BFP & Auxiliries
BFP & Auxiliries
BFP & Auxiliries
Module 234-6
Coune 234 - Turbine mel Auxiliaries - Module Six
After completing this module you will be able to:
6.1 Stall>:
a) The secondary function of the main condensate extraction
pomps (CEPs);
b) Two secondary functions of the auxiliary CEP and the unit op- 6-7
emting state when each of themis performed;
c) The secondary function of the main boiler feed pomps (BFPs) 7
when used in the recirculation mode;
d) Two reasons why use of the main BFPs for preworming con-
densate in the deaerator storage tank should be minimivod;
e) The secondary function of the auxiliary BFP and the unit oper- 7
ating state when it is required.
6.2 a) State the adverse consequences/operating concerns caused by .. 8-9
improper hotwel1level:
i) Too low a level (2);
il) Too high a level (I).
b) Ust 910
i) Three automatic actions initiated by too low a hotwellievel;
il) Two automatic actions initiated by too high a hotwellleveL
c) List three causes of each of the following hotwelllevel upsets: Pages 10-11
i) Too high a level;
il) Too Iowa level.
d) State the operating concem caused by a very low condensate re-
ject (storage) tank level.
Page 1
Course 234 - Turbine mel Auxiliarie& - Modulo Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Page. 1214 <=> 6.3 a) List the typical heat sources available to:
i) LP feedheaters (2);
ii) Deaefluor and storage tank (5);
iii) HP feedheaters (2).
Page. 1214 <=> b) S_when each heat source is used.
Page. 15-16 <=> 6.4 Explain the self-regulating feature of the extraction steam flow to the
Page. 17-18 <=> 6.5 a) Describe.two adverse consequences/operating concerns caused
by continued feedheater operation if its drains level is:
i) Too high;
ii) Too low.
Page. 18-20 <=> b) List the actions in response to the following feedheater drains
level upsets:
i) Too high a level (8);
ii) Too low a level (2),
and explain the pmpose of each action.
Page 20 <=> c) List the causes of each of the following feedheater drains level
i) Too high a level (3);
ii) Too low a level (2).
Page 22 <=> 6.6 a) i) List three operating upsets during which some or all of the
check valves in the exttaetion steam lines would be actuated
to close.
ii) State the pmpose of this action.
Page 22 <=> b) Explain two uperational reasons why these valves are equipped
with actuators.
6.7 State:
Page 22 <=>
Page 22 <=>
Page 23 <=>
Page 2
a) One cause of insufficient feedheater shell venting during normal
unit operation;
b) Two main indicatinns of this upset;
c) The COIreCtive action the operator can take to rectify the probiem.
Coune 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries _ Module Six
6.8 Describe how the flow of heating steam to the deaerator (DA) is reg-
ulated during:
a) High power operation;
b) Startup and low power operation;
c) Poison prevent operation.
6.9 a) i) Explain how a rapid drop in DA pressure can cause steam
hammer in the feedheating system.
il) State the major cause of a rapid drop in DA pressure and
list three operating upsets during which it can occur.
b) i) Explain how abnormally high DApressure can occur.
il) Explain how this pressure can lead to steam hammer in the
feedheating system.
6.10 a) stite three adverse consequences/operating concerns caused by
each of the following upsets:
i) DA storage tank level too high;
il) DA storage tank level too low.
b) Describe how DA storage tank level is controlled during:
i) Unit startup and low power operation;
il) High power operation.
c) Ust the actions in response to each of the following upsets;
i) DA storage tank level too high (4);
il) DA storage tank level too low (5).
d) List the causes of each of the following DA storage tank level
i) Too high (I);
il) Too low (3).
6.11 State and explain how:
a) Unit Loading;
b) Unit Unloading,
;) Boiler level and operation of the boiler level control valves
Pages 25-27
Pages 28-29
Pages 29-30
Pages 30-31
Pages 32-34
Page 3
Course 234 - Turbine md Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Page 35
Pages 3536
0) DA s"""ge tank level and operation of DA s"""ge tank
iii) Hotwellievel and operation of the makeup water valves or
the condenSale leject valve;
iv) The number of operating CEPs and BFPs;
v) Extraction steam flows and feedhelller drains flows;
vi) Feedwlller temperaIUI'e at the boiler preheater inlet.
6.12 a) State two adverse consequences/operating concerns caused by
exceeding a limit on the maximom temperaIUI'e difference (61)
between the boiler pIOhelller and the enteting feedwater.
b) i) List thIee unit operating states duting which this limit might
be exceeded.
0) Explain why this can occur.
Pages 36-37 c) Explain two general operator actions that can be taken to mini-
mize the possibility of exceeding the 6T limiL
d) Explain two general operator actinns that can be taken to Ielorn
the 6T to an acceptable value if the 6T limit has been exceeded.
6.13 a) Explain howoperating with a bank offeedheaters valved out af-
Pages 39-41 i) Extraction steamand drains flows in the feedheaters;
Page 41 ii) Feedwlller temperaIUI'e at the boiler pIOhearer
Pages 42-43 iii) Thermal efficiency of the
Page 43 iv) Turbine generator output (consider the IeSCtor leading and
lagging modes of operation).
Pages 44-46 b) Explain thIee lessons why it may be necessary to derate the unit
if a significant nomber of feedheaters ... out of service.
6.14 a) State a typical interunit feedwarer tie (IUFWT) flow capacity as
a percentage of the full power feedwater flow of a single unit.
b) State the accident that would require the IUFWT to operate.
c) Describe how the IUFWT would operate to alleviate the acci-
Page 48 6.15 a) State the major action the operator must take if during normal
operation both the auxiliary boiler feed pump and the IUFWT
... unavailable and the limit on their sustained unavailability has
been approached.
Page 48 b) Explain the lesson why this actinn must be taken.
Page 4
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
6.16 a) Name and describe two s)'lltems that can be used to provide wa-
ter to the boiler in the event of tol8lloss of all other souteeS of
b) Stale:
i) The basic operating condition that must exist before either
of these two systems can feed water to the boi1er;
il) Two operational problems that make these systems the least
preferable soun:e of boiler feedwater.
Describe five causes (other than DApressure control prob-
lems)" of steamor water hammer in lbe condensate, the boiler
feed, and their auxi1iary systems.
* * *
In the previous turbine courses you bave learned about the sttueture of the
condensate, the boiler feed, and lbeir auxi1iary systems' Yon also familiar-
ized yourself with the major components of these systems, their principles
of operation and major fuuctions. Based on this entry level knowledge, the
following topics .... discussed in this module:
- Secondary functions of the major pumps in the feedbeating s)'lltem;
- HotweU level
- Assorted operational aspects associated with feedheaters;
- DeaeraIDr pressure and level control;
- Major cbanges in the feedbeating s)'lltem during unit loading and un-
- Excessive thenna! stresses at the boiler preheater
- Operation with many feedheaters out of service;
- Alternate somees oHeedwator;
- Causes of steam or water hammer in the feedheating system.
Similarly to the preceding modules, a simplified pullout flowsheet of the
system being discussed is provided (on page 69) for easy reference. Due to
numerous station specific differences. the number and/or location of some
of the equipment shown in lbe flowsheet may differ from lbose in your sta-
tion. For simplicity, the flowsheet is split into two parts:
The condensate system (called, in some stations, the main condensate
system or the LP feedwater system), and
... Obj. 6.9 covers this
cause of Iteam/water
... For simplicity. a set of
all tbue systems togelh.
.. is often metred to as
the feedMating system.
Page S
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxm.riu - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.1 a) <=>
Its capacity is about
of the full power flow.
Obj. 6.1 b) <=>
More infonnation about
this is provided in the lut
section of the module.
Page 6
- The boiler feed system (alternatively called the HPfeedwater system
or the boiler feedwater system).
Major auxiliary systems such as the extraction steam system, the feedheater
drains system and the makeup water system are shown in this flowsheet.
The last pullout page of this module shows a simplified feedheater, and a
deaerator and its storage tank assembly. You are advised to refer to these
diagrams while studying the relevant sections of this module.
Condensate extraction pumps (CEPs)
You will recall from previous turbine comses that the main CEPs supply
condensate (also called LP feedwater) from three condenser hotwells
through the LP feedheaters up to the deaerator (DA). The secondary func
lion of tbe main CEPs is to supply cool condensate required by auxiliary
systems and equipment, such as the boiler feed pump gland injection sys-
tem, the LP turbine exhaust cooling system, the g1and exhaust condenser,
and the air ejector condenser and the condenser cooling sprays (if installed).
While the condensate flow required by these systems is small in cmnpatlson
with the main flow. failure to meet the demand may result in equipment
damage and serious operational upsets, including a forced unit outage.
As to the auxiliary CEP, you will recall that this small pump supplies con-
densate from the hotwells directly (ie. bypassing the LP feedheaters) to the
DA. This allows us to maintain long-termreactor cooling (at the decay heat
level) via the boilers when the main CEPs are shut down or otherwise una-
vailable. The loss of CEPs can be caused by some operating problems,
such as a loss of class IV power or a pipe break In the condensate system.
In addition, the auxiliary CEP has tWo secondary funclions:
I. To fiD up the condensate system (including the DA storage tank) dur-
ing unit stanup, if required.
To prevent water hammer" when the system is being fiDed up, the flow
should be small. Compated with the latge main CEPs, the small auxil-
iary CEP can meet this requirement more easily. Ifone of the main
CEPs were used, its flow rate would have to be signifICantly throttled,
resulting in inefficient operation of the pump. Also, the recirculation
line would have to open to prevent pump operational problems (such as
high vibration or overheating) caused by too small a flow.
Coune 234 - Turbine aDd Auxiliaries - Module Six
2. To inject cool condensate to the gland seals of the BFPs.
This prevents egless of hot feedwater and its flashing steamfrom the
glands of these pumps. Not only would this create a safety hllZllId, but
the pump bearings could get overheated, and the lubricating oil contami-
Boiler reed pumps (BFPs)
Recall that the main BFPs euculate feedwater from the deaerator storage
tank through the HP feedheaters and external preheaters (if any) up to the
boilers. The secondary function of these pumps is to assist the electric
heaters in the deaerator storage tank in prewarming the condensate in this
tank while preparing the unit for startup. This is achieved by running one
or two main BFPs in the recirculation mode such that the pump frictional
heat adds to that produced by the electric heaters in the tank. As a s u l ~ the
prewarming time can be significantly reduced.
However. use of the main BFPs in the recirculation mode for prewarm-
ing of the condensate in the DA storage tank should he minimized. Why?
Because this mode of operation ",suits in the following adverse conse-
quences and operating concerns:
I. A deteriorated flow psttern in the pump (as it operates well below its
design capacity) promotes operational problems, such as increased
vibration which may reduce the pump bearing and seal life. ExcessiVe
pipeline vibration. with its attendant adverse consequences, may also
2. Severe cavitation can occur In the reclrcuIation line due to a very
large pressure drop (about 6 MPa) across the control valve. The valve
and piping life can be considerably reduced due to this cavitation.
You will ",call that the major function of the small auxiliary BFP is to .
supply feedwater from the DA storage tank to the boilers. following a loss
of the main BFPs. and during those unit shutdowns when reactor cooling is
provided via the boilers. The secondary function of tbls pump is to fill up
the boiler feed system and the boilers in preparation for unit startup. if this
equipment has been drained during the shutdown. Remember that the rate
of filling up the system must be slow enough to avoid water hammer. The
small auxiliary BFP is better suited for this job than the much larger main
~ Ob}. 6.1 c)
~ Obj. 6.1 d)
III In mOlt units, only one
auxiliuy OFP is in-
stalled. Its capacity ill
about 3% of the full
power flow. Some units
have abo bllCkup aux-
iliary pwnp of a similar
~ Obj. 6.1 e)
Page 7
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.2 a) <=>
Page 8
The secondary function of the main CEPs is to supply cool condensate
required by some auxiliary systems and equipment.
The auxiliary CEP perfonns two secondary functions. First, it injects
cool condensate to the gland seals of the BFPs. Second, it can be used
to fill up the condensate system after it has been dtained for mainte-
The secondaty function of the main BFPs is to expedite prewarming of
condensate in the deaerator storage tank To achieve this, one or two
BFPs can be used in the recirculation mode. As this mode of operation
reduces equipment life, its occurrence should be limited only to when it
is absolutely necessary.
The secondaty function of the auxiliary BFP is to fill up the boiler feed
system and the boilers (if they have been dtained) in preparation for unit
In this section of the mooule, you willieam about the adverse consequences
and possible causes of improper hotwellievel, as well as the typical auto-
matic responses to this upset Operating concerns caused by avery low lev-
el in the condensate storage tank (sometimes also referred to as the conden-
sate reject tank) are also covered.
Adverse consequences and operating concerns caused by
improper hotwell level
Too low a hotwelilevel causes the following adverse consequences and
operating concerns:
I. If the level keeps dropping, the continuity of the long-term boiler
feedwater supply - and h n ~ of the major reactor heat sink -
is jeopardized because the hotwell condensate inventory may soon be
In the extreme case, it may result in a forced outage in order to secure
adequate reactor fuel cooling.
2. Cavitation of the CEPs is promoted due to low suction head.
Severe cavitation of the CEPs may reduce the condensate flow enough
to upset DA level control. In addition, prolonged operation with a very
low hotwellievel may finally result in premature pump failure due to pit-
ting and/or high vibration caused by severe cavitation.
Course 234 - Turbine IDd Auxiliaries - Module Six
The major adverse eonseqnence of too bigh a bomlll level is flooding
of the lowest condenser tubes. This causes reduced condenser vacuum with
the adverse consequences as described in the preceding module.
