Gasal E Form

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Gasal Company Limited (Q.S.C.



Please +a,e-.lly ,ead t/e G.idelines on t/e last pa0e 1e-o,e -illin0 t/is Fo,m
FOR OFF*C*(L )SE ONLY (ppli+ation a++epted2,e3e+ted2+ontin0ent Reasonin0 4ate o- *nte,5ie6 *nitials 7oinin0 4ate 4ate


7o1 title 4epa,tment Last 4ate:
Trainee Engineer

4e+em1e, "89"&'

:a5e yo. any employe,; yo.y :o6 m.+/ noti+e do yo. need to 0i5e to yo., +.,,ent employe,; <o.ld yo. a++ept a tempo,a,y position; <o.ld yo. a++ept a pa,t time position; :a5e yo. 6o,=ed -o, G(S(L 1e-o,e; </en 0000

-"/ -"/



N)T "*+,)-". -"T

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

(,a1ian Cement Company 000000 </e,e Employee No. 00000 E M P L O Y M E N T FORM NO: EMP: !"#$%"&'"
(CC 00000 (N EQ)(L OPPORT)N*TY E M P L O Y E R

Reasons -o, lea5in0 G(S(L Please LT4. +a,e-.lly ,ead t/e G.idelines on t/e last pa0e 1e-o,e -illin0 t/is Fo,m

FOR OFF*C*(L )SE O Spe+i-y N L Y so.,+e Re-e,,al so.,+e: ( p(Website/ p l i + a t i o n Newspaper/ a + + e p t e d 2 , e TV/ 3 e + t e Radio/ d 2 + o n t iCollege/ n 0 e n t University W"'/1T" pla ement o!!i e/ "mployee Re!erral/ #riend/ word o! Name R mo$t%/ e a s o n i n"mployment 0 &gen y/ '$lletin 'oard( ),23C)*3+4 4 a te o - * n te , 5 ie 6 * n it ia ls 7oinin0 4ate 4 a te

M,. 2 Ms 2 Miss 2 M,s. *R N&U*&N Name 6&#""7 S.,name Fat/e,>s2 :.s1and>s name 2800101992 4ate o- 1i,t/

:(FEE? )LL(: @:(N


Pla+e o- 1i,t/ M)LT(N9 P)N7(A%P(@*ST(N N.*.C No. B & " % 8 $ B 8 ' C " % ' Reli0ion *SL(M Ma,ital stat.s Sin0le S*NGLE Ma,,ied Sepa,ated
.1/TR1CT &N. /"//1)N :U.;"

4(TE OF A*RT: 0<0100198=


N(ME 6&#""7 U,,&6 46&N

/6&6""N& 6&#""7


6)U/" W1#"


:.No. =20' St. No. 2 To6n ;U,/6&N /&461 /U,T&N C),)N- /UR&: *1&N1 R)&. 4ist,i+t *U,T&N Telep/ones ( -.ll ST4 +ode) Mo1ile9 i- yo. /a5e one 92<2>=<008?@ May 6e +onta+t yo. at 6o,= % Yes 2 No -"/ City2Eilla0e *U,T&N :ome 92<1<=0?9<>9 FaG9 i- yo. /a5e one Te/silF*U,T&N /&.&R <o,= 92<1<=0?9<>9

Post Code2Post O--i+e =0000

E%mail9 i- yo. /a5e one 1T/N))*1A;*&1,3C)*

May 6e +onta+t yo. 1y e%mail % Yes 2 No -"/

PERM(NENT (44RESS (i- di--e,ent -,om a1o5e)

:.No. =20' St. No. 2 To6n ;U,/6&N /&461 /U,T&N C),)N- /UR&: *1&N1 R)&. Te/silF *U,T&N /&.&R :ome Telep/one ( -.ll ST4 City2Eilla0e *U,T&N +ode) & ' B&8$ C$

4ist,i+t *U,T&N Post Code2Post O--i+e =0000

Name :ome <o,= Mo1ile p/one Telep/one Telep/one ( -.ll Relations/ip ( -.ll ( -.ll ST4 +ode) ST4 +ode) ST4 +ode) #&T6"R /&*" &/ &')V" 92<<2=0>0?9= 92<<2=0>0?9= 92<<2=0>0?9= (dd,ess (idi--e,ent -,om a1o5e

