corner-reflector antennas This antenna has moderately high gain, but its most important pattern feature is that the forward (main beam) gain is much higher than the gain in the opposite direction. This is called the front-to-back ratio and is evident from its radiation pattern shown in figure 1.11.
Figure 1.11 - A corner-reflector antenna horizontal-plane pattern 1.2.3 Yagi Antenna Another antenna design that uses passive elements is the Yagi antenna. This antenna, illustrated in figure 1.12, is inexpensive and effective. It can be constructed with one or more (usually one or two) reflector elements and one or more (usually two or more) director elements. Figure 1.1.3 shows a Yagi antenna with one reflector, a folded-dipole active element, and seven directors, mounted for horizontal polarization.
Figure 1.12 - The Yagi antenna (a) three elements and (b) multiple elements
Figure 1.13 - A typical Yagi antenna Figure 1.14 is the typical radiation pattern obtained for a three element (one reflector, one active element, and one director) Yagi antenna. Generally, the more elements a Yagi has, the higher the gain, and the narrower the beamwidth. This antenna can be mounted to support either horizontal or vertical polarization and is often used for point-to-point applications, as between a base station and repeater-station sites.
2.2.2 Working A waveguide is a very low loss transmission line. It allows propagation of signals to a number of smaller antennas (slots). The signal is coupled into the waveguide with a simple coaxial probe and as it travels along the guide it traverses the slots. Each of these slots allows a little of the energy to radiate. The slots are in a linear array pattern, and the total of all the radiated signals adds up to a very significant power gain over a small range of angles close to the horizon. In other words, the waveguide antenna transmits almost all of its energy at the horizon, usually exactly where we want it to go. Its exceptional directivity in the elevation plane gives it quite high power gain. Additionally, unlike vertical co-linear antennas, the slotted waveguide transmits its energy using horizontal polarization, the best type for distance transmission. 2.2.3 Construction
Figure 2.1 A Slotted Waveguide Antenna The components we used to construct this antenna are given below i) 1m RG-213U cable (coaxial cable) ii) N connectors (BNC-female) iii) Plastic casing Each sector of the antenna needs to be a 1/2 wavelength long multiplied by the velocity factor of the cable. The velocity factor of RG-213 is 0.66. If a different cable (such as LMR-400) is used then the velocity factor of that cable needs to be determined and all the dimensions will need to be recalculated. V * C 0.66 * 299792458 1/2 wavelength = ------- = ---------------------- = 0.0405m = 40.5mm Equation 2.1 2*F 2 * 2441000000 V = Velocity Factor of RG213 = 0.66 C = Velocity of light = 299792458 m/s F = Frequency of Signal = 2441000000 Hz (middle of the 2.4GHz range)
The 1/4 wave element is not adjusted by the velocity factor, as it is in the open, so it works out at just 31mm long giving a total antenna length of 355mm + fly-lead. Each sector consists of a short length of RG-213 cable, with the central core sticking out each end. When building the antenna, the exact length of each piece of RG-213 is not that important, it is the overall length of each sector that counts.
Figure -2.2 Sectors of the antenna We found that cutting the cable to 37mm with 6mm of core sticking out each end, got enough overlap to easily solder the segments together. If 1mm is allowed for the width of the hacksaw when cutting the sectors apart, it means that 37 +6 +6 +1 = 50mm of cable was required for each sector. For making 8sectors + wave section, 420 mm of cable length for the antenna + cable for the fly lead was required, as illustrated by figure - 2.2. For making the first segment with the monopole, the sheath, shielding and central insulator of length 31mm was stripped with out damaging the inner conductor which would act as monopole. Leaving 43mm from the star of monopole i.e. 77mm from the monopoles tip the coaxial cable was completely cut. Then leaving 6mm from the other end, sheath, shielding, and central insulator were removed leaving the inner conductor exposed so that it could be connected to other segments. The other seven segments of the antenna were symmetrical and of 50mm length. So, seven 50mm segments were cut from the coaxial cable. For each segment 6mm of sheath, shielding and central insulator were removed leaving the central conductor for connecting it to other segments. After making all the segments, all eight sectors were checked round the end to make sure that none of the shielding was touching the central cable, as odd strands can get left. A gentle V shaped cut was made with a knife, at each end of the sectors, to expose the shielding, which is where the central core of the next sector would be soldered. This was done to all sectors which had to be soldered, including the fly-lead part.
Figure 2.3 V cut at sector ends V cuts at each end of the sector lined up; otherwise, when the antenna is soldered together, the whole thing will be twisted all around. All the eight segments and the fly lead were soldered taking care that the wire would not get twisted. Once the antenna was ready, it was tested with a multimeter to check if the connections were correct. The center of the fly lead should form a circuit to the 1/4 wave section, and the shield of the fly lead to the shield of the top section. The antenna was now tested to ensure that there were no crossed connections, by ensuring there was no circuit between the center of the fly lead and the shielding of the top sector and no circuit between the 1/4 wave section and the shielding of the flyleaf. The slotted waveguide antenna that we constructed is shown below.
2.3.2 Working A small loop is the dual of an ideal dipole. Pattern and radiation resistance of a loop are insensitive to the loop shape and depend only on the loop area. Radiation from a small loop is highest in the plane of loop and zero along its axis. As the perimeter of a loop antenna becomes a sizeable fraction of a wavelength, the current amplitude and phase will vary over the wire extent. So, a loop antenna with a perimeter that is of the order of half-wavelength or larger will display performance variation with loop size and shape. The biquad antenna that we made is a combination of two one wavelength square loop antennas.
