Question Set New 2013 2

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Cutting, Metal Forming & Metrology

Questions & Answers (All Questions are in Sequence)
IES-1992-2012 (21 Yrs.), GATE-1992-2013 (22 Yrs.), GATE (PI)-2007-2012 (6 Yrs.), IAS1994-2011 (18 Yrs.), some PSUs questions and conventional questions are added. SectionI: Theory of Metal Cutting
Chapter-1: Basics of Metal Cutting Chapter-2: Force & Power in Metal Cutting Chapter-3: Tool life, Tool Wear, Economics and Machinability Page-1 Page-6 Page-12

SectionII: Metal Forming

Chapter-4:Cold Working, Recrystalization and Hot Working Chapter-5:Rolling Chapter-6:Forging Chapter-7:Extrusion & Drawing Chapter-8:Sheet Metal Operation Chapter-9:Powder Metallurgy Page-23 Page-25 Page-30 Page-35 Page-41 Page-49

SectionIII: Metrology
Chapter-10: Limit, Tolerance & Fits Chapter-11: Measurement of Lines & Surfaces Chapter-12: Miscellaneous of Metrology Page-54 Page-59 Page-61


y Name four independent variables and three

[5marks] For cutting of brass with singlepoint cutting tool on a lathe, , tool should have (a) Negativerakeangle (b) Positive P i i rake k angle l (c) ( ) Zerorakeangle g (d) Zerosidereliefangle Ans. s (c)


dependent variables in metal cutting. IndependentVariables Startingmaterials (tool/work) DependentVariables Forceorpowerrequirements Maximumtemperature p in cutting Surfacefinish


Toolgeometry CuttingVelocity Lubrication

Singlepointthreadcuttingtoolshouldideally have: a) Zerorake b) Positiverake c) Negativerake d) Normalrake Ans (a) Ans.

Cuttingpowerconsumptioninturningcanbe significantly f l reduced d db by (a)Increasingrakeangleofthetool (b)Increasingthecuttinganglesofthetool (c)Wideningthenoseradiusofthetool (d)Increasingtheclearanceangle Ans.(a) ( )

Assertion (A): A i (A) For F a negative i rake k tool, l the h specific ifi cutting pressure is smaller than for a positive rake tool under otherwise identical conditions. Reason (R): The shear strain undergone by the chip in the case of negative rake tool is larger. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the h correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (d)

IES 2005
Assertion (A): are generally A i (A) Carbide C bid tips i ll given i negative rake angle. Reason (R): Carbide tips are made from very hard materials. materials (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (b) (d) A is false but R is true
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2002
Assertion (A): A i (A) Negative N i rake k is i usually ll provided id d on carbide tipped tools. Reason (R): Carbide tools are weaker in compression. compression (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (c) (d) A is false but R is true
Page 1

Which one of the following statement is NOT correct with reference to the p purposes p and effects of rake angle g of a cutting tool? (a) To guide the chip flow direction (b) To reduce the friction between the tool flanks and the machined surface (c) To add keenness or sharpness to the cutting edges. edges (d) To provide better thermal efficiency. Ans. (b)

Statement(I):Negativerakeanglesarepreferredonrigid set tupsfor f interrupted i t t dcutting tti and ddifficult diffi ltto t machine hi materials. Statement(II):Negativerakeangledirectsthechipsonto themachinedsurface (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are y true and Statement ( (II) ) is the correct individually explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I) Ans (b) Ans. (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false ( ) Statement (I) (d) ( ) is false but Statement (II) ( ) is true

IES 2012

GATE 2008(PI)
Brittle materials are machined with tools having zero or negative rake angle because it ( ) results (a) l in lower l cutting force f (b) improves i surface f fi i h finish (c) provides adequate strength to cutting tool (d) results in more accurate dimensions Ans. (c) ( )

IAS 1994
Consider C id the h following f ll i characteristics h i i gedge g isnormaltothecutting gvelocity. y 1. Thecutting 2. Thecuttingforcesoccurintwodirectionsonly. 3. The Th cutting i edge d is i wider id than h the h d depth hof fcut. pp toorthogonal g cutting g Thecharacteristicsapplicable wouldinclude ( ) 1and (a) d2 (b) 1and d3 (c) 2and3 (d) 1,2and3 Ans.(d)

Whichofthefollowingisasinglepointcutting tool? (a) Hacksawblade (b) Millingcutter (c) Grindingwheel (d) Partingtool Ans.(d)

The angle between the face and the flank of the single point cutting tool is known as a) Rake angle b) Clearance angle c) Lip angle d) Point angle. Ans. (c)

Assertion (A): For drilling cast iron, the tool is provided with a p p point angle g smaller than that required for a ductile material. Reason (R): Smaller point angle results in lower rake angle. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation p of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct t explanation l ti of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c)


Consider the following statements: The strength of a single point cutting tool depends upon 1. Rake R k angle l g 2. Clearance angle 3. Lip angle Which hi h of f these h statements are correct? (a) 1 a and d3 (b) ( ) 2a and d3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (d)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2012
Tool with increasei in T llife lif increase i i hi (a) ( )Cutting gspeed p (b)Noseradius ( )Feed (c) F d (d) ( )Depth p ofcut Ans.(b)

Consider the following statements with respect to the effects of a large g nose radius on the tool: 1. It deteriorates surface finish. 2. It I increases i the h possibility ibili of f chatter. h 3. It improves 3 p tool life. Which of the above statements is/are correct? ( ) 2 only (a) l (b) 3 only l (c) 2 a and d3o only y (d) 1, ,2a and d3 Ans. (c)

Page 2

Consider the statements about nose C id h following f ll i b radius 1. It improves tool life 2 It reduces the cutting force 2. 3. It improves the surface finish. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: ( ) 1 and (a) d2 (b) 2 and d3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (c)

Tool geometry of a single point cutting tool is specified by the following elements: 1 1. Back rake angle 2. Side rake angle 3. End d cutting edge d angle l 4. Side cutting edge angle 5. Side relief angle 6. End relief angle 7. Nose radius The correct sequence of these tool elements used for correctly specifying the tool geometry is ( ) 1,2,3,6,5,4,7 (a) 6 (b) 1,2,6,5,3,4,7 6 (c) 1,2,5,6,3,4,7 (d) 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4,7 Ans. (b)

The following tool signature is specified for a single point cutting p g tool in American system: y 10, 12, 8, 6, 15, 20, 3 Wh does What d the h angle l 12 represent? ? (a) ( ) Side cutting gedge g angle g (b) Side rake angle ( ) Back (c) k rake k angle l (d) Side de c clearance ea a ce a angle ge Ans. (b)

In ASA System, if the tool nomenclature is 8655 1015 52mm, , then the side rake angle g will be (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10

A cutting tool having tool signature as 10, 10 9, 9 6, 6 6, 6 , 8, , 2 will have side rake angle g 8, (a) 10o Ans. (b) (b) 9o (c) 8o (d) 2o

In tool, I a single i l point i turning i l the h side id rake k angle l and orthogonal rake angle are equal. is the principal cutting edge angle and its range is plane 0o 90o . The chip flows in the orthogonal plane. The value of is closest to (a) 00 (b) 450 0 (c) 60 (d) 900 Ans. (d) principal cutting edge angle is = 90 cs


IAS 2009Main

During orthogonal cutting of mild steel with a 10 10 rake angle tool, tool the chip thickness ratio was obtained as 0.4. The shear angle (in degrees) evaluated from this data is ( )6.53 (a) 6 (b)20.22 (c)22.94 (d)50.00 Ans.(c)

A single point cutting tool with 12 rake angle is used to machine a steel work p piece. The depth p of cut, i.e. uncut thickness is 0.81 mm. The chip thickness under orthogonal machining condition is 1.8 mm. The shear angle is approximately ( ) 22 (a) (b) ( ) 26 (c) 56 (d) 76 Ans. (b)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 3

The parameters determine the Th following f ll i t d t i th p formation: model of continuous chip 1. True feed 2. Cutting velocity 3 Chip thickness 3. 4. Rake angle 4 g of the cutting g tool. The parameters which govern the value of shear angle l would ld include l d (a) 1,2 1 2 and 3 (b) 1,3 1 3 and 4 (c) 1,2 and 4 (d) 2,3 and 4 Ans. (b)


IES 2009
Minimum shear strain in orthogonal turning with a cutting tool of zero rake angle is ( ) 0.0 (a) (b) ( ) 0.5 5 (c) 1.0 (d) 2.0 ( ) Ans. (d)

IES 2004
In a machining g operation p chip p thickness ratio is 0.3 and the rake angle l of f the h tool l is i 10. What Wh is i the h value of the shear strain? (a) ( ) 0.31 3 (b) ( ) 0.13 3 (c) 3.00 (d) 3.34 Ans. (d)

Details pertaining to an orthogonal metal cutting process are given below. Chip thickness ratio 0.4 Undeformed thickness 0 6 mm 0.6 Rake angle +10 Cutting speed 2.5 m/s Mean thickness of primary shear zone 25 microns The shear strain rate in s1 during the process is (a) 0.1781105 (b) 0.7754105 5 (c) 1.010410 1 010410 (d) 4.39710 4 397105 Ans (c) Ans.

In orthogonal turning of a low carbon steel bar of diameter 150 5 mm with uncoated carbide tool, the cutting velocity is 90 m/min. The feed is 0.24 0 24 mm/rev and the depth of cut is 2 mm. mm The chip thickness obtained is 0.48 mm. If the orthogonal rake angle is zero and the principal cutting edge angle is 90, the shear angle is d degree i is (a) 20.56 .5 (b) ( ) 26.56 .5 (c) 30.56 (d) 36.56 Ans. (b)

Consider C id the h following f ll i statementswith i hrespectto thereliefangleofcuttingtool: 1.Thisaffectsthedirectionofchipflow 2 Thisreducesexcessivefrictionbetweenthetool 2. andworkpiece 3.Thisaffectstoollife 4 Thisallowsbetteraccessofcoolanttothetool 4. workpieceinterface Which h hof fthe h statementsgivenabove b arecorrect? (a) 1and2 (b) 2and3 (c) 2and4 (d) 3and4 Ans.(b)

Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: g rakeangle g meanslowerstrength g ofthe 1. Alarge cuttingedge. 2 Cuttingtorquedecreaseswithrakeangle. 2. angle Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (a) Only1 (b) Only2 ( ) Both (c) B th1and d2 (d) Neither N ith 1nor2 Ans.(c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Match. M h List Li Iwith i hList Li IIand dselect l the h correctanswer usingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists: ListI ListII A. Planapproachangle 1. Toolface B. Rakeangle 2. Toolflank C Clearance C. Cl angle l 3. T lface Tool f and dflank fl k D. Wedge g angle g 4. 4 Cutting gedge g 5. (a) (c) A 1 4 B 4 1 C 2 2 D 5 (b) 3 (d) Page 4 Toolnose[Ans.(c)] A B C D 4 1 3 2 1 4 3 5

The of with Th angle l of f inclination i li i f the h rake k face f ih respect to the tool base measured in a plane perpendicular to the base and parallel to the width of the tool is called (a) Back rake angle (b) Side S d rake k angle l (c) S Side de cutt cutting g edge a angle ge (d) End cutting edge angle Ans. (b)

The tool Th rake k angle l of f a cutting i l is i 15, shear h angle 45 45 and cutting velocity 35 m/min. What is the velocity of chip along the tool f face? ? (a) 28.5 m/min (b) 27.3 m/min (c) 25.3 m/min (d) 23.5 m/min Ans. (a)

Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: Inanorthogonalcuttingthecuttingratioisfoundtobe 075.Thecuttingspeedis60m/minanddepthofcut24 mm.Whichofthefollowing garecorrect? 1. Chipvelocitywillbe45m/min. 2 Chipvelocitywillbe80m/min. 2. m/min 3. Chipthicknesswillbe18mm. 4. Chipthicknesswillbe32mm. Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelow: (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 ( ) 2and (c) d 3 (d) 2and d 4 Ans.(b)

If is i the h rake k angle l of f the h cutting i tool, l is i the h shear angle and V is the cutting velocity, then the velocity of chip sliding along the shear plane is given i b by (a) ( ) (c)
V cos cos( )
V cos sin( )


(b) (d)

V sin cos ( )

V sin sin( )

A Ans. ( ) (a)

An operation is A orthogonal h l cutting i i i being b i carried out under the following conditions: cutting speed = 2 m/s, depth of cut = 0.5 mm, chip hi thickness thi k = 0.6 6 mm. Then Th th chip the hi velocity y is (a) 2.0 m/s (b) 2.4 m/s (c) 1.0 m/s (d) 1.66 m/s Ans. (d)

