Intel Unit Plan Template 1 Edu 316
Intel Unit Plan Template 1 Edu 316
Intel Unit Plan Template 1 Edu 316
0& &NF&, E-$lain %hy a #raction a/b is e(uivalent to a #raction& 0& & NF&1 2om$are t%o #ractions %ith di##erent numerators and denominators usin" 3) 4) or 5& 0& & NF& .& 6 7ecom$ose a #raction into a sum o# #ractions %ith the same denominator& Stu ent O$%ectives&'earning Outcomes Students %ill be able to sho% e(uivalent #ractions by "eneratin" e(uivalent #ractions to a $rom$t& Students %ill demonstrate /no%led"e by com$letin" number sentences usin" the symbols o# 3) 4) and 5 %hile com$arin" #ractions& Students %ill analy8e lar"e #ractions and brea/ do%n the #raction to sim$lest #orm& Three lessons 'esson One 7emonstrate e(uivalent #ractions by usin" mani$ulatives& 9dditional $ractice %ill ta/e $lace in the #orm o# %or/sheet to "au"e #ormative /no%led"e&
'esson Two
2om$arin" #ractions by usin" 3) 4) or 5 symbols& For e-am$le) students %ill understand that a hi"her number in the denominator means a smaller si8ed #raction %ill result&
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'esson Three
Reducin" #ractions to obtain a clear and sim$listic $icture o# %hat the #raction loo/s li/e& 'his conce$t %ill be used to solidi#y the conce$ts o# understandin" e(uivalent #ractions and com$arin" #ractions&
Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline "e(ore pro%ect wor# $egins 7ia"nostic 'estin"
Assess students prior knowledge about fractions by having students complete a diagnostic assessment. Probe students to think about fractions in their everyday lives. Expand on students knowledge base and bridge gaps in their understanding. Teach fraction concepts.
Assessment Summary Students %ill understand #ractions) be able to sho% e(uivalent #ractions) com$are #ractions) and reduce #ractions success#ully on both a #ormal $re assessment and summative e-am&
Unit )etails Prere*uisite S#ills 'o be determined %hen lesson $lannin" Instructional Proce ures 'o be determined %hen lesson $lannin"
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-esources -e*uire
!or Unit ?2R ?ideo 2amera ?ideo 2on#erencin" E(ui$& @ther Smart 6oard
Technology . /ar ware =2lic/ bo-es o# all e(ui$ment needed> Laser 7is/ Printer Projection System Scanner 'elevision <ma"e Processin" <nternet Web 6ro%ser 0ultimedia Web Pa"e 7evelo$ment Word Processin" @ther
7i"ital 2amera 7?7 Player <nternet 2onnection 7atabase/S$readsheet 7es/to$ Publishin" E-mail So#t%are Encyclo$edia on 27-R@0 Printe ,aterials
Wor/sheets) te-t boo/) and math journals& Pencils) construction $a$er) "lue stic/) and mar/ers&
Internet -esources
Other -esources
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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course 2o$yri"ht : 1++; <ntel 2or$oration& 9ll ri"hts reserved& <ntel) the <ntel lo"o) <ntel Education <nitiative) and <ntel 'each Pro"ram are trademar/s o# <ntel 2or$oration in the !&S& and other countries& A@ther names and brands may be claimed as the $ro$erty o# others&
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