Figure 2.5 - Square loop It has one quarter wavelength sides. For one wavelength perimeter it is reasonable to assume that current distribution is sinusoidal and continuous around the loop.
2.3.3 Construction The components we used to construct the antenna were i) 123x123mm square section of blank PCB ii) 50mm length of 1/2" copper pipe iii) Short length of CNT-400 or LMR-400 low loss coax (~300mm long) iv) 250mm of 2.5mm2 copper wire (approx 1.5mm diameter) v) N connector We cut a square piece of blank printed circuit board, 123x123mm. 50mm section of copper pipe was taken and filed both ends smooth. Using sandpaper the copper pipe was polished up including the inside of the copper pipe, to ensure a good connection with the coax braid. A notch was cut into one end of the copper pipe, removing approx 2mm from half the circumference.
Figure 2.6 Copper Pipe A hole was drilled in the centre of the blank PCB so that the copper pipe was a tight fit in the hole. We drilled a small hole and then widened it using file for making it precisely fit for inserting the copper pipe.
Figure 2.7 Square PCB used for construction Copper pipe was inserted into the hole, with the notched end on the copper side of the blank PCB. The copper pipe protruded approx 16mm through the hole, measured on the copper side of the PCB. The copper pipe was soldered to the PCB to ensure better electrical connectivity. It is not possible to solder the two elements with normal 25W solder gun. We used a high power solder to connect these two elements. 244 mm of copper wire was taken and is bent in as shown in the figure. All the bents are of 90 degrees.
Figure 2.8 Biquad Antenna Loop The element was now attached to the reflector. Only the two "ends" of the copper wire were to be attached to the copper pipe - the centre of the copper wire must not touch the copper pipe (hence the notch which was cut into the end of the copper pipe). Assembling everything as mentioned, our antenna looked as shown below.
. Figure 2.9 Biquad Loop Constructed For feeding antenna we stripped approx 30mm of the outer sheath from the end of the coaxial cable. The braid was folded back over the outer sheath the centre conductor was trimmed, so that about 4mm protruded. The outer braid was to be shorted to reflector (ground plane).
Figure 2.10 Stripping of Sheath We inserted the braid into the copper pipe, so that the end of the centre conductor lined up with the extreme end of the copper pipe, and we then soldered the centre of the element to it, ensuring the centre of the element was not in contact with the copper pipe. At this stage we had completely constructed the biquad antenna shown below.
s11 gives us the insertion loss of antennas. Insertion loss is proportional to the ratio of
reflected to the input power of the antenna. Antennas generally radiate efficiently for particular range of frequencies. At these frequencies the radiated power should be almost equal to input power, i.e., reflected power should very small. So the expected plot of s11 for an antenna would be a flat line through out the frequency scale with deep dip in the operating frequency range.
2.4.2 S11 Curve of the Slotted Waveguide Antenna The S11 curve of the slotted waveguide antenna obtained using vector analyzer is shown in figure 2.12.
Figure 2.12 S11 curve obtained for the Slotted Waveguide Antenna The dip is the central operating frequency of the antenna. The operating frequency of the antenna was found to be 2.3 GHz. The s11 measured at this frequency was -45 dB. For the antenna we got more than one dip. The reason for this was that our antenna, being an array of slots, was radiating at different frequencies which were very close by.
2.4.3 S11 Curve of the Biquad Antenna The S11 vs frequency curve of the biquad antenna obtained using a vector analyzer is shown in figure 2.13.
Figure 2.13 S11 Curve obtained for the Biquad Antenna The dip indicates the central operating frequency of the antenna. The operating frequency of the antenna was found to be 2.34 GHz. s11 measured at this frequency was -38 dB. 2.4.4 Problems faced during Testing We have used BNC connectors for feeding the signal to the antennas. But these connectors were found to be very unreliable for s11 measurement using network analyzer. Even a slight movement in the antenna or the connectors had a significant effect on the results. The s11 measurement which we made could only give us the frequency of operation. For proper measurement of s11, SMA connectors are highly recommended. These connectors are very rugged and results obtained with these connectors are very reliable.
We were also unable to obtain the radiation patterns of the constructed antennas. The theoretical radiation patterns, though, are shown in the following figures.
Figure 2.16 Orientation and 3D Radiation Pattern of a Biquad Antenna 2.4.5 Power Measurement Arrangement For power measurement we made an arrangement where one of the antennas was made a transmitter and the antenna, a receiver. The arrangement is as shown below:
Here the slotted waveguide omni-directional antenna is acting as probe antenna so it was our transmitter and the biquad antenna is acted as a receiver. We fed a continuous signal of different frequency and power to the transmitting antenna from the signal generator (can be seen in the diagram) and on other end we connected the biquad antenna to the spectrum analyzer through a coaxial cable.). On the receiver end we traced out the received signal frequency and power. We found that when a signal of 2.4GHz with a power level of 10 dBm was fed there was a signal of same frequency with lower power level (near -30 dBm received). We even interchanged the setup (i.e. biquad was made transmitter and slotted waveguide antenna was made receiver) and performed our testing. Power received in this case, at same frequency and power level, was bit lower nearly -35 dBm. The values displayed by the signal generator and the receiver (spectrum analyzer) for first the case are shown in the following figures.