In I orthogonal h lcutting, i shear h angle l is i the h angle l between b (a) Shearplaneandthecuttingvelocity (b) Shearplaneandtherakeplane (c) Shearplaneandtheverticaldirection (d) Shearplaneandthedirectionofelongationofcrystalsin the h chip hi Ans.(a)




The velocity for a work Th cutting i l i in i m/sec, / f turning i k piece i of diameter 100 mm at the spindle speed of 480 RPM is (a) 1.26 (b) 2.51 (c) 48 (d) 151 A Ans. (b)

In the I an orthogonal h l cutting, i h depth d h of f cut is i halved h l d and d the feed rate is double. If the chip thickness ratio is unaffected ff d with h the h changed h d cutting conditions, d the h actual chip thickness will be (a) Doubled (b) halved (c) Quadrupled (d) Unchanged. Unchanged Ans. (b) ( )

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 5

GATE 2009(PI)CommonDataS1
An operation is A orthogonal h l turning i i i carried i d out at 20 m/min cutting speed, speed using a cutting tool of rake angle 15 5o. The chip p thickness is 0.4 4 mm and the uncut chip p thickness is 0.2 mm. The shear plane angle (in degrees) is (a) 26.8 Ans. (c) (b) 27.8 (c) 28.8 (d) 29.8

GATE 2009(PI)CommonDataS2
An operation is A orthogonal h l turning i i i carried i d out at 20 m/min cutting speed, speed using a cutting tool of rake angle 15 5o. The chip p thickness is 0.4 4 mm and the uncut chip p thickness is 0.2 mm. The chip velocity (in m/min) is (a) 8 Ans. (b) (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14

Plainmillingofmildsteelplateproduces (a)Irregularshapeddiscontinuouschips (b)Regularshapeddiscontinuouschip (c)Continuouschipswithoutbuiltupedge (d)Joinedchips Ans.(b)

Duringmachining, machining excessmetalisremovedintheform ofchipasinthecaseofturningonalathe.Whichofthe f ll i arecorrect? following t? Continuousribbonlikechipisformedwhenturning 1. Atahighercuttingspeed 2 Atalowercuttingspeed 2. 3. Abrittlematerial 4. Aductilematerial Selectthecorrectanswerusing gthecodeg givenbelow: (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 ( ) 2and (c) d 3 (d) 2and d4 Ans.(b)

Consider BUEwill C id the h following f ll i machining hi i conditions: di i ill formin (a) Ductilematerial. (b) Highcuttingspeed. (c) Smallrakeangle. (d) Smalluncutchipthickness. A (a) Ans. ( )

Abuiltupedgeisformedwhilemachining ( )Ductilematerialsathighspeed (a) (b)Ductile D til materials t i l at tlow l speed d (c)Brittlematerialsathighspeed (d)Brittlematerialsatlowspeed


Assertion (A): For high speed turning of cast iron pistons, carbide tool bits are provided with chip b k breakers. Reason (R): High speed turning may produce long, ribbon type continuous chips which must be broken into small lengths which otherwise would be difficult to handle and may yp prove hazardous. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation p of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false Ans. (d) (d) A is false but R is true
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Option O ti C B D C B D B A B B Q. Q No N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Option O ti D D B C D B B D D B

Force & Power in Metal Cutting

Page 6


B SKMondal By M d l

The following data from the orthogonal cutting test is available. Rake angle = 100, chip thickness ratio = 0.35, uncut chip thickness = 0.51 mm, width of cut = 3 mm, mm yield shear stress of work material = 285 N/mm2, mean friction coefficient on tool force = 0.65, 6 D Determine i (i) ( ) Cutting g force ( (Fc) (ii) Radial force (iii) Normal N l force f (N) on tool l and d (iv) ( ) Shear force on the tool ( (Fs ) Ans. 1597 N, 0 N, 1453.8 N, 1265 N

Mild steel is being machined at a cutting speed of 200 m/min with a tool rake angle of 10. The width of cut and uncut thickness are 2 mm and 0.2 mm respectively. If the average value of coefficient of friction between the tool and the chip is 0.5 and the shear stress of the work material is 400 N/mm2, Determine (i) shear angle and (ii) ( ) Cutting g and thrust component p of the force. [Ans. 429 N , 127 N]

Li k dS1 GATE2008(PI)Linked
In an orthogonal cutting experiment, experiment an HSS tool having the following g tool signature g in the orthogonal g reference system (ORS) has been used: 0107710751. Given width of cut = 3.6 mm; shear strength of workpiece
2; depth material i l = 460 6 N/mm N/ d h of f cut = 0.25 mm;

coefficient of friction at toolchip interface = 0.7. 07 Shear p plane angle g ( (in degree) g ) for minimum cutting g force is (a) 20.5 (b) 24.5 (c) 28.5 (d) 32.5 [Ans. (d)]

Li k dS2 GATE2008(PI)Linked
In an orthogonal cutting experiment, experiment an HSS tool having the following g tool signature g in the orthogonal g reference system (ORS) has been used: 0107710751. Given width of cut = 3.6 mm; shear strength of workpiece material i l = 460 6 N/ N/mm2; depth d h of f cut = 0.25 mm; coefficient of friction at toolchip interface = 0.7. 07 Minimum p power requirement q (in kW) ( ) at a cutting g speed p of 150 m/min is (a) 3.15 (b) 3.25 (c) 3.35 (d) 3.45 [Ans. (b)]

GATE 2007(PI) ( )CommonData1

In an orthogonal machining test, test the following observations were made Cutting force 1200 N Thrust force 500 N Tool rake angle zero Cutting speed 1 m/s Depth of cut 0 8 mm 0.8 Chip thickness 1.5 mm Friction angle during machining will be (a) 22.6 22 6o (b) 32.8 32 8o (c) 57.1 57 1o (d) 67.4 67 4o [Ans. [Ans (a)]

GATE 2007(PI) ( )CommonData2

In an orthogonal machining test, test the following observations were made Cutting force 1200 N Thrust force 500 N Tool rake angle zero Cutting speed 1 m/s Depth of cut 0 8 mm 0.8 Chip thickness 1.5 mm Chip speed along the tool rake face will be (a) 0.83 0 83 m/s (b) 0.53 0 53 m/s (c) 1.2 m/s (d) 1.88 m/s [Ans. (b)]

ESE2003 Conventional
During turning a carbon steel rod of 160 mm diameter by a carbide tool of geometry; 0, 0, 10, 8, 15, 75, 0 (mm) at speed of 400 rpm, feed of 0.32 mm/rev and 4.0 mm depth of cut, the f ll i observation following b i were made. d Tangential component of the cutting force, Pz = 1200 N Axial component of the cutting force, Px = 800 N Chip thickness (after cut), 2 = 0.8 mm. For the above machining condition determine the values of (i) Friction force, force F and normal force, force N acting at the chip tool interface. (ii) Yield Yi ld shears h strength t th of f the th work k material t i l under d thi this machining condition. (iii) Cutting C i power consumption i in i kW. kW Ans. 828 N, For-2013 1200 N, 231.15 Mpa, 4.021 (IES, GATE, kW PSUs)

GATE 1995Conventional
While turning a C15 steel rod of 160 mm diameter at 315 rpm, 2.5 mm depth of cut and feed of 0.16 mm/rev by a tool of geometry 00, 100, 80, 90,150, 750, 0(mm) the following observations were made. 0(mm), made Tangential component of the cutting force = 500 N Axial component of the cutting force = 200 N Chip thickness = 0.48 0 48 mm Draw schematically the Merchants circle diagram for the cutting force in the present case. Ans F = 291 N, Ans. N N = 457.67 457 67 N, N Fn = 355.78 355 78 N, N Fs = 408.31 408 31 N, Friction angle = 32.49o
Page 7

During turning process with 7 ? 6 6 8 30 1 (mm) ASA tool the undeformed chip thickness of 2.0 mm and d width idth of f cut t of f 2.5 mm were used. d The Th side rake angle of the tool was a chosen that the machining h operation could ld be b approximated d to be b orthogonal g cutting. g The tangential g cutting g force and thrust force were 1177 N and 560 N respectively. Calculate: [30 marks] (i) The side rake angle (ii) Coefficient of friction at the rake face (iii) The dynamic shear strength of the work material Ans. 12o, 0.82, 74.43 MPa

IES 2004
A medium carbon steel is di b l workpiece k i i turned d on a lathe at 50 m/min. cutting speed 0.8 mm/rev feed and 1.5 mm depth of cut. What is the rate of metal removal? (a) 1000 mm3/min (b) 60,000 mm3/min / (c) 20,000 0,000 mm3/ /min (d) Can not be calculated with the given data Ans. (b)

Inorthogonalturningofmediumcarbonsteel.The specificmachiningenergyis2.0J/mm3.Thecutting velocity,feedanddepthofcutare120m/min,0.2 mm/revand2mmrespectively. respectively Themaincutting forceinNis (a)40 (b)80 (c)400 (d)800 Ans.(d)

In strain g gauge g dynamometers y the use of how many active gauge makes the dynamometers more effective (a) Four (b) Three Th (c) Two (d) One Ans. (a)

Inanorthogonalmachiningoperation: Uncutthickness=0.5 0 5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N AssumeMerchant'stheory. Thecoefficientoffrictionatthetoolchipinterfaceis (a)0.23 0 23 (b)0.46 0 46 (c)0.85 (d)0.95 Ans.(b)

Inanorthogonalmachiningoperation: Uncutthickness=0.5 0 5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N AssumeMerchant'stheory. Thepercentageoftotalenergydissipateddueto frictionatthetoolchipinterfaceis (a)30% (b)42% (c)58% (d)70% Ans.(a)

Inanorthogonalmachiningoperation: Uncutthickness=0.5 0 5mm Cuttingspeed=20m/min Rakeangle=15 Widthofcut=5mm Chipthickness=0.7mm Thrustforce=200N Cuttingforce=1200N AssumeMerchant'stheory. Thevaluesofshearangleandshearstrain, respectively are respectively, (a)30.3 and1.98 (b)30.3 and4.23 (c)40.2 and2.97 (d)40.2 and1.65Ans.(d)

A cylinder is turned on a lathe with orthogonal machining principle. principle Spindle rotates at 200 rpm. rpm The axial feed rate is 0.25 mm per revolution. Depth of cut is 0 4 mm. 0.4 mm The rake angle is 10 10. In the analysis it is found that the shear angle is 27.75 Thethicknessoftheproducedchipis (a)0.511 0 511mm (b)0.528 0 528mm (c)0.818mm (d)0.846mm Ans.(a)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

A cylinder is turned on a lathe with orthogonal machining principle. principle Spindle rotates at 200 rpm. rpm The axial feed rate is 0.25 mm per revolution. Depth of cut is 0 4 mm. 0.4 mm The rake angle is 10 10. In the analysis it is found that the shear angle is 27.75 Intheaboveproblem,thecoefficientoffrictionat thechip ptoolinterfaceobtainedusing gEarnestand Merchanttheoryis (a)0.18 0 18 (b)0.36 0 36 (c)0.71 (d)0.98 Ans.(d)
Page 8

Orthogonal turning is performed on a cylindrical work piece with shear strength of 250 MPa. MPa The following conditions are used: cutting velocity is 180 m/min. feed is 0.20 0 20 mm/rev. mm/rev depth of cut is 3 mm. mm chip thickness ratio = 0.5. The orthogonal rake angle is 7o. Apply M h ' theory Merchant's h f analysis. for l i planeangle g ( (indegree) g )andtheshear Theshearp forcerespectivelyare (a)52:320N (b)52:400N (c)28:400N (d)28:320N Ans.(d)

Orthogonal turning is performed on a cylindrical work piece with shear strength of 250 MPa. MPa The following conditions are used: cutting velocity is 180 m/min. feed is 0.20 0 20 mm/rev. mm/rev depth of cut is 3 mm. mm chip thickness ratio = 0.5. The orthogonal rake angle is 7o. Apply M h ' theory Merchant's h f analysis. for l i gandthrustforces, ,respectively, p y,are Thecutting (a)568N;387N (b)565N;381N ( )440N; (c) N 342N N (d)480N; N 356N N [Ans. [A (b)]

In of alloy, it I orthogonal h l turning i f an engineering i i ll i has h been observed that the friction force acting at the chip tool interface is 402.5 N and the friction force is also perpendicular p p to the cutting g velocity y vector. The feed velocity is negligibly small with respect to the cutting velocity The ratio of friction force to normal force velocity. associated with the chiptool interface is 1. The uncut chip hi thickness thi k i 0.2 mm and is d the th chip hi thickness thi k i 0.4 is mm. The cutting velocity is 2 m/s. The shear force (in N) acting along the primary shear plane is (a) 180.0 (b) 240.0 (c) 360.5 (d) 402.5 Ans. (a)

