Question Set 2014
Question Set 2014
Question Set 2014
SectionIII: Metrology
Chapter-10: Limit, Tolerance & Fits Chapter-11: Measurement of Lines & Surfaces Chapter-12: Miscellaneous of Metrology SectionIV: Cutting Tool Materials Page-56 Page-61 Page-65 Page67
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Carbide tool is used to machine a 30 mm diameter
steel shaft at a spindle speed of 1000 revolutions per minute. The cutting speed of the above turning operation is: (a) 1000 rpm
B SKMondal By M d l
Singlepointthreadcuttingtoolshouldideally have: a) ) Zerorake b) Positiverake c) Negativerake d) Normalrake
Cutting C tti powerconsumption ti in i turning t i canbe b significantly g yreducedby y (a)Increasingrakeangleofthetool (b)Increasingthecuttinganglesofthetool (c)Wideningthenoseradiusofthetool (d)Increasing I i the h clearance l angle l
Assertion (A): For a negative rake tool, the specific cutting pressure is smaller than for a positive rake tool under otherwise identical conditions. Reason (R): The shear strain undergone by the chip in the case of negative rake tool is larger. larger (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct t explanation l ti of fA (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true
S 2002 IES
Assertion (A): Negative rake is usually provided on carbide tipped tools. Reason (R): Carbide tools are weaker in compression. ( ) Both (a) B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t and d R is i the th correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true
Which one of the following statement is NOT correct with reference to the purposes and effects of rake angle of a cutting tool? (a) To guide the chip flow direction (b) To reduce the friction between the tool flanks and the machined surface (c) To add keenness or sharpness to the cutting edges. (d) To provide better thermal efficiency.
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( ) GATE 2008(PI)
Brittle materials are machined with tools having zero or negative rake angle because it (a) results in lower cutting force ( ) improves surface finish (b) (c) provides adequate strength to cutting tool (d) results in more accurate dimensions
Cast iron with impurities of carbide requires a particular rake angle for efficient cutting with single point tools, what is the value of this rake angle, give reasons for your answer. answer [2marks]
S 1994 99 IAS
Considerthefollowingcharacteristics 1. Thecuttingedgeisnormaltothecuttingvelocity. 2. The Th cutting tti f forcesoccuri int twodi directions ti only. l 3. Thecuttingedgeiswiderthanthedepthofcut. Thecharacteristicsapplicabletoorthogonalcutting wouldinclude (a) 1and2 (b) 1and3 (c) 2and3 (d) 1, 1 2and3
IES 2012
Duringorthogonalcutting,anincreaseincuttingspeed causes (a)Anincreaseinlongitudinalcuttingforce (b)Anincreaseinradialcuttingforce (c)Anincreaseintangentialcuttingforce (d) ( )Cutting gforcestoremainunaffected
Whichofthefollowingisasinglepointcutting tool? (a) Hacksawblade (b) Millingcutter (c) Grindingwheel (d) Parting P ti tool t l
IES 2012
) Negative g g arepreferred p g set Statement( (I): rakeangles onrigid upsforinterruptedcuttinganddifficulttomachine materials. Statement(II):Negativerakeangledirectsthechipsontothe machinedsurface ( ) Both (a) B h Statement S (I) and d Statement S (II) are individually i di id ll true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually (II) ) is not the correct explanation p of true but Statement ( Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
The the and Th angle l between b t th face f d the th flank fl k of f the th single point cutting tool is known as a) Rake angle b) Clearance angle g c) Lip angle d) Point angle. angle
Assertion (A): For drilling cast iron, iron the tool is provided with a point angle smaller than that required for a ductile material. material Reason (R): Smaller point angle results in lower rake k angle. l (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually y true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Page 3 of 79
Consider the following statements: The strength of a single point cutting tool depends upon 1. Rake angle 2. Clearance angle 3. Lip angle Which of these statements are correct? ( ) 1 and (a) d3 (b) 2 and d3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
IES 2012
Toollifeincreasewithincreasein (a)Cuttingspeed (b)Nose N radius di (c)Feed (d)Depthofcut
