Art Unit Plan Term 1 Artist Study Nicky Foreman
Art Unit Plan Term 1 Artist Study Nicky Foreman
Art Unit Plan Term 1 Artist Study Nicky Foreman
Term 1 Duration- 6 weeks Curriculum level Year level - 6 Global Learning Intention Students will study a particular artist of teachers choice. Study art work. Look at
Specific !ocabular" 3olour- Form- /ha)e- hot&cold colours- contrasts- mi*ing and blending- sketching- background and borders #abits of $ind
/tri#ing $or Accuracy- Remaining o)en to continuous learning - Fle*ibility4istening with 5nderstanding and 0m)athy- Awareness o$ own thinking- 6uestioning and 2roblem /ol#ing- 2recision o$ language and thought- Taking res)onsible risks2ersistence- 3reating- imagining- inno#ating- ,onderment- in%uisiti#eness- Thinking interde)endently- 7rawing on )ast knowledge- .athering data through all the senses1anaging im)ulsi#ity- Finding humour
$ultiple Intelligences
1usical& Rhythmical Verbal& 4inguistic 4ogical& 1athematical Visual& /)atial 8ody& +inaesthetic Naturalist Intra)ersonal Inter)ersonal
&esources Nicky Foreman websites Nicky Foreman )aints and images 1aori )attersna and designs +iwiana Images N' 2ostcards A range o$ art materials Art assessment rubric 'nit evaluation( )*at +orked, +*at didn-t, +*at resources are needed in future.