IT Consultants 4 C2C

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Dear Recruiter, I am Parameswarao(Bench sales) from Broadlight Inc, an Large corporation reputed into US IT Staffing !

onsulting for past " #ears$ %dditioinall#, Pl& find the following '()* consultants in ()* technologies a+aila,le with me for !orp'!orp re-uirements$
BusinessAnalyst SA%&S'


23 23 Sr Business Analyst! /Sr Business Syste"s Analyst / BA # $A analyst / SA%&S' / SA% S'/GTS/VC // SA% S' LE // SA% S'/((/%( // SA% S' )un*ti+nal C+nsultant ,+r %r+-u*ti+n Su..+rt // SA%&S'/CR(/SC(&&& (ana/er/Lea- // SA% S' )un*ti+nal Analyst & Lea- // SA% S' LE VC // SA%0 IS1&S' Lea-/(ana/er // $A En/ineer / (OBILE $A TESTER/ $A &TEST LEA' / $A LEA' SA% )ICO CONS1LTANT 42EE C+nsultant/ Sr 4a6a ' Sr 4a6a/ 42EE # # ' 4a6a/42EE ' LeaSA% Test Lea- / SA% TESTER / SA% Testin/ C+nsultant ECC / SA%&& )I&CO/)I& CA Testin/ # )un*ti+nal Lea- / SA% S'/(( Test Lea- / SA% %( Tester SA% ABA% ' / SA% ABA%&7+r8,l+9&7e:'yn.r+ lea- / Sr SA% Te*;ni*al C+nsultant / Lea- SA% ABA%/ SA% ABA%/< C+nsultant Basis/Se*urity A-"inistrat+r / Tea" Lea- & SA% Basis / / SA% Basis/N7 A-"in // SA% Net 9ea6er/ Basis C+nsultant // Sr NET ' SA% BO 'I#'S ' / SA% BI # BO / SA% BO A'(INISTRATOR // SA% BO&'S C+nsultant // SA% BO&BI CONS1LTANT SA% (( 7( LE C+nsultant / SA% SR( // SA% SC( SA%&%% Lea- // SA% %%! (II )1NCTIONAL CONS1LTANT // SR SA% %%/%I/((/(( CONS1LTANT // SA%&&&%%/%%&%I/$( Ha-++. A-"in # ' Ha-++. ' SA% B7/BI // SA% B7/ BO // SA% BI/BO SA% A%O )1NCTIONAL CONS1LTANT / Lea- A%O C+nsultant SA% BO/Crystal Re.+rts ' // Sr Business O:?e*ts Analyst/' Clini*al SAS %r+/ra""er Certi,ie- SA% CR( C+nsultant / SA% CR( )un*ti+nal C+nsultant/ SA% CR( S(E SA% HR )un*ti+nal C+nsultant / SA% HC( Te*;ni*al C+nsultant An-r+i- ' Sr C+/n+s ' ETL In,+r"ati*a C+nsultant OBIEE ' SA%&%S Seni+r C+nsultant & Te*;n+l+/y ! Ora*le EBS R@@ !R22 ER% %r+?e*t (ana/er

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