Automatic responses to hotwelllevel
Typical automatic actions in response to hotwell level are depicted in
Fig. 6.1, and the equipment associated with botwellievel control is shown
in a pullout flowsheet (Fig. 6.10 a located at the module end.
Conclenule Nied
-- ------------------------
-V Low '"-I aIMn
o ----------.--._---_--.------------.-.
FIg.8.1. AulllmaUc ....pon... to holWell,"".
As can be seen in Fig. 6.1, no action occurs (ie. the two makeup valves
and the condensate reject valve remain closed), as long as bomell level I.
within its normal operating band. Level excursions beyond this bsnd are
accommodated by the condensate storage tank. It acts as a surge tank: it ei-
ther accepts the surplus condensate (in case of too high a hotwellievel) or
provides makeup water (when the level is too low). The tank is located
above the condenser hotwells and operates at atmospheric pressure such that
no pump is needed to transfer makeup water from this tank into the con-
densers - the water just cascades down. Of course, rejection of surplus
condensate into the tank requires a CEP running to overcome the pressure
and elevation differences.
Obj. 6.2 b)
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.2 cJ
Page 10
When hotwell level is too high, the makeup valves should stay closed,
while the following actions should occur:
1. The condensate reject valve opens with rising level to transfer the sur-
plus condensate into the storage tank.
2. After a further level rise, a high level alarmis given to make the operator
aware of this upset. In response, the operator should investigate and at- ..
tempt to rectify the cause (some of themare listed later in this section).
Similarly, when hotwell level is too low, the condensate reject valve
should stay closed, while the following actions should happen:
1. The nonnal makeup valve opens, and its opening increases with de-
creasing hotwellleveL
2. If the level drops even more, the emergency makeup valve opens gradu-
ally as well. The normal makeup valve should be already fully open.
3. Finally, a low level alarm is given to alert the operator to the problem
such that he/she can investigate and, hopefully, correct it.
Usually, low hotwellievel occurs much more frequently than high level.
This is because high hotwellievel occurs only temporarily during some op-
erating transients such as unit loading when water inside the boilers and the
feedheating system undergoes a swell. On the other hand, the demand on
makeup water exists nearly ail the time due to unavoidable losses of
boiler water and steam, ego through boiler blowdown, deaerator vents
and various steam and water leaks. The losses cause hotwelllevel to de-
crease gradually until makeup water is added and normal level is restured.
Causes of improper hotwellievel
Normal makeup water demand and operational transients (eg. due to power
manoeuvres) cause changes in hotwelllevel but are accommodated by the
reject and normal makeup valves. However, there are a few causes of ab-
normally large hotwellievel deviations; some are listed below:
I. A very high hotwellievel can be caused by:
a) Faulty level control which can include:
Malfunctioning or miscalibrated level controller;
Amakeup valve stuck open;
The reject valve stuck closed.
b) Acondensate extraction pump (CEP) trip followed by failure of the
standby CEP to start up.
c) Reduced capacity of the running CEPs, ego due to clogged strainers
or air ingress through their glands.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - ~ o u l Six
2. A very low hotwellievel can result from:
a) Level control problems similar to the ones outlined above.
b) A heavy demand on makeup water such wt the emergency makeup
valve must open to assist the nonnal makeup valve. This can be
caused, for example, by rejection of boiler steam to annosphere by
boiler safety or steamreject valves.
c) A large pipeline break in the condensate, boiler feed or steam sys-
tem. Note wt such a break would cause the condensate flow to ex-
ceed the steam flow into the condenser.
Operating concern caused by a very low level in the
condensate reject (storage) tank
You will recall that the makeup water, that is demanded by a low hotwell
level, comes from the demineralized water storage tank which is supplied
from the water treatment plant When the condensate storage (reject) tank
level is high enough, some makeup water comes also from this tank, caus-
ing its level to decrease. To maintain the level, the reject tank LCV' closes
and the tank refills when the condensate reject line operates on a high hot-
well level.
Failure of this LCV to close would eventually result in emptying the con-
densate storage tank. This would cause Joss of condenser vacuum due
to air ingress into the condenser via the empty tank and its outlet piping.
Some air would also leak through various watersealed valves as they
would lose sealing water normally supplied from the tank
The vacuum loss would be large enough to cause a turbine trip, likely lead-
ing to a poison outage.
Too Iowa hotwellievel jeopardizes the continuity of boiler feedwater
.supply, particularly if the level continues to drop. In the extreme case, a
forced unit outage would result to ensure adequate reactor cooling. Se-
vere cavitation of the CEPs may also result, leading to reduced conden-
sate flow and, if persisting long enough, pump failure.
Too high a botwellievel may result in flooding of the lower rows of the
condenser tubes, leading to reduced condenser vacuum with its adverse
consequences/operating concerns.
Hotwellievel is maintained automatically by the condensate reject and
makeup water valves. Excessive deviations of the level fromits nonnal
uperating band generate the appropriate alarm.
'> Obj. 6.2 d)
... Fig. 6.10 a) at the module
end shows the typical lo-
cation of this valve. In
some units, however, the
location and operation of
this valve sre somewhB1
Page 11
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Pages 5354
Obj. 6.3 a)b)
'" It varies from zero in
No.3 heater to less than
10% in No.1 heater.
'" Recall from module 234-1
how turbine load affects
the steam pressure profile
in the turbine.
Page 12
Possible causes of abnOl'lJ?-3lly low hotwellievel include controller and!
or valve problems, aboonnalIy high demand on makeup water, or a
large break in the steam and feedwater cycle.
Avery high hotweillevel can be caused, for example, by faulty level
control, fallure of the standby CEP to start up upon a CEP trip, or re-
duced capacity of the running CEPs.
Avery low level in the condensate reject tank increases the risk of emp-
tying the tank. Air ingress to the condenser via the empty tank and its
outlet piping could cause a turbine trip on low condenser vacuum, lead
ing to a likely poison outage.
You may now work on assignment questions 1-6.
The following topics are covered in this section:
Aval1ability of various heat sources for feedheating;
- Self-regulating feature of feedheaters;
- Abnormal feedheater dntins level;
- Operation of the check valves in the extraction steampiping;
- Insufficient feedheater shell venting.
There are numerous differences between individual stations with respect to
the heat sources used for feedheating. This section covers only the most
typical ones.
As shown in the pullout flowsheet (Fig. 6.10) on page 69, the following
heat sources are used for feedheating in Ihe LP feedhealers:
1. LP turbine extraction steam which is the major heat input.
2. Drains cascading from olher LP feedhealers (if any) operating at
higher pressure. Compared with extraction steam, the drains contribu-
tion to feedwater heating is very small.....
These two heat sources are available as soon as steam is admitted to the
turbine. However. during turbine runup and at light loads, the temperature
of the available extraction steam is very low... , and hence very little feedheat-
ing occurs in the LP heaters during these unit operating states.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
In the DA and storage tank, the following heat sources are used in most
1. Turbine extraction steam.
In most stations. extraction steam for DA heating is taken from the LP
turbine, very close to its inlel Normally, this steam is superheated. In
a few CANDU units, steam for DA heating is extra<:ted from the crosso-
ver piping between the HP and LP turbines. In this case, the steam is
slightly wel
This major heat SOUICe is used when turbine load is sufficiently high.
At lower loads. the extraction steam pressure - and hence. its saturation
temperature - are too low to maintain the minimum requited DA outlet
2. Boiler steam throttled by a pressure control valve.
This heat source is used when tu.rbine extraction steam is unavaila"
ble and boiler steam temperature is high enoogh. More information
about this mode of deaerator operation is provided later in the module.
3. HP feedheater drains.
Ignoring abnormal operating conditions (eg. loss of the drains pumps),
HP feedbeater drains are used for DA heating at medium and high tur.
bine loads. At lower loads, the drains are dumped to the condenser
because their pressure is too low (relative to the DApressure) for the
pumps to circulate the drains to the DA. Compared with turbine extra<:
tion steam, the drains become available at a slightly lower turbine loati.
However, their heat input is much smaller.
4. Electric heaters in the deaerator (DA) storage tank.
The heaters are less efficient than the above heat sources. This is be-
cause heat from the boilers undergoes a few energy conversions (heat
.... mechanical energy .... electrical energy .... back to heat) before it fi-
nally gets into the condensate. Therefore, though they are physically
available all the time, the heaters are used only when all the above
heat sources are unavailable, ie: during unit outage and early stages
of startup. The heaters prewarm (if necessary) the condensate in the
tank and maintain it at the required saturation teroperature and pressure.
This practice prevents introduction of cool, gas-laden feedwater to the
boilers, thereby minimizing thermal stresses and corrosion.
5. BFPs in the recirculation mode.
The electric ~ t r s can be assisted by one or two BFPs operating in the
recirculation mode doring which large amounts of frictional heat are pr0-
duced. This extra heat input significantly reduces the long time that the
heaters alone would need to prewarm the condensate in the DA storage
tank from a cold shutdown condition.
Above 3570% FP. in
different stations.
.. About USl30C, de
pending on the station,
.. Above 25-SO% PP, de-
pending on the station.
About 1.5-2 days.
Page 13
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
.. Above 25-50% FP, de-
pending on the station.
Page 14
This heat source can be used during the same unit operating condi-
tions when the electric heaters operate. You will recall that such
operation of the BFPs is not recommended. because of the adverse con-
sequences described earlier in this module.
Among these five heat sources, turbine extraction steam and HP feedheater
drains are the only ones whose use for feedheating improves the overall
thennal efficiency of the unit. Therefore, they are the most preferred heat
sources in the deaemtor.
The typical heat sources that are used in the HP feedheaters in most sta-
tions are:
1. HP turbine extraction and/or exhaust steam.
The latter is taken either from the crossover piping or the main moisture
separators, depending on the station.
2. .Moisture separator drains.
Compared with the steam, moisture separator drains contribute only a
few percent of the heat supplied to the HP feedheaters.
Other heat sources such as reheater first stage drains do not provide much
heat and are used only in a few units. Therefore, they are ignored in this
section. The above heat sources are available at medium and high turbine
loads"'. At lower loads, these heat sources are cooler than the incoming
feedwater, and therefore unavailable for feeelhealing. Again, this results
from a low turbine steampressure and temperature profile at light loads.
The major heat source in the LP feedheaters is LP turbine extraction
steam. Drains cascading from other LP feedheaters contribute only a
few percent to feedwater heating. Both heat sources are available as
soon as steamis admitted to the turbine, although at light turbine loads,
they are too cool to provide significant feedhealing.
The major heat source in the DA is turbine extraction steam. It is used
when turbine load is sufficiently high.
Below this load, the main heai input to the DA is boiler stearn throttled
by a pressure control valve. This heat source is available when boiler
pressure is high enough.
At high and medium turbine loads, HP feedheater dntins are pumped
into the DA where they contribute a few percent to feedwater hearing.
At lower loads, the drains are dumped to the condenser. The range of
turbine load over which the dntins are used for DA healing is slightly
wider than that of turbine extraction steam.
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Electric heaters in the DA storage tank and recirculation from the BFPs
are used during unit shutdown and early stages of stanup when other
heat S01U'Ces are not available.
The major heat input to the HP feedheaters is HP turbine exhaust and/or
extraction steam. Moisture separator drains contribute afew percent to
feedheating. In some stations, other heat sources of secondary impor-
tance are also used. All these heat sources are used for feedheating at
medimn and high turbine loads.
Feedheaters are said to be self-regulating as there are no control valves in
the extraction steam piping and yet the steam now adjusts itself in re-
sponse to varying operating conditions. Here is how it happens.
At any thermal equilibrium, the. steam now rate equals the rate at
which the steam condenses in the feedheater. Steam leaks (eg. through
the feedheater vents, extraction steampiping drainage equipment, etc.) and
condensation in the piping are ignored here because they are usually very
small in comparison with the rate at which the steam condenses in the feed-
heater. If we neglect the heat losses through the feedheater shell, the rate
of steam condensation depends on the rate at which heat (Ii) is trans-
ferred from the steam, as expressed by the familiar equation:
Various operating conditions affect factors of this equation. For example:
- The overa11 heat transfer coefficient (U) depends on the tube cleanliness,
concenttation of gases in the feedheater shell, and feedwater and steam
- The tube surface area available to heating steam(A) depends on the
drains level and the nmnber of tubes plugged;
- The mean temperalU1e difference across the feedheater tubes (srm! de-
pends on many operating parameters as follows:
- The feedwater flow rate and inlet temperalU1e because they affect the
average feedwater temperature inside the feedheater tubes;
- The ternperalU1e and pressure of the extraction steam at the feedheater
n l ~ and the temperature and flow rate of cascading drains (if any)
because they affect the average temperature of steamand drains out-
side the tubes.
If anyone of these parameters changes. the rate of heat transfer from the
steam changes accordingly. Consequently, the rate of steam condensation
in the feedheater changes. Temporarily, ie. before a new thermal equilibri-
~ Obj. 6.4
Page IS
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
>to Recall that friction loss-
es decrease rapidly with
dropping velocity of the
a g e ~
Page 16
urn is established. this rate differs from the extraction steam flow rate in the
extraction steam piping. As a result, shell pressure changes as well. This,
combined. with a possible change in the extraction steam pressure at the tur-
bine end of the extraction steampiping (eg. due to turbine loading), affects
the pressure drop across this piping, and causes a corresponding change in
the steam flow rate. These processes continue until a new thennal equilibri-
umis reached. when the extraction steam flow rate balances the rate of steam
The self-regulation is facilitated by small friction losses in the extraction
steampiping whose diameter is large enough to keep the steamvelocity rela-
tively low.... Thus, it takes a small change in the pressure drop in the piping
to effect a large change in the steam flow.
