Er 2014 Syllabus
Er 2014 Syllabus
Er 2014 Syllabus
1 Course !escri"#ion$ %his course aims to improve English language reading comprehension "$ "uilding voca"ular$ in a variet$ o& topics and "$ developing reading s'ills !hile the central &ocus o& the course is reading( it also emphasi)es the development o& critical thin'ing and moral reasoning s'ills % &eneral Curriculu' Ob(ec#i)es$ The s#u*en# +ill, a *earn reading s'ills including s'imming( scanning( and dra#ing in&erences " Gain reading comprehension through voca"ular$ "uilding c gain 'no#ledge o& chapter topics as the$ are discussed in class c *earn critical thin'ing techni+ues to enhance engagement #ith the reading d develop moral reasoning s'ills through class discussions - S"ecific Ob(ec#i)es$ The s#u*en# +ill be able #o, a ,ppl$ reading s'ills to texts #e read in class " -articipate in small group discussions "ased on unit topics and articles c Explain idioms and analogies as presented in the text"oo' and articles d .omplete a group presentation "ased on an in/class reading assignment e %rans&er reading comprehension s'ills to per&ormance on course exams and standardi)ed English tests . Re/uire'en#s$ ,ttendance 1ome#or' -resentation/ -roject 3oral 4evelopment 5ournal 6ui))es 7inal Examination To#al 100 20 200 100 120 400 1001
4escriptions o& ,ssessments: A##en*ance 21013$ Ever$ student starts the semester #ith 10 attendance points -oints #ill "e deducted &or a"sences 8unexcused a"sence9 /2points( excused a"sence9 /1 point:; &or lateness or leaving earl$ 8< to 1< point deduction:; and &or non/participation( sleeping( unnecessar$ tal'ing( disruptive "ehavior( or use o& electronic devices during class ,ttendance #ill "e ta'en each class using a seating chart It is the responsi"ilit$ o& students #ho come late to class to in&orm the teacher during "rea' ,n attendance adjustment &orm is availa"le to record lateness and excused a"sences =ther#ise the lateness #ill "e counted as an a"sence 4o'e+or5 2613$ Each student should complete the assigned items o& the voca"ular$ pre/test( idioms and analog$ sections &or each text"oo' unit #e cover in class %his should "e done each #ee' in a note"oo' used onl$ &or this class =n occasion the teacher #ill collect these and chec' them during the class reading time 7oral !e)elo"'en# 8ournal 21013$ %he middle third o& the semester #ill &ocus on the topic o& moral development Each student #ill #atch an out/o&/class movie &rom an approved list and #ill #rite a >/4 page journal entr$ in the home#or' note"oo' %he journal entr$ should 81: identi&$ and explain the levels o& moral reasoning &rom ?ohl"erg@s theor$ demonstrated "$ the main characters in the movie or "oo'( and 82: re&lect on the student@s o#n stage o& moral development 9ui::es 21613: %here #ill "e three +ui))es covering voca"ular$( idioms( analogies( reading s'ills( and chapter topics ;resen#a#ion &rou" 2%013: Each student #ill "e assigned to a -resentation Group #hich #ill previe# and lead the class discussion o& one o& the text"oo' readings Each group #ill read the article in advance o& class and prepare a ppt teaching the ne# voca"ular$( as'ing the revie# exercises( and creating t#o discussion +uestions &or the class to discuss See the #e"site &or more details Each group #ill "e graded on the +ualit$ and creativit$ o& their class per&ormance Final E<a' 2.013$ , &inal exam #ill "e given to assess the per&ormance o& the students at the end o& the course 6 O#her e<"ec#a#ions: ,ll students are expected to do all o& their o#n #or' I& an assignment is &or groups then each group should do its o#n #or' %he universit$@s plagiarism and cheating policies are in e&&ect
= 7e#ho*s > 7a#erials$ a 3ethods o& instruction: *ecture using -o#er-oint( #or'ing #ith exercises in the text"oo'( reading texts( and small group and class discussions " 3aterials: %he course text"oo' is Reading Course 4 pu"lished "$ Shanghai 7oreign *anguage Education -ress ,dditional readings #ill also "e provided in class Students should "ring this text"oo' and a note"oo' to each class