Tool Engineering 2022 Even - 18057228 - 2023 - 04 - 29 - 11 - 10

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SEM-IV Diploma Exam 2022 (Even)

(Mechanical Engineering /Automobile Engineering / Mech. Engineering (Auto))
[Time: 3 Hours] Tool Engineering [Max. Marks: 70)

All questions are compulsory. (nt xa afart t |)

Marks are mentioncd on the right side of cach question. (sj% nt Vg ~É 3ÌK3E fesà t)

Group (A) (gT -)

Q.1 Choose the most suitable answer from the following options. (1*20-20)

i. In an orthogonal cutting system the cutting edge is ( t e r af~r firrey afer a RiT$?)
(a) In line with direction of tool travel (z YG fkm E)
b) Perpendicular to direction of tool travel (z Afzn taaa)
(c) Perpendicular to shear plane (Far 4az Gaaa)
(a) Perpendicular to direction of depth of cut (z TGTÆ AfAT Ataca)
ii The tool maèrial, for Faster machining, should have (tur ztfiT frs 3YATT (z) t tT afe?)
(a) Wear resistance (b) red hardness ( toughness tay Allofthese
ii. Crater wear is predominant in (hZ.fA HAA: Bd ?)
(a) Carbon steel byungsten carbide tools (c) high speed steel tools (d) ceramic tools

0v. After which point of the-stress-strain diagrarm does metal cüting start?

(a) Proportional point (b)Fraçture point eYhcld point (d) Ultimate point

V. Cutting fluids. are used to

(a) Cool the tool (b) improve' surface Finish (c) cool the work piece AÍofthese

Vi. The cutting fluids mostly used for machining steel is

a) Water (rt) by Soluble oil (gerstre te) (c) dr÷(zan) (d) heavy oils (9râ ta)

vi. Which cutting technology principle is used for-drilling of holes in ametallic substrate?

arOblique cutting (b) Orthogonal cutting (c) Unifom cutting (d) Straight cutting
(sifkrs af~y). (3íN00 afzr)

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viii. Which of the following tools is most suitable for very hard and brittle material?

Aa) HSS (. N
ÇR) (b) Cast-cobalt alloy (Z-trez qeta) erbides (matsqa) (d) None of these (À 0)
0x. Which of the following material can be used for Coating on tools?

(a) HSS b}TICN (c) WC (d) CBN

X, Themal conductivity of cutting tool must be (ar 344 rty AITTI
(aHigh (a) (b) Low (*H) (c) very low (ET H) (d) None of these (Fri )
xi. The process in which leaving a tab without any material removal is

(a) Notching (fäm) b}tancing (rtfitn) (c) Parting (uifzr) (d) Slitting (tfer)
ii. In blanking operation, the angle of Shear is provided
(a) die (3) (b) punch (ta) -(c)_Both die and punch (d sÆ BT Ga) (d) None ofthese (Ä T)
xiiü. The process ofcutting thìn gears from metal sheet is known as
(a)Extruding (gfen) (b) stamping ( ) (c) Sintering (R2ftr) (d) Rolling (tfein)
xiv. The angle between the rake face and plane perpendicular to rake face is known as
(a) Side rake angie (b) side relief angle (CÆnd relief angle (d) Back ake angle
(HISE TE ) (HI^S fetF ) (a t )

XV. For large positive back rake angle, tool will be

(2) Weaker (*H) (b)Stronger («<) (c) Smoother (r-t) Harder(*at)
xvi. In drawing operation the metal flows due to
(a) Ductility (satad)) 6) Work hardening (a# qdt)()Plasticity(fkzfa) (d) Shearing (aftr)
xvii. A moving mandrel is used jn
(a) Wire drawing (ar« en) Tubedrawing (A T0N) (c) Metal Cutting (tzr aer) (a) Forging(sìfti)
xvii. For wire drawing operation, the work material 'should be
(a) Ductile («) byTough (#ar) (c) malleable (4tu) (d) None of these (aÀ ÀÆ T)

xix. Criteria deciding the selection of bend radius and allowanc is

(a) types of stock material (b) thickness of material (c) Bend angle (d) AHof these

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ICSB07FS274BDD7825 14B||E8FSF$00F
XX. Which type of die is used for producing coin? (fugn q4r4 h fry feH J6R f SI 6i 3T fT IT2)
(a) Embossing die (uift a) (b) Curling die (#fetr af)eeoining die (#isftr arf) (d) All of these (à qt)

Group (B) (gy -t)

Q.2 Define (a) Shear angle (b) Flank wear 4

OR (rUa)
State and explain the tool life equations.

Q.3 Explain machinability index.

OR (rUr)
Wnte the applications of folowing tool materials-(a) ceramics (b) H.S;S

Q.4 Explain the Followings (a) misfeed detector (b) presufe pad

OR (rUT)
Differentiate between simple die andprogressive die,

Q.5 State the causes of spring back.

OR (3rar)
A4mm thick metal sheét is to be bendat an angle of four radians with bend radius 100 mm If
stretch factor is 0.4, calculate the bendallowánce.

Q.6 Differentiate between coining andembossing.

OR (AUar)
Describe the drawing operation is brief. 4

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1CSB07FS274BDD7825 (4BI IE8FSF500F

Group (C) (g - t)
0.7 Explain with neat sketch orthogonal cutting process.

OR (3rrat)
Lists the four characteristics and applications of cutting fluids.

Draw and explain the cutting'tool geormetry of single point cutting tool.

OR (4Yat)
Discuss the characteristics ánd applications of carbide tip tools.

Q.9Draw genèral assembly sketch.of combination die showing all the components.

The Washèrs of 20 ám outer diameter and2 mm innêr diametr; are to be made by press operation'
from MS.sheet of mm thickness. Calculate (a) clerance (b) Size of punch and die.
Q.10, Explain following Die operations-() Notching (b) Stamping

Define Machinability. Explain the factors affecting máchinability.

Q.11 Discuss the Constructional Featuresof - (a) Plastic extrusion Die (b)-Forging die

OR (3rrm)
Write short Notes on any two -(a) Di area (b)Sirip layout(e) Ceramic Coatings 6

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