From the above description, you can see how and why various operating
conditions affect heat transfer through feedheater tubes, and consequently,
the extraction steam flow. For example, increased feed-water flow andlor
lowered inlet temperature enhance the heat transfer (by increasing 6.T
thereby resulting in increased extraction steam flow. A similar effect is
caused by loss of the cascading drains or increased extraction steam temper-
ature. On the contrary, tube flooding or fouling, or poor venting of the
feedbeater shell impairs heat transfer, therehy reducing the extraction steam
The extraction steam flow to a feedheater adjusts itself such that it at-
tempts to match the rate at which steam condenses in the feedheater.
The rate of steam condensation depends on the rate of heat transfer
through the feedheater tubes.
Increased feedwater flow, lowered feedwater inlet temperature, in-
creased extraction steamtemperatme and/or pressure, all enhance the
heat transfer, causing more steam to flow to the feedheater.
Tube flooding or fouling, or poor feedbeater venting reduce the heat
transfer and, consequently, the extraction steam flow.
You may now do assignment questions 7-8.
In the previous turbine courses, you learned how feedheater drains level is
controlled during nonnaI operation. In this section, the following aspects of
abnonnaI feedheater drains level are discussed:
Adverse consequences/operating concerns;
Mitigating actions;
COUIle 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Adverse consequences and operating concerns
The nonna! feedheater dnrins level is maintained below the lowest tubes and
above the inlet to the dnrins subcooling section*. On one hand, this pre-
vents steam ingress to the drains subcooling section, on the other hand -
flooding of the feedheater tubes. Excessive level deviations from this nor-
~ l position cause serious adverse consequences/operating concerns, partic-
ularly if the abnonnallevel is not quickly corrected.
More specifically, 100 bigh a feedhealer drains level:
1. May result in water induction to the turbine via the extraction steam
piping. This may severely damage the machine.
2. Reduces the overall thermal efficiency due to:
- Lowered feedwater outlet temperature as less beat is transferred to
the feedwater due to tube flooding.
- Decreased turbine efficiency due to:
Adeviation from the design distribution of the extraction stearn
flows to individual feedheaters. This changes the steampressure
profIle along the turbine and thus, the pressure ratio in groups
of turbine stages between individual extraction steampoints.
Impaired moisture removal from the turbine as the extraction
steam flow is decreased.
- Dumping of hot drains to the condenser (this is one of the automatic
actions taken in response to a high drains level). Not only does it
cause a loss of drains heat from the cycle, but it can also increase
condenser pressure slightly.
- Possible need to valve out the whole bank of feedheaters to prevent
water induction to the turbine.
Too Iowa feedheater drains level causes the o l l o ~ i n g adverse conse-
quenceslopemting concerns:
1. Equipment damage may occur due to the following:
- Some steam may leak into the drains subcooling section. When
pockets of this steamcondense in the drains subcooling section, wa-
ter columns collide,producing violent steam hammer. The drains
subcooling section may suffer severe damage.
- If the level drops so much that sleam can blow tbmugh the dnrins
subcooling section and the drains piping, the slugs of water carned
by the blowing steam can damage this equipmenl tbmugh waler
~ Obj. 6.5 a)
.. See Fig. 6.11 at the mod-
ule end.
Page 17
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.S bj
Some feedheaters do not
have it.
Page 18
The feedheater internals (tubes. baffles, impingetuent plates) can get
damaged due to impingement and high Rowinduced vibration if
steam flows through the feedheater too fast. This can happen (par-
ticularly in the HP feedheaters) if the drains dump valve failed in the
open position, creating a large pressure difference between the feed-
heater shell and the condenser.
When the feedheater drains are circulated by a pump, its failure to
trip on the low level may lead to damage due to severe cavitation
or vapourlocking.
2. The overall thermal efficiency is decreased if:
The lowlevel is caused by the drains dump valve failed open such
that some of the feedheater drains flow directly to the condenser;
The design disnibution of the extraction steam flows to individual
feedheaters is upset. This happens when the drains level is so low
that some steamblows through the drains piping to the adjacent
feedheater operating at a lower pressure.
Actions in response to feedheater drains level upsets
To avoid the above consequences, feedheater drains level is controlled auto-
matically. and certain additional actions are carried out when the level gets
too high or too low. Fig. 6.2 shows the valves involved in the control and
protective actions, whereas the most typical of these actions are depicted in
Fig. 6.3. Both diagrams are considerably simplified as there are many dif-
ferences between stations;
From turbine
L_. _ To condenser
VALVE It. _ Tocondenser
From another * / To another
feedheal8r _.. _....... f8edJlea1el'
* i LCV1
LCV3 !
L.... ...._ To condenser
Flg.8.2. TyplCIII a"angalMnt of th. n.1v.. UHd tor fHdlHtllt... drain.
laY.. conlrol and protectIon:
---- Fgedwa18r ------ Extraction steam
_-_._._._. Drains
LeV, Normal control valve; LCV2. Drains dump valve;
LCV3 _ cascading drains valve.
NorrnaI control
Normal control
LCV1 cIo8eI!l
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
....1:J.. Very high leVel alarm
LCV3 (if any) c1os.
Drain val..... on !he extraction steam piping open
Feedheater' bank leoIaIed
High leIIellllarrn
Extra::tlon steam check valve (II any) partlally
Standby dnIIM pump (K any) starts up
--v Low level aIarrn
DrUls pump (if any) trps
Fig. '.3. Malor r..pon... lo teedh..ter dralna level.
Some of the actions shown in Fig. 6.3 require additional comments:
I. When an alann is received, the operator should check that the required
automatic actions have occmred, and petform them manually if they
have not. The nonnallevel should be restored as quickly as possible.
2. The drains valve (LCV2) helps the nonnal control valve (LCVI) evac-
uate drains from the feedheater when the level is too high. LCV2 gives
the drains an additional, low resistance flow path directly to the
condenser. Thus, LCV2 can compensate for failure of LCVI to main-
tain nonnalleveL
3. Regarding the check valve(.) in the extraction steam piping, the
valve actuator spring is usually too weak to close the valve completely
against the full flow of extraction steatn. Nonetheless, by closing par-
tially, the valve restricts the steam flow, which may be sufficient to
re.tore the normal level. Only when a great many tubes in the feed-
heater are flooded, does the extraction steam flow decresse (recall the
self-regulating feature) enough for the actuator spting to close the valve
Most feedheaters have at least one check valve in their extraction steam
piping. However, the No.1 and, in some stations, No.2 feedheaters
have no such valves - the reasonfor this is explained in the next section
of the module.
4. Opening of the drain valves in the extraction steampiping provides an
extra protection against water induction to the turbine and prevents
water hammer. The latter could happen upon restoration of extraction
steam flow if sOme water were left in the piping. Though Fig. 6.2
shows only two drain valves, their actual number can be larger.
Page 19
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.5 c) ~
Page 20
5. A very high drains ievei indicates a possibility of a feedheater tube rup-
tlU'e which would cause high pressure feedwater to enter the shell side
of the feedheater. To prevent water induction to the turbine via the
extraction steam piping, the malfunctioning feedheater bank must be
isolated. This drastic action is necessary because check valves ean-
not be relied upon to provide adequate isolation, and some feedheat-
ers have no check valves at all.
To avoid unnecessary feedheater isolation in response to a level transient
or due to instrumentation failure, the isolation is delayed (up to a few
minutes). This limited delay does not jeopardize turbine protection
against water induction because it takes a longer time for the leaking
feedwater to flood the large extraction steampipework.
In most stations, feedheater bank isolation is done manually - automatic
isolation is available only in some stations. Normally, the feedwater
flow is isolated. But in some stations, the HP feedheaters are isolated
on the steam side to allow for unrestricted feedwater flow to the boilers,
while still protecting the turbine from water induction. And. in some
units. bnth isolation methods are combined for enhanced turbine protec-
tion against water induction.
6. Tripping the drains pump on a low drains level prevents pump damage
due to severe cavitation or vapourlocking.
Causes of abnormal feedheater drains level
In the horizontal feedheaters (see Fig. 6. lion page 70) that are used in
CANDU stations there is not much room to accommodate abnonnallevel: a
deviation of only a few centimeters from the normal level can either uncover
the inlet to the drains subcooling section or flood the lowest feedheater
tubes. Therefore. feedheater level alarms occur frequently during operating
transients such as power manoeuvres, turbine trips or load rejections.
Causes of more serious level upsets are described below.
Abnormally higb drains level can be caused by:
I. Faulty level o t r o ~ ego ntiscalibrated level controller or a stuck LCV;
2. Poor feedheater shell venting which can result in sufficient accumulation
of gases inside the drains subcooling section to impair the syphon action;
3. Multiple tube failure. resulting in ingress oflarge quantities offeedwater
into the feedheater shell.
Causes of abnormaUy low drains level include:
I. Faulty level control as desctibed above;
2. Major drains leak through the feedheater shell or the drain piping.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Too high a feedheater drains level may result in water induction to the
turbine via the extraction steampiping. The overall thennal efficiency is
reduced due to impaired heat transfer in the flooded feedheater, reduced
turbine efficiency, dumping of hot feedheater drains to the condenser,
and possible need to isolate the faulty feedheater bank.
Excessively low drains level may result in damage to the feedheater and!
or its drain piping, ego due to water hammer or high flow-induced vibra-
tion. In some cases, thenna! efficiency can also be reduced slightly.
Normally, feedheater drains level is controlled by adjusting the drains
Upon a low drains level, an alann is given. If the drains are circulated
by a pump, it should trip.
When the drains level is too high. an alann is given, the extraction steam
check valve (if any) is assisted to close, and the drains dump valve starts
to open. If the drains are circulated by a pump, the standby pump (if
any) should start up.
Upon a very high drains level, another alann is given, and the drain
valves in the extraction steampiping to this feedheater open. Drains
cascading fiom another feedheater (if any) get routed to the condenser.
If the very high level persists, the malfunctioning feedheater bank must
be isolated.
Abnormally high feedheater drains level can be caused by faulty level con-
trol, poor feedbeater shell venting or multiple lUbe fallure.
Alowfeedheater drains upset can be caused by level control problems or a
major leak in the drains piping or feedheater shell.
The extraction steampiping to most feedheaters is equipped with at least one
check valve. These valves are of swing type with air-to-open. spring-ta-
close pneumatic actuators. In each valve, the actuator and the valve disc are
connected through a lost motion linkage. The linkage is arranged such that
the valve disc is free to swing fiom the open to the closed position when the
actuator is pressurized, ie. in the open position. When air is vented from the
actuator. its spring. attempts to close the valve. Recall that this spring is too
weak to close the valve completely against full stearn flow. Nonetheless,
partial :valve closure is effected
Page 21
Coursc 234,- Turbine and Auxiliarics - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.6 a)
Obj. 6.6 b)
.. Recall from module
234-3 why these tests
are important.
Obj. 6.7 a)
Obj. 6.7 b)
Page 22
The valves normally stay open, but are assisted by their actuators to
close during the fOllowing operational upsets:
I. A turbine trip or load rejection.
Recall from module 234-3 that the purpose of this action is to prevent a
back flow of steam from the feedheaters to the turbine, and hence pre-
vent excessive turbine overspeed All the check valves should close.
2. A high drains level in a feedheater.
The purpose of this action is esp1ained in the preceding section. Only
the valves associated with the faulty feedheater are required to close.
The extraction steam lines to No.1 (and in most stations, No.2) feedheaters
have no check valves mainly because the very low pressure extraction steam
iIi these lines cannot contribute much to turbine overspeed. Note that ade-
quate protection against water induction to the turbine is still provided by
other features such as isolation of the faulty feedheater bank.
There are two major operational reasons why these valves, as opposed
to ordinary check valves, are equipped with actuators:
I. During a turbine trip or load rejection, valve closure is expedited, there-
by reducing turbine generator overspeed. The actuator action also en-
hances feedheater drains level control by throttling extraction steam flow
when the drains level is high.
2. The actuators enable routine on-power tests of the valves.
Recall that the HP and LP feedheater shells are vented to the condenser. In
the most typical \UIiUlgement, orificed vent lines are used during normal op-
eration. Vent bypass valves - which normally are closed - provide extra
venting capacity during unit SUlrtUp. This decreases the time required to re-
move gases (mainly air) which accumulate in feedheater shells during shut-
The usual cause of insufficient venting is plugging of vent orifices by cor-
rosion products, salt deposits, etc. Eventually, gases accumulate in the
feedheater shell to such an extent that heat transfer through the feedheater
tubes is impaired due to tube blanketing. Insufficient feedheater shell
venting can be detected as follows:
I. The feedwater outlet temperature is abnorma11y low for a given unit load.
2. Other potential causes of the poor feedheater performance are absent, ie.:
- Drains level is normal;
- Feedwater inlet temperature and flow are normal:
- Check valves (if any) in the extraction steam piping are fully open.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
To restore proper feedheater venting. the operator should open the vent
bypass valves. Of course. the plugged orifices should be cleaned at the
ftrst opportunity.
All check valves in the extraction steampiping are assisted to close upon
turbine nip and load rejection in order to minimize turbine overspeed.
Upon a high drains level in a feedheater. the check valve(s) at the steam
Inlet to this feedheater is (are) actuated to close. This action helps re-
store the normal level. and contributes to turbine protection against wa-
ter induction.
Extraetion steam check valves have actuators to enable their on-power
tests and to expedite their closure during the aforementioned operational
Improper feedheater shell venting can be caused by a plugged vent ori-
Two Indications of this upset are abnormal1y low feedwater outlet tem-
perature and absence of other possible causes of the poor feedheater per-
Proper feedheater venting can be restored by upening the normally
closed vent bypass valves on the faulty feedheater.
You may now work on assignment questions 9-14.
In this section, you willieam:
- How the heating steam flow to the DA is controlled;
- How DApressW'e control can be lost and how it can result in damage;
- How and for what reasons the DA storage tank level is controlled;
- What can cause level upsets in this tank.