3.1 Introduction
Microstrip antennas are planar resonant cavities that leak from their edges and radiate. Printed circuit techniques can be used to etch the antennas on soft substrates to produce low-cost and repeatable antennas in a low profile. The antennas fabricated on compliant substrates withstand tremendous shock and vibration environments. Manufacturers for mobile communication base stations often fabricate these antennas directly in sheet metal and mount them on dielectric posts or foam in a variety of ways to eliminate the cost of substrates and etching. This also eliminates the problem of radiation from surface waves excited in a thick dielectric substrate used to increase bandwidth. In its most basic form, a Microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side as shown in Figure 3.1. The patch is generally made of conducting material such as copper or gold and can take any possible shape. The radiating patch and the feed lines are usually photo etched on the dielectric substrate. Arrays of antennas can be photoetched on the substrate, along with their feeding networks. Microstrip circuits make a wide variety of antennas possible through the use of the simple photoetching techniques.
In order to simplify analysis and performance prediction, the patch is generally square, rectangular, circular, triangular, elliptical or some other common shape as shown in Figure 2. For a rectangular patch, the length L of the patch is usually 0.3333o < L < 0.5o, where o is the free-space wavelength. The patch is selected to be very thin such that t << o (where t is the patch thickness). The height h of the dielectric substrate is usually 0.003 o h 0.05 o . The dielectric constant of the substrate (r) is typically in the range 2.2 r12.
Figure -3.2 Typical patch shapes A patch radiates from fringing fields around its edges. The situation is shown in figure 3.3. Impedance match occurs when a patch resonates as a resonant cavity. When matched, the antenna achieves peak efficiency. A normal transmission line radiates little power because the fringing fields are matched by nearby counteracting fields. Power radiates from open circuits and from discontinuities such as corners, but the amount depends on the radiation conductance load to the line relative to the patches. Without proper matching, little power radiates. The edges of a patch appear as slots whose excitations depend on the internal fields of the cavity. A general analysis of an arbitrarily shaped patch considers the patch to be a resonant cavity with metal (electric) walls of the patch and the ground plane and magnetic or impedance walls around the edges. For good antenna performance, a thick dielectric substrate having a low dielectric constant is desirable since this provides better efficiency, larger bandwidth and better radiation. However, such a configuration leads to a larger antenna size. In order to design a compact Microstrip patch antenna, higher dielectric constants must be used which are less efficient and result in narrower bandwidth. Hence a compromise must be reached between antenna dimensions and antenna performance.
Figure 3.4 - Microstrip Line Feed The purpose of the inset cut in the patch is to match the impedance of the feed line to the patch without the need for any additional matching element. This is achieved by properly controlling the inset position. Hence this is an easy feeding scheme, since it provides ease of fabrication and simplicity in modeling as well as impedance matching. However as the thickness of the dielectric substrate being used, increases, surface waves and spurious feed radiation also increases, which hampers the bandwidth of the antenna. The feed radiation also leads to undesired cross polarized radiation. 3.4.2 Coaxial Feed The Coaxial feed or probe feed is a very common technique used for feeding Microstrip patch antennas. As seen from Figure 3.5, the inner conductor of the coaxial connector extends through the dielectric and is soldered to the radiating patch, while the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane. The main advantage of this type of feeding scheme is that the feed can be placed at any desired location inside the patch in order to match with its input impedance. This feed method is easy to fabricate and has low spurious radiation. However, its major disadvantage is that it provides narrow bandwidth and is difficult to model since a hole has to be drilled in the substrate and the connector protrudes outside the ground plane, thus not making it completely planar for thick substrates (h > 0.02o). Also, for thicker substrates, the increased probe length makes the input impedance more inductive, leading to matching problems. It is seen above that for a thick dielectric substrate, which provides broad bandwidth, the microstrip line feed and the coaxial feed suffer from numerous disadvantages. The non-contacting feed techniques discussed below, solve these problems.
Figure 3.5 Coaxial Feed 3.4.3 Aperture Coupled Feed In this type of feed technique, the radiating patch and the microstrip feed line are separated by the ground plane as shown in Figure 3.6. Coupling between the patch and the feed line is made through a slot or an aperture in the ground plane. The coupling aperture is usually centered under the patch, leading to lower cross polarization due to symmetry of the configuration. The amount of coupling from the feed line to the patch is determined by the shape, size and location of the aperture. Since the ground plane separates the patch and the feed line, spurious radiation is minimized. Generally, a high dielectric material is used for the bottom substrate and a thick, low dielectric constant material is used for the top substrate to optimize radiation from the patch. The major disadvantage of this feed technique is that it is difficult to fabricate due to multiple layers, which also increases the antenna thickness. This feeding scheme also provides narrow bandwidth.
Figure 3.6 Aperture Feed 3.4.4 Proximity Coupled Feed This type of feed technique is also called as the electromagnetic coupling scheme. As shown in Figure 3.7, two dielectric substrates are used such that the feed line is between the two substrates and the radiating patch is on top of the upper substrate. The main advantage of this feed technique is that it eliminates spurious feed radiation and provides very high bandwidth (as high as 13%), due to overall increase in the thickness of the microstrip patch antenna. This scheme also provides choices between two different dielectric media, one for the patch and one for the feed line to optimize the individual performances. Matching can be achieved by controlling the length of the feed line and the width-to-line ratio of the patch. The major disadvantage of this feed scheme is that it is difficult to fabricate because of the two dielectric layers which need proper alignment. Also, there is an increase in the overall thickness of the antenna. Table 3.1 summarizes the characteristics of the different feed techniques.