In of alloy, it has I orthogonal th l turning t i f an engineering i i ll h been observed that the friction force acting at the chip t l interface tool i t f i 402.5 N and is d the th friction f i ti f force i also is l perpendicular to the cutting velocity vector. The feed velocity l it is i negligibly li ibl small ll with ith respect t to t the th cutting tti velocity. The ratio of friction force to normal force associated i t d with ith the th chip hi tool t l interface i t f i 1. The is Th uncut t chip thickness is 0.2 mm and the chip thickness is 0.4 mm. The Th cutting i velocity l i is i 2 m/s. / Assume that the energy gy expended p during g machining g is completely converted to heat. The rate of heat generation (in W) at the p g primary y shear p plane is (a) 180.5 (b) 200.5 (c) 302.5 (d) 402.5 Ans. (d)

G 2011 20 ( )Linked i k d S GATE (PI) S1

During orthogonal machining of a mild steel specimen with a cutting tool of zero rake angle, the following data i obtained: is bt i d p thickness = 0.25 mm Uncut chip Chip thickness = 0.75 mm Width of f cut t = 2.5 mm 950 N Normal force = 95 Thrust force = 475 N [Ans. (b)] Th shear The h angle l and d shear h f force, respectively, ti l are (a) ( )7 71.565 5 5o, 150.21 5 N (b) ( ) 18.435 435o , 75 751.04 4N (c) 9.218o, 861.64 N (d) 23.157o , 686.66 N

G 2011 20 ( )Linked i k dS2 GATE (PI)

During orthogonal machining of a mild steel specimen with a cutting tool of zero rake angle, the following data i obtained: is bt i d p thickness = 0.25 mm Uncut chip Chip thickness = 0.75 mm Width of f cut t = 2.5 mm 950 N Normal force = 95 Thrust force = 475 N Th ultimate The lti t shear h stress t (i (inN/ N/mm2)of fthe th work k materialis [Ans.(d)] (a)235 (b)139 (c)564 (d)380

IES 2012
During in D i orthogonal h lcutting, i anincrease i i cutting i speed d causes (a)Anincreaseinlongitudinalcuttingforce (b)Anincreaseinradialcuttingforce (c)Anincreaseintangentialcuttingforce (d)Cuttingforcestoremainunaffected Ans.(d)

The the angle Th relationship l ti hi between b t th shear h l , g and cutting g rake angle g the friction angle is given as

Which one of the following is the correct expression for the Merchant Merchant's s machinability constant? (a) 2 + (b) 2 + (c) 2 (d) ( ) + (Where = shear angle, = friction angle and = rake angle) Ans. (a)
Page 9

Inatypicalmetalcuttingoperation,usinga cuttingtoolofpositiverakeangle=10 10,it wasobservedthattheshearanglewas20. Thefrictionangleis ( )45 (a) (b)30 (c)60 60 (d)40 40 Ans.(c)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)


IAS 1999
In process, rake I an orthogonal h l cutting i k angle l of f the h tool is 20 and friction angle is 25.5. Using Merchant's shear angle relationship, the value of shear angle g will be (a) 39.5 (b) 42.25 ( ) 47.75 (c) (d) 50.5 Ans. (b)

In orthogonal cutting test, the cutting force = 900 N, N the thrust force = 600 N and chip shear angle is 30o. Then the chip shear force is (a) 1079.4 N (b) 969.6 N ( ) 479.4 N (c) (d) 69.6 N Ans. (c) ( )

In an orthogonal cutting test, the cutting force and thrust force were observed to be 1000N and 500 N respectively. If the rake angle of tool is zero, the coefficient of friction in chiptool interface will ill be 1 1


( b)2

( c)

( d) 2 2

Which of the following forces are measured directly by strain gauges or force dynamometers during metal cutting ? y the tool on the chip p acting g normally y to 1. Force exerted by the tool face. g force exerted by y the tool on the work 2. Horizontal cutting piece. 3. Frictional resistance of the tool against the chip flow acting along the tool face. 4 Vertical force which helps in holding the tool in 4. position. (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3 Ans. (b)

In orthogonal turning of low carbon steel pipe with principal cutting edge angle of 90 90, , the main cutting force is 1000 N and the feed force is 800 N. The shear angle is 25 and orthogonal rake angle is zero. zero Employing Merchants theory, the ratio of friction f force to normal l force f acting i on the h cutting i tool l is i (a) ( ) 1.56 5 (b) ( ) 1.25 5 (c) 0.80 (d) 0.64 Ans. (c) ( )

Consider the following forces acting on a finish turning tool: 1. Feed force 2. Thrust force 3. Cutting force. Th correct The t sequence of f the th decreasing d i order d of f the magnitudes g of these forces is (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 2, 3, 1 (c) 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 2, 1 [Ans. (c)]

The radial force in singlepoint tool during turning operation varies between (a) ( ) 0.2 to 0.4 4 times the main cutting g force (b) 0.4 to 0.6 times the main cutting force (c) 0.6 to 0.8 times the main cutting force (d) 0.5 to t 0.6 6 times ti th main the i cutting tti force f Ans. (a)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

The primary tool force used in calculating the total power consumption in machining is the (a) Radial force (b) Tangential force ( ) Axial (c) l force f (d) Frictional l force. f Ans. (b) ( )

In a machining process, the percentage of heat carried away by the chips is typically (a) ( )5 5% (b) ( ) 25% 5 (c) 50% (d) 75% A Ans. (d)

Page 10

In metal cutting operation, the approximate ratio of heat distributed among chip, chip tool and work, in that order is (a) 80: 10: 10 (b) 33: 33: 33 ( ) 20: 60: 10 (d) 10: 10: 80 (c) Ans. (a) ( )

IAS 2003
As A the h cutting i speed dincreases i (a) ( ) Moreheatistransmittedtotheworkp pieceandless heatistransmittedtothetool (b) Moreheatiscarriedawaybythechipandlessheatis transmittedtothetool (c) Moreheatistransmittedtoboththechipandthe too tool (d) Moreheatistransmittedtoboththeworkpieceand th t the tool l Ans.(b)

Power consumption in metal cutting is mainly due to (a) ( ) Tangential g component p of the force (b) Longitudinal component of the force (c) Normal component of the force (d) Friction F i ti at t the th metal t ltool t l interface i t f Ans. (a)

IAS 1995
Thrust force will with in Th f illincrease i i hthe h increase i i (a) ( ) Sidecutting gedge g angle g (b)Toolnoseradius ( ) Rake (c) R k angle l (d) ( )Endcutting gedge g angle. g Ans.(a) ( )

Consider C id the th following f ll i statements: t t t In an orthogonal, singlepoint metal cutting, as the sidecutting edge angle is increased, 1. The tangential force increases. 2 The longitudinal force drops. 2. drops 3. The radial force increases. 3 Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only ( ) 2 and (c) d 3 only l (d) 1, 2 and d3 A Ans. ( ) (c)

A 'Dynamometer' is a device used for the measurement of (a) ( ) Chip p thickness ratio (b) Forces during metal cutting (c) Wear of the cutting tool (d) Deflection D fl ti of f the th cutting tti tool t l Ans. (b)

Theinstrumentordeviceusedtomeasurethe cutting gforcesinmachining gis: (a)Tachometer (b)Comparator C (c) ( )Dynamometer y (d)Lactometer Ans. s (c)

Assertion (A): and A ti (A) Piezoelectric Pi l t i transducers t d d preferred f d over strain gauge transducers in the dynamometers for measurement of threedimensional cutting forces. forces Reason (R): In electric transducers there is a significant leakage of signal from one axis to the other, other such cross error is negligible in the case of piezoelectric transducers. transducers (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct t explanation l ti of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c) Page 11

IAS 2003
The heat generated metal Th h d in i l conveniently be determined by (a) Installing thermocouple on the job (b) Installing thermocouple on the tool (c) Calorimetric setup (d) Using radiation pyrometer cutting i can

Ans. (c)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

The gauge factor of a resistive pickup of cutting force dynamometer is defined as the ratio of (a) Applied strain to the resistance of the wire (b) The h proportional l change h in resistance to the h applied strain (c) The resistance to the applied strain (d) Change in resistance to the applied strain A Ans. (b)

Assertion (A): In metal cutting, the normal laws of sliding friction are not applicable. applicable (R): ) Very y high g temperature p is Reason ( produced at the toolchip interface. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a)

The effect of rake angle on the mean friction angle in machining can be explained by (A) sliding (Coulomb) model of friction (B) sticking and then sliding model of friction (C) sticking friction (D) Sliding and then sticking model of friction Ans (b) Ans.

Assertion (A): to A i (A) The Th ratio i of f uncut chip hi thickness hi k actual chip thickness is always less than one and is termed d as cutting ratio in orthogonal h l cutting Reason ( (R): ) The frictional force is very y high g due to the occurrence of sticking friction rather than sliding friction (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true

The effect of rake angle on the mean friction angle in machining can be explained by (a) Sliding (coulomb) model of friction (b) sticking and then siding model of friction (c) Sticking friction (d) sliding and then sticking model of friction

,ToolLife&Machinability y ToolWear,

Ans. (b)

Ans. (b)


IAS 2009Main
y Explainsudden suddendeathmechanism mechanismoftoolfailure.

[4 marks] Showcraterwearandflankwearonasinglepoint cuttingtool. tool Statethefactorsresponsibleforwear onaturningtool. [2marks] k ]

Flank Fl k wear occurs on the th (a) Relief face of the tool (b) Rake face (c) Nose of the tool (d) Cutting C i edge d Ans. (a)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 12

IES 2007
Flank Fl kwearoccursmainly i l onwhich hi hof fthe h following? (a) Nosepartandtopface (b) Cuttingedgeonly (c) Nosepart,frontreliefface,andsiderelieffaceofthe cuttingtool (d) Faceofthecuttingtoolatashort distancefrom thecuttingedge Ans.(c) ( )

IES 2004
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: g the third stage g of toolwear, , rapid p During deterioration of tool edge takes place because 1 Flank wear is only marginal 1. 2. Flank wear is large 3. Temperature of the tool increases gradually 4. Temperature T t of f the th tool t l increases i d ti ll drastically Which of the statements g given above are correct? (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4 ( ) 1 and (c) d4 (d) 2 and d3 A Ans. (b)

IES 2002
Crater wearontools startsatsomedistance C l always l di fromthetooltipbecauseatthatpoint (a) Cuttingfluiddoesnotpenetrate (b) Normalstressonrakefaceismaximum (c) Temperatureismaximum (d) Toolstrengthisminimum Ans.(c)

IAS 2007
Why craterwearstartatsomedistance from Wh does d di f thetooltip? (a) Toolstrengthisminimumatthatregion (b) Cuttingfluidcannotpenetratethatregion (c) Tooltemperatureismaximuminthatregion (d) Stressonrakefaceismaximumatthatregion

IES 2000
Crater wearstartsatsomedistance from the C di f h tool ltip i because (a) Cuttingfluidcannotpenetratethatregion (b) Stressonrakefaceismaximumatthatregion (c) Toolstrengthisminimumatthatregion (d) Tooltemperatureismaximumatthatregion Ans.(d)

IES 1996
Notch N hwearatthe h outside id edge d of fthe h depth d hof fcutis i dueto (a) Abrasiveactionoftheworkhardenedchipmaterial (b) Oxidation (c) Slipstickactionofthechip (d) Chipping. Ans.(b)


IES 1995
Match M hList Li Iwith i hList Li IIand dselect l the h correct answerusingthecodesgivenbelowthelists: ListI(Weartype) ListII(Associatedmechanism) A Abrasivewears A. 1 1. Galvanicaction B. Adhesivewears 2. Ploughing action C. Electrolyticwear 3. Moleculartransfer D Diffusion D. Diff i wears 4. Pl ti d Plastic deformation f ti 5. Metallicbond [Ans.( (a)] ) Code:A B C D A B C D ( ) 2 (a) 5 1 3 (b) 5 2 1 3 3 4 (d) 5 2 3 4 (c) 2 1 For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1995
Crater wearis in C i predominant d i i (a) ( ) Carbonsteeltools (b) Tungstencarbidetools ( ) High (c) Hi hspeed dsteel ltools l (d) ( ) Ceramictools Ans.(a) ( )

IES 1994
Assertion A i (A): (A) Tool T lwearis i expressed din i termsof f flankwearratherthancraterwear. Reason(R):Measurementofflankwearissimple andmoreaccurate. accurate (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe correctexplanation l of fA (b) Both ot Aand a dRa are eindividually d v dua yt true uebutRis snot ot t the e correctexplanationofA ( ) Ais (c) i true t b but tRi isf false l [Ans.(c)] (d) AisfalsebutRistrue