For your convenience, a pullout diagram of the DA and its storage tank is
placed at the module end.
<=> Obj. 6.7 c)
<=> Pages 56-58
Page 23
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Obj. 6.8 ~
Page 24
Recall that two major heat sources are used in the DA, aepending on turbine
1. Turbine extraction steam- used when turbine load is high enough.
2. Boiler steam- used when the turbine extraction steam is unavailable,
provided that boiler steamis hot enough for adequate feedbeating.
These two heat sources differ also with respect to flow regulation. As for
the extraction steam, its now to the DA is self-regulating, similar to
what happens in the other feedheaters. For example, the flow increases in
response to increased feedwater flow, decreased feedwater inleuempera-
tore, increased extraction steam pressure, or loss of the HP feedheater
When bOiler steam is used for feedheating in the DA (which happens dur-
ing turbine startup and low power operation as well as during poison pre-
vent operation), its now is regulated by a control valve which attempts
to maintain the required DA pressure. The valve operation is straight-
forward: it opens to admit more steam when DA pressure drops, and closes
when the pressure rises above the setpoint
Transfer from one heat source to the other happens automatically. For ex-
ample, during turbine loading, pressure of the available extraction steamris-
es and eventually exceeds the DA pressure maintained by the controlled sup-
ply of boiler steam. When this happens, the check valves in the extraction
steam piping open, allowing the steam to ~ t r the DA which causes its
pressure to rise. In response, the pressure control valve in the boiler steam
supply line closes, reduclng the flow. Eventually, the valve is fully closed.
Opposite changes occur during turbine unloading, upon a turbine trip or
load rejection.
Note that DA demand on boiler steam varies widely with the feedwater flow
and inlet temperature. The largest demand exists during poison prevent
operation, whereas a much smaller flow is required during turbine startup.
For better control, two different valve sizes are used.: the smaller one during
turbine startup and at light loads, the larger one during poison prevent oper-
ation. Due to their duties, these valves are often referred to as the startup
valve and poison prevent valve, respectively. In addition to these two
valves, at least one full size standby valve is also provided to offset possible
valve failure and allow for on-power valve maintenance. '
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
The turbine extraction steamflow to the DA is self-regulating.
During startup. low power operation and poison prevent operation, boil-
er steam is used for feedheating in the DA. The steam flow is adjusted
by a control valve which attempts to maintain the required DA pressure.
Because the DA operates in saturation conditions, its pressure and tein-
perature are correlated to each other - one cannot be changed withollt affect-
ing the other. When the incoming feedwater (condensate) is heated in the
DA, its final temperature detennines DA pressure. How high this tempera-
ture (and hence DA pressure) can be maintained depends on a thermody-
nantic balance between the heat required by the incoming condensate (which
depends on its flow and inlet temperature) and the heat available from the
steam (which depends on its flow, pressure and temperature*). For exam-
ple, when the heat required exceeds the heat available, DA pressure and
temperature drop until a new balance is reached. In most cases. the self-
regulating feature of extraction steam and control of the boiler steam supply
are adequate to maintain proper DA pressure. Operating experience in many
stations shows. however, that some operating conditions promote DA
pressure control problems which, in the extreme case, can produce
damaging steam hammer in the feedheating system.
The most typical scenario involves a rapid drop in DA pressure (its
causes are explained later). This results in violent flashing to steam of the
water in the DA storage tank and the vertical suction piping of the BFPs as
shown in Fig. 6.4 a) on the next page.
'> Obj. 6.9 a)
III In most stations, the DA
heating steam is super
heated. and hence, its
pressure and temperature
are not rigidly corelated
to each other.
Page 25
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
~ -0_0
o 0_ 0 I 0
... , -.
~ ~ h
FIg. U. It""' hmmer dUllo lou01 dHeraIor "....,...
When the steam bubbles move rapidly upward, slugs of water are driven
back up into the storage tank and even the DA (Fig. 6.4 b). The water
surge that results can damage DA internals (eg. cascade trays) and even
displace the DA storage assembly as has happened in a few CANDU sta-
tions. In some cases, steam bubbles in the vertical piping from the DA to
the BFPs can combine into a pocket large enough to separate water columns
in the piping (Fig. 6.4 c). The pocket trapped between the water columns
descends with them towards the suction of the BFPs. As the hydrostatic
pressure builds up, the pocket collapses. The water columns rejoin violent-
ly, producing high pressure shock waves that can damage the DA storage
tank, BFPs, their suction piping, valves, etc.
Operating experience shows that a rapid drop in DA pressure, possibly lead-
ing to steam hammer, can occur due to failure of prompt supply of boiler
steam to the DA following a rapid loss of its normal heating by turbine ex-
traction steam, while condensate continues flowing into the DA. This can
happen during the following operating upsets:
- Turbine nip;
- Load rejection;
- Ycry high DA storage tank level caused by a DA LCY failed open.
Note that the first two of these upsets lead to the poison prevent mode of
unit operation during which the LP feedheaters are inoperative, and a large
feedwater flow (about 60-70% FP) is maintained. And when large quanti-
ties of relatively cool condensate are sprayed into the DA deprived of heat-
ing stearn, DA pressure drops quickly.
Page 26
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
The last of these upsets, ie. a very high DA storage tank level also results in
loss of turbine extraction steam to the DA because the extraction steam
check valves close to prevent water induction to the turbine. Nonnally,
such a level upset results in stopping the condensate flow. With no conden-
sate sprays in the DA. its pressure stays nearly constant. But if the level
control is malfunctioning (ie. the DA LeV temoins open), large quantities of
condensate keep entering the DA, causing its pressure to drop quickly.
In all the above upsets, steam hammer is avoided if boiler stearn is promptly
valved in. But some operating problems (eg. too low a setpoint to the DA
pressure controller or a faulty valve in the boilet steam piping to the DA) can
delay this action or make it fail to happen. An excessive drop in DA pres-
sure and steam. hammer can then result as described above.
Excessively high DA pressure can also cause steam hammer, this time
in the condensate system. Here is how it can happen. Under some
iog circumstances, condensate flow to the DA ceases. This occurs, for
example, when all the main and auxiliary CEPs are unavailable or when the
DA level control valves close upon a high DA storage tank level. Since the
condensate sprays in the DA are lost, any boiler steam leaking via a pass-
ing startup or polson prevent valve can raise DA pressure fairly easily.
Since the DA spray valves (nozzles) are never leakproof, some steam can
enter the water box. From the water box, this steam can easily migrate
into the condensate piping.
If this situation persists for several minutes. large steam pockets can be
formed in the piping. When eventually the condensate begins to flow (eg.
due to reopening of the DA level control valve), the condensate pressure in-
creases rapidly, causing the stearn pockets to implode. The resultant colli-
sion of water columns can inflict severe damage to the condensate
Though excessively high DA pressure promotes formation of stearn pockets
in the condensate system. it is not an absolute condition for steam hammer
to occur there. Other scenarios which do not involve DA pressure control
problems are described in the last section of this module.
Alarge rapid drop in DA pressure can result in stearn hammer in the
feedheating system. Violent flashing of water to stearn in the DA stor-
age tank and BFP suction piping can create a water surge which can
damage the DA storage tank assembly. In addition, a large steampocket
can separate the water column in the BFP suction piping. When the
pocket implodes on rising pressure. the water colunms collide, produc
ing high pressure shock waves which can damage the feedheating sys-
'> Obj. 6.9 bi
Page 27
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
.. For simplicity, it is often
called short
'" The number is quoted for
your orientation; you do
riot have to memorize it.
Obj. 6.10 aJ
Page 28
A large and rapid drop in DApressW'e can occur when boiler steam is
not valved in fast enough following loss of normal DA heating. and
while condensate continues flowing into the DA. This can happen due
to a turbine trip, load rejection or very high DA storage tank level (if the
latter is caused by the DALey failed open) if control/mechanical prob-
lems with boiler steam supply to the DA are experienced.
Abnonna11y high DApressure can occur due to boiler steam leaks into
the DA with no condensate supply.
When excessively high DA pressW'e combined with loss of condensate
supply to the DApersists for more than a few minutes, steampocke.ts
can be formed in the highest point of the condensate system. Restora-
tion of the condensate flow causes the pockets to impkxle. The resultant
collision of water columns can produce damaging shock waves in the
condensate system.
In this section, you will learn about the adverse consequences and possible
causes of improper DA level. Normal level control and protective actions in
the event of level upsets are also desctibed.
The normal DA level is at about 75% of the storage tank height. At this
level, the water inventory in the tank is suffIcient to provide boiler feedwater
for about 5 minutes at full power, and correspondingly longer at lower
Adverse consequences and operating concerns caused by
improper DA level
Too high a DA level causes the following adverse consequences/operating
I. Risk of water induction to the turbine via the extraction steam piping.
Note that this tisk is promoted due to the DA position high above the
2. Risk of steam hammer in the feedheatiog system due to possible DA
pressure control problems as desctibed in the preceding section.
3. The required proteetive actions (stopping the extraction steam and
dumping the HP feedheater drains to the condenser) result in reduced
thermal efficiency.
This is of concern only if such operation is continued for a long period
of time.
Coune 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
The following major adverse consequences/operating concerns are caused
by excessively low DA level:
I. If the level keeps dropping, the continuity of boiler feedwater supply -
and hence. of the major reactor heat sink - is jeopardized because
the feedwater inventory in the tank may soon be depleted.
2. Chaoces for cavitation of the BFPs are increased, particularly dur-
ing low DA pressure transients.
You will recall that cavitation reduces pump capacity (hence, possible
problems with maintaining boiler levels) and, if severe enough, may
damage the BFPs, ego due to high vibration.
3. The automatic protective action on a vety low DA level (reactor sethack)
results in loss of production.
To prevent the above problems, DA level is automatically controlled. Addi-
tional actions are carried out when the control is ineffective.
Normal DA level control
Nunnally, DA level is controlled by adjusting the condensate inflow. For
better flow control, in most stations, two different sizes of control valves
are used in parallel: a smaller one during startup and at light loads, and a
larger one at medium and high loads. At least one 100% standby valve is
provided to reduce the risk of loss of flow control and allow for on-power
valve maintenance. All these valves are located at the main CEP discharge.
upstream or downstream of the LP feedheaters, depending on the station.
In addition, a small level control valve (LCV) is installed in the separate dis-
charge line of the auxiliary CEP.
At high and medium loads, DA level control incorporates typically three sig-
nals: the actual level, the condensate inflow, and tbe feedwater outflow....
The flow signals minimize level fluctuations as the level controller can "an-
ticipate" the upcoming level change and respond to it in advance. Atlight
loads and during startup, the flow signals are too small, and the control re-
verts to a single-element mode which uses only the level signal.
Actions in response to DA level upsets
Typical major autoniatic responses to DA level upsets are depicted in Fig.
6.5 on the next page.
<=> Obj. 6.10 b)
* In early CANDU units, a
single.element control
(based on the level sig-
nal) is used at all loads.
<=> Obj. 6.10 cJ
Page 29
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Tank Level
-V Very low level 81am *
Reactor setback causing turbIne runback
AuxIliary CEP starts up
Not in all stations.
Obj. 6.10 d) <=>
Page 30
~ Extraction steam check valves close
Extraction steam draln valves open
DA LCV ~ HIgh Level HPfeedhea18f' drains dumped to condenser
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _
DALCV Low Level NorrrYI Water L""
Opens -VAlarm
o ---------------------------------------
Fig. 8.5. Major automatic response. to DA level.
The general purpose of these actions is to prevent a further worsening of the
level and to protect the equipmenL The major concern caused by a high lev-
el is water induction to the LP turbines - note that the actions are quite s m ~
Jar to those carried out in response to a high feedheater drains level.
In turn, the actions perfonned upon a very low DA level attempt to conserve
the water inventory in the DA storage tank. This is why the reactor is set
back (in most stations), and the auxiliary CEP is started up. The latter ac-
tion secures adequate condensate supply to maintain reactor cooling at the
decay heat level via the boilers even if the main condensate flow path to the
DA is unavailable.
Causes of DA level Upsets
Some of the possible causes of DA level upsets are listed below:
I. Abnormally low DA level can be caused by:
a) ControVmechanicai problems with the normal DA level control, ego
stuck valves, loss of instrument air, miscalibrated controller.
b) Loss of the main condensate supply, ego due to a CEP trip, CEP
strainers clogged, valving error or major leak in the condensate sys-
tem or the boiler feed system.
c) Loss of the HP feedheater drains - note that they typically constitute
about 15% of the total inflow to the DA.
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
2. Excessively high DA level can be caused by control/mechanical prob-
lems similar to those mentioned above.
Less drastic level excursions are caused by large transients in the feedwater
flow which occur during unit upsets such as reactor trips. turbine trips or
load rejections. Fast unit loading and unloading also produce some level
Too high a DA level creates a hazard of water induction to the LP tur-
bioes. Arapid drop in DA pressure, possiblyleading to damaging
steamhammer in the feedheating system, can occur if large quantities of
condensate are still supplied to the DAdue to failure of its level control.
Finally, the required protective actions (isolation of the turbine extrac-
tion steam and dumping of the lIP feedheater drains to the condenser)
reduce the unit thermal efficiency.
Too low a DA level jeopanlizes the continuity of boiler feedwater supply
and hence, reactor cooling. Chances for cavitation of the BFPs are in-
creased. Finally, the required protective actions (unit unloading, and
possibly trip) result in loss of production.