6&#""7 U,,&6 46&N


S,. I Name 1 /6&6""N& 6&#""7

Relations/ip *)T6"R

=20' ;U,/6&N /&461 /U,T&N C),)N- /UR&: *1N&1 R)&. *U,T&N +&41/T&N =20' ;U,/6&N /&461 /U,T&N C),)N- /UR&: *1N&1 R)&. *U,T&N +&41/T&N

P/one No. 92<1<=1=1=82

6&#""7 U,,&6 46&N



4o yo. /a5e any +a,in0 ,esponsi1ilities; (E.0. yo.n0 +/ild,en9 dependent ,elati5es) Yes No NO :a5e yo. e5e, 1een +on5i+ted o- a +,ime; *- yes9 des+,i1e in -.ll9 in+l.din0 date and lo+ation o+o.,t ,e+o,ds. ( +on5i+tion 6ill not ne+essa,ily disJ.ali-y yo. -,om employment and 6ill 1e +onside,ed only i- it ,elates ,easona1ly to t/e 3o1 d.ties. Yes No N 4o yo. /old a 5alid d,i5in0 Li+ense; Yes No O N :a5e yo. any ,elati5es p,esently 6o,=in0 6it/ G(S(L *- yes9 state name9 desi0nation and ,elations/ip and +ompany 6/e,e yo., ,elati5e 6o,=s 1 .) N)T 6&V" &N- R",&T1V" W)R41N; 1N ;&/&, </at a1sen+es (in n.m1e, o- days) -,om 6o,= /a5e yo. /ad in t/e last " yea,s; Si+=ness %%%% Cas.alF %%%% ( %%%% Ot/e,s %%%%

( /ealt/ +ondition 6ill not ne+essa,ily disJ.ali-y yo. -,om employment and 6ill 1e +onside,ed only i- it ,elates ,easona1ly to t/e 3o1 d.ties. o 4o yo. s.--e, -,om any +/,oni+ disease o, ,epetiti5e illness; o 4o yo. /a5e any disa1ility; o :a5e yo. /ad any ma3o, illness identi-ied in least -i5e yea,s; *- t/e ans6e, to any o- t/e a1o5e is YES9 please p,o5ide as m.+/ details as possi1le. Yes Yes Yes No No No

Name oS+/ools 2Colle0es &+/&C/ Matriculation / O-Levels / *U,T&N GCSE or equivalent Ce,ti-i+ate(s)24iploma(s) 4e0,ee(s) Intermediate / A-Levels or equivalent Graduation Post-Graduate / Professional F,om To *U,T&N0 220100 020090 +&41/T&N 2008 200? City and Co.nt,y 4ates attended Mont/ DYea, o(6a,d ?120=9/0?@<0 110200? 1002?

Roll No2Re0 No

;)VT3 *U,T&N0 120120 C),,";" +&41/T&N 200? C1V1, ,1N"/ N#C 1N/1T1TU" )# *U,T&N0 0?0100 "N;1N""R1N; +&41/T&N 2009 &N.
T"C6N),);0000 0000

1000?0 @=90/200?* 0@02009 2009 N10@0008@ 180100 2490C6"0 110201< 201< 120/20090N0 @1 0000 0000 0000


&s 1 %ave ompleted my grad$ation and looBing !orward to gain eCperien e in a well rep$ted ompany to en%an e my Bnowledge and be a part o! t%e pro!essionalism in w%i % t%e world is ompeting t%ese days3 1 am all intended to worB at a same pla e !or t%e oming years a%ed3


List any t,ainin0 yo. /a5e ,e+ei5ed o, +o.,ses 6/i+/ did not lead to a J.ali-i+ation 1.t 6/i+/ yo. -eel is ,ele5ant to t/e 3o1 yo. a,e applyin0 -o,. o PROFESS*ON(L TR(*N*NG 4es+,iption Cond.+ted 1y O,0aniKation 2*nstit.tion +&40&R&' R"#1N"R,1*1T". &"/ ,&,+1R +)W"R +,&NT City and Co.nt,y 4ates attended To 0>00@0 2012 Le5el attained 4ate o(6a,d

1NT"RN/61+ 1NT"RN/61+ 1NT"RN/61+

/&**&N ;6"" *1,,/ +VT ,T.