Page 13

IES 2008
What Wh arethe h reasonsfor f reduction d i of ftool llife lif in i a machiningoperation? 1. Temperatureriseofcuttingedge 2 Chippingoftooledgeduetomechanicalimpact 2. 3. Gradualwearsattoolpoint 4. Increaseinfeedofcutatconstantcuttingforce S l tth Select thecorrect tanswerusing i the th code d given i below: (a) 1,2and3 (b) 2,3and4 (c) 1, 1 3and4 (d) 1, 1 2and4 [Ans. Ans (a)]

IAS 2002
Consider C id the h following f ll i actions: i 1. Mechanical abrasion 2. Diffusion 3. Plastic deformation 4. Oxidation Whi h of Which f the h above b are the h causes of f tool l wear? ? (a) ( ) 2 and 3 (b) ( ) 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 3 Ans. (c)

IAS 1999
The to the Th type of f wear that h occurs due d h cutting i action of the particles in the cutting fluid is referred to as (a) Attritions wear (b) Diffusion wear (c) Erosive wear (d) Corrosive wear Ans. (c)

IAS 2003
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: pp g of a cutting g tool is due to Chipping 1. Tool material being too brittle 2. Hot H hardness h d of f the h tool l material. i l 3. High 3 g p positive rake angle g of the tool. Which of these statements are correct? ( ) 1, 2 and (a) d 3 (b) 1 and d3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 Ans. (b)

IES 2012
In I Taylors T l tool llife lif equation i VTn =C, C the h constantsn andCdependupon 1.Workpiecematerial 2 Toolmaterial 2. 3.Coolant (a)1,2,and3 (b)1and d2only l (c)2and3only y (d)1and3only A ( Ans. (a) )

With the th help h l of f Taylors T l tool t l life lif equation, ti determine the shape of the curve between velocity of cutting g and life of the tool. Assume an HSS tool and steel as work material. [10Marks]

Chip is Chi equivalent i l i increased i d by b (a) An increases in sidecutting edge angle of tool (b) An increase in nose radius and side cutting g edge angle of tool ( ) Increasing (c) I i the th plant l t area of f cut t (d) Increasing the depth of cut. cut Ans. (b)

IES 1992
Tool T llife lif is i generally ll specified ifi dby b (a) ( ) Numberofp piecesmachined (b) Volumeofmetalremoved ( ) Actual (c) A lcutting i time i (d) ( ) Any yoftheabove Ans.(d)

In operation, doubling the I a machining hi i i d bli h 1 cutting speed reduces the tool life to 8 th of the original value. The exponent n in Taylor's t l life tool lif equation ti VTn = C, C is i
(a) 1 8 (b) 1 4 (c ) 1 3 (d ) 1 2

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 14

IES 2000
In the speed I a tool l life lif test, doubling d bli h cutting i d reduces the tool life to 1/8th of the original. The Taylor's tool life index is
( a )2

IES 1999
In I asingle i l point i turning i operation i of fsteel lwith i ha cementedcarbidetool,Taylor'stoollifeexponentis 0.25.Ifthecuttingspeedishalved,thetoollifewill increaseby y (a) Twotimes (b) Fourtimes ( ) Eight (c) h times (d) Sixteen S times Ans.(d)

IES 2008
In I Taylor's T l ' tool llife lif equation i is i VTn =constant. Whatisthevalueofnforceramictools? (a) 0.15to0.25 (b) 0.4to0.55 ( ) 0.6 (c) 6to0.75 (d) 0.8to0.9 Ans.(c)

( b )3

( c )4

( d ) 8


IES 2006
Which values of n is Whi h of f the h following f ll i l f index i d i associated with carbide tools when Taylor's tool life equation, V.Tn = constant is applied? (a) 01 to 015 (b) 02 to 04 (c) 0.45 to 06 (d) 065 to 09 Ans (b) Ans.

IES 1999
The of Th approximately i l variation i i f the h tool l life lif exponent 'n' of cemented carbide tools is (a) 0.03 to 0.08 (b) 0.08 to 0.20 (c) 0.20 0 20 to 0.48 0 48 (d) 0.48 0 48 to 0.70 0 70 Ans. (c)

IAS 1998
Match M t hList Li t I(Cutting (C tti tool t lmaterial) t i l)with ithList Li t II (Typicalvalueoftoollifeexponent'n'intheTaylor's equationV.T V Tn =C)andselectthecorrectanswerusing thecodesgivenbelowthelists: List I List II A. HSS 1. 0.18 B. Castalloy 2. 0.12 3. 3 0.25 5 C. Ceramic Ans (d) Ans. D. Sinteredcarbide 4. 0.5 Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 2 1 3 4 (c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 1 2 4 3

GATE 2009(PI)
I an orthogonal In th l machining hi i operation, ti th tool the t l life lif obtained is 10 min at a cutting speed of 100 m/min, m/min while at 75 m/min cutting g speed, p the tool life is 3 30 min. The value of index (n) in the Taylors tool life equation (a) 0.262 Ans. (a) (b) 0.323 (c) 0.423 (d) 0.521

A 50 mm diameter steel rod was turned at 284 rpm and tool failure occurred in 10 minutes. The speed was changed h d to 232 rpm and d the h tool l failed f il d in i 60 6 minutes. i Assuming straight line relationship between cutting speed p and tool life, , the value of Taylorian y Exponent p is (a) 0.21 Ans. (c)
Page 15

The above figure shows a typical relationship between tool life and cutting speed for different materials. Match the graphs for HSS Carbide HSS, C bid and d Ceramic C i tool l materials and select the correct answer using i th code the d given i below the lists: C d HSS Code: SS Carbide C bid C Ceramic i (a) 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 (c) 1 3 2 (d) 3 1 2

(b) 0.13 3

(c) 0.11

(d) 0.23 3

A (a) Ans. ( )

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

During machining, the wear land (h) has been plotted against machining time (T) as given in the following figure. g


For F tool l A, A Taylors T l tool l life lif exponent (n) ( ) is i 0.45 and constant (K) is 90. Similarly for tool B, n = 0.3 and K = 60. The cutting speed (in m/min) / i ) above b which hi h tool t l A will ill have h a higher hi h tool life than tool B is (a) 26.7 (b) 42.5 (c) 80.7 (d) 142.9 Ans (a) Ans.

A batch 500 b t h of f 10 cutting tti tools t l could ld produce d g at 50 rpm with a components while working tool feed of 0.25 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1 mm. A similar batch of 10 tools of the same specification could produce 122 components while working at 80 rpm with a feed of 0.25 0 25 mm/rev and 1 mm depth of cut. How many components can be b produced d d with i h one g tool at 60 rpm? p cutting (a) 29 (b) 31 ( ) 37 (c) (d) 42 A (a) Ans. ( )

For a critical wear land of 1.8 1 8 mm, mm the cutting tool life (in minute) is Ans.(b) (a) 52.00 (b) 51.67 (c) 51.50 (d) 50.00

IES 1994,2007
For F increasing i i the h material i lremoval lratein i turning, i withoutanyconstraints,whatistherightsequence toadjustthecuttingparameters? 1 Speed 1. 2 2. Feed 3 3. Depthofcut Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelow: (a) 1 2 3 (b) 2 3 1 (c) 3 2 1 (d) 1 3 2 Ans.(c)[readquestionagain,commonerror(a)]

Tool T l life lif is i affected ff t d mainly i l with ith (a) Feed (b) Depth of cut (c) Coolant (d) Cutting C i speed d Ans. (d)

IES 1997
Consider C id the h following f ll i elements: l gspeed p 1. Noseradius 2. Cutting 3. Depthofcut 4. Feed Th correctsequenceof The fthese h elements l in i DECREASING orderoftheirinfluenceontoollifeis (a) 2,4,3,1 (b) 4,2,3,1 ( ) 2,4,1,3 (c) (d) 4,2,1,3

What is the correct sequence of the following parameters in order of their maximum to minimum influence on tool life? 1. Feed rate 2. Depth of cut 3 Cutting speed 3. Select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 3, 2, 1 (c) 2, 3, 1 (d) 3, 1, 2 Ans. (d) For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1992
Tool when T llife lif is i generally ll better b h (a) ( ) Grainsizeofthemetalislarge g (b) Grainsizeofthemetalissmall ( ) Hard (c) H dconstituents i arepresenti inthe h microstructure i ofthetoolmaterial (d) Noneoftheabove Ans.(a)
1. 2. 3 3. 4.

IAS 2003
The in Th tool llife lif curvesfor f twotools l Aand dBareshown h i thefigureandtheyfollowthetoollifeequationVTn =C. Consider d the h f following ll statements:
Valueofnforboththetoolsissame. ValueofCforboththetoolsissame. ValueofCfortoolAwillbegreaterthanthatforthetoolB. B ValueofCfortoolBwillbegreaterthanthatforthetoolA.

Which Whi hof fthese th statements t t t is/are i / correct? t? (a) 1and3 (b) 1and4 (c) 2only (d) 4only
Page 16


IAS 2002
Using U i the h Taylor T l equation i VTn =c,calculate l l the h percentageincreaseintoollifewhenthecutting speedisreducedby50%(n=05andc=400) (a) 300% (b) 400% (c) 100% (d) 50%

IAS 2002
Optimum cutting speed cost (Vc min ) O i i d for f minimum i i and optimum cutting speed for maximum production rate (Vr max ) have which one of the following g relationships? p (a) Vc min = Vr max (b) Vc min > Vr max ( ) Vc min < Vr max (c) (d) V2c min = Vr max

With increasing cutting velocity, i i tti l it the th total t t l time for machining g a component p (a) Decreases (b) Increases (c) Remains unaffected (d) ( ) First decreases and then increases Ans. (d)

Ans.(a) Ans. (c) ( )

IAS 2000
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: y Thetoollifeisincreasedby 1. Builtupedgeformation 2. Increasing I i cutting i velocity l i 3. Increasing 3 gbackrakeangle g up ptocertainvalue Whichofthesestatementsarecorrect? ( ) 1and (a) d3 (b) 1and d2 (c) 2and3 (d) 1,2and3 Ans.(a) ( )

IAS 1997
In VTn = C, I the h Taylor's T l ' tool l life lif equation, i C the h value l of n = 0.5. The tool has a life of 180 minutes at a cutting speed of 18 m/min. If the tool life is reduced to 45 minutes, , then the cutting g speed p will be (a) 9 m/min (b) 18 m/min ( ) 36 m/min (c) / (d) 72 m/min / Ans. (c)

IAS 1996
The with Th tool llife lif increases i i hthe h (a) ( ) Increaseinsidecutting gedge g angle g (b) Decreaseinsiderakeangle ( ) Decrease (c) D in i noseradius di (d) ( ) Decreaseinbackrakeangle g Ans.(a) ( )

IAS 1995
In I asingle i l point i turning i operation i with i hacemented d carbideandsteelcombinationhavingaTaylor exponentof0.25,ifthecuttingspeedishalved,then thetoollifewillbecome (a) Half (b) Twotimes (c) Eight g ttimes t es (d) Sixteentimes. Ans.(d)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IAS 1995
Assertion (A): in A i (A) An A increase i i depth d h of f cut shortens h the tool life. Reason(R): Increases in depth of cut gives rise to relatively small increase in tool temperature. temperature (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l [Ans. (a)] (d) A is false but R is true
Page 17

IES 2006conventional
An operation. The A HSS tool l is i used d for f turning i i Th tool life is 1 hr. when turning is carried at 30 m/min. The tool life will be reduced to 2.0 min if th cutting the tti speed d is i doubled. d bl d Find Fi d the th suitable it bl p in RPM for turning g 3 300 mm diameter so speed that tool life is 30 min.

Ans. (36.66 rpm)

The Th following f ll i equation i for f tool l life lif was obtained b i d for f HSS tool. A 60 min tool life was obtained using the following cutting condition VT0.13f0.6d0.3= C. v = 40 m/min, f = 0.25 mm, , d = 2.0 mm. Calculate the effect on tool life if speed, feed and depth of cut are together increased by 25% and also if they are increased individually by 25%; where f = feed, d = depth of cut, v = speed. Ans. 2.3 min, 10.78 min, 21.42 min, 35.85 min

Determine the cutting speed an D i h optimum i i d for f operation on a Lathe machine using the following information: Tool change time: 3 min Tool regrinds time: 3 min Machine running cost Re.0.50 per min Depreciation of tool regrinds Rs. Rs 5.0 50 The constants in the tool life equation are 60 and 0.2 Ans. 26 m/min

In I a certain i machining hi i operation i with i h a cutting i speed of 50 m/min, tool life of 45 minutes was observed. When the cutting speed was increased t 100 m/min, to / i the th tool t l life lif decreased d d to t 10 min. i g speed p for maximum Estimate the cutting productivity if tool change time is 2 minutes. Ans 195 m/min Ans.