Normally, DAlevel is controlled by adjusting the condensate inflow to
the DA. A small control valve is used during startup and at light loads,
whereas a full size valve takes over the control at higher loads. Three
signals - DA level, condensate inflow, and feedwater outflow- are
used at medium and high loads. Only the level signal is used at lower
Excessively high DA level should result in an alarm, closure of the ex-
traction steam check valves, opening of the extraction steamdrain valves,
and dumping of the lIP feedheater drains to the condenser. Preventing
water induction to the turbine is the major objective of these actions.
Too Iowa DA level should result in a low level alarmand opening of the
standby DA LCV. Upon a very low level, another alarm should be giv-
en, a reactor setback (if installed) should occur, and the auxiliary CEP
should start up. The major purpose of these actions is to secure contin-
ued supplies of boiler feedwater to provide adequate reactor cooling.
Too high a DA level can be caused by mechanical and/or control prob-
lems with the DA level control equipment Excessively low DA level
can be caused by similar contro!/mechanical problems, loss of main con-
densate supply or loss of the lIP feedheater drains.
You may now work on assignment questions 15-21.
<=> Pages 58-61
Page 31
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Obj. 6.11 a)
In some stations, they
are calledfeedwate'r reg"-
laring valves.
Page 32
During unit loading or unloading, significant changes occur in the feedheat-
ing system. The boiler, DA and hotwellieveis change, resulting in the ap-
propriate action of their control valves. The number of running CEPs and
. BFPs may change to better match the varying feedwater flow. The extrac-
tion steam flow to individual feedheaters and their drains flows change as
well. Needless to say, the feedwater temperature at the boiler preheater inlet
is affected.
Let us fIrst discuss these changes for the case of unit loading. Regardless
of the unit mode of operation (reactor lagging or leading), loading results in
increased boiler steam flow. As described in module 234-2, the hoiler lev-
el setpoint is raised, and the actual level can either follow the setpoint close-
ly (during slow loading) or experience a transient swell above the setpoint
(during fast loading). In both cases, in the long run, boiler level control
makes the boiler level control valves (BLCVs)'" open more. This sup-
plies additional feedwater to match the increased steam flow such that the re-
quired boiler level can be maintained. Recall frommodule 234-2 that in or-
der to -achieve accurate boiler level control over the whole power range,
boiler feedwater flow is controlled by two different sizes of BLCYs: the
small ones are used up to about 15-20% FP, at which point the large
BLCYs take over. Also recall that in most CANDU stations, the boiler wa-
ter inventory decreases during unit loading despite ramping up of the boiler
level setpoint. Hence, during unit loading, the feedwater flow increases
somewhat slower than the steam flow, particularly so when loading is fast
enough to cause a transient swell in the boilers.
The increased boiler feedwater flow causes the DA level to drop. In re-
sponse to it, the DA LeVopens more such that the condensate inflow can
match the feed-water outflow. Again, level control is transferred from the
stuall LCV to one of the large LCVs at about the same power level as it hap-
pens to the BLCVs.
During fast unit loading (assuming no steam discharged. to atmosphere),
hotwell level actually rises because the boiler water inventory decreases
as stated. above. In other words, water that was in the boiler is now in the
hotwell. This transfer occurs as the steam inflow to the condenser exceeds
the condensate outflow. If the hotwellievel rises enough, the condensate
reject valve opens as described on pages 9-10.
When the loading is. over, hotweillevel starts dropping due to numerous
losses of steam and water in the whole boiler steam and water cycle. Com-
pared with nonnal operation, these losses are often increased during unit
startup. For example, boiler blowdown may have to be significantly in-
creased to compensate for increased fonnation of crud in boiler feedwater.
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
This occurs mainly during unit startup due to thennal expansion of the feed-
water system components, causing some deposits to flake off. Because of
these losses, hotwell level decreases until ~ needed makeup water is
During slow unit loading. the accumulated effect of various steam. and wa-
ter losses may be predominant As a result no high hotwellievel is expe-
rienced. Instead, the level cycles around the point of makeup water addi-
As the feedwater and condensate flow rates increase, so does the number of
the operating CEPs and BFPs. Typically, loading begins with one main
CEP and one main BFP running. Other pumps are started up, manually or
automatically. when they are required.
Due to the self-regulating feature of feedheaters, their extraction steam
flow increases during turbine loading. Three factors contribute to it
First, more steam condenses when increased. feedwater/condensate flow
provides more cooling.
Second, turbine"loading results in increased extraction steam pressure and
hence. increased saturation temperature. This increases the mean tempera-
ture difference between the steam and feedwater such that more heat is
transferred resulting in increased rate of extraction steamcondensation.
Third, turbine loading increases the number of feedheaters that extract steam
from the turbine. Recall that while the LP feedheaters begin to operate as
soon as some steam flows through the turbine, the HP feedheaters start ex-
tracting turbine steam at about 25-50% FP, and the DA at about 35-70%
FP, depending on the station. At lower loads, no extraction steam flows to
these heaters.
As for the HP and LP teedheater drains, their flows change in unison
with the extraction steam flows.
Feedwater temperature at the boiler preheater inlet changes with tur-
bine load as follows:
1. At light loads, when the HP feedheaters are inoperative, the tem-
perature stays nearly constant. As the final stage of feedheating oc-
curs in the DA, the final feedwater temperature is defined by the DA out-
let temperature. The latter depends on DA pressure (saturation condi-
tions, remember?) which, in turn, is maintained at a nearly constant lev-
el by the DA pressure controiler admitting more and more boiler steam
when unit load is being raised.
2. When unit loading is continued further, the final feedwater temperature
rises steadily and reaches its maximum at full power. This happens
... Recall from module 2341
how turbine interstage
pressures vary with load.
Page 33
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obi. 6.11 bl
Pages 61-62
Page 34
a) In this load range, the HP feedbeaters become operative.
b) The extraction steam and various drains that are used for feed-
heating become progressively botter with increasing turbine
load. When turbine interstage pressures rise with turbine load. the
saturation temperatme of the extraction steam and. drains used for
feedheating also increases. As a result, the outlet feedwater temper-
ature in eacb feedheater increases during unit loading. This applies
also to the pA, as soon as boiler steam is valved out.
To keep it short, tbe major events and cbanges that occur in the feedheat-
ing system during unit unloading are opposite to what bappens during
During unit loading, boiler level rises following the rising se!point and,
if loading is fast enough. due to transient swell of boiler water. The
BLCVs open more to adntit enough boiler feedwater for proper level
The increased boiler feedwater flow causes the DA level to drop. In re-
sponse, the DA LCV opens more.
Duringfast unit loading. hotwellievel increases as some water invento-
ry is being transferred from the boilers to the hotwells. This may re-
quire condensate reject valve operation. Eventually, the level drops due
to various losses of steam and feedwater. During slow loading, steam
and feedwater losses are predominant, causing the hotwellievel to cycle
about the point at which makeup water additions occur.
The number of operating CEPs and BFPs increases with unit load
Subsequent pumps are started up, either manually or automatically, as
Extraction steamand feedheater drains flows increase duting turbine
At light loads. when the HP feedheaters are inoperative, the final feed-
waler temperature stays approximately constant At higher loads. the
temperature rises steadiJy, reaching the maximum at full power.
During unit unloading, the opposite changes occur.
You may now work on assignment questions 2224.
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
Adverse consequences and operating concerns
When feedwater temperature at the boiler preheater inlet is too lo\y. large
thenna! stresses are created in the preheater. Recall that two types of pre-
heaters (built-in and external) are osed in different CANDU stations. Natu-
rally, their different designs affect which components experience the largest
stresses when the feedwater supply is too cool. Neglecting these station
specific differences, it can be stated that in the extreme case, excessive
thermal stresses may cause:
I. Preheater tube failure, resulting in a 0,0 leak with all its adverse
consequences, as covered in module 234-2 where a boiler tube leak is
2. Feedwater inlet nozzle or preheater shell failure possibly leading
to a loss of feedwater accident and hence, loss of boilers as the primary
heat sink for the reactor.
To prevent these consequences. a limit is imposed in most stations on the
maximum temperature difference (<lT) between the preheater and the enter-
ing feedwater. The preheater temperature is assumed to be equal to the bnil-
er water saturation temperature (for built-in preheaters) or the 0,0 outlet
temperature (for external preheaters). The imposed <IT limit (abnut 130-
ISO'C, depending on the station) is conservative enough to make the abnve
failures very unlikely in a single event of a mcxlerate excursion above its
limit. However, arepeated violation of this limit can eventually result in fa-
tigue failure of the stressed components.
Unit operating conditions when the AT limit might be
Note that during normal operation, preheater temperature is abnut 250'C,
and feedwater temperature abnut 170C. Thus, the preheater inlet T = 250
- 170 = SO'C, ie. far below its Untit. However, the limit can be ap-
proached and possibly exceeded during the following unit operating
- Unit shutdown when reactor cooling is provided through the bnilers op-
erating at nonna! pressure;
- Unit startup and operation atUghtloads;
- Poison prevent operation.
Listed below are the reasons why these operating states promote ap-
proaching/exceeding ofthe <IT limit:
<=> Obj. 6.12 a)
<=> Ubj. 6.12 bi
Page 35
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
'" The condensate inlet
temperature can drop
from the normal 125-
150'C to 30'C, and
sometimes even lower.
'" llS-130'C, depending
on me station.
Obj. 6.12 cJ <=>
Page 36
1. Feedwater temperature at the boiler preheater inlet is lowered
due to the following reasons:
a) No feedheating occurs in the HP feedheaters because their heat"
sources are unavailable;
b) The DA cannot maintain its normal outlet temperature. let alone
compensate for the loss of the HP feedheaters. The following fac-
tors contribute to it:
i) The DA inlet condensate temperature is significantly re-
duced". mainly because the LP feedheaters are inoperative:
their heat sources are either unavailable or only slightly warmer
than the condensate.
This temperature is lowered even more when large quantities of
very cool makeup water enter the condensate system. For ex-
ample, this can happen during poison prevent operation in win-
ter in the stations with no CSDVs.
ii) The ability of the DA to raise condensate temperature is
limited. Note that to maintain the required condensate outlet
temperature*, the DA must supply ~ times as much heat to
each kilogramof the condensate as during normal full power
2. In some stations which use boilers with built-in preheaters, boiler
pressure is ramped up with decreasing reactor power. Hence, dur-
ing hot unit shutdown and startup, the boiler saturation temperature
reaches the maxim_ thereby contributing to increased aT at the pre-
heater inlet
Of course, any coincidental trouble with DA pressure control (eg. sticky
valves) may further aggravate the aTproblem.
Preventive/mitigating actions
To avoid approaching/exceeding the 6T limit, the following preventive
actions should be.taken:
1. During unit startup from acold shutdown state, condensate in the DA
storage tank should be sufficiently prewarmed before admitting it to
the boilers. The electric immersion heaters in the DA storage tank are
the preferred heat source. Because prewarming may take up to 36-48
hours, the heaters should be switched on sufficiently early in the course
of startup. If a shorter prewarming time is reqttired, the heaters can be
assisted by one or two BFPs operating in the recirculation mode (recall
that this should be done only when absolutely necessary because it
shortens equipment life).
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
2. Boiler steam to the DA should be placed in service without any de-
lay, and proper DA pressure should be maintained. Any excessive
drop in this pressure should be promptly rectified, ego by raising the
controller setpoint or admitting boiler steamvia another PCV.
Most often, the above actions are successful so that the DA,can supply boil-
er feedwater hot enough to satisfy the dT limit. However, under some op-
erating circumstances (eg. malfunctioning DA pressure control), the DA
may not be able to provide adequate feedheating because the available flow
of boiler steam may be too smail for the existing feedwater flow. To re-
turn the excessive AT to an acceptable level, the feedwater flow
through the DA must be reduced (causing the DA outlet temperature, and
bence, the preheater inlet temperature to rise) and/or the preheater tempera-
ture must be decreased. The following actions can be taken to achieve
1. Reactor power reduction.
This action decreases heat input to the boilers, and hence their steaming
rate. As the boiler feedwater demand decreases, so does the feedwater
flow through the DA The available boiler steammay then be sufficient
to maintain satisfaetory'DAoutlet temperature.
2. Gradual reduction in boller pressure.
The purpose of this action is to reduce the preheater temperature. Be-
cause boilers operate in saturation conditions, reduced boiler pressure
decreases the boiler water saturation temperature. Recall that this tem-
perature is considered as the preheater temperature in the case of built-in
What about external preheaters? Note that when the boiler water is
cooier, so is the lIT 0,0 at the boiler outlet (assuming constant reactor
power) such that the mean temperature difference between the two fluids
is maintained. This 0,0 then enters the preheater. Hence, the 0,0
temperature at the preheater outlet decreases. You will recall that this
temperature affects the preheater dT in the case of external preheaters.
As you can see. this action is effective regardless of the preheater type.
Excessive temperature difference between the boiler preheater and the
entering feedwater can cause preheater failure due to large thermal
stresses. A0,0 leak or loss of feedwater - with their attendant adverse
consequences - can result.
Exceeding of the preheater inlet dTlintit can occur during hot unit shut-
down, unit startup and operation at light loads, or during poison prevent
Obj. 6.12 d)
Page 37
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Pages 6364 <:=>
During these operating states. all feedheating is performed essentially in
the DA which cannot make up for the unavailability of the other feed-
heaters. Because the DA cudet temperature decreases. the preheater in-
let iI.T !intit can be appreached or even exceeded.
The preventive actions. include sufficient prewamting of the DA storage
tank. water inventory, and proper DA pressure control when boiler steam
is used for feedheating there.
If the il.T !intit has been exceeded, a reactor power reduction or a gradual
boiler cooldown can be carried out to return the il.T to an acceptable level.
You may now work on assignment questions 25-27.