Consider the following statements with respect to the effects of a large nose radius on the tool: 1. It deteriorates d t i t surface f fi i h finish. 2. It increases the possibility of chatter. 3. It improves tool life. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 2 only (b) 3 only ( ) 2 and (c) d 3 only l (d) 1, 2 and d3
Consider the following statements about nose radius 1 It improves tool life 1. 2. It reduces the cutting force 3. It improves the surface finish. Select the correct answer using g the codes g given below: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 1 2 and 3
Tool geometry of a single point cutting tool is specified by the following elements: 1. Back rake angle 2. Side rake angle 3. End cutting edge angle 4. Side cutting edge angle 5. Side relief angle 6. End relief angle 7. Nose radius The correct sequence of these tool elements used for correctly specifying the tool geometry is ( ) 1,2,3,6,5,4,7 (a) ( ) 1,2,6,5,3,4,7 (b) (c) 1,2,5,6,3,4,7 (d) 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4,7
The following tool signature is specified for a single point cutting tool in American system: 10, 12, 8, 8 6, 6 15, 20, 3 What does the angle 12 represent? (a) Side cuttingedge angle (b) Side rake angle (c) Back rake angle (d) Side Sid clearance l angle l
A cutting tool having tool signature as 10, 9, 6, 6, 8, 8, 2 will have side rake angle (a) 10o (b) 9o (c) 8o (d) 2o
In a single point turning tool, the side rake angle and orthogonal rake angle are equal. is the principal cutting edge angle and its range is 0o 90o . The chip flows in the orthogonal plane. The value of is closest to (a) 00 (b) 450 0 (c) 60 (d) 900
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During D i orthogonal h l cutting i of f mild ild steel l with ih a 10 rake angle tool, the chip thickness ratio was obtained as 0.4. The shear angle (in degrees) g ) evaluated from this data is (a)6.53 (b)20.22 ( )22.94 (c) ( )50.00 (d)
A single point cutting tool with 12 12 rake angle is used to machine a steel work piece. The depth of cut i.e. cut, i e uncut thickness is 0.81 0 81 mm. mm The chip thickness under orthogonal machining condition is 1 8 mm. 1.8 mm The shear angle is approximately (a) 22 (b) 26 (c) 56 5 (d) 76
The following parameters determine the model of continuous chip formation: 1. True T f d feed 2. Cutting g velocity y 3. Chip thickness 4. Rake R k angle l of f the h cutting i tool. l The p parameters which g govern the value of shear angle would include ( ) 1,2 and (a) d 3 (b) 1,3 and d4 (c) 1,2 and 4 (d) 2,3 and 4
IES 2009
Minimum shear strain in Mi i h i i g turning g with a cutting g orthogonal tool of zero rake angle is (a) 0.0 00 (b) ( ) 0.5 5 (c) 1.0 (d) 2.0
IES 2004
In a machining operation chip thickness ratio is 0.3 0 3 and the rake angle of the tool is 10. What is the value l of f the th shear h strain? t i ? (a) ( ) 0.31 3 (b) ( ) 0.13 3 (c) 3.00 (d) 3.34
p g to an orthogonal g g Details pertaining metal cutting process are given below. Chip thickness ratio 04 0.4 Undeformed thickness 0.6 mm R k angle Rake l +10 Cutting speed 2.5 m/s Mean thickness of primary shear zone 25 microns The shear strain rate in s1 during the process is (a) 0.1781105 (b) 0.7754105 5 ( ) 1.010410 (c) (d) 4.397105
Considerthefollowingstatementswithrespectto thereliefangleofcuttingtool: 1 Thisaffectsthedirectionofchipflow 1. 2.Thisreducesexcessivefrictionbetweenthetool and dwork kpiece i 3.Thisaffectstoollife 4.Thisallowsbetteraccessofcoolanttothetool workp pieceinterface Whichofthestatementsgivenabovearecorrect? (a) 1and2 (b) 2and3 (c) 2and4 For (d) 3(IES, and4GATE & PSUs) -2014
Considerthefollowingstatements: 1. Alargerakeanglemeanslowerstrengthofthe cuttingedge. edge 2. Cuttingtorquedecreaseswithrakeangle. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (a) ( ) Only y1 (b) ( ) Only y2 (c) Both1and2 (d) Neither1nor2
Match.ListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer usingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: ListI ListII A. Planapproachangle 1. Toolface B Rakeangle B. 2 2. Toolflank C. Clearanceangle 3. Toolfaceandflank D Wedge D. W d angle l 4. C i edge Cutting d 5. Toolnose A B C D A B C D (a) 1 4 2 5 (b) 4 1 3 2 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 1 4 3 5
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The angle of inclination of the rake face with respect to the tool base measured in a plane perpendicular to the base and parallel to the width of the tool is called (a) Back rake angle (b) Side rake angle (c) Side cutting edge angle (d) ( ) End cutting g edge g angle g