In tool I amachining hi i experiment, i llife lif wasfound f dtovary withthecuttingspeedinthefollowingmanner: Cuttingspeed(m/min) Toollife(minutes) 60 81 90 36 Theexponent(n)andconstant(k)oftheTaylor's toollifeequationare (a)n=0.5andk=540 (b)n=1andk=4860 (c)n=1andk=0.74 (d)n0.5andk=1.15 Ans (a) Ans.

In tool I amachining hi i experiment, i llife lif wasfound f dtovary withthecuttingspeedinthefollowingmanner: Cuttingspeed(m/min) Toollife(minutes) 60 81 90 36 Whatisthepercentageincreaseintoollifewhen thecuttingspeedishalved? (a)50% (b)200% (c)300% (d)400% Ans.(c)

What percentage change is Wh is i approximate i h i the life, t, of a tool with zero rake angle used in orthogonal cutting when its clearance angle, l , is i changed h d from f 10o to t 7o? (Hint: Flank wear rate is proportional to cot (a) 30 % increase (b) 30%, decrease (c) 70% increase (d) 70% decrease Ans (b) Ans.


IAS 2007Contd
A diagram related economics di l t d to t machining hi i i with ith various cost components is given above. Match List I (C t Element) (Cost El t) with ith List Li t II (Appropriate (A i t Curve) C ) and d select the correct answer using the code given below th Lists: the Li t ListI ListII (CostElement) (AppropriateCurve) A Machiningcost A. 1 1. Curvel B. Toolcost 2. Curve2 C. Tool lgrinding d cost 3. Curve3 D. Nonp productivecost 4 4. Curve4 5. Curve5
Page 18

C d Contd. F From previous i slide lid


Code:A ( ) 3 (a) (c) 3

B 2 1

C 4 4

D 5 2

(b) ( ) (d)

A 4 4

B 1 2

C 3 3

D 2 5

Ans.(a) For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1998
The rate of Th variable i bl cost and d production d i f a machining process against cutting speed are shown in the given figure. For efficient machining, the range g of best cutting g speed p would be between (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and d5 (c) 2 a and d4 (d) 3 and 5

IES 1999
Consider the following approaches normally C id h f ll i h ll applied for the economic analysis of machining: 1. Maximum production rate 2 Maximum profit criterion 2. 3. Minimum cost criterion The correct sequence in ascending order of optimum cutting speed obtained by these approaches is (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 2 (c) 3, 2, 1 (d) 3, 1, 2 Ans (c) Ans.

The optimum cutting speed is one which should have: 1. High metal removal rate 2. High Hi h cutting i tool l life lif 3. Balance the metal removal rate and 3 cutting tool life (a) 1, 1 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only l A Ans. (d)


IES 2000
The speed Th magnitude i d of f the h cutting i d for f maximum i profit rate must be (a) In between the speeds for minimum cost and maximum production rate (b) Higher than the speed for maximum production rate (c) Below the speed for minimum cost (d) Equal to the speed for minimum cost Ans. (a)

IES 2004
Consider C id the th following f ll i statements: t t t 1. As the cutting speed increases, the cost of production i i i ll reduces, initially d then h after f an optimum i cutting i speed d it i increases 2. As A the h cutting i speed d increases i the h cost of f production d i also increases and after a critical value it reduces 3. Higher feed rate for the same cutting speed reduces cost of production 4. Higher feed rate for the same cutting speed increases the cost of production Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) ( ) 1 and 3 (b) ( ) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 only [Ans. (a)]

IES 2002
In I economics i of fmachining, hi i which hi honeof fthe h followingcostsremainsconstant? (a) Machiningcostperpiece (b) Toolchangingcostperpiece (c) Toolhandlingcostperpiece (d) Toolcostperpiece


IAS 2007
Assertion (A): cutting speed A i (A) The Th optimum i i d for f the h minimum cost of machining may not maximize the profit. Reason (R): The profit also depends on rate of production. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the h correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true [Ans. (a) ]
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IAS 1997
In cutting I turning, i the h ratio i of fthe h optimum i i speed d forminimumcostandoptimumcuttingspeedfor maximumrateofproductionisalways (a) Equalto1 (b) Intherangeof0.6to1 (c) Intherangeof0.1to0.6 (d) Greaterthan1 Ans.(b)
Page 19

IES 2012
The machinability of Th usual l method h d of f defining d fi i hi bili f a material is by an index based on (a) Hardness of work material (b) Production rate of machined parts (c) Surface finish of machined surfaces (d) Tool life Ans. (d)

IES2011Conventional l
y Discuss the effects of the following elements on the

IES 1992
Ease of E fmachining hi i is i primarily i il judged j d dby b (a) ( ) Lifeofcutting gtoolbetweensharpening p g (b) Rigidityofworkpiece ( ) Microstructure (c) Mi of ftool lmaterial i l (d) ( ) Shape p anddimensionsofwork Ans.(a) ( )

IES 2007,2009
Consider C id the h following: f ll i 1. Toollife 2. Cuttingforces 3. Surface S f finish fi i h Whichoftheaboveis/are / themachinability y criterion/criteria? ( ) 1,2and (a) d3 (b) 1and d3only l (c) 2and3only y (d) 2only y A ( Ans. (a) )

machinability of steels: (i) Aluminium and silicon (ii) Sulphur and Selenium (iii) Lead and Tin (iv) Carbon and Manganese (v) Molybdenum and Vanadium

[5 Marks]

Machinablity depends on (a) Microstructure, physical and mechanical properties i and d composition i i of f workpiece k i material i l. (b) ( ) Cutting g forces (c) Type of chip (d) Tool T l life lif Ans. (a)

IES 2003
Assertion (A): A ti (A) The Th machinability hi bilit of f steels t l improves i by adding sulphur to obtain so called 'Free M hi i Steels. Machining St l Reason (R): Sulphur in steel forms manganese sulphide inclusion which helps to produce thin ribbon like continuous chip. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (c) ( )

IES 2009
The which, Th elements l hi h added dd d to steel, l help h l in i chip hi formation during machining are (a) Sulphur, lead and phosphorous (b) Sulphur, Sulphur lead and cobalt (c) Aluminium, lead and copper (d) Aluminium, titanium and copper Ans. (a)

IES 1998
Consider C id the h following f ll i criteria i i in i evaluating l i machinability: 1. Surfacefinish 2. Typeofchips 3 Toollife 3. 4 4. Powerconsumption InmodernhighspeedCNCmachiningwithcoated carbidetools,thecorrectsequenceofthesecriteria inDECREASING CR S Go order de o oft their e importance po ta ceis s (a) 1,2,4,3 (b) 2,1,4,3 ( ) 1,2,3,4 (c) (d) 2,1,3,4 Ans.(c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1996
Which of the following Whi h f h f ll i machinability? 1. Smaller shear angle 2 Higher cutting forces 2. 3. Longer tool life 4. Better surface finish. ( ) 1 and (a) d3 (b) 2 and d4 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 3 and 4 A Ans. (d)
Page 20

IES 1996
indicate i di better b Small S ll amounts of f which hi h one of f the h following f ll i elements/pairs of elements is added to steel to increase its machinability? (a) Nickel (b) Sulphur and phosphorus (c) Silicon (d) Manganese and copper

Ans. (b)

IES 1995
In I low l carbon b steels, l presenceof fsmall llquantities ii sulphur improves (a) Weldability (b) Formability (c) Machinability (d) Hardenability

IES 1992
Machining is M hi i of ftitanium i i i difficult diffi l due d to (a) ( ) High g thermalconductivity yoftitanium (b) Chemicalreactionbetweentoolandwork ( ) Low (c) L tool lchip hi contactarea (d) ( ) Noneoftheabove

IAS 1996
Assertion A i (A): (A) The Th machinability hi bili of famaterial i lcan bemeasuredasanabsolutequantity. Reason(R):Machinabilityindexindicatesthecase withwhichamaterialcanbemachined (a) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe correctexplanation l of fA (b) Both ot Aand a dRa are eindividually d v dua yt true uebutRis snot ot t the e correctexplanationofA ( ) Ais (c) i true t b but tRi isf false l (d) AisfalsebutRistrue Ans.(d)



Friction canbe F i i atthe h tool lchip hi interface i f b reducedby (a)decreasingtherakeangle (b)increasingthedepthofcut ( )Decreasing (c) D i the th cutting tti speed d (d)increasingthecuttingspeed Ans.(d)
Ans (b) Ans.

IES 2002
The roughness 'h' obtained Th value l of f surface f h b i d during d i the turning operating at a feed 'f' with a round nose tool having radius 'r' is given as

IAS 1996
Given that Gi h / and S = feed in mm/rev. R = nose radius in mm, the h maximum i h i h of height f surface f roughness h Hmax produced by a singlepoint turning tool is given by (a) S2/2R (b) S2/4R / R (c) S2/4R (d) S2/8R A Ans. (d)

IES 1999
In operation, the I turning i i h feed f d could ld be b doubled d bl d to increase the metal removal rate. To keep the same level of surface finish, the nose radius of the tool should be (a) Halved (b) Kept unchanged ( ) doubled (c) d bl d (d) Made d four f times Ans. s. (d)

GATE 1997
Acutting i tool lhas h aradius di of f1.8 8mm.The Th feed f drate foratheoreticalsurfaceroughnessofRa =5 mis (a) 0.36mm/rev (b) 0.187 0 187mm/rev (c) 0.036mm/rev (d) 0.0187mm/rev Ans.(none)

GATE 2007(PI) ( )
A tool Edge t l with ith Side Sid Cutting C tti Ed angle l of f 30o and d o End Cutting g Edge g angle g of 10 is used for fine turning with a feed of 1 mm/rev. Neglecting nose radius of the tool, tool the maximum (peak to valley) height of surface roughness produced will be (a) 0.16 mm (b) 0.26 mm ( ) 0.32 mm (c) (d) 0.48 mm Ans (a) Ans.

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 21

wo too sPa d Q have ave s g atu es 5 Two tools and signatures 55 56 66 68 830 30 0 and 55778150 (both ASA) respectively. They are used to turn components under the same machining conditions. If hp and hQ denote the peak t valley to ll heights h i ht of f surfaces f produced d d by b the th tools t l P and Q, the ratio hp/hQ will be

GATE 2005

IES 1993,ISRO2008
For finish F achieving hi i a specific ifi surface f fi i h in i single i l point i turning the most important factor to be controlled is (a) Depth of cut (b) Cutting speed (c) Feed (d) Tool rake angle Ans (c) Ans.

IES 2006
In of conditions, the I the h selection l i f optimal i l cutting i di i h requirement of surface finish would put a limit on which of the following? (a) The maximum feed (b) The maximum depth of cut (c) The maximum speed (d) The maximum number of passes Ans. (a)

tan 8o + cot15o tan 8o + cot 30o t 15o + cot7 tan15 t7o (c ) tan 30o + cot7o (a)

tan15o + cot 8o tan 30o + cot 8o t tan7 7o + cot15 t15o (d ) tan7o + cot 30o (b)

GATE2010(PI) ( )
During turning of a low carbon steel bar with TiN coated carbide insert, one need to improve surface finish without sacrificing material removal rate. To achieve improved surface finish, one should (a) decrease nose radius of the cutting tool and increase depth of cut (b) Increase nose radius of the cutting tool (c) Increase feed and decrease nose radius of the cutting tool (d) Increase depth of cut and increase feed [Ans.(b)]

y Whatareextremepressurelubricants?

IES 2001
Dry fluid D and d compressed d air i is i used d as cutting i fl id for f machining (a) Steel (b) Aluminium (c) Cast iron (d) Brass Ans. (c)

[3 marks] Wh Where hi h pressures and high d rubbing bbi action i are encountered, hydrodynamic lubrication cannot be maintained; i i d so Extreme E P Pressure (EP) additives ddi i must be b added to the lubricant. EP lubrication is provided by a number b of f chemical h i l components such h as boron, b phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, or combination of these. Th compounds The d are activated i d by b the h higher hi h temperature resulting from extreme pressure. As the temperature rises, i EP molecules l l b become reactive i and d release l derivatives such as iron chloride or iron sulfide and f forms a solid lid protective i coating. i

IES 2012
The function Th mostimportant i f i of fthe h cutting i fluid fl idis i to (a)Providelubrication (b)Coolthetoolandworkpiece (c)Washawaythechips (d)Improvesurfacefinish Ans.(b)

Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Option O ti B A A D D D B A D D A Q. Q No N 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Option O ti C A A B B B A B A B B Q. Q No N 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Option O ti A C C B B A B A C B C

Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 Option O ti C B A C A Q. Q No N 6 7 8 9 Option O ti B A C A

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 22


Cold C ld working ki of f steel l is i defined d fi d as working ki (a) ( ) At its recrystallisation y temperature p (b) Above its recrystallisation temperature ( ) Below (c) B l its i recrystallisation lli i temperature (d) ( ) At two thirds of the melting g temperature p of the metal Ans. (c)

MetalForming g

Assertion (A): Lead, Zinc and Tin are always hot worked. Reason (R) : If they are worked in cold state they cannot retain their mechanical properties. properties (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A ( ) A is true but (c) b R is false f l (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (b)

Hot H rolling lli of f mild ild steel l is i carried i d out (a) ( ) At recrystallisation y temperature p (b) Between 100C to 150C ( ) Below (c) B l recrystallisation lli i temperature (d) ( ) Above recrystallisation y temperature p Ans. (d)

Materials M t i l after ft cold ld working ki are subjected bj t d to t following process to relieve stresses ( ) Hot (a) H working ki (b) Tempering (c) Normalizing (d) Annealing Ans. (d)
Ans. (c)

IES 2006
Which is Whi h one of f the h following f ll i i the h process to refine fi the grains of metal after it has been distorted by hammering or cold working? (a) Annealing (b) Softening (c) Recrystallizing (d) Normalizing

IES 2004
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: p to hot working, g, in cold working, g, In comparison 1. Higher forces are required 2. No N heating h i is i required i d 3. Less ductility 3 y is required q 4. Better surface finish is obtained Which h h of f the h statements given above b are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4 Ans. (b) ( )
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2009
Consider C id the h following f ll i characteristics: h i i y in the metal is largely g y eliminated. 1. Porosity 2. Strength is decreased. 3. Close Cl tolerances l cannot be b maintained. i i d g is/are / Which of the above characteristics of hot working correct? ( ) 1 only (a) l (b) 3 only l (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 Ans. (d)
Page 23

IES 2008
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: g decreases harmful effects of 1. Metal forming impurities and improves mechanical strength. 2 Metal working process is a plastic deformation 2. process. 3. Very intricate shapes can be produced by forging process p ocess as co compared pa ed to cast casting gp process. ocess. Which of the statements given above are correct? ( ) 1, 2 and (a) d3 (b) 1 and d 2 only l (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only Ans. (b)

IES 2008
Cold results to C ld forging f i l in i improved i d quality li due d which of the following? 1. Better mechanical properties of the process. 2 Unbroken grain flow. 2. flow 3. Smoother finishes. 4. High pressure. S l t the Select th correct t answer using i the th code d given i b l below: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 Ans. (a)

IES 2004
Assertion (A): of A i (A) Cold C ld working ki f metals l results l in i increase of strength and hardness Reason (R): Cold working reduces the total number of dislocations per unit volume of the material (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (c) (d) A is false but R is true

IES 2003
Cold the C ld working ki produces d h following f ll i effects: ff p in the metal 1. Stresses are set up 2. Grain structure gets distorted 3. Strength S h and d hardness h d of f the h metal l are decreased d d 4. Surface finish is reduced 4 Which of these statements are correct? ( ) 1 and (a) d2 (b) 1, 2 and d3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 Ans. (a)

IES 2000
Assertion (A): deformations by A i (A) To T obtain b i large l d f i b cold ld working intermediate annealing is not required. Reason (R): Cold working is performed below the recrystallisation temperature of the work material. material (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (d) (d) A is false but R is true

In the metal forming process, the stresses encountered are ( ) Greater (a) G than h yield i ld strength h but b l less than h ultimate strength (b) Less than yield strength of the material (c) Greater than the ultimate strength of the material (d) Less than the elastic limit Ans (a) Ans.

IES 1997
In metals strain I l subjected bj d to cold ld working, ki i hardening effect is due to (a) Slip mechanism (b) Twining mechanism (c) Dislocation mechanism (d) Fracture mechanism Ans. (c)

IES 1996
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: yiscoldworked Whenametaloralloy 1. Itisworkedbelowroomtemperature. 2. It I i isworked k db below l recrystallisation lli i temperature. 3. Itshardnessandstrength 3 g increase. 4. Itshardnessincreasesbutstrengthdoesnot increase. Ofthesecorrectstatementsare (a) 1and4 (b) 1and3 ( ) 2and (c) d3 (d) 2and d4 A ( Ans. (c) )
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2006
Assertion (A): of A i (A) In I case of f hot h working ki f metals, l the h temperature at which the process is finally stopped should h ld not be b above b the h recrystallisation ll temperature. Reason ( (R): ) If the p process is stopped pp above the recrystallisation temperature, grain growth will take place again p g and spoil p the attained structure. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (d) Page 24

IES 1992
Specify S if the h sequence correctly l (a) ( ) Grain g growth, , recrystallisation, y , stress relief (b) Stress relief, grain growth, recrystallisation ( ) Stress (c) S relief, li f recrystallisation, lli i grain i growth h (d) ( ) Grain g growth, , stress relief, , recrystallisation y Ans. (c) ( )

IAS 1996
For F mild ild steel, l the h hot h forging f i temperature range is i (a) ( ) 4 4000C to 6000C (b) 7000C to 9000C ( ) 10000C to 12000C (c) (d) ( ) 1300 3 0Cto 1500 5 0C Ans. (c) ( )

IAS 2004
Assertion (A): not produce strain A i (A) Hot H working ki does d d i hardening. Reason (R): Hot working is done above the re crystallization temperature. temperature (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (a) (d) A is false but R is true

Assertion is in A i (A): (A) There Th i good d grain i refinement fi i hot h working. Reason (R): In hot working physical properties are generally improved. improved (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (b) Ulta hai. Assertion reason me hona chaihe.

Which Whi h one of f the h following f ll i is i correct? ? Malleability y is the p property p y by y which a metal or alloy can be plastically deformed by applying (a) Tensile stress (b) Bending stress (c) Shear stress (d) Compressive stress A Ans. (d)

Whi h of Which f the th following f ll i processes would ld produce d

g Rolling

strongest components? (a) Hot rolling (b) ( ) Extrusion (c) ( ) Cold rolling g (d) Forging Ans. (c)

Ring rolling is used (a) To decrease the thickness and increase diameter di (b) ( ) To increase the thickness of a ring g (c) For producing a seamless tube (d) For F producing d i large l cylinder li d Ans. (a)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2006
Which bending Whi h one of f the h following f ll i is i a continuous i b di process in which opposing rolls are used to produce long sections of formed shapes from coil or strip stock? (a) Stretch forming (b) Roll forming ( ) Roll (c) ll bending b d (d) Spinning S Ans. (c)

GATE 2009(PI)
A i t Anisotropy i rolled in ll d components t is i caused d by b (a) changes in dimensions (b) scale formation (c) closure of defects (d) grain orientation Ans. s. (d)

Page 25

In operation, a 20 mm thick I a single i l pass rolling lli i hi k plate with plate width of 100 mm, is reduced to 18 mm. The roller radius is 250 mm and rotational speed p is 10 rpm. p The average g flow stress for the p plate material is 300 MPa. The power required for the rolling operation in kW is closest to (a) 15.2 (b) 18.2 (c) 30.4 30 4 (d) 45.6 Ans. (a)

The of is an Th thickness hi k f a metallic lli sheet h i reduced d d from f initial value of 16 mm to a final value of 10 mm in one single pass rolling with a pair of cylindrical rollers each of diameter of 4 400 mm. The bite angle g in degree will be (a) 5.936 936 (b) 7.936 (c) 8.936 (d) 9.936 6 A Ans. (d)

In process, sheet of is I a rolling lli h f 25 mm thickness hi k i rolled to 20 mm thickness. Roll is of diameter 600 mm and it rotates at 100 rpm. The roll strip contact length g will be (a) 5 mm (b) 39 mm ( ) 78 mm (c) (d) 120 mm Ans. (b)

A strip 150 mm x 4.5 mm is i with i h a crosssection i i being rolled with 20% reduction of area using 450 mm diameter rolls. The angle subtended by the deformation zone at the roll centre is ( (in radian) ) (a) 0.01 (b) 0.02 ( ) 0.03 (d) 0.06 (c) Ans. (d) it is in radian.

GATE 2012SameQinGATE 2012(PI)

In a single pass rolling process using 410 mm diameter steel rollers, a strip of width 140 mm and thickness h k 8 mm undergoes d 10% % reduction d of f thickness The angle of bite in radians is thickness. (a) ( ) 0.006 (c) 0.062 (b) ( ) 0.031 3 (d) 0.600

A 4 mm thick is hi k sheet h i rolled ll d with i h 300 mm diameter di rolls to reduce thickness without any charge in its width. The friction coefficient at the workroll interface is 0.1. The minimum p possible thickness of the sheet that can be produced in a single pass is (a) 1.0 1 0 mm (b) 1.5 1 mm (c) 2.5 mm (d) 3.7 mm A Ans. ( ) find (c) fi d hmin

Ans. (c)

GATE 2011(PI)
The thickness of a plate is reduced from 30 mm to 10 mm by y successive cold rolling g p passes using g identical rolls of diameter 600 mm. Assume that there is no change in width. width If the coefficient of friction between the rolls and the work piece is 0.1, the minimum number of passes required is (a) 3 (b) 4 ( )6 (c) (d) 7 Ans. (d)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2003
Assertion (A): metal A ti (A) While Whil rolling lli t l sheet h t in i rolling lli mill, the edges are sometimes not straight and flat b t are wavy. but Reason (R): Nonuniform mechanical properties of the flat material rolled out result in waviness of the edges. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (c) ( )
Page 26

IES 2002
In a strip two I rolling lli i between b the neutral point in the arc depend on (a) Amount of reduction (b) (c) Coefficient of friction (d) Ans. s. (d) rolls, of ll the h position ii f of contact does not Diameter of the rolls Material of the rolls

IES 2001
Which assumptions are correct Whi h of f the th following f ll i ti t for f cold rolling? 1. The material is plastic. 2. The arc of contact is circular with a radius g greater than the radius of the roll. 3 Coefficient of friction is constant over the arc of 3. contact and acts in one direction throughout the arc of contact. contact Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: d (a) ( ) 1 and 2 (b) ( ) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (a)

IES 2001
A strip a thickness of i is i to be b rolled ll d from f hi k f 30 mm to 15 mm using a twohigh mill having rolls of diameter 300 mm. The coefficient of friction for unaided bite should nearly y be (a) 0.35 (b) 0.5 ( ) 0.25 (c) (d) 0.07

In a rolling process, thickness of a strip is reduced from 4 mm to 3 mm using 300 mm diameter d rolls ll rotating at 100 rpm The velocity of the strip in (m/s) at the neutral rpm. point is (a) ( ) 1.57 57 (b) ( )3 3.14 4 (c) ( ) 47 47.10 (d) ( ) 94 94.20

Ans. (a)

IES 2000,GATE2010(PI)
In process, roll force can be I the h rolling lli ll separating i f b decreased by (a) Reducing the roll diameter (b) Increasing the roll diameter (c) Providing backup rolls (d) Increasing the friction between the rolls and the metal Ans. (a)

IES 1999
Assertion (A): mill is A i (A) In I a two high hi h rolling lli ill there h i a limit to the possible reduction in thickness in one pass. Reason (R): The reduction possible in the second pass is less than that in the first pass. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the h correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (b)

IES 1993
In thickness of by I order d to get uniform if hi k f the h plate l b rolling process, one provides (a) Camber on the rolls (b) Offset on the rolls (c) Hardening of the rolls (d) Antifriction bearings Ans. (a)

IES 1993
The used Th blank bl k diameter di d in i thread h d rolling lli will ill be b (a) ( ) Equal q to minor diameter of the thread (b) Equal to pitch diameter of the thread ( ) A little (c) li l large l than h the h minor i di diameter of f the h thread h d (d) ( ) A little larger g than the p pitch diameter of the thread Ans. (d)

IES 1992
Thread Th drolling lli is i restricted i dto (a) ( ) Ferrousmaterials (b) Ductilematerials ( ) Hard (c) H dmaterials i l (d) ( ) Noneoftheabove Ans.(b)

IAS 2004
Assertion (A): requires high which A i (A) Rolling R lli i hi h friction f i i hi h increases forces and power consumption. Reason (R): To prevent damage to the surface of the rolled products, products lubricants should be used. used (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (c) (d) A is false but R is true

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 27

IAS 2001
Consider the characteristics of C id h following f ll i h i i f rolling lli process: 1. Shows work hardening effect 2 Surface finish is not good 2. 3. Heavy reduction in areas can be obtained Which of these characteristics are associated with hot rolling? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (c)

IAS 2000
Rolling R lli verythin hi strips i of fmild ildsteel lrequires i (a) ( ) Large g diameterrolls (b) Smalldiameterrolls ( ) High (c) Hi hspeed drolling lli (d) ( ) Rolling gwithoutalubricant Ans.( (b) )

IAS 1998
Match M h List Li I (products) ( d ) with i h List Li II (processes) ( ) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II A. M.S. angles and channels 1. Welding B. Carburetors 2. Forging C Roof trusses C. 3 3. Casting D. Gear wheels 4. Rolling [Ans.(d)] Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 1 2 4 3 (d) 4 3 1 2

IAS 2007
Match M t h List Li t I with ith List Li t II and d select l t the th correct t answer using i the code given below the Lists: List I List II (Type of Rolling Mill) (Characteristic) A Two A. T high hi h nonreversing i mills ill 1. Middle Middl roll ll rotates t t by b friction f i ti B. Three high mills 2. By small working roll, power for rolling is reduced C. Four high mills 3. Rolls of equal size are rotated only in one direction D. Cluster mills 4. Diameter of working roll is very small A (d) Ans. Code:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 2 1 3 4 (c) 2 4 3 1 (d) 3 1 2 4

IAS 2003
In of mill, I one setting i f rolls ll in i a 3high hi h rolling lli ill one gets (a) One reduction in thickness (b) Two reductions in thickness (c) Three reductions in thickness (d) Two or three reductions in thickness depending upon the setting Ans. (b)

IAS 2007
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: g can be reduced by y Roll forces in rolling 1. Reducing friction 2. Using Ui l large di diameter rolls ll to increase i the h contact area. 3. Taking smaller reductions per pass to reduce the contact area. area Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 1 2 and 3 Ans (c) Ans.

The maximum possible draft in cold rolling of sheet increases with the (a) increase in coefficient of friction (b) decrease d i coefficient in ffi i of f friction fi i (c) ( ) decrease in roll radius (d) increase in roll velocity Ans. s (a)

1. Rolls R ll are straight, i h rigid i id cylinders. li d 2. Strip p is wide compared p with its thickness, , so that no


widening of strip occurs (plane strain conditions). 3 The arc of contact is circular with a radius greater than 3. the radius of the roll. 4. The material is rigid perfectly plastic (constant yield st e gt ). strength). 5. The coefficient of friction is constant over the tool work k interface. i t f

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 28


For sliding friction, x = p Simplifying and neglecting second d order d terms, t sin i and d cos = 1 1, we get t d ( x h ) = 2 pR ( ) d 2 p x = 0 = 0' 3 d ' h ( p 0 ) = 2 pR ( ) d d ' p 0 h ' 1 = 2 pR ( ) d 0 d p 0' h ' d 0

' Due to cold rolling, 0 increases as h decreases, ' thus 0 h nearly a constant and itsderivative zero.

d ( p / 0' ) 2R d = ( ) ' p /0 h h = h f + 2 R (1 cos ) h f + R 2

' d ( p /0 )

Considering the thickness of the element perpendicular to the plane of paper to be unity, unity We get equilibrium equation in x direction as, - x h + ( x +d x ) (h + dh) - 2pR d sin
+ 2 x R d cos = 0

( p / )
' 0

2R ( ) d h f + R 2

p d ( 0' h ) = 2 pR ( ) + ' 1 d 0

Integrating both side d ' ln ( p / 0 ) = h2R 2 f + R

2 R d = I II ( say ) 2 f + R

2Rd = 2 f + R

2Rd = h hf + 2 R



h = ln R

h ln p / '0 = ln 2 R

R .tan 1 hf

R . + ln C h f

Now h / R = or

d h = 2 d R

h p = C '0 e H R R .tan 1 hf R . hf

h In the entry y zone, , p = C. '0 o e Ho R R Ho and C = .e ho p = '0 h H H . e ( 0 ) h0

where H = 2

2R R II = d h f + R2 = 2 h f / R + 2 d R R .tan 1 . h hf f

Now at entry , = Hence H = H0 with replaced by in above equation At exit = 0 Therefor p =

' 0

I th In the exit it zone h p = '0 .eH hf At the neutral po int above equations will give same results

= 2

hn h H H . e ( 0 n ) = n . e Hn h0 hf or ho H 2H = e ( 0 n) hf

If back tension b is there at Entry, Entry p = ( o b ) h H H . e ( 0 ) h0 h . e H hf

IFS 2010
Calculate the neutral plane to roll 250 mm wide annealed copper strip from 2.5 mm to 2.0 mm thickness with 350 mm diameter steel rolls. rolls Take = 0.05 and o =180 MPa. [10marks]

h 1 1 or Hn = H0 ln 0 2 hf R . h f h f Hn hf n = .tan . R R 2 and h n = h f + 2R (1 cos n ) From H = 2 R .tan 1 hf

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

If front tension f is there at Exit, p = ( o f )

Page 29

Q.No Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Option C B D D A A B D C C B C


By ySKMondal

Hot die steel, used for large solid dies in drop forging, should h ld necessarily l have h ( ) high (a) hi h strength h and d high hi h copper content (b) high hi h hardness h d and d low l hardenability h d bilit (c) high toughness and low thermal conductivity (d) high hardness and high thermal conductivity Ans (c) Ans.

What advantages does press forging have over drop forging g g ? Why y are p pure metals more easily y cold worked than alloys ? [5marks]

C Compare S ith forging, Smith f i d drop f i forging, press forging and upset forging. forging Mention three points for each. [10 Marks]

IES 2007
S Sometimes ti th parting the ti plane l b t between t two f i forging dies is not a horizontal plane, plane give the main reason for this design g aspect, p why y is p parting g p plane provided, in closed die forging? [2marks]

In a disc 200 mm and I opendie di forging, f i di of f diameter di d height 60 mm is compressed without any barreling effect. The final diameter of the disc is 400 mm. The true strain is (a) 1.986 (b) 1.686 ( ) 1.386 (c) (d) 0.602 Ans. (c)

Thetruestrainforalowcarbonsteelbarwhichis doubledinlengthbyforgingis (a) 0.307 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.693 0 693 (d) 1.0 Ans (c) Ans.

A solid cylinder of diameter 100 mm and height 50 mm is forged f d between b two frictionless f l fl dies flat d to a height of 25 mm. mm The percentage change in diameter is (a) ( )0 (b) ( )2.07 7 (c) ( )20.7 7 (d) ( )4 41.4 4

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 30

IES 2006
Assertion (A): dies A i (A) Forging F i di are provided id d with i h taper or draft angles on vertical surfaces. Reason (R): It facilitates complete filling of die cavity and favourable grain flow. flow (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (c) (d) A is false but R is true

IES 2005
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements:
1. Forging g g reduces the g grain size of the metal, , which

IES 1996
Which is of Whi h one of f the h following f ll i i an advantage d f forging? (a) Good surface finish (b) Low tooling cost (c) Close tolerance (d) Improved physical property Ans. (d)

results in a decrease in strength and toughness. 2 Forged components can be provided with thin 2. sections, without reducing the strength. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Ans. (b)

IES 2012
Which Whi h of f the h following f ll i statements is i correct for f forging? f i ? (a) ( ) Forgeability g y is p property p y of forging g g tool, , by y which forging can be done easily. (b) Forgeability decreases with temperature upto lower critical temperature. (c) Certain mechanical properties of the material are influenced ue ced by forging. o g g. (d) Pure metals have good malleability, therefore, poor f i properties. forging ti Ans. (c)

Statement (I): It is difficult to maintain close tolerance in normal forging operation. Statement (II): Forging is workable for simple shapes and has limitation for parts having undercuts. undercuts (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are i di id ll true and individually d Statement S (II) is i the h correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are y true but Statement (II) is not the correct individually explanation of Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true A Ans. (b)

IES 2012

IES 1993
Which following manufacturing Whi h one of f the h f ll i f i processes requires the provision of gutters? (a) Closed die forging (b) Centrifugal casting (c) Investment casting (d) Impact extrusion Ans. (a)

IES 1997
Assertion (A): forging A ti (A) In I drop d f i besides b id the th provision i i for flash, provision is also to be made in the forging di for die f additional dditi l space called ll d gutter. tt Reason (R): The gutter helps to restrict the outward flow of metal thereby helping to fill thin ribs and bases in the upper die. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (c) ( )
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2003
A forging of f i method h d for f reducing d i the h diameter di f a bar b and in the process making it longer is termed as (a) Fullering (b) Punching (c) Upsetting (d) Extruding Ans. (a)

IES 2002
Consider steps involved C id the h following f ll i i l d in i hammer h forging a connecting rod from bar stock: 1. Blocking 2. Trimming 3 Finishing 4. 3. 4 Fullering 5 Edging 5. Which of the following is the correct sequence of operations? (a) 1, 1 4, 4 3, 3 2 and 5 (b) 4, 5, 1, 3 and 2 (c) 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 (d) 5, 5 1, 1 4, 4 2 and 3 Ans. (b)

Page 31

IES 2003
Consider C id the h following f ll i steps in i forging f i a connecting i rod from the bar stock: 1. Blocking 2. Trimming 3 Finishing 4. 3. 4 Edging Select the correct sequence of these operations using the codes given below: Codes: (a) 1234 (b) 2341 (c) 3412 (d) 4132 Ans (d) Ans.

IES 2005
The the or flash a Th process of f removing i h burrs b fl h from f forged component in drop forging is called: (a) Swaging (b) Perforating (c) Trimming (d) Fettling Ans. (c)

Which of the following processes belong to forging operation p ? 1. Fullering 2. Swaging S i 3. Welding 3 g (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and d 3 only l (c) 1 a and d3o only y (b) 1, 2 and 3 only Ans. (a)

IES 2008
The are manufactured Th balls b ll of f the h ball b ll bearings b i f d from steel rods. The operations involved are: 1. Ground 2 Hot forged on hammers 2. 3. Heat treated 4. Polished Wh t is What i the th correct t sequence of f the th above b operations from start? (a) 3241 (b) 3214 (c) 2314 (d) 2341 Ans. (None) Correct sequence is 2 1 3 4

IES 2001
In fullering to I the h forging f i operation, i f ll i is i done d (a) ( ) Drawoutthematerial (b) Bendthematerial ( ) Upset (c) U the h material i l (d) ( ) Extruding gthematerial Ans.(a) ( )

Consider the following statements : 1 Any metal will require some time to undergo complete 1. plastic deformation particularly if deforming metal has to fill cavities and corners of small radii. radii 2. For larger work piece of metals that can retain toughness at forging temperature it is preferable to use forge g p press rather than forge g hammer. (a) 1 and 2 are correct and 2 is the reason for 1 (b) 1 and d 2 are correct and d 1 is the h reason for f 2 (c) 1 and 2 are correct but unrelated (d) 1 only correct Ans. (b)

IES 2008 IES 2005

Match of M t h List Li t I (Type (T f Forging) F i ) with ith List Li t II (Operation) (O ti ) and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists: List I List II A Drop A. D F i Forging 1. M l is Metal i gripped i d in i the h dies di and d pressure is applied on the heated end B. Press Forging 2. Squeezing action p Forging g g 3 3. Metal is p placed between rollers and C. Upset pushed D. Roll Forging g g 4 4. Repeated p hammer blows Ans.(c) A B C D A B C D (a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 4 (c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4 For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)
Match M h List Li I with i h List Li II and d select l the h correct answer using i the code given below the lists: List List Li I(Forging (F i Li II(Process) (P ) Technique) A.SmithForging B.DropForging B C.PressForging D.Machine Forging Code: A (a) 2 ( ) 2 (c) B 3 1 1. Materialisonlyupsettogetthedesiredshape 2 Carriedoutmanuallyopendies 2. 3. Done in closed impression dies by hammers i blows in bl 4. Done in closed impression dies by continuous squeezing force C 4 4 D 1 3 (b) ( ) (d) A 4 4 B 3 1 C 2 2 D 1 3

IES 1998
Which processes is Whi h one of f the h following f ll i i most commonly used for the forging of bolt heads of hexagonal shape? (a) Closed die drop forging (b) Open die upset forging (c) Close die press forging (d) Open die progressive forging Ans. (c)

Page 32

IES 1994,ISRO2010
In forging, forging by I drop d f i f i is i done d b dropping d i (a) ( ) The work p piece at high g velocity y (b) The hammer at high velocity. ( ) The (c) Th die di with i h hammer h at high hi h velocity l i (d) ( ) a weight g on hammer to p produce the requisite q impact. Ans. (c)

IAS 2003
Match Operation) of M h List Li I (Forging (F i O i ) with i h List Li II (View (Vi f the h Forging Operation) and select the correct answer using the codes d given i b l below th lists: the li t ListI ListII (Forging Operation) (View of the Forging Operation) g g (A) Edging 1 1. 2. (B) Fullering (C) Drawing 3. 4. (D) Swaging C d A B Codes:A C D A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1

IAS 2001
Match List I (Forging operations) with List II (Descriptions) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II A. Flattening 1. Thickness is reduced continuously at diff different sections i along l l length h B. Drawing 2. Metal is displaced away from centre, reducing thickness in middle and increasing length C. Fullering g 3. 3 Rod is p pulled through g a die D. Wire drawing 4. Pressure a workpiece between two flat dies Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 4 1 2 3 ( ) 3 (c) 1 2 4 ( ) (d) 4 2 1 3

IAS 2000
Drop forging D f i is i used d to produce d (a) ( ) Small components p (b) Large components ( ) Identical (c) Id i l Components C i large in l numbers b (d) ( ) Mediumsize components p

IAS 1998
The due to smooth Th forging f i defect d f d to hindrance hi d h flow fl of metal in the component called 'Lap' occurs because (a) The corner radius provided is too large (b) The corner radius provided is too small (c) Draft is not provided (d) The shrinkage allowance is inadequate

IAS 2002
Consider C id the h following f ll i statementsrelated l dto forging: 1. Flashisexcessmaterialaddedtostockwhichflows aroundpartingline. line 2. Flashhelpsinfillingofthinribsandbossesinupper die. 3. Amount ou to offlash as depe depends dsupo uponforging o g gforce. o ce. Whichoftheabovestatementsarecorrect? ( ) 1,2and (a) d3 (b) 1and d2 (c) 1and3 (d) 2and3 Ans.(b)

Ans. (a) Ans (b) Ans.

Assertion (A) ( ) : Hot tears occur during d forging f because of inclusions in the blank material Reason (R) : Bonding between the inclusions parent material is through g p physical y and the p and chemical bonding. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A ( ) A is true but (c) b R is false f l (d) ( ) A is false but R is true Ans. ( (c) )
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Matchthefollowing Group1 P. Wrinkling Q.Centreburst R.Barrelling S Cold S. C ldshut h t

GATE 2008(PI)
Group2 1 Upsetting 1. 2.Deepdrawing 3.Extrusion 4.Closed Cl ddi dief forging i (b)P 3,Q 4,R 1,S2 (d)P 2, 2 Q 4, 4 R 3, 3 S1 Ans.(c)

IES 2005Conventional
A strip of lead with initial dimensions 24 mm x 24 mm x 150 mm is forged f d between b two flat fl dies d to a final size of 6 mm x 96 mm x 150 mm. mm If the coefficient of friction is 0.25, determine the maximum forging force. The average yield stress of lead in tension is 7 N/mm2 [10] Will be discussed in class

(a)P 2,Q 3,R 4,S1 (c)P 2, 2 Q 3, 3 R 1, 1 S4

Page 33

IES 2007Conventional l
A cylinder 100 mm is li d of f height h i h 60 6 mm and d diameter di i forged at room temperature between two flat dies. Find the die load at the end of compression to a height 30 mm, , using g slab method of analysis. y The y yield strength g of the work material is given as 120 N/mm2 and the coefficient of friction is 0.05. 0 05 Assume that volume is constant after deformation. There is no sticking. Also fi d mean die find di pressure. [ Marks] [20 M k ] Will be discussed in class

IES 2006 Conventional l

A certain 50 i disc di of f lead l d of f radius di 150 mm and d thickness hi k mm is reduced to a thickness of 25 mm by open die forging. If the coefficient of friction between the job and die is 0.25, 5, determine the maximum forging g g force. The average shear yield stress of lead can be taken as 4 N/mm2. [10 Marks] Will be discussed in class

PracticeProblem bl 1
y A strip of metal with initial dimensions 24 mm x 24 mm

x 150 mm is i forged f d between b t t flat two fl t dies di to t a final fi l size i of f 6 mm x 96 mm x 150 mm. mm If the coefficient of friction is 0.05, 5 determine the maximum forging g g force. Take the average yield strength in tension is 7 N/mm2

[Ans. 178.24 kN]

PracticeProblem bl 2
y A circular disc of 200 mm in diameter and 100 mm in

PracticeProblem bl 3
y A cylindrical specimen 150 mm in diameter and 100 mm

PracticeProblem bl 4
y A circular disc of 200 mm in diameter and 70 mm in

h i ht is height i compressed d between b t t flat two fl t dies di to t a height h i ht of f 50 mm. mm Coefficient of friction is 0.1 0 1 and average yield strength g in compression p is 230 3 MPa. Determine the maximum die pressure.

in height is upsetted by open die forging to a height of 50 mm. Coefficient of friction is 0.2 and flow curve equation is
f = 1030

height is forged to 40 mm in height. height Coefficient of friction is 0.05. 5 The flow curve equation q of the material is given by
f = 200(0.01 + ) 0.41 MPa

MPa . Calculate the maximum

. Determine maximum

forging force. [Ans. 46.26 MN]

forging load, mean die pressure and maximum pressure. [ Ans. 9.771 MN, 178 MPa, 221 MPa] [Hi [Hint. Fi First calculate l l true strain i and d put the h value l in i the equation
f = 200(0.01 + ) 0.41 = y

[Ans. 405 MPa]

[Hi [Hint. Fi First calculate l l true strain i and d put the h value l in i the equation
f = 1030

During open die forging process using two flat and parallel dies, a solid circular steel disc of initial radius (R IN ) 200 mm and initial height (H IN ) 50 mm attains a height (H FN ) of 30 mm and radius of R FN . Along the die-disc interfaces.
R IN i. the coefficient of friction ( ) is: = 0.35 1 + e RFN ii. in the region R ss r RFN ,sliding friction prevails, and 2

Contd Contd.

iii.In the region 0 r R SS ,sticking condition prevails The value of R SS (in mm), where sticking condition changes to sliding friction, is (a) ( ) 241.76 (b) ( ) 254.55 ( (c) ) 265.45 ( (d) ) 278.20

Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 Option O ti A A A A B Q. Q No N 6 7 8 9 Option O ti B C C C

p = 3Ke H FN and = p, where p and are the normal and shear stresses, respectively; Ki is the th shear h yield i ld strength t th of f steel t l and d r is i th the radial di l distance di t of any point ( contd ........) For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

( RFN r )


Page 34

How are

metal toothpaste tubes made commercially ? Draw the tools configuration with the help of a neat sketch. [ Marks] [30 k ]



IES 2011Conventional
A 12.5 mm diameter d rod d is to be b reduced d d to 10 mm diameter by drawing in a single pass at a speed of 100 m/min. Assuming a semi die angle of 5o and coefficient of friction between the die and steel rod as 0.15, calculate: (i) ( ) The p power required q in drawing g (ii) Maximum possible reduction in diameter of the rod (iii) If the rod is subjected to a back pressure of 50 N/mm2 , what would be the draw stress and maximum possible ibl reduction d ti ? Take stress of the work material as 400 N/mm2 . Willbediscussedintheclass[15Marks]

G 2011 20 ( )C S GATE (PI) CommonDataS1

In a multipass drawing operation, operation a round bar of 10 mm diameter and 100 mm length is reduced in crosssection b drawing by d i it successively i l through th h a series i of f seven dies di of decreasing exit diameter. During each of these d drawing operations, the h reduction d in crosssectional l area is 35 35%. The y yield strength g of the material is 200 MPa. Ignore strain hardening. The total true strain applied and the final length (in mm), respectively, are (a) 2.45 and 8 17 (b) 2.45 and 345 (c) 3.02 and 2043 (d) 3.02 and 3330 Ans. (c)

G 2011 20 ( )C GATE (PI) CommonDataS2

In a multipass drawing operation, operation a round bar of 10 mm diameter and 100 mm length is reduced in crosssection b drawing by d i it successively i l through th h a series i of f seven dies di of decreasing exit diameter. During each of these d drawing operations, the h reduction d in crosssectional l area is 35 35%. The y yield strength g of the material is 200 MPa. Ignore strain hardening. Neglectingfrictionandredundantwork, work theforce(in kN)requiredfordrawingthebarthroughthefirstdie,is (a)15.71 (b)10.21 (c)6.77 (d)4.39 Ans.(d)

Assertion (A) : Extrusion speed depends on work material. Reason (R) : High extrusion speed causes cracks in the material. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct t explanation l ti of fA (b) Both A and R are individually y true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

In diameter of I a wire i drawing d i operation, i di f a steel l wire i is reduced from 10 mm to 8 mm. The mean flow stress of the material is 400 MPa. The ideal force required q for drawing g ( (ignoring g g friction and redundant work) is (a) 4.48 4 48 kN (b) 8.97 8 9 kN (c) 20.11 kN (d) 31.41 kN Ans. (b)

For F rigid i id perfectly f l plastic l i work k material, i l negligible li ibl interface friction and no redundant work, the theoretically maximum possible reduction in the wire drawing g operation p is (a) 0.36 (b) 0.63 ( ) 1.00 (c) (d) 2.72 Ans. s. (b)

Page 35

A 10 mm diameter annealed steel wire is drawn through a die at a speed p of 0.5 5 m/s to reduce the diameter by y 20%. The yield stress of the material is 800 MPa. Neglecting friction and strain hardening, the stress required for drawing (in MPa) is (a) 178.5 (b) 357.0 Ans. (b) (c) 1287.5 (d) 2575.0

A 10 mm diameter annealed steel wire is drawn through a die at a speed p of 0.5 5 m/s to reduce the diameter by y 20%. The yield stress of the material is 800 MPa. The power required for the drawing process (in kW) is (a) 8.97 Ans.(a) (b) 14.0 (c) 17.95 (d) 28.0

A brass billet its b bill is i to be b extruded d d from f i initial i ii l diameter of 100 mm to a final diameter of 50 mm. The working temperature of 700C and the extrusion constant is 250 5 MPa. The force required q for extrusion is (a) 5.44 44 MN (b) 2.72 2 2 MN (c) 1.36 MN (d) 0.36 MN

Ans. (b)

GATE 2009(PI)
Using direct extrusion process, a round billet of 100 mm length l th and d 50 mm diameter di t i extruded. is t d d Considering an ideal deformation process (no friction and no redundant work), extrusion ratio 4, and average flow stress of material 300 MPa, the pressure (in MPa) on the ram will be ( ) 416 (a) 6 Ans (a) Ans. (b) 624 6 ( ) 700 (c) (d) 832 8

A wire is from a rod i of f 0.1 mm diameter di i drawn d f d of f 15 mm diameter. Dies giving reductions of 20%, 40% and 80% are available. For minimum error in the final size, , the number of stages g and reduction at each stage respectively would be (a) 3 stages and 80% reduction for all three stages (b) 4 stages and 80% reduction for first three stages followed by a finishing stage of 20% reduction (c) 5 stages and reduction of 80%, 80% 80%.40%, 80% 40% 40%, 40% 20% in a sequence ( ) none of the above (d) Ans. (b) ( )

The Th process of f hot h extrusion i is i used d to produce d (a) ( ) Curtain rods made of aluminium (b) Steel pipes/or domestic water supply ( ) Stainless (c) S i l steel l tubes b used d in i furniture f i (d) ( ) Large g she p pipes p used in city y water mains Ans. (a) ( )

IES 2007
Which following is correct Whi h one of f the th f ll i i the th t statement? (a) Extrusion is used for the manufacture of seamless tubes. (b) Extrusion is used for reducing the diameter of round y rotating g dies which open p and close bars and tubes by rapidly on the work? (c) Extrusion is used to improve fatigue resistance of the metal by setting up compressive stresses on its surface (d) Extrusion E t i comprises i pressing i th metal the t l inside i id a chamber to force it out by high pressure through an orifice ifi which hi h is i shaped h d to t provide id the th desired d i d from f of f the th finished part. Ans. (d) For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2007
Assertion (A): force on the is A i (A) Greater G f h plunger l i required i d in case of direct extrusion than indirect one. Reason (R): In case of direct extrusion, the direction of the force applied pp on the p plunger g and the direction of the movement of the extruded metal are the same. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t b t R is but i not t the th correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) ( ) A is false but R is true Ans. ( (b) )
Page 36

IES 2012
Which are correct for hot Whi h of f the h following f ll i f an indirect i di h extrusion process? 1. Billet remains stationary 2 There is no friction force between billet and container 2. walls. 3. The force required on the punch is more in comparison co pa so to d direct ect e extrusion. t us o . 4