In this section, you will learn about the effects of loss of some feedheaters
on the final feedwater temperantre. extraction steam and drains flows in the
remaining feedheaters. thermal efficiency of the unit, and the generator out-
put. Major reasons why some unit derating may be necessary will be also
First, recall the typical arrangement of feedheaters in CANDU units, as
shown in Fig. 6.6. Nunnally. both banks (A and B) of the LP and HP
feedheaters are kept in service. When a serious operational problem
arises (eg. a feedheater tube rupture). the faulty feedheater must be valved
out for equipment protection and personnel safety. However. the typical ar-
rangement of feedwater piping and isolating valves is such that individual
feedhealers cannol be valved oul. Instead. a whole bank of feedheal-
ers must be removed from service. In most stations, the isolation is per-
formed on the feedwater side by closing the isolating valves at the inlet and
Page 38
Fig. 6.8. Arrangement of feedheaters In CANDU units.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxililries - Mnill1le Six
outlet of the faulty feedheater bank. You may recall that in some stations,
individual HP feedheaters can be isolated on the steam side.
When either of the LP and/or HP feedheater banks is valved out, unit
operation can be continued because the feedwater flow path to the boilers
is still available. In the stations where the HP feedheaters can be isolated on
the steam s ~ it is possible to keep the unit in service even with both banks
of these heaters isolated. While, in principle, full unit output can be main-
tained in the single bank ntode of feedbeater operatioo, a significant loss of
feedbeating (ie. more than one bank) may f""", some unit derating, typically
less than 10% of full power. More information about this is provided later
in this section.
Unlike the LP and HP feedbeaters, only one DA is installed. Therefore, its
unavailability (although very unlikely to occur) can force a unit shutdown
as there is no feedwater bypass around the DA. In addition, operation with
a faulty DA would increase concentration of gases in feedwater and steam,
causing accelerated corrosion of the boilers. feedwater system, turbine, etc.
For these reasons, it is assumed in this section that the DA remains in ser-
vice whereas loss of feedbeating is limited only to some LP and/or HP feed-
Effects of loss of some feedheaters on unit operation
We will frrst discuss the effect of loss of a single bank of feedbeaters on the
extraction steam and feedheater drains flows in the feedheaters remaining in
Recall that due to their self-regulating feature, feedheaters condense more
extraction steam when the feedwater flow increases and/or its inlet tempera-
ture decreases. Let us first consider the feedbeaters operating in the sin-
gle bank mode. Compared with nonna! (double bank) operation, the feed
water flow essentially doubles, assuming the boiler feedwater demand
stays unchanged The drastically increased feedwater flow enhances heat
transfer in these heaters due to the following effects:
The mean steam-to-feedwater temperatme difference across the tubes in-
creases due to a reduction in the average feedwater temperature in the
feedbeater tubes. TheJatter occurs because a single bank of feedbeaters
cannot raise feedwater temperature as much as it can when the other
bank is in service.
Convection of heat from the feedheater tubes is enhanced because feed-
water velocity in the tubes is twice as high as during normal operation.
It is important to realize that the improved heat transfer does not com
pensate entirely for the loss of the sister bank of feedheaters. For
this to happen, the bank remaining in service would have to transfer twice
as much heat as during normal operation (because the feedwater flow
~ Obj. 6.13 a) i)
* The overall heat transfer
coefficient increases
much less than the water
velocity, though.
Page 39
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APpROVAL ISSUE
through this bank has doubled), with no change in the mean steam-to-
feedwater temperature difference across the tubes (because the feedwater
temperature rise is assumed unchanged). Clearly, these two requirements
are mutually exclusive. In reality. the feedwater temperature rise is re-
duced to about 75-85% or its normal value. Not bad, considering that the
available tube surface area is reduced to 50%.
Note that this single bank of feedheaters now consumes much more steam
than its normal 50% share. For example, if the stearn flow is changed from
50% to 80%, the relative increase is (80 - 50) I 50 =0.6 =60%. Conse-
quently, the reedbeater drains now also increases by 60%. This in-
crease is too large for the drains to be handled in the J:1onnal cascade ar-
rangement Therefore, when feedheaters operate in the single bank mode,
their drains cascade lines are isolated, and the drains dump valves open,
discharging the drains directly to the condenser. This changes the
drains flows in the individual feedheaters in this bank. Consider, for exam-
ple, the LP feedheaters shown in Fig. 6.7. .
.) Normtll double b8nk operation
Not.: SINm vtd ...,.". fft1'M In bMk 'S' '"
i :1 i
lo,llm O.ll", lo,llm
b) Single bank oper.'lon
i I I
10.8m 108m [0.8m
-fYf. ptju. p\J-
, , :
,---------------, : ,----------------
t , t .
To CCH"ldIIn...
Fig. 8.7. Approxlm.'ffacI of r-dh'er mod. of opertldon on
.xtrtlcllon .t_m lind r-dhUlllr dr.ln. f10W11:
- FHlttntw ---- ExtraeIlonllMm ------ Orw.inl
For simplification, it is assumed that during nonnaloperation each feedheat-
erpair (eg. lA+ IB) shares the total extraction stearn flow (Jil) equally, and
that this flow drops to 80% during single bank operation. By comparing
parts a) and b) of this drawing, you can see that the 3A heater operates with
increased. drains flow, whereas the drain flows in the other two heaters are
Page 40
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
How are the remaining feedheaters affected'! To answer this question. let us
discuss separately two major cases.
Case A: Loss of one bank of LP feedbeaters.
As described above, the LP feedheaters remaining in service cannot make
up eluirely for this loss. As a result. cooler condensate enters the DA. Due
to its self-regulating feature, the DA extracts more steam from the tur-
bine. Assuming a constant turbine load, and igooring small pressure losses
in the DA extraction steam piping, extradion steam pressure in the DA
remains approximately constant. Hence, the extraction steam condenses
in the DA at rougbly the same uncbanged saturstion temperature. And be-
cause the DA - wbere steam and condensate mix thoroughly together - op-
erates in saturation conditions, the outlet condensate temperature stays
Since the feedwater flow and inlet temperature in the HP feedbeaters are
not changed. their extraction steam and drains nows remain un..
cbanged, too.
Case B: Loas of one bank of HP feedbeaters.
Assuming that the feedwater flow remains o n s t n ~ operation of tbe LP
feedbeaters, and (in most stations) of tbe DA Is nol affected for the
following reasons:
The LP feedbeater lUbe smace area bas not been reduced;
The condensate inlet temperature stays the same (assuming approximate-
ly constant condenser pressure);
The extraction steampressure and temperature remain unchanged (as-
suming that the turbine steampressure profile bas not cbanged mucb);
In most stations, supply of the HP feedbeater drains to the DA is contin-
ued because the standby drains pump in the HP feedbeater bank in ser-
vice starts up and helps the duty pump handle the increased drains flow .
Based on the above, let us now discuss, the effect on Ibe final feedwater
temperature (ie. at the boiler preheater inlet).
In case A, this temperature is not affected because the DA and the re-
maining bank of the LP feedheaters compensate entirely for the loss. In
case B, this temperature decreases because there are no other feedheat
ers downstream. The decrease is, however, minimized by the remaining
bank of the HP feedheaters where heat transfer is enhanced as described
The largest decrease in the final feedwater temperature happens when both
banks of the HP heaters are isolated only on the steam side, allowing for
feedwater flow to the boilers. You will recall that such operation of the HP
heaters is possible only in a few units.
... In some units, no stand-
by HP feedheater drains
pumps are fitted. Because
Ihe single drains pump
cannot handle Ihe in
creased flow, some drains
get dumped to the con-
denser. Since the heat of
Ihe dumped drains is lost
for the DA. its extraction
steam flow increases
slightly due to the self-
regulating feature.
<=> Obj. 6.13 a) ii)
Page 41
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.13 a) iii)
The above changes in the extraction stearn and feedheater drains flows, and
possibly in the fmal feedwater temperature, decrease the thermal efficiency
of the unit. Before we list the contributing factors, let us fIrst make two ob-
servations regarding changes in extraction steam flows caused by removal
of a feedheater bank from service.
First, the total flow of extraction steam is reduced. This is obvious in
case B, where the remaining bank of the HP feedheaters extracts less heat
than normally both banks do, while opetation of the LP heatelS and the DA
is not changed. In case A, the effect is more difficult to notice because
changes to the DA and LP feedheater extraction steam flows are opposite.
However note that, compared with the LP heaters, the DA uses hotter steam
which possesses more heat. Therefore, the DA uses less steam than the LP
feedheaters to supply a given amount of heat to feedwater.
When less steam is extracted from the turbine, more stearn is exhausted to
the condenser, assuming that the turbine inlet pressure remains unchanged.
As a result, condenser pressure increases slightly, causing each kilogmm of
turbine steam to do less work. In addition, moisture removal from the tur-
bine is hindered due to reduced steam extraction.
The second observation is that the normal distribution of extraction
steam to individual feedheaters is upset: some of them take more steam,
and others less, than during normal operation. This changes the flow of
turbine steam between various extraction points, and consequently, the tur-
bine steampressure profile. This is illustrated in Fig. 6.8, where a simpli-
fied nubine with only one extraction point is shown.
Page 42
From boiler
, To condenMl'
, :
, ,
\ j
\ ,extraeUon :
, \ : .11NIITI now :
_-c -'i..,/ :
P, .-:-_ _.__ \ i
, '... ,
: Nonnal,...... :
: operation, ...... "":
o 2
Fig. 6.8. Effect of reduced extraction steam flow (m,)
on the turbln. steam prsure profile.
(Symbolxplalned In fAlxtj
When the extraction
steam flow (mt) is
reduced, more
steam (mt_V flows
through the down-
stream stages of the
turbine. To over-
come turbine resis-
tance to the in-
creased flow, the
iulet pressure (Pt)
lO this group of
stages must in-
crease. Assuming
that constant turbine
inlet pressure (Po) is
maintained, the .
flow (tho-,) through
the fmt group of
stages decreases
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
due to the increased backpressure (PI). The net result is that the turbine in-
let steam flow is reduced, and the pressure ratios in both groups of stages
have deviated from their normal values. Needless to say. turbine emden..
cy and output are affected.
Let us now gather the factors that contribute to reduced thermal efficiency of
the unit due to removal of some feedheaters from service:
1. More beat must be suppUed in the boiler preheaters to eacb kilogram
of feedwater wben its inlet temperature is reduced.
2. Eacb kilogram of turbine steam performs sUgbtly less work due to a
small increase in condenser pressure. The latter happens because the
condenser thermal load is increased for two reasons:
a) The turbine exhaust steamflow is i n r ~ as explained above.
b) Some feedheater drains are dumped directly to the condenser.
3. Turbine emciency is sligbtly reduced due to two effects:
a) More moistme is left in the turbine when the total extraction steam
flow is reduced.
b) Some turbine stages operate off their optimumpressure ratio due to
changes in the turbine steam pressure profile".
Though none of the above effects is strong, together they can reduce the
thermal efficiency of the unit bY a few percent
What bappens to generator output depends on tbe unit mode of opera-
tion. ht the reactor lagging mode, the overail unit controi attempts to main-
tain generator output at its setpoint. To achieve it, reactor power (and
bence, the turbine steam flow).must be sufficiently increased to compensate
for reduced thermal efficiency. This automatic control action mayor may
not be successful, depending on the limits on the maximum reactor power
and opening of the governor valves.
In the reactor leading mode, where reactor power is typically kept constant.
the generator output decteases proportionally with the reduced thenna! effi-
ciency of the unit. A manual adjustment of the reactor power setpoint is
therefore required to return to the full generator output. Success of this ac
tion would depend on the aforementioned limits regarding reactor power
and the governor valves.
The above description is valid under the assumption that no unit derating is
necessary. However, a significant ioss of feedheaters (more than one bank)
may force some unit derating (up to 10% of full power), regardless of the
mode of unit operation. Why this action may be necessary is explained in
the next section of the module.
Recall from module
234-1 that this causes
turbine stages to oper
ate less efficiently.
<=> Obj. 6.13 a) iv)
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Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Obj. 6.13 b)
Page 44
In the typical arrangement of feedheaters used in CANDU units, indi-
vidual feedheaters cannot be isolated when a serious operatioual prob-
lem arises. Instead, a whole bank of heaters must be removed from ser-
In the feedbeaters operating in the single bank mode, the feedwater flow
doubles. The enhanced heat1I1U1sfer that results, increases the extrac-
tion steam flow from the 50% of the normal total flow to about 75-85%.
When a bank of the LP feedheaters is isolated, the DA extracts more
steam from the turbine and. maintains the nonnal condensate outlet tem-
perature. Therefore, the extraction steam and feedheater dtains flows in
the HP heaters remain unchanged. So does the final feedwater tempera-
Valving out a bank of the HP feedheaters increases the extraction stearn
and feedheater dtains flows in the remaining bank of these heaters. In
addition, the DA extraction stearn flow is increased slightly. Operation
of the LP feedbeaters is not affected. The final feedwater temperature is
The feedheater drains flow changes in unison with the extraction steam
flow. In the heaters operating in the single bank mode, the normal
dtains cascade lines are isolated, and the dtains are dumped to the con-
When some feedheaters are valved out, the unit thenna! efficiency is re-
duced because condenser pressure is slightly increased, turbine efficien-
cy is reduced, and the boiler may have to supply somewhat more heat
per kilogram of feedwater.
The effect of feedheater isolation on the generator output depends on the
unit operation mode. In the reactor leading mode, the output decreases
proportionally with the thermal efficiency of the unit. In the reactor lag-
ging mode, the output is maintained. constant if reactor power and tur-
bine steam flow can be increased enough to compensate for the reduced
thermal efficiency. In both modes of operation, sOme derating may be
necessary if the feedheater loss is excessive.
