EKG Class4 Questions Only

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Question.Sr 4 2009 State why compressor suction and delivery valves should seat promptly.

Explain the effect on the compressor if the air induced into the cylinder at a temperature higher than normal. What would be the effect of the suction valves having too much lift?

Explain why pressure relief device are fitted to the water side of cooler casing. Question.Sr 1 2011, Sketch a static oily water separator intended to handle large-quantities of heavily contaminated water. Label the principal components, how the internal arrangement of sub-division, baffles and fittings, indicate the direction of fluid flow in all parts; and (a) Describe how it operates. (b) Give two reasons why oil might be carried over the water. (c) How the level of oil separated is controlled? Question.Sr 12 2010 With reference to tubular heat exchangers explain: a. how differential movement between tubes and body is accommodated when the tube plates are rigidly located in the body.

b. how and why turbulence is imparted to fluid flow through the tubes c. why it has become possible to discard sacrificial anodes in sea water coolers d. what is meant by the term 'guided flow', with particular reference to oil heaters

Question Sketch and explain the parts of a shell and tube type lubricating oil cooler showing how the oil and water flow path and material for each part Explain how expansion and contraction of the tube stack of the cooler is accommodated Question. Draw line diagram of a feed water system for an auxiliary boiler, labeling all the principal items and showing the direction of flow. Explain how water level to the boiler is regulated? State how solid impurities are removed from feed water, which is pumped into the boiler. Indicate how the risk of oil contamination may be reduced. Question (i) In plate type heat exchanger, fluid press. & temp, do not normally exceed 10 bar and 150C respectively. (ii) Titanium & stainless steel finding increasing acceptance, (iii) Carrying bar & clamping bolts are often much larger than pack thickness. (iv) State how it can be ascertained that plate stack is correctly tightened and the likely result of excessive tightness. Question Describe the checks you would make while taking over a E\R. watch at sea Under what condition would you refuse to Take over Hand over Question Sr 8 2006

With regards to keeping the gas side of a boiler in good condition discuss each of the following The mechanism of combustion stating the factors which are important for good combustion Fuel oil treatment Soot removal equipment

Question Describe the following conditions are prevented in auxiliary boilers Feed contamination by oil heating coil drains Internal corrosion Furnace blowback Uptake fire Question Sr 3 2006 With reference to hydraulic deck machinery: (a)State the sources for contamination of the system; (b) Describe possible effects due to contamination, (c) Explain how the oil can be monitored by ships staff. Question Name method of F.W. generation on board ship Sketch and describe any one method what treatment is give to render it fit for drinking Question.

(a) For Freon-22 vapor compression refrigeration machine, state how each of the following faults arc indicated and how they arc remedied; (i) Air in the system (ii) Moisture in the system (iii) Undercharge (iv) Overcharge (b) Describe with a diagram detailing the devices incorporated into the refrigeration system to protect the machinery and equipment against malfunction.

Question Describe the boiler fuel burning system and indicate the effect of the following Air supply insufficient Air supply excessive Presence of water in oil Excessively high oil temperature

QuestionSr 3 2009, Explain the operation of automatic self cleaning centrifuge. Detailed sketches should be used for your explanation. Labeling principle component and indicating directional flow of all fluid. Explain how dam ring contribute to efficient centrifuging with reference to oil of different specific gravity. Question Sr. No. 4 APRIL 2007

(a) Draw a line diagram of the engine room section of a bilge system for a passenger or cargo vessel including the connection of oily-water separator; label the principal items. (b) State(i) What type of valves are fitted in the bilge system and why? State the material of construction of the valves. (ii) The means used in passenger vessel-to reduce flooding risk by way of bilge system in the event of collision, (iii)The type of pump ideally used to discharge through the oily-water separator. Question Sketch an automatic sprinkler system for combating fire in passenger spaces on a ship and state (a) The safety devices incorporated in the system. (b) How the system is charged? (c) The parameters governing the volume of the pressure tank. (d) Means provided to prevent the passage of seawater into the pressure tank. Question With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears: Explain in terms of control parlance the function of the "Hunting gear" Explain the consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored; State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by the operating unit Question DEC, Emergency set 2006 Explain why each of the following features is considered desirable for air compressors:

(a) A single-throw crank for a multi-stage compressor; (b) Minimum clearance volume; (c) Multi tubular inter-stage cooler, (d) Generous size of suction filter QuestionSr 11 2008, State why each of the following are fitted to ships steering gear system Brake or locking devices. Shock buffer relief valve. Steering gear stops or cut-outs. Rudder stop. Describe the routine testing of steering gear. Question Emery 2007-2008 What is the purpose of a fusible plug on an air receiver and at what temperature is it designed to melt. What inter locks are there on the starting air system What is the pressure of a starting air receiver? Explain how would you start an air compressor and stop it after overhaul. What safety devices are fitted to a start air line?

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