Table 3.1 Comparison of different Feed Methods It is to be noted that in our project simulations we have used microstrip feed and co-axial feed techniques.
Figure 3.8 Microstrip Line As seen from Figure 3.9, most of the electric field lines reside in the substrate and parts of some lines in air. As a result, this transmission line cannot support pure transverse electric- magnetic (TEM) mode of transmission, since the phase velocities would be different in the air and the substrate. Instead, the dominant mode of propagation would be the quasi-TEM mode. Hence, an effective dielectric constant (reff) must be obtained in order to account for the fringing and the wave propagation in the line.
Figure 3.9 Electric Field Lines The value of reff is slightly less then r because the fringing fields around the periphery of the patch are not confined in the dielectric substrate but are also spread in the air as shown in Figure 9. The expression for reff is given as: reff= (reff + 1)/2 + (reff - 1)/2[1+12h/W]-1/2 Where reff = Effective dielectric constant r = Dielectric constant of substrate h = Height of dielectric substrate W = Width of the patch Equation 3.1
Figure 3.10 shows a rectangular microstrip patch antenna of length L, width W resting on a substrate of height h. The co-ordinate axis is selected such that the length is along the x direction, width is along the y direction and the height is along the z direction. In order to operate in the fundamental TM mode, the length of the patch must be slightly less than / 2 where is the wavelength in the dielectric medium and is equal to o/(reff) where o is the free space wavelength. The TM mode implies that the field varies one / 2 cycle along the length, and there is no variation along the width of the patch. In figure 3.11 the microstrip patch antenna is represented by two slots, separated by a transmission line of length L and open circuited at both the ends. Along the width of the patch, the voltage is maximum and current is minimum due to the open ends. The fields at the edges can be resolved into normal and tangential components with respect to the ground plane.
Figure 3.11 Top View of Antenna It is seen from figure 3.12 that the normal components of the electric field at the two edges along the width are in opposite directions and thus out of phase since the patch is /2 long and hence they cancel each other in the broadside direction. The tangential components (seen in figure 11), which are in phase, means that the resulting fields combine to give maximum radiated field normal to the surface of the structure. Hence the edges along the width can be represented as two radiating slots, which are / 2 apart and excited in phase and radiating in the half space above the ground plane.
Figure 3.12 Side View of Antenna The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating slots and electrically the patch of the microstrip antenna looks greater than its physical dimensions. The dimensions of the patch along its length have now been extended on each end by a distance L, which is given empirically by as: L=0.412h(reff + 0.3)(W/h + 0.264)/((reff - 0.258)(W/h + 0.8)) The effective length of the patch Leff now becomes: Leff=L+2 L For a given resonance frequency fo, the effective length is given by as: Leff=c/(2fo(reff) Equation 3.4 Equation 3.3 Equation 3.2
For a rectangular Microstrip patch antenna, the resonance frequency for any TM mode is given as: fo= c/(2(reff)[(m/L)2+(n/W)2]1/2 Equation 3.5
Where m and n are modes along L and W respectively. For efficient radiation, the width W is given as: W= c/(2fo((r+1)/2)) Equation 3.6
3.5.2 Cavity Model Although the transmission line model discussed in the previous section is easy to use, it has some inherent disadvantages. Specifically, it is useful for patches of rectangular design and it ignores field variations along the radiating edges. These disadvantages can be overcome by using the cavity model. In this model, the interior region of the dielectric substrate is modeled as a cavity bounded by electric walls on the top and bottom. The basis for this assumption is the following observations for thin substrates (h<<). 1)Since the substrate is thin, the fields in the interior region do not vary much in the z direction, i.e. normal to the patch. 2)The electric field is z directed only, and the magnetic field has only the transverse components Hx and Hy in the region bounded by the patch metallization and the ground plane. This observation provides for the electric walls at the top and the bottom. 3.5.3 Full Wave Solutions-Method of Moments One of the methods, that provide the full wave analysis for the microstrip patch antenna, is the Method of Moments. In this method, the surface currents are used to model the microstrip patch and the volume polarization currents are used to model the fields in the dielectric slab. It as been shown by Newman and Tulyathan how an integral equation is obtained for these unknown currents and using the Method of Moments, these electric field integral equations are converted into matrix equations which can then be solved by various techniques of algebra to provide the result. A brief overview of the method of moments is given below. The basic form of the equation to be solved by the method of moments is: F(g) = h Equation 3.7
where F is a known linear operator, g is an unknown function, and h is the source or excitation function. The aim here is to find g, when F and h are known. The unknown function g can be expanded as a linear combination of N terms to give:
Equation 3.8 where an is an unknown constant and gn is a known function usually called a basis or expansion function. Substituting equation 2 in 1 and using the linearity property of the operator F, we can write:
Equation 3.9 The basis functions gn must be selected in such a way, that each F(gn) in the above equation can be calculated. The unknown constants an cannot be determined directly because there are N unknowns, but only one equation. One method of finding these 38
constants is the method of weighted residuals. In this method, a set of trial solutions is established with one or more variable parameters. The residuals are a measure of the difference between the trial solution and the true solution. The variable parameters are selected in a way which guarantees a best fit of the trial functions based on the minimization of the residuals. From the antenna theory point of view, we can write the Electric field integral equation as E=fe(J) where E is the known incident electric field. J is the unknown induced current. fe is the linear operator. The first step in the moment method solution process would be to expand J as a finite sum of basis function given as: Equation 3.10
Equation 3.11 where bi is the ith basis function and Ji is an unknown coefficient. The second step involves the defining of a set of M linearly independent weighting functions, wj. Taking the inner product on both sides and substituting equation 3.5 in equation 3.4 we get:
Equation 3.12 Where j=1,2.M In matrix form we get [Zij][J]=[Ej] Where Zij=<wjfe(bi)> Ej=<wj,H> J is the current vector containing the unknown quantities. The vector E contains the known incident field quantities and the terms of the Z matrix are functions of geometry. The unknown coefficients of the induced current are the terms of the J vector. Using any of the algebraic schemes mentioned earlier, these equations can be solved to give the current and then the other parameters such as the scattered electric and magnetic fields can be calculated directly from the induced currents. IE3D is a powerful simulation software that uses the method of moments. It is an efficient field solver and this is why we used it for carrying out all our patch antenna simulations. The following section describes IE3Ds uses and merits. Equation 3.13
This patch is intended for cell phone applications and hence its frequency of operation was chosen to be 1.9 GHz (GSM frequency band). Its parameters are fo=1.9GHz r=11.9 h=1.5 mm Using the above parameters and the equations of the transmission line model we obtain W=31.1mm reff=10.7871 Leff=24 mm L=0.63455 mm L=22.8 mm The transmission line model is applicable to infinite ground planes only. However, for practical considerations, it is essential to have a finite ground plane. It has been shown that similar results for finite and infinite ground plane can be obtained if the size of the ground plane is greater than the patch dimensions by approximately six times the substrate thickness all around the periphery. Hence, for this design, the ground plane dimensions would be given as: Lg=6h+L=31.8 mm Wg=6h+W=40.1 mm A simple MATLAB program that we used to perform these calculations is given in Appendix A. A coaxial probe type feed is to be used in this design. As shown in Figure 3.13, the center of the patch is taken as the origin and the feed point location is given by the co-ordinates (Xf ,Yf) from the origin. The feed point must be located at that point on the patch, where the input impedance is 50 ohms for the resonant frequency. Hence, a trial and error method is used to locate the feed point. For different locations of the feed point, the return loss (RL) is compared and that feed point is selected where the R.L is most negative. There exists a point along the length of the patch where the RL is minimum. Hence in this design, Yf was kept constant at zero and only Xf was be varied to locate the optimum feed point.
Figure 3.14 (a) 3D view of radiation pattern for cellular phone orientation in the YZ plane (b) 3D view of radiation pattern for cellular phone orientation in the XZ plane The first set of simulation results show the effect of feed point on the return loss curve and radiation pattern. When the microstrip patch antenna designed would be placed into a cellular phone, its orientation would be such that the z axis would be parallel to the surface of the earth. Figure 3.14 shows the 3D radiation pattern plots for this scenario. From the figure it became clear to us that the back lobe protruding into the cell phone had to be made as small as possible and the main lobe had to be expanded to ensure better transmission. To ensure this we varied h and r until this occurred. In the process the effect of these parameters on patch dimensions, RL curve and radiation pattern was studied. These simulation results for this patch and 2 other patches are presented later in this report. First an introduction to the software used for the simulations is presented.
away from the user. This was achieved by varying the thickness of the patch. The catch here is that the patch cannot be made too thick, or it cannot be used in a cell phone 3) We also varied the permittivity of the dielectric and observed its effects on the performance of the patch. All the patches were deigned with help of equations given previously. The simulation results for the patches are given in the following pages.
Figure 3.15 - The meshed patch designed in IE3D to resonate at 1.9GHz In this case the probe is located at (2,0) The above figure shows one of the patches simulated. A new patch was created for as the probe feed point was varied. A comparison of the results obtained in each case follows. 44
Figure 3.16 Return Loss curve for different feed points As it can be seen from the above set of curves, we get best results when the probe is located (3,0), since the power reflected is minimum then.