Unit derating due to isolation of too many feedheaters
from service
In principle, the LP and HP feedbeaters can operate in the single bank mode
with no need to derate the generator output. However, a significant loss of
feedbeaters (usually more than one bank) may force some unit derating for
anyone of the following reasons:
I. To prevent damage to some of the feedheaters remaining in
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
As explained earlier, valving out some of the feedheaters results in in-
creased feedwater and/or extraction steam and drains flows in some of
the remaining feedheaters.
Eventually, the increased steam and feedwater flows can damage some
of these heaters through increased impingement, flow induced vibra-
tion and erosion. In addition, feedheater tubes and baffles in the drains
subcooling section can be quickly devastated by steam hammer. The
latter is initiated by the drains flashing to steamwhen the pressure in the
drains subcooling section decreases excessively. The cause of it is in-
creased friction losses due to the large drains flow (recall that friction
losses increase rapidly with the flow velocity).
To prevent feedheater damage, it may be necessary to limit the steam,
drains, and feedwater flow rates. This is why some derating may be reo
2. To prevent overstressing and accelerated erosion of some tur-
bine components.
Since the total extraction steamflow to all the feedheaters remaining in
service is reduced in comparison with nonna! operation, the steam flow
and pressure drops in the last stages of the LP turbine are increased.
This results in increased stresses in the blades and diaphragms of
the affected stages, and may increase the thrust hearing load. In
addition. since less steamis extracted from the turbine, more moisture is
left, promoting faster erosion of turbine components.
To prevent these adverse effects. some derating may be necessary.
3. To prevent hailer pressure drop.
Recall that any feedheater isolation decreases the unit thermal efficiency
so that reactor power must be increased to maintain generator output. If
a limit on the reactor power is reached before the DOnna! generator
output is restored, a certain reduction in the latter must be accepted Any
attempt to load the generator further (assuoting that the governor valves
can admit more steam to the turbine). would result in aboiler pressure
decrease as more heat would be removed with the steam than the reactor
could supply. Recall from module 234-3 that in response to low boiler
pressure, the BPC program (backed by the low boiler pressure unloader
in the turbine governing system)'would automatically unload the turbine
generator. Hence, unit derating would automatically happen.
4. To prevent exceeding the operating limits on the CCW tempera-
ture rise and the emuent temperature.
When thermal efficiency of the unit is reduced. reactor power must be
increased in order to maintain generator output. This results in more
heat rejected in the condenser to CCW. As a result, the CCW tem-'
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Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Pages 6466 <:=>
Page 46
perature rise and the station effluent temperature rise. Under some oper-
ating circumstances (eg. a hot sununer day). this may be enough to e x ~
ceed the associated limits. Aminor derating of the unit may be neces-
sary. as outlined in the previous module.
The above list is by no means complete. Other feedheating-related problems
may also require some unit derating. For example, loss of normal DA heat-
ing by turbine exttaetion steam would result in automatic supply of boiler
steam to the DA. The DA pressure would decrease, resulting in a corre-
sponding decrease in the fmal feedwater temperature. To compensate for
these. effects, reactor power would. have to be raised. IT its limit were
reached. unit unloading on low boiler pressure may occur as described in
point 3 above.
As for the magnitude of the required unit derating for different combinations
of feedheaters valved out, it should be specified in the appropriate operating
manual, based on the data provided by the turbine and feedheater manufac-
turers. The amount is typically in the order of 5-10% of full power. When.
a CCW temperature limit is exceeded, the required unit derating can be easi-
ly calculated, assunting that the CCW temperature rise is approximately pro-
portional to the station MWe output,
A fmal remark: it is enough to remember any three of the above four items
to meet the corresponding training objective (116.13 b).
When too many feedheaters are valved out. some unit derating may be
necessary in order to prevent fl:Cdheater damage. overstressing and ~
celerated erosion of turbine components. or exceeding of the CCW op-
erationallimits. Boiler pressure control would also reduce generator
output if reactor power could not meet the turbine steam demand.
You may now work on I18Signment questions 28-32.
Interunit feedwater tie (lUFWT)
ht the majority of multiunit stations, the availability of an adequate supply of
boiler feedwater is increased by cross-connecting the BFPs and boilers of
different units via a conunon header, as shown in Fig. 6.9.
_m r.;;;::
Coone 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
tom BlCV, and
HP IMdhMtera
In OIlier
Fig. e.9. Simplified Intenmlt feedwllter tl.
In a multiunit CANDU .atlon.
The flow capacity of the lUFWT is about 3% of the full power feedwater
flow of one unit. This is suffteient to provide adequate cooling of a tripped
reactor, when only the decay heat and lIT pump heat must be removed.
The IDFWT is nonnally kept in the poised state. with the isolating valves
closed as shown above. A sm.a11 flow is maintained through the warming
lines to keep the system warm and to ensure that it is always fIlled with wa-
ter. This practice prevents thermal shock and water hammer when the sys-
tem start.s supplying feedwater.
Upon a total lass of feedwater'" inanyunit, the proper isolating valves are
automatically opened, allowing for feedwater supply from the BFPs of the
operating units to the boilers of the affected unit. Note in Fig. 6.9 that two
flow paths are available to supply feedwater to the incident unit:
fro!l..l: Via the BFP discharge header and then the rest of the feedwater sys-
tem. This is the preferred path because the BLCVs can control boil-
er levels - hence, no need for manual level control. The path is
available only when loss of feedwater is caused by a total loss of the
BFPs, whereas the rest of the feedwater system in the affected unit
is fine.
f.II!!l.1: Directly to the boilers. This path is used when the normal feedwater
flow path in the affected unit is unavailable due to a large break,
valve failure, etc.
<=> Obj. 6.14 a)
<=> Obj. 6.14 b)-c)
Recall that this can be
caused by a loss of all
BFPs (mains and auxil-
iary), a large break in
the feedwater system, or
a valve failure/error iso-
lating the nonna! feed-
water flow path to the
Page 47
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
The IDFWT is required to operate upon a total loss of feedwater in any
Whenthis happens, the proper isolating valves in the IUFWT are auto-
matically opened, allowing for feedwater supply to the boilers of the in-
cident unit from the BFPs of the operating units.
The flow capacity of the IDFWT is about 3% of the full power feedwa-
ter flow of one unit. This allows for adequate cooling of the triPPed re-
Combined unavailability of the auxiliary BFP and the
Obj. 6.15 b) <=>
Note that proper operation
of this pump requires that
the DA level control, the
auxiliary CBP and the
makeup water system be
available. When any one
of them is not, the auxil-
iary BFP is considered un-
available, too.
This is explained in the
next section of the module.
Obj. 6.15 a) <=>
Page 48
When the auxiliary BFP and the IDFWT are both unavailable (due to
maintenance work or equipment failures), the unit is deprived of the major
backup feedwater supply. This backup supply is very important because it
can maintain adequate reactor cooling via the boilers in the event of loss of
normal feedwater supply by the main BFPs. Though the combined unavail-
ability of the auxiliary BFP and the IDFWT creates no immediate hazard to
the unit (after ail, feedwater is still being supplied by the main BFPs). pro-
longed operation in this condition increases chances for a coinci
denial loss of normal feedwater supply. ego due to a loss of class IV
If this happened, the unit would experience a total loss of boiler feedwa-
ter which would jeopardize the major reactor beat sink. Also, the
boilers may be subjected to unfavourable operating conditions due
to uncovering boiler tubes and, possibly, the use of the emergency boiler
cooling system and/or the emergency water system (depending on the sta-
tion). The tube uncovering would hoppen during a HT system cooldown
performed in order to place an alternate reactor heat sink (the shutdown or
maintenance cooling system. depending on the station) in service in an or-
derly manner. Alternatively, the shutdown cooling system would have to
be valved in at elevated temperature. reducing the system's life expectancy
due to large thermal stresses.
To enhance reactor safety, and to minimize chances for the aforementioned
adverse operating conditions, a time limit (usually about 8-24 hours) is im-
posed on the sustained combined unavailability of the auxiliary BFP and the
IUFWT. When neither one can be returned to service within the time limit,
the operator must shut down and cool down tbe reactor in a controlled
manner. This action, performed when normal feedwater supply is still
available, allows the operator to prewarm and place an alternate heat sink in
service without compromising reactor safety. Also, this does not subject
the boilers to the unfavourable operating conditions mentioned above.
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
. The reactor must be shut down and cooled down in an orderly manner,
before the limit on the sustained unavailability of the auxiliary BFP and
the IUFWT is exceeded.
This action, performed when the normal feedwater supply is still availa-
ble, allows the operator to place an alternate heat sink for the reactor in
service in an orderly manner. As a result, reactor safety is not compro-
mised and potential adverse operating conditions in the boilers are
Other sources of boiler cooling water
Though very unlikely, a total loss of feedwater can happen. This would
require both the normal (via main BFPs) and the auxiliary (via auxiliary
BFP or IUFWT) supplies of feedwater to be unavailable at the same time.
When neither one can be quickly restored, either one QI' both of the follow-
ing systems (depending on the station) can be used to supply cooling water
to the boilers:
I. Emergency boiler cooling system (EBCS) also known as the boiler
emergency cooling system (BECS).
This system. is installed in some CANDU stations, and supplies cooling
water to the boilers only.
2. Emergency water system (EWS) also known as the emergency ser-
vice water system (ESWS).
The system is installed in newer CANDU stations. It supplies cooling
water not only to the boilers, but also to other critical loads such as the
reactor vault coolers, lIT pump gland cooler, etc.
Since these systems differ significantly. their detailed description is left to
station specific training. Nevertheless, they have the following features in
- Raw, chemically untreated water is used forlong-tenn'" heatremova!;
- The cooling water supplied to the boilers is at ambient temperature,
ie. not preheated:
- Boiler pressure must be drastically reduced before cooling water
can be fed into the boilers.
Of course, the use of raw cooling water would result in contamination of
the hoilers. Hence, a thorough cleanup would be required to avoid prema-
ture failure due to corrosion. In addition, the boilers would be subjected to
thermal shock due to the low temperature of the cooling water. For these
reasons, the EBCS/EWS are the least preferable emergency heat sink for the
reactor. They are used only when other methods of heat removal from the
lIT system have failed.
<=> Obj. 6.16 a)
In most stations, demi
neralized water (stored in
a special tank) is used
for the fIrSt 30 min.
When its inventory is
gone, and the boilers are
still needed as a heat
sink, raw water is
pumped into the boilers.
<=> Obj. 6.16 b)
Page 49
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
In the event of a total loss of all other sources of boiler feedwater, the
EBCS (or EWS, dependiog on the station) can provide cooling water to
the boilers.
Boiler pressure must be drastically reduced before either system can
supply water to the boilers.
In most stations, both systems are the least preferable emergency heat
sink for the reactor because they result in themtal shock to the boilers as
well as their contamination (if raw water is used).
Page. 66-67
Obj. 6.17
.. In some stations, the
system layout is such
that the auxiliary CEP
cannot be used to prime
the condenJ:ate system.
In this cue, one of the
main CEPs must be used
for this purpose.
.. See pages 17-18 for
Page 50
You may now work on assignment questions 33-35.
Operational experience in many power stations in the world shows that in
the feedheating system, damaging steam or water hammer can be caused by
several improper operating practices and/or some equipment failures. One
of these causes, namely DA pressure control problems, has been described
earlier in this module. Described below are other causes:
I. Improper pump startup techniques:
a) Pump started with its discharge valve fully open.
b) Pump started with voided discharge lines (if the pump capacity is
large enough to result in priming of these lines too quickly).
In both cases, the water flow increases rapidly, and impinges abruptly
on the pump discharge lines, particularly in the places where the direc-
tion of flow is forced to change (elbows, tees, valves, heat exchangers,
etc.). Large pressure surges and impact forces result, with possible
equipment damage.
Regarding system priming, the right technique is to use a small pump
(eg. the auxiliary - rather than a main - CEP)*, and to throttle the flow.
2. Failure to drain the extraction steam andlor the boiler steam to the DA
lines (eg. due to malfunction of a drain valve or steam trap).
This can result in slugs of water driven by high velocity steam. Their
impact on pipe elbows, headers, valves, etc. may result in failure.
3. A very low feedbeater drains level can result in steam and water
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries _ Module Six
4. Loss of condensate flow through the gland steam condenser and
air ejector condenser'" without isolating their steam loads.
This can he caused by improper shutdown practices (eg. shutting down
the condensate systemprior to the gland steam sealing system), loss of
all CEPs, or fallure of the CEP recirculation line to maintain the required
niinimum flow of condensate. In any case, given enough time, loss of
cooling to these condensers will eventually result in formation of
steam pockets in the condensate. When the condensate flow is re-
stored, the pockets condense (due to increased pressure), resulting in vi-
olent water hammer due to collision of water columns previously sep-
arated by the steamvoids.
5..Sustained loss of condensate or feedwater flow combined with ex-
cessive water leakage out of the system.
This is a bit similar to the scenario described in point 4 because it also
involves formation of steampockets. In order to understand why this
can happen, one must realize that in reality no fluid systemis perfectly
leakproof. Even when the pumps are stopped, water can leak through
various valves, pipe flanges, etc. When the leakage out of the sys-
tem exceeds the leakage in, system pressure decreases and can
eventually reach the saturation pressure. If the pressure tends to
dtop further, vapour pockets are formed in the highest points of the
system where the local hydrostatic pressure is relatively low (of course,
any heat input to the water, whose example is given in point 4, pro-
motes this process).
Consider, for example, the condensate system shown in apullout dia-
gram (Fig. 6.10 a) on page 69. When the condensate flow to the DA is
stopped due to the closure of the DA LCVon high DA level, the water
trapped in the long vertical pipe run to the DA can gradually leak out.
