Lesson Plan 3

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School: Nichita Stanescu, no. 2, Baia Mare Teacher: Roxana Fat Level: Ele entar!, "r# $ra#e %ate: Ma! 2&, 2'(( Ti e: )' inutes Title*+nit: (,: A essa$e on the co -uter Teachin$ aterials: stu#ent.s /oo0, car#s Ai s: 1to $ive -ractice to s-ea0in$ a/out $oin$ on a tri-2 1to intro#uce ne3 voca/ular! 4or as0in$ 4or hel-, 4or a0in$ i#entit! car#s2 1 to teach stu#ents 3hat has to /e 3ritten on an i#entit! car# in or#er to i#enti4! a -erson. Activit! A. Lea#1in: The teacher as0s the stu#ents to tell hi *her 3hat thin$s the! 3oul# ta0e 3ith the i4 the! 3ent on a tri-, a3a! 4ro their to3n. Su$$este# ans3er: /a$, /oo0s, $a es, 4oo#. B. 5ntro#ucin$ ne3 voca/ular! The teacher as0s the stu#ents i4 the! 3oul# ta0e their la-to-s or co -uters 3ith the , 3hat the! coul# #o 3ith the an# i4 the! can sen# or receive essa$es on the . The teacher as0s the stu#ents the 4ollo3in$ 6uestions: 7hat i4 !ou 3ent on a tri- an# !ou 3oul# reach a 4orest 3here !ou $et lost, 3hat 3oul# !ou #o8 54 !ou ha# a co -uter, 3oul# !ou use it to as0 4or hel-8 The teacher tells the stu#ents that one o4 the characters in the stor! the! are $oin$ to rea# is as0in$ 4or hel-, an# she is in a 4orest 3here it rains a lot, 3hich is calle# rainforest.9 in the A a:on 4or exa -le; The teacher as0s the stu#ents to rea# the #ialo$ue. The stu#ents $o in 4ront o4 the classroo an# rea# the #ialo$ue in the 4or o4 a role -la!. 5nteraction T1 Ss Ti e " in

T1 Ss



The teacher su ari:es in a 4e3 3or#s the stor! so that the stu#ents un#erstan# 3hat it is a/out. The teacher as0s the stu#ents to loo0 a$ain to the last line o4 the #ialo$ue so that the! notice Sa an# <ate have no i#ea 3ho =ose-h Alexan#er is. 5n or#er to 4in# 3ho he is, Sa an# <ate have to 4in# out his identity card, 3hich is a #ocu ent on 3hich there are 3ritten s-eci4ic -ieces o4 in4or ation a/out a -erson. The teacher tells the stu#ents that the! 3ill tr! to 4in# to$ether 3hat it has to /e 3ritten on an i#entit! car#. >. Presentation The teacher as0s the stu#ents 3hat t3o or ore -ersons T1 Ss are #oin$ 3hen the! eet 4or the 4irst ti e an# the! have to $et ac6uainte#. Su$$este# ans3er: The! tell their names one to the other. The teacher as0s the stu#ents to 3hat 3e re4er 3hen 3e sa! a -erson is a #octor, a teacher, a sin$er. Su$$este# ans3er: the profession The teacher as0s the stu#ents ho3 ol# the! are an# 3hat this in#icates. Su$$este# ans3er: ?* (' !ears1ol#2 their age The teacher as0s the stu#ents 3hen the! 3ere /orn an# 3hat in#icates that #ate. Su$$este# ans3er: the #a! 3hen the! 3ere /orn@ their birth day. The teacher as0s the stu#ents 3hich is the na e o4 their country an# i4 the! 0no3 na es o4 other countries. Su$$este# ans3er: Ro ania, 5tal!, S-ain, an# Areat Britain. The teacher as0s the stu#ents, -ointin$ to his*her hair 3hat that is an# 3hat color a -erson.s hair can have. Su$$este# ans3er: hair2 re#, /lon#, /ro3n. The teacher as0s the stu#ents 3hat -arts o4 their /o#! the! use in or#er to see an# 3hat color their e!es can have. Su$$este# ans3er: eyes2 /lue, $reen, #ar0, /ro3n. Pair 3or0 %. Practice: The teacher $ives the stu#ents so e car#s Ss1 Ss on 3hich the! have to 3rite certain -ieces o4 (B in

C in

in4or ation a/out their #es0 ates: na e, -ro4ession, a$e, /irth#a!, countr!, hair, e!es. The teacher also $ives the stu#ents so e other car#s on 3hich there are 3ritten so e 6uestions the! have to a##ress to their #es0 ates, the 6uestions corres-on#in$ to the -arts the! have to co -lete. 7hat is !our na e8 Do3 ol# are !ou8 7hen is !our /irth #a!8 7here are !ou 4ro 8 7hat is the color o4 !our hair8 7hat is the color o4 !our e!es8 T1 Ss E. Aivin$ ho e3or0: The teacher as0s the stu#ents to a0e an i#entit! car# 4or an! e /er o4 their 4a il! or 4or a 4rien#, 4ollo3in$ the $iven o#el. 2 in

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