F,om *U7&#&R 1000?0 ;&R60 2012 +&41/T&N *U7&#&R 1100=0 ;&R60 2012 +&41/T&N ,&6)R"0 0=00@0 +&41/T&N 2012


2900902012 0=00?02012 1200902012

0=00?0 1NT"RN 2012 0=0090 1NT"RN 2012

o OT:ER TR(*N*NG 4es+,iption Cond.+ted 1y O,0aniKation 2*nstit.tion City and Co.nt,y 4ates attended F,om To Le5el attained 4ate o(6a,d

Ae0in 6it/ yo., p,esent o, most ,e+ent employment. * any pe,iods o- sel-%employment. *mo,e t/an one position /as 1een /eld 6it/ t/e same employe,9 list ea+/ position sepa,ately 6it/ most ,e+ent position -i,st. *- yo. a,e -,es/ o, /a5e no eGpe,ien+e t/en simply 6,ite N2( yet in 0i5en 1elo6 +ol.mns. Attach original or a certified copy of your most recent pay slip if available .Please be aware that information provided in this section will be confirmed with your present / most recent employer

Employe, Nat.,e o- A.siness (dd,ess9 p/one9 -aG9 email Mana0e,>s 2,5iso,>s name Position /eld 2Title24esi0nation N.m1e, o- sta-- 6/o di,e+tly ,epo,t to yo.

N2( yet

N2( yet

N2( yet

A,ie- des+,iption od.ties9 ,esponsi1ilities and a++omplis/ments

4ates o- employment Sta,tin0 sala,y pa+=a0e Endin0 sala,y pa+=a0e May 6e +onta+t t/e employe,; Reasons -o, 6is/in0 to lea5e o, -o, /a5in0 le-t







EGpe+ted sala,y pa+=a0e Rupees. 40000-50000/- OR Q.A.R 5000-5500/-,om G(S(L LT4; F.t.,e +a,ee, aspi,ations
My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in related! professional associations. Once I gain additional e"perience, I

Please p,o5ide details o- t/,ee people 6/o =no6 yo. and yo., 6o,= to 6/om pe,sonal and p,o-essional ,e-e,en+e +an 1e made:

P,esent o, most ,e+ent employe, (:ead o4epa,tment) Title and Name Position /eld F.ll add,ess
.R3 T&61R 1*R&N DUR"/61
6"&. )# "NV1R)N"*NT&, "N;1N""R1N; ."+&RT*"NT N#C 1N/T1TUT" )# "N;1N""R1N; &N. T"C6N),);- )++3 +&4 &R&' #"RT1,17"R/ *U,T&N +&41/T&N

Pe,son yo. =no6 in a p,o-essional ( ,elati5e o, a +apa+ity o.tside yo., pe,son yo. =no6 in p,esent o, most a pe,sonal +apa+ity ,e+ent pla+e oemployment
.R3 *U6&**&. /&,""* 46&N &//1/T&NT +R)#"//)R
N#C 1N/T1TUT" )# "N;1N""R1N; &N. T"C6N),);- )++3 +&4 &R&' #"RT1,17"R/ *U,T&N +&41/T&N

&/1# /U:&6 46&N .1R"CT)R ;"N"R&, "N"R0C)N +&41/T&N 6"&. )##1C" "+& 1/,&*&'&.

E%Mail Telep/one FaG Mo1ile :o6 lon0 =no6n



92=19220012 0 0 /1NC" > -"&R/

92=19220012 0 0 /1NC" > -"&R/

92<<<819288= 0 92<<<819288=
*)R" T6&N 1@ -"&R/

Processing Fee
-o$ are reE$ested to s$bmit Rs.'B&&2% (Re-.nda1le -o, .nsele+ted +andidate only) as pro essing !ee in given below details o! 4i,e+to, :R o! and !ill t%e Transa tion 1., Code wit% date in given below spa e.

Why Company charging processing fee? +ro essing !ee is %arge in terms o! pro essing eCpenses o! t%e 5e,i-i+ation s$ % as CN*C Ee,i-i+ation t%ro$g% N(4R( (CN*C NO)9 4e0,ee (Ay .sin0 Re0ist,ation No 2 Roll NO) Ee,i-i+ation and Mis+ellaneo.s et+333 T%e pro essing !ee is re!$ndable !or $nsele ted andidate only3 How to deposit the fee? Fo, )AL Omni :$st go to any nearest )AL Omni S/op and deposit t%e !ee amo$nt t%ro$g% CN*C Only and mention t%e T,ansa+tion *49 Omni S/op Name and Code in t%e given below ol$mn3

Note T%e Mo1ile No is not $sed !or omm$ni ation and it is linBed wit% & o$nts /erver3