The rake angle of a cutting tool is 15 15, shear angle 45 and cutting velocity 35 m/min. Wh t is What i the th velocity l it of f chip hi along l th tool the t l face? (a) 28.5 m/min (b) 27.3 m/min (c) 25.3 25 3 m/min (d) 23.5 23 5 m/min
Considerthefollowingstatements: Inanorthogonalcuttingthecuttingratioisfoundtobe 075.Thecuttingspeedis60m/minanddepthofcut24 mm.Whichofthefollowingarecorrect? 1 1. Chipvelocitywillbe45m/min. m/min 2. Chipvelocitywillbe80m/min. 3 Chipthicknesswillbe18mm 3. mm. 4. Chipthicknesswillbe32mm. Select l the h correctanswerusingthe h code d givenb below: l (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 (c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
If is the rake angle of the cutting tool, tool is the shear angle and V is the cutting velocity, then the velocity l it of f chip hi sliding lidi along l th shear the h plane l i is given by (a) (c)
V cos cos( )
V cos sin( )
An orthogonal cutting operation is being carried out under the following conditions: cutting tti speed d = 2 m/s, / depth d th of f cut t = 0.5 mm, chip thickness = 0.6 mm. Then the chip velocity is (a) 2.0 2 0 m/s (b) 2.4 2 4 m/s (c) 1.0 m/s (d) 1.66 m/s
Inorthogonalcutting,shearangleistheanglebetween (a) Shearplaneandthecuttingvelocity (b) Shearplaneandtherakeplane (c) Shearplaneandtheverticaldirection (d) Shear Sh plane l and dthe h direction di i of felongation l i of fcrystals l in i thechip
(b) (d)
V sin cos ( )
V sin sin( )
The cutting velocity in m/sec, for turning a work piece of diameter 100 mm at the spindle speed of 480 RPM is (a) 1.26 (b) 2.51 (c) 48 (d) 151
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In an orthogonal cutting, the depth of cut is halved and the feed rate is double. If the chip thickness ratio is unaffected with the changed g cutting g conditions, , the actual chip thickness will be (a) ( ) Doubled (b) ( ) halved (c) Quadrupled (d) Unchanged.
Plainmillingofmildsteelplateproduces (a)Irregular egu a shaped s apedd discontinuous sco t uousc chips ps (b)Regularshapeddiscontinuouschip (c)Continuouschipswithout ithoutbuiltupedge (d)Joinedchips
Duringmachining,excessmetalisremovedintheform ofchipasinthecaseofturningonalathe.Whichofthe followingarecorrect? C ti Continuous ribbon ibb lik likechip hi i isf formed dwhen h turning t i 1. Atahighercuttingspeed 2. At A al lowercutting i speed d 3. Abrittlematerial 4. Aductile d il material i l Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelow: ( ) 1and (a) d3 (b) 1and d4 (c) 2and3 (d) 2and4
Considerthefollowingmachiningconditions:BUEwill formin (a) Ductilematerial. (b) Highcuttingspeed. (c) Smallrakeangle. (d) Smalluncutchipthickness.
Abuilt isformed b iltupedge d i f dwhile hil machining hi i (a)Ductilematerialsathighspeed (b)Ductilematerialsatlowspeed p (c)Brittlematerialsathighspeed (d)Brittlematerialsatlowspeed
Assertion (A): For high speed turning of cast iron pistons, carbide tool bits are provided with chip breakers. Reason (R): High speed turning may produce long, ribbon type continuous chips which must be broken into small lengths which otherwise would be difficult to handle and may prove hazardous. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l i of fA (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true
Q. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Option p C B D C B D B A B B Q. No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Option p D D B C D B B D D B
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F Force & Power P in i M Metal t lC Cutting tti
The the Th following f ll i data d t from f th orthogonal th l cutting tti test t t is available. Rake angle = 100, chip thickness ratio = 0.35, uncut t chip hi thickness thi k = 0.51 mm, width idth of f cut t= 3 mm, yield shear stress of work material = 285 2, mean friction N/ N/mm f i ti coefficient ffi i t on tool t l face f = 0.65, Determine () (i) Cutting force (F ( c) (ii) Radial force (iii) Normal force (N) on tool and (iv) Shear force (Fs ). )
Mild steel machined l is i being b i hi d at a cutting i speed of 200 m/min with a tool rake angle of 10. The width of cut and uncut thickness are 2 mm and 0.2 mm respectively. p y If the average g value of coefficient of friction between the tool and the chip is 0.5 0 5 and the shear stress of the work material is 400 N/mm2, Determine (i) shear angle and (ii) Cutting and thrust component of the force.