45 Other Frequency Properties Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00139718 (W) 0.000572898 (W) 4.55898e-005 (W/s) 41.0038% 5.72898% 20.5019% -9.11385 dBi 3.30538 dBi at (0, 90) deg. (96.6573, 156.222) deg. -3.57668 dBi
Table 3.2 - Probe feed at (2,0) and f=1.9GHz Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00151214 (W) 0.000625071 (W) 4.97416e-005 (W/s) 41.3368% 6.25071% 20.6684% -8.73455 dBi 3.30615 dBi at (0, 150) deg. (96.6001, 156.159) deg. -3.54078 dBi
Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain :
1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00200064 (W) 0.000842743 (W) 6.70633e-005 (W/s) 42.1236% 8.42743% 21.0618% -7.42624 dBi 3.31681 dBi at (0, 80) deg. (96.8584, 153.967) deg. -3.44824 dBi
Table 3.4 - Probe feed at (4,0) and f=1.9GHz Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00207797 (W) 0.000882266 (W) 7.02085e-005 (W/s) 42.4581% 8.82266% 21.229% -7.22921 dBi 3.3148 dBi at (0, 260) deg. (96.9764, 153.532) deg. -3.4159 dBi
Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain :
1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00175946 (W) 0.000746553 (W) 5.94088e-005 (W/s) 42.4309% 7.46553% 21.2154% -7.95669 dBi 3.3127 dBi at (0, 330) deg. (97.0207, 153.505) deg. -3.42078 dBi
Table 3.6 - Probe feed at (6,0) and f=1.9GHz As can be seen from the above tables, other parameters such as gain, directivity and 3dB beamwidth are nearly the same as we vary the feed points. True 3D patterns
As seen from above figures, the shape of the true 3D pattern and the mapped 3D pattern remain almost invariant as the feed point is varied. The 2D polar plot obtained for probe feed at (2,0) is shown in figure 3.26. Like the 3D pattern remained invariant, the 2D pattern for probe feed at other points also remained almost invariant, and hence has not been shown. 2D Polar Plot (Radiation Pattern)
Figure 3.26 2D Polar Plot for different frequencies and angle () for feed point at (2,0)
h=2 mm
c)h=10 mm
Figure 3.27 Meshed patches for different values of h The simulation results for all three cases follow. True 3D patterns
As expected, as the height is increased, the signal propagated through the substrate reduces. This fact becomes clearer from the mapped 3D patterns shown in the following figures. Mapped 3D patterns
It can be seen that as the height of the substrate is increased, the gain in dBi in backward direction decreases. Hence, the expected objective was achieved. The effect of variation of height on other parameters is given in the following pages. Return Loss Curves
Figure 3.36 - RL curve for Substrate height = 10 mm The return loss curve is seen to improve initially and then deteriorate as height is increased. Other Frequency Properties
Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain :
1.9 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.000849249 (W) 9.09267e-005 (W) 7.23572e-006 (W/s) 10.7067% 0.909267% 5.35336% -17.7599 dBi 2.65322 dBi at (0, 10) deg. (89.5577, 184.065) deg. -10.0605 dBi
Frequency : 1.94 (GHz) Incident Power : 0.01 (W) Input Power : 0.00628805 (W) Radiated Power : 0.00359769 (W) Average Radiated Power : 0.000286295 (W/s) Radiation Efficiency : 57.2146% Antenna Efficiency : 35.9769% Conjugate Match Efficiency: 28.6073% Total Field Properties : Gain : -0.696194 dBi Directivity : 3.74357 dBi Maximum : at (0, 200) deg. 3dB Beam Width : (99.771, 129.61) deg. Conjugate Match Gain : -1.69166 dBi Table 3.8 - For height= 0.5mm at frequency =1.9GHz Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.92222 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00325512 (W) 0.00298394 (W) 0.000237455 (W/s) 91.6691% 29.8394% 45.8346% 0.127792 dBi 5.37989 dBi at (0, 40) deg. (95.0533, 112.184) deg. 1.99182 dBi
Table 3.9 - For height= 10mm at frequency =1.9GHz As seen from the above figures, the radiation efficiency and the gain increase significantly, while other parameters vary slightly, as the height is increased
The figures of the meshed patches are given below followed by the simulation results.
a) Permittivity=2.2
b) Permittivity=11.9
c) Permittivity=15
Figure 3.37 Meshed patches for varying dielectric constant Return Loss Curves
Figure 3.40 RL curve for permittivity = 15 It was observed from the return loss curves that the best performance was obtained at permittivity=11.9 because for this value s11 at the operating frequency was minimum.
Figure 3.43 - Permittivity = 15 As permittivity increases, it was observed that the radiation through the substrate (backward direction) increased. This can also be observed from the Mapped 3D pattern. It is also clear that changes in h and permittivity have the opposite effect on the true and mapped 3D radiation patterns. Mapped 3D Patterns
67 Other Frequency Properties Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.92222 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.000185371 (W) 0.000103529 (W) 8.23856e-006 (W/s) 55.8495% 1.03529% 27.9247% -13.8382 dBi 6.01117 dBi at (5, 180) deg. (44.3396, 102.652) deg. 0.471063 dBi
Table 3.10 - Permittivity = 2.2 Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 1.91053 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00200064 (W) 0.000842743 (W) 6.70633e-005 (W/s) 42.1236% 8.42743% 21.0618% -7.42624 dBi 3.31681 dBi at (0, 80) deg. (96.8584, 153.967) deg. -3.44824 dBi
Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain :
1.94444 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00427509 (W) 0.0019224 (W) 0.000152979 (W/s) 44.9674% 19.224% 22.4837% -3.72241 dBi 3.43916 dBi at (0, 40) deg. (116.149, 122.209) deg. -3.04216 dBi
Table 3.12 - Permittivity = 15 It was observed that for a given frequency the antenna efficiency decreased and the gain increased, as permittivity was increased.
h decreased
r increased
r decreased
Figure 3.48 True 3D Radiation Pattern of the 5 GHz Patch 3.9.3 Mapped 3D Pattern
Figure 3.50 Polar plot for the antenna for three values of at f=2.5GHz and f=6GHz 3.9.5 Other Frequency Properties Frequency : Incident Power : Input Power : Radiated Power : Average Radiated Power : Radiation Efficiency : Antenna Efficiency : Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties : Gain : Directivity : Maximum : 3dB Beam Width : Conjugate Match Gain : 3.5 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.00520864 (W) 0.00185641 (W) 0.000147728 (W/s) 35.6409% 18.5641% 17.8205% -3.03168 dBi 4.28158 dBi at (40, 220) deg. (56.8323, 183.477) deg. -3.20923 dBi
Figure 3.51 RL curve for the patch antenna It can be seen from the return loss curve that the antenna resonates at 3.5GHz. However, this value differs from the expected value of 5GHz. Reasons for the deviation could be that we didnt have all the dimensions of the patch, and data on type of material used for metal and dielectric. Since, we had to manually measure some dimensions, this is a cause for the errors. Another reason is that when we are actually testing the patch, we do so by placing it on a metallic jig. The jig, should act as a ground. When we are doing the simulations, we do not consider the effect of the jig. This too could have brought about the variation.
