LP Week 5 Y3-Writing Sunday
LP Week 5 Y3-Writing Sunday
LP Week 5 Y3-Writing Sunday
Minggu : 8 2014 Class Time Focus Theme To$ic &earning !tandards &earning +)*ecti,e Acti,ities Hari : Tuesday 3 Adil 07.30a.m. 08.30a.m. Writing World o !el " Famil# and Friends %eing Health# '.'.( A)le to listen to and en*o# stories %# the end o the lesson" $u$ils should )e a)le to demonstrate understanding o oral te-t )#: a. Ans/ering i,e sim$le WH01uestions ). 2i,ing True3False re$lies orall# !4T 5678CT5+6 '. Teachers $la#s a song a)out ood. (. Teacher asks $u$ils to name the ood the# kno/. 9:4 &5!T46562 '. Teacher sho/s $u$ils the $ictures o ood. (. 9u$ils identi # the ood. WH5&4 &5!T46562 '. Teacher s$eaks $ut the name o the ood in the $ictures. (. 9u$ils re$eat a ter teacher. 9+!T &5!T46562 '. Teacher asks i,e WH01uestions )ased on the $ictures and $u$ils ans/er them orall#. Te-t )ook" $ictures o ood. ;ideo <u tu)e." stor#)ook Tarikh : 18th February