g g experiment, p g In an orthogonal cutting an HSS tool having the following tool signature in the orthogonal reference system (ORS) ( ) has h been b used: d 0107710751. Given width of cut = 3.6 mm; shear strength of workpiece material = 460 N/mm2; depth of cut = 0.25 mm; coefficient of friction at toolchip interface = 0.7. Sh Shear plane l angle l (in (i degree) d ) for f minimum i i cutting tti force f is (a) 20.5 (b) 24.5 (c) 28.5 (d) 32.5
g g experiment, p g In an orthogonal cutting an HSS tool having the following tool signature in the orthogonal reference system (ORS) ( ) has h been b used: d 0107710751. Given width of cut = 3.6 mm; shear strength of workpiece material = 460 N/mm2; depth of cut = 0.25 mm; coefficient of friction at toolchip interface = 0.7. Mi i Minimum power requirement i t (in (i kW) at t a cutting tti speed d of 150 m/min is (a) 3.15 (b) 3.25 (c) 3.35 (d) 3.45
In orthogonal turning of a low carbon steel bar of diameter 150 mm with uncoated carbide tool the cutting velocity is 90 m/min. tool, m/min The feed is 0.24 mm/rev and the depth of cut is 2 mm. The chip thickness obtained is 0.48 0 48 mm. mm If the orthogonal rake angle is zero and the principal cutting edge angle is 90 90, the shear angle is degree is ( ) 20.56 (a) 6 (b) 26.56 6 6 (c) 30.56 (d) 36.56
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During turning a carbon steel rod of 160 mm diameter by a carbide bid tool l of f geometry; 0, 0, 10, 8, 8 15, 75, 0 (mm) ( ) at speed d of f 400 rpm, feed of 0.32 mm/rev and 4.0 mm depth of cut, the following observation were made. made Tangential component of the cutting force, Pz = 1200 N Axial component of the cutting force, force Px = 800 N Chip thickness (after cut), 2 = 0.8 mm. For the above machining condition determine the values of (i) Friction force, F and normal force, N acting at the chip tool interface. interface (ii) Yield shears strength of the work material under this machining condition. (iii) Cutting power consumption in kW.
GATE 1995Conventional
While Whil turning t i a C15 steel t l rod d of f 160 6 mm diameter di t at t 315 rpm, 2.5 mm depth of cut and feed of 0.16 mm/rev / b a tool by t l of f geometry t 00, 100, 80, 90,150, 750, 0(mm), the following observations were made. Tangential component of the cutting force = 500 N Axial component p of the cutting g force = 200 N Chip thickness = 0.48 mm Draw schematically the Merchant Merchants s circle diagram for the cutting force in the present case.
During D i turning t i process with ith 7 6 6 8 30 1 (mm) ASA tool the undeformed chip thickness of 2.0 mm and d width idth of f cut t of f 2.5 mm were used. d The Th side rake angle of the tool was a chosen that the machining hi i operation ti could ld be b approximated i t d to t be b orthogonal cutting. The tangential cutting force and th thrust t force f were 1177 N and d 560 6 N respectively. ti l Calculate: [30 marks] ( ) The (i) h side d rake k angle l (ii) Coefficient of friction at the rake face (iii) The dynamic shear strength of the work material
IES 2004
A medium carbon steel workpiece is turned on a lathe at 50 m/min. cutting speed 0.8 mm/rev feed and 1.5 mm depth of cut. What is the rate of metal removal? (a) 1000 mm3/min (b) 60,000 mm3/min (c) 20,000 mm3/min (d) ( ) Can not be calculated with the g given data
A steel bar 200 mm in diameter is turned at a feed of 0.25 mm/rev with a depth of cut of 4 mm. The rotational speed of the workpiece is 160 rpm. The material removal rate in mm3/s is (a) 160 (b) 167.6 167 6 (c) 1600 (d) 1675.5 1675 5
In turning The I orthogonal th lt i of fmedium di carbon b steel. t l Th specificmachiningenergyis2.0J/mm3.Thecutting velocity, l it f feed dand ddepth d thof fcut tare120m/min, / i 0.2 mm/revand2mmrespectively.Themaincutting f force i inNi is (a)40 (b)80 (c)400 (d)800
Whentherakeangleiszeroduringorthogonalcutting, showthat
In strain gauge dynamometers the use of how many active gauge makes the dynamometers more effective (a) Four (b) Three (c) Two T o (d) One Ans. (a)
In I anorthogonal th lmachining hi i operation: ti Uncutthickness=0.5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N A Assume M Merchant's h t' th theory. Thecoefficientoffrictionatthetoolchipinterfaceis ( )0.23 (a) (b)0.46 (c)0.85 (d)0.95