The dimensions of the patch are as follows Ground plane Lg = Wg = 40 mm (Square ground plane) Outer Patch L = W = w2 = 28 mm (Square outer patch) Inner Patch L = W = w1 = 13 mm (Square inner patch) Permittivity of substrate = 3.27 Height of substrate = 3.175 mm Frequency = 2.4 GHz (due to outer patch) = 5.5 GHz (due to inner patch) Bridge width = 2 mm Variation of Bridge Width (BW) affects the frequency of operation thus changing the return loss curve of the antenna, however the simulation of such antennas took nearly four hours to complete so this variation in RL curve due to changes in BW could not be studied by us and only the effect of BW = 2 mm was considered. Location of feeding point (F) is determined by input impedance. It is located at 2.5mm with gap (G) between the nearest edge of inner patch and feeding point. The simulation results follow.
3.10.2 True 3D Radiation Pattern The true 3D radiation pattern obtained after simulation is shown in figure 54.
Figure 3.54 True 3D Radiation Pattern for dual band antenna 1 3.10.3 Mapped 3D Radiation Pattern The mapped 3D radiation pattern obtained after simulation is shown in figure 55.
3.10.4 2D Polar plot The 2D polar plot obtained after the simulation is shown in figure 56. It has been plotted for only three frequencies (2 GHz, 3.67 GHz and 5.9 GHz) for three values of (0, 90 and 170 degrees).
3.10.5 Other Frequency Properties Frequency : 2.27857 (GHz) Incident Power: 0.01 (W) Input Power: 0.000356354 (W) Radiated Power: 0.000255574 (W) Average Radiated Power: 2.03379e-005 (W/s) Radiation Efficiency: 71.719% Antenna Efficiency: 2.55574% Conjugate Match Efficiency: 35.8595% Total Field Properties: Gain: -11.5476 dBi Directivity: 4.37724 dBi Maximum: at (5, 90) deg. 3dB Beam Width: (56.0092, 117.71) deg. Conjugate Match Gain: -0.0767216 dBi Theta Field Properties: Gain: -11.5477 dBi Directivity: 4.37717 dBi Maximum: at (5, 90) deg. 3dB Beam Width: (9.98227, 56.0093) deg. Conjugate Match Gain: -0.0767929 dBi Table 3.15 Frequency properties of antenna 1 at 2.27857 GHz Frequency: Incident Power: Input Power: Radiated Power: Average Radiated Power: Radiation Efficiency: Antenna Efficiency: Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties: Gain: Directivity: Maximum: 3dB Beam Width: Conjugate Match Gain: Theta Field Properties: Gain: Directivity: Maximum: 3dB Beam Width: Conjugate Match Gain: 5.34286 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.000785845 (W) 0.000561573 (W) 4.46886e-005 (W/s) 71.461% 5.61573% 35.7305% -8.28596 dBi 4.21998 dBi at (65, 230) deg. (51.5497, 95.0348) deg. -0.249627 dBi -9.33806 dBi 3.16788 dBi at (55, 220) deg. (46.5382, 89.8729) deg. -1.30173 dBi
Figure 3.57 Return Loss Curve of dual band patch antenna 1 From the return loss curve it is clear that the simulated results match with those theoretically predicted and the antenna does have operating frequencies at 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz.
3.10.2 Antenna 2 Introduction We constructed a new dual band antenna with different patch dimensions to observe the shift in operating frequencies caused due to this. It was our intention to construct a patch with operating frequencies at 0.9 GHz and 1.9 GHz (the GSM frequencies used in India and the U.S) so that a theoretical cell phone patch antenna that could be used at two different frequencies could be constructed. By increasing the patch dimensions we were able to lower both operating frequencies, as shown by the simulation results. However, we were unable to lower them to the required values again due to the large simulation time required and trial and error involved. We also noticed that though the theory behind our efforts was correct the resulting patch would be of very large size (greater than 10cm by 10 cm) which wouldnt be practical for a cell phone. Nevertheless, the results for a dual band antenna that operates at 2.3 GHz and 4.6 GHz are presented in the following pages.
The dimensions of the patch are as follows Ground plane Lg = Wg = 77 mm (Square ground plane) Outer Patch L = W = w2 = 56 mm (Square outer patch) Inner Patch L = W = w1 = 42 mm (Square inner patch) Permittivity of substrate = 3.27 Height of substrate = 3.175 mm Frequency = 2.3 GHz (due to outer patch) = 4.6 GHz (due to inner patch) Bridge width = 2 mm
80 True 3D Radiation Pattern The true 3D radiation pattern obtained after simulation is shown in figure 3.59.
Figure 3.59 True 3D Radiation Pattern for Dual Band Antenna 2 Mapped 3D Radiation Pattern The mapped 3D radiation pattern obtained after simulation is shown in figure 3.60.
81 2D Polar plot The 2D polar plot obtained after the simulation is shown in figure 3.61. It has been plotted for only three frequencies (0.3 GHz, 5.014 GHz and 5.407 GHz) for three values of (0, 90 and 170 degrees).