Processing Fee !etails

For "#$ %mni

Mo1ile No: 0<210@808>81

CN*C: <?>08 1@8?28< <

T,ansa+tion *4F 55555555555 Omni S/op Name: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Code: 55555555555555

Only atta+/ +olo, s+an +opy o- yo., C.,,ent National *dentity Ca,d (CN*C) 6it/ t/e E%Fo,m. +lease do not send any erti!i ates wit% yo$r appli ation3 T%ese will be reE$ired at t%e time o! interview, on e an o!!er is made and a epted3

* +e,ti-y t/at t/e in-o,mation p,o5ided 1y me in t/is -o,m and all t,ans+,ipts2do+.ments s.1mitted /e,e6it/ o, in +onne+tion 6it/ t/is appli+ation -o, employment is a++.,ate and t,.e9 and may 1e s.13e+t to 5e,i-i+ation9 * .nde,stand t/at -alsi-i+ation o, +on+ealment o- any in-o,mation9 may disJ.ali-y my appli+ation and2o, 1e 0,o.nd -o, dis+iplina,y a+tion .p to and in+l.din0 te,mination and 2o, le0al a+tion. )nless ot/e,6ise indi+ated9 * a0,ee and 0i5e my +onsent t/at any pe,son9 -i,m o, o,0aniKation listed /e,ein is a.t/o,iKed to -.,nis/ G(S(L 6it/ ,e-e,en+e mate,ial +on+e,nin0 my +/a,a+te,9 past employment o, any ot/e, in-o,mation ,eJ.ested.



(&ppli ant s%all be deemed to %ave signed t%is #orm and made t%e above .e laration i! t%is #orm is s$bmitted t%ro$g% email wit%o$t signat$re o! t%e appli ant is a epted(


1! yo$ %ave any problem ompleting t%is !orm please onta t t%e 6R .epartment at

-o$ may also wis% to s$bmit a CV, b$t i! yo$ do please note t%at it wo$ld still be ne essary to omplete and s$bmit t%is !orm in !$ll3 -o$ m$st provide all in!ormation reE$ested in t%is !orm to avoid reGe tion o! yo$r appli ation3 Use additional s%eet w%ere ne essary3 T%e !orm may be emailed to t%e given below "mail &ddress3 Type o, p,int s+an in 1la+= o, 1l.e in= and in 1lo+= +apitals. &ny in!ormation yo$ provide is on!idential3 T%e a eptan e o! t%is !orm does not in any way w%atsoever ass$re event$al employment wit% ;&/&, ,T.3 +lease note t%at yo$r appli ation will not be a Bnowledged i! t%e !orm is in omplete3 )nly s%ort listed andidates will be noti!ied o! t%e o$t ome o! t%eir appli ationsH i! yo$ do not %ear wit%in two weeBs o! t%e losing date yo$ s%o$ld ass$me t%at yo$r appli ation %as been $ns$ ess!$l on t%is o asion3

& disability is a permanent p%ysi al, m e n t a l or sensory ondition3 T%e disability m$st be s$bstantial rat%er t%an slig%t, and permanent in t%at it is seldom !$lly orre ted by medi al repla ement, t%erapy, or s$rgi al means3 T%is on!idential in!ormation is soli ited only to ens$re omplian e wit% o$r poli y o! providing eE$al opport$nities to all prospe tive andidates3 1t s%o$ld not be onstr$ed and will not be onsidered as a reE$est3

Sala,y pa+=a0eF
*eans gross salary be!ore ded$ tion o! any taCes or ontrib$tions (e3g3 pension, provident !$nd et 3( pl$s any ot%er monetary and non0monetary perE$isites and bene!its (e3g3 bon$ses, provident !$nd, grat$ity, medi al ins$ran e, li!e ins$ran e, ompany maintained ve%i le, ,#&, paid leave, et 3( T%is !orm may beF

"mailed to /,d.0asalL0mail.+om

Country Head %ffice

PO AoG No !!"& 4%ayaban0e01Ebal, Cli!ton 4ara %i ?8800, +aBistan FaG: I92 (21( <2>191=2 Re0ional O--i+es: ,a%ore, /$BB$r, #aisalabad, *$ltan, 1slamabad, +es%awar

&roup Head 'uarters

Gasal Co Ltd Q.S.C .O. !o" #$%&', &th (loor )alam *ower, +l ,orniche -oha .atar #a"$ /%0$ $$ %' $' #1

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