(1 r ) r
1+ r2 p c = specific power of cutting p thickness ratio r = chip = coefficient of friction in tool chip interface
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In I anorthogonal th lmachining hi i operation: ti Uncutthickness=0.5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N A Assume M Merchant's h t' th theory. Thepercentageoftotalenergydissipateddueto f friction atthe h tool lchip h interface f is (a)30% (b)42% (c)58% (d)70%
In I anorthogonal th lmachining hi i operation: ti Uncutthickness=0.5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N A Assume M Merchant's h t' th theory. Thevaluesofshearangleandshearstrain, respectively, l are (a)30.3 and1.98 (b)30.3 and4.23 (c)40.2 and2.97 (d)40.2 and1.65
A cylinder is turned lathe li d i t d on a l th with ith orthogonal th l machining principle. Spindle rotates at 200 rpm. The axial i l feed f d rate t is i 0.25 mm per revolution. l ti D th of Depth f cut t is i 0.4 mm. The rake angle is 10. In the analysis it is found th t the that th shear h angle l is i 27.75 Thethicknessoftheproducedchipis (a)0.511mm (b)0.528mm (c)0.818mm (d)0.846mm
A cylinder is turned lathe li d i t d on a l th with ith orthogonal th l machining principle. Spindle rotates at 200 rpm. The axial i l feed f d rate t is i 0.25 mm per revolution. l ti D th of Depth f cut t is i 0.4 mm. The rake angle is 10. In the analysis it is found th t the that th shear h angle l is i 27.75 Intheaboveproblem,thecoefficientoffrictionat thechiptoolinterfaceobtainedusingEarnestand Merchanttheoryis (a)0.18 (b)0.36 (c)0.71 (d)0.98
Orthogonal O th l turning t i is i performed f d on a cylindrical li d i l work k piece with shear strength of 250 MPa. The following conditions diti are used: d cutting tti velocity l it is i 180 8 m/min. / i feed f d is 0.20 mm/rev. depth of cut is 3 mm. chip thickness ratio ti = 0.5. The Th orthogonal th l rake k angle l is i 7o. Apply A l Merchant's theory for analysis. Theshearplaneangle(in ( degree) )andtheshear forcerespectivelyare (a)52:320N (b)52:400N (c)28:400N (d)28:320N
Orthogonal O th l turning t i is i performed f d on a cylindrical li d i l work k piece with shear strength of 250 MPa. The following conditions diti are used: d cutting tti velocity l it is i 180 8 m/min. / i feed f d is 0.20 mm/rev. depth of cut is 3 mm. chip thickness ratio ti = 0.5. The Th orthogonal th l rake k angle l is i 7o. Apply A l Merchant's theory for analysis. ThecuttingandThrust forces, r Rees e ctively,a (a)568N;387N (b)565N;381N (c)440N;342N (d)480N;356N
In orthogonal turning of an engineering alloy, it has been observed that the friction force acting at the chip tool interface is 402.5 N and the friction force is also perpendicular to the cutting velocity vector. The feed velocity is negligibly small with respect to the cutting velocity. The ratio of friction force to normal force associated with the chiptool interface is 1. The uncut chip thickness is 0.2 mm and the chip thickness is 0.4 mm. The cutting velocity is 2 m/s. The shear force (in N) acting along the primary shear plane is (a) 180.0 (b) 240.0 (c) 360.5 (d) For -2014 (IES, GATE &402.5 PSUs)
g g of an engineering g g alloy, y, it has In orthogonal turning been observed that the friction force acting at the chip tool interface is 402.5 N and the friction force is also perpendicular to the cutting velocity vector. The feed velocity is negligibly small with respect to the cutting velocity. l it The Th ratio ti of f friction f i ti f force t normal to l force f associated with the chiptool interface is 1. The uncut chip thickness is 0.2 0 2 mm and the chip thickness is 0.4 04 mm. The cutting velocity is 2 m/s. Assume that the energy expended during machining is completely converted to heat. The rate of heat generation (in W) at the primary shear plane is (a) 180.5 (b) 200.5 (c) 302.5 (d) 402.5 Page 10 of 79
In orthogonal turning of a bar of 100 mm diameter with a feed of 0.25 mm/rev, depth of cut of 4 mm and cutting velocity of 90 m/min, it is observed that the main (tangential)cutting force is perpendicular to friction force acting at the chiptool interface. interface The main (tangential) cutting force is 1500 N.