3.10.5 Other Frequency Properties Frequency: 2.26429 (GHz) Incident Power: 0.01 (W) Input Power: 0.00757225 (W) Radiated Power: 0.00529582 (W) Average Radiated Power: 0.000421428 (W/s) Radiation Efficiency: 69.9372% Antenna Efficiency: 52.9582% Conjugate Match Efficiency: 34.9686% Total Field Properties: Gain: 3.92592 dBi Directivity: 6.6866 dBi Maximum: at (0, 20) deg. 3dB Beam Width: (88.0808, 91.6176) deg. Conjugate Match Gain: 2.12338 dBi Theta Field Properties: Gain: 3.92485 dBi Directivity: 6.68552 dBi Maximum: at (0, 90) deg. 3dB Beam Width: (0, 0) deg. Conjugate Match Gain: 2.1223 dBi Table 3.17 Frequency properties of antenna 2at 2.26429 GHz Frequency: Incident Power: Input Power: Radiated Power: Average Radiated Power: Radiation Efficiency: Antenna Efficiency: Conjugate Match Efficiency: Total Field Properties: Gain: Directivity: Maximum: 3dB Beam Width: Conjugate Match Gain: Theta Field Properties: Gain: Directivity: Maximum: 3dB Beam Width: Conjugate Match Gain: 4.62143 (GHz) 0.01 (W) 0.0090008 (W) 0.00746423 (W) 0.000593984 (W/s) 82.9285% 74.6423% 41.4642% 3.74383 dBi 5.01399 dBi at (50, 230) deg. (48.3662, 121.301) deg. 1.19072 dBi 2.54818 dBi 3.81834 dBi at (55, 270) deg. (44.816, 95.3565) deg. -0.00492768 dBi
Figure 3.62 Return Loss Curve of dual band patch antenna 2 From the return loss curve it is clear that the antenna has operating frequencies at 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz.
Figure 1 Devices that can be tested by a Network Analyzer Network analyzers are used to measure components, devices, circuits, and subassemblies. They contain both a source and multiple receivers, and generally display ratioed amplitude and phase information (frequency or power sweeps). A network
analyzer is always looking at a known signal (in terms of frequency), since it is a stimulus response system. With network analyzers, it is harder to get an (accurate) trace on the display, but very easy to interpret the results. With vector-error correction, network analyzers provide much higher measurement accuracy than spectrum analyzers.
Figure 2 Generalized Block Diagram of a Network Analyzer The generalized block diagram of a network analyzer (figure 2), shows the major signalprocessing sections. In order to measure the incident, reflected and transmitted signal, four sections are required: 1) Source for stimulus 2) Signal-separation devices 3) Receivers that down convert and detect the signals 4) Processor/display for calculating and reviewing the results
Spectrum Analyzer
At the most basic level, a spectrum analyzer can be described as a frequency-selective, peak-responding voltmeter calibrated to display the rms value of a sine wave. It is important to understand that the spectrum analyzer is not a power meter, even though it can be used to display power directly. As long as we know some value of a sine wave and know the resistance across which we measure this value, we can calibrate our voltmeter to indicate power. With the advent of digital technology, modern spectrum analyzers have been given many more capabilities. In this note, we shall describe the basic spectrum analyzer as well as the many additional capabilities made possible using digital technology and digital signal processing. Spectrum analyzers are most often used to measure signal characteristics such as carrier level, sidebands, harmonics, phase noise, etc., on unknown signals. They are most commonly configured as a single channel receiver, without a source. Because of the flexibility needed to analyze signals, spectrum analyzers have a much wider range of IF bandwidths available than most network analyzers. Spectrum analyzers are often used with external sources for nonlinear stimulus/response testing. When combined with a tracking generator, spectrum analyzers can be used for scalar component testing. With spectrum analyzers, it is easy to get a trace on the display, but interpreting the results can be much more difficult than with a network analyzer.
Figure 3 Block Diagram of a Spectrum Analyzer Referring to the block diagram of a spectrum analyzer we see that an input signal passes through an attenuator, then through a low-pass filter (later we shall see why the filter is here) to a mixer, where it mixes with a signal from the local oscillator (LO). Because the mixer is a non-linear device, its output includes not only the two original signals, but also their harmonics and the sums and differences of the original frequencies and their harmonics. If any of the mixed signals falls within the pass band of the intermediatefrequency (IF) filter, it is further processed (amplified and perhaps compressed on a logarithmic scale). It is essentially rectified by the envelope detector, digitized, and displayed. A ramp generator creates the horizontal movement across the display from left 90
to right. The ramp also tunes the LO so that its frequency change is in proportion to the ramp voltage. A simple comparison of network and spectrum analyzers that sums up their functions is shown in figure 4.
Modern Antenna Design by Thomas Milligan (2nd edn Thomas Wiley and Sons) Antenna Theory and Design by Robert S. Elliot (Wiley Publications) Antennas for all Applications by John Krauss (Third edition TMH) Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems Edward C. Jordan and Keith G. Balmain (2nd edn PHI Publishers)
Research Papers
A Dual band antenna for WLAN applications by double rectangular patch with 4 bridges Chang Won Jung and Franco De Flaviis Design and analysis of an Electrically Steerable Microstrip Antenna for Ground to Air Use Johan Lagerqvist A High-Performance Dual Frequency Microstrip Antenna for GPS Luigi Boccia, Giandomenico Amendola and Giuseppe Di Massa Analysis and Design of Equilateral Triangle Microstrip Patch Antenna with Microstrip Feed V. Sarala and V. M. Pandharipande