Some of the possible leakage paths include DA spray valves, pipeline
drain and vent valves, or the DA LCV stem gland. When the leakage
past the closed DA LCV cannot compensate for the total out-leakage, the
condensate pressure starts decreasing. Given enough time. the pressure
may drop enough for vapour pockets to start forming in the highest
point, ie. in the horizontal pipe at the DA inlet. Note that for this to hap-
pen, stearn leakagefrom the DA into the condensate piping is not a nec-
essary condition - it merely promotes the steampocket formation.
A potentially worse situation occurs when all the CEPs are tripped for a
prolonged period of time (say, 20-30 minutes) because this opens more
out-leakage paths. For example, leakage can occur through the CEP re-
circulation line control valve passing. or the condensate reject valve
passing or held open by the hotwell level controller.
In a similar way, ste8mlwater hammer can occur in the boiler feed sys-
tem, where out-leakage is promoted by high system pressure, whereas
boiling by high temperature.
Recall that the air ejec-
tor condenser is installed
only in some stations.
fJage Sl
Course 234 - Turbine and AuxiliarieJl - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
Pages 67-68 *
Page 52
Note that a short.lasting interruption in the condensate/feedwater
now (up to several minutes) is usually of no concern. There is just not
enough time for large vapour pockets to form in the piping. However,
if the flow interruption lasts longer than that, precautions must be taken
to avoid damaging waler hammer while reestablishing the flow. De-
tailed practices to achieve this are left to station specific training.
Typical causes of steam or water hammer in the feedheating system in-
clude improper pump startup techniques, inadequate draining of the
heating steam pipelines, very low feedheater drains level, and fonnation
of steampockets in the condensatelfeedwater system.
Improper pump startup techniques can result in water hammer due to the
flow increasing rapidly and impinging abruptly on the pump discharge
Inadequate drainage of the heating steam lines to feedheaters can cause
water hammer due to slugs of water driven by high velocity steam.
Steam/water hammer occurs when water columns, previously separated
by stearn pockets, collide. Such steampockets can be produced due to
loss of the condensate flow through the gland steam condenser and air
ejector condenser. Stearn pockets can also be formed in the highest
points of the condensate or boiler feed system. This can be caused by a
sustained loss of condensate or feedwater flow combined with excessive
water leakage out of the system DA pressure control problems can also
lead to formation of large steam pockets in the system.
You can now work on assignment questions 36..38.
Course 234 - Turbine IIld Auxiliaries - Module Six
I. a) The secondary function of the main CEPs is _
b) Two secondary functions of the auxi1iaIy CEP are:
2. a) The secondary function of the main BFPs is _
b) The reasons why use of the main BFPs forprewarming conden-
sate in the deaerator storage tank should be minimized are:
c) The secondary function of the anxiliary BFPs is _
3. a) The adverse consequences/operating concerns caused by too low
a hotwe111evel are:
Page 53
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
b) A very low hotwellievel creates an immediate, ie. within several
. seconds, risk of overheating the reactor fueL (False I true)
c) A low hotwellievel transient, ego a power manoeuver, (is
/ is not) likely to cause cavitation damage to the CEPs.
d) The major adverse consequence of avery high hotwellievel is
4. a) The following automatic actions (listed in the order of decreasing
level) should occur when hotweillevel is too low:
b) Too high a hotweillevel should cause the following automatic ac-
tions (listed in the order of increasing level):
c) No control valve action occurs when hotwellievel is within its
normal operating band. (False I true)
5. a) Abnormal1y high hotweillevel can be caused by:
b) Abnormal1y low hotweillevel can be caused by:
c) Nonnal hotwellievel transients associated with power manoeuv-
res are likely to cause a level alann. (False I true)
6. A very low level in the condensate storage tank causes the following
operating concern:
Page 54
CoW'Se 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
7. Considering typical heat sources available for feedheating, fill out the
tables below:
a) In the LP feedheaters:
Heat source
b) In the DA and storage tank:
Heat source
c) In the lIP feedheaters:
Heat source
Available when ...
Available when ...
Available when ...
8. Extraction steam flow to feedheaters:
a) Is self-regulating and increases with increasing feedwater flow
and decreasing inlet feedwater temperature. (False I true)
b) Remains constant as long as steampressure in the turbine does
not change. (False I true)
c) Is controlled by adjusting the feedheater drains outflow. (False I
Page 55
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six. APPROVAL ISSUE
9. Too high a feedheater drains level causes the following adverse conse-
quences and operating concerns:
a) It can damage the turbine due to _
b) It reduces the overall thermal efficiency due to the following ef-
10. a) Excessively low feedheater drains level may result in equipment
damage as follows:
b) The overall thermal efficiency is also decreased if:
I I. a) Feedheater drains level is nonnaI1y controlled by adjusting
Page 56
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
b) An abnonna1ly low drains level should trigger the following ac-
c) In addition to alarms. a high Of very high drains level should
~ the following actions:
d) Upon a very high drains level in a feedheater. the drain valves on
the extraction steampiping to this feedheater should (open I close)
in order to enhance protection against
12. a) Excluding operating transients. too high a feedheater drains level
can be caused by:
b) Similarly. causes of abnonnal1y low feedheater drains level are:
13. a) Check valves in the extraction steampiping are assisted to close
during the following operational upsets:
______Of _
in order to
in order to
Page 57
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
b) The major opemtional reasons why these valves have t u ~ o r s
c) These valves:
i) Provide adequate isolation to prevent water induction to the
turbine. (False / true)
ti) Can close fully once a high feedheater drains level is detect-
ed. (False / true)
iii) Require extraction steam flow to open. (False / true)
14. Suppose that the outlet feedwater temperature from a feedheater bank
has dropped below its normal value while operating at a constant unit
load. In all the feedheaters in the bank. the drains levels are norma1.
and a field check confinned that the extraction steam check valves are
a) What is the likely cause of this abnormality?
b) aow can this problem be rectified?
15. a) Turbine extraction steam flow to the DA is (self-regulated /
adjusted by a DA pressure control valve).
b) Boiler steam flow to the DA is (self-regulated / adjusted by a DA
pressure control valve).
16. a) Steam hammer in the feedheating system can be caused by a rapid
drop in the DA pressure as follows:
Page S8
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
b) The rapid pressure drop can occur due to failure of prompt
supply of _
c) Loss of normal DA heating by turbine extraction steamcan be
caused by:
d) Possible causes of failure of prompt supply of boiler steam to the
17. a) When high DA pressure, combined with loss of condensate sup-
ply to the DA, persists for more than a few minutes, steam ham-
mer in the condensate system can occur as follows:
Page 59
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
b) Loss of condensate supply to the DA can be caused by:
c) Abnormally high DA pressure can be caused by _
18. aj Too high a DA level causes the following advme consequences!
operating concerns:
b) When the level is too low, the following adverse consequences!
operating concerns result:
19. a) DA level is controlled by adjusting _
b) At medium and high loads, the following three signals are used to
position the level control valve:
c) During startup and at light loads, only the _
signal is used. TIrls makes the level control (more responsive I
sluggish) as compared with its operation at high loads.
Page 60
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
20. a) High DA level should trigger the following automatic actions:
b) This upset can be caused by _
21. a) Low DA level should trigger the following automatic actions:
b) Possible causes of this upset include:
22. a) During unit loading. DA level (decreases I increases I stays con-
stant) because _
The BLCVs and DA Levs operate as follows: _
b) During fast unit loading. hotwellievel (decreases I increases I
stays constant) because _
The condensate reject and makeup water valves operate as follows:
Page 61
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
c) During slow unit loading, hotweillevel (decreases / increases /
stays constant) because _
The condensate reject and makeup water valves operate as follows:
23. During unit loading, extraction steam flow (decreases / increases /
stays approximately constant) because: .
24. The final feedwater temperature changes during turbine loading as fol-
a) Below about 25% FP, it (decreases / increases / stays nearly con-
stant) because:
b) Above that power level, it (decreases / increases / stays nearly
constant) because:
Page 62
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
25. a) In the extreme case, exceeding the boiler preheater inlet dT limit
can have the o l l ~ w i n adverse consequences:
due to failure of _
due to failure of _
b) Exceeding of the dTlimit can happen during the following unit
. operating states:
because _
26. The following actions should be taken to prevent the preheater inlet dT
fromexceeding its safe limit:
Page 63
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
27. When the preheater inlet L\T is exceeded. the following actions can be
carried out in order to return the L\Tto an acceptable range:
a) Action: _
It reduces the aT as follows: _
b) Action: _
It reduces the L\T as follows:
28. The following simplified diagram shows the arrangement of feedbeat-
ers in a CANDU unit.
To boiler
Page 64
In this system, valving out bank 'A' of the LP feedheaters has the fol-
lowing effects:
a) The extraction steam and drains flows in bank 'B' of the LP feed
heaters (decrease / increase / remain nearly constant) because:
b) The extraction steamflow to the DA (decreases / increases / stays
nearly constant) because __ _
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
c) The extraction steam and drains flows in the HP feedheate'" (de-
crease / increase I remain nearly constant) because __--'-__
d) The final feedwater temperature (decreases I increases I stays
nearly constant) because
29. In the same system of feedheateI1< as illustrated in question 28. isola-
tion of feedwater flow througb bank 'B' of the HP beaters bas the fol-
lowing effects:
aj The extraction steam and drains flows in the LP feedheateI1< (de-
crease I increase I remain nearly constant) because _
b) The extraction steamflow to the DA (decreases I increases I stays
nearly constant) because _
c) The extraction steam and. drains flows in bank 'A' of the HP
feedheateI1< (decrease I increase I stay nearly constant) because
d) The final feedwater temperature (decreases I increases I stays
nearly constant) because _
30. Any loss of feedheating decreases the unit thermal efficiency because:
Page 65
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
31. When some feedheaters are isolated. generator output is affected as
a) In the reactor leading mode of operation:
b) In the reactor lagging inode of operation:
32. Removal of too many feedheaters from service may force some unit
derating due to the following reasons:
33. a) The lUFWT is required to operate in the event of -'-
b) The IDFWT operates as follows: _
Page 66
Course 234 _ Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six
c) The flow capacity of the IUFWTis about _%of the full power
feed.water flow of one unit
34. a) The simultaneous unavailability of the auxiliaty BFP and the
IUFWT creates a hazard of immediate damage to the unit. (False I
b) If neither the auxiliaIy BFP nor the IUFWT can be returned to
service within the lime limit on their sustained unavailability, the
operator must _
in order to _
35. a) In the event of a total loss of alI possible long-term sources of
treated feedwater, boilers can be supplied with cooling water by
one or both of the following systems (depending on the station):
b) Boiler pressure must be -:;- -.-;--;;- before
either system can feed cooling water to the boilers.
c) The operational problems that make these systems the least pref-
erable emergency heat sink for the reactor are:
36. a) Water hammer can be caused by the following ilIlpIoper pump
startup techniques:
b) These techniques promote water hammer because _
Page 67
Course 234 - Turbine and Auxiliaries - Module Six APPROVAL ISSUE
37. Inadequate draining of the extraction steam and boiler steam to the DA
lines can result in water hammer because _
38. Severe steam hammer can be caused by condensation of steam pockets
in the condensatelboiier feed system.
a) The pockets can be formed during the following operating upsets
(other than loss of DA pressure control):
b) The pockets recondense when _
c) When this happens, violent steam hammer can occur due to
Before you move on to the next module, review the objectives and make
sure that you can meet their requirements.
Prepaied by: J. Jung, ENTD
Revised by: J. Jung, ENTD
Revision date: June, 1994
Page 68
Course 234 - Turbin... _ld Auxilillries - Module Six
a) The Condensate and he Auxiliary Systems
Makeup Water
LP Turbir,<l ,i REJECTTANK
ExhllLlsl Steam
) t
I 9'. i REJECT !
CONDENSERS ...........1TANK LeV !
To Auxiliary Systems,
eg.lP Turbine Exhaust
Cooling System
To Condenser
LPTurbine Extrall!ion Steam
I 1.1A
Moisltlr8 Seperator Oraln,
TIlIFrom Gland 4)
and Air Ejector
BANK 'B' OF LP FEEDHEATERS Condenser (if any)
- (same as bank 'A' aboVe)
To Boller
Feed Pumps
b) The Boller FHd end tts AUXiliary Systems
From DA
) 1 ....
Fl-/ DRAiNs I-...l.._"':::;
HPTurbille EXhaust or Extraction S",am
Moisture s.!*BlDl' [)nIln. 1)
Flrtt Stage orwn. 1)
Exlnlclion II
"?, ...
To BoUer,
(same a. bank 'A' above)
Flg.8.10. Slmptlfied feedhMtlng .)'Stem of. typical CANDU unit:
OA LCV Oeaerall:lr Level control Valve;
OA PCV Deaerall:lr Pressure Control valve;
FH LCV Feedheate1 Drains Level Control Valve;
't Not in all stations;
2 In some unitS, the valve location is different;
'1 _ In some units, these dl'aiM am j:lUI1\pQd into the- main
condensate line between heaters 1#1Aancll#2A;
4) In some stations, these condensers get the lull
condensate flow.
NumbElrs In brackees indicate the number of equipmenl insiailed.
--- CondensateJFeedWater _._.--- Makeup Water
..___ _. Drains ------ Steam -'--"'-" HT Op
Page 69
Course 234 - Turbin, .d Auxiliaries - Module Six
.=> OUTlET
Fig. 6.11. Simplified horizontal U-tube feedheater.
Vents 10
LP feedwater (condensate)
__ _
(- -- "
I !
.. .. ..
I , ,
HPfeedheater I
drains -_._.- HP leedhealer drains
SUPPORT r-'- Boilerfeedpump
Fig. 6.12. Simplified deaerator and storage tank assembly:
Steam _._._.. Water Liberated gases/steam mixture
; Not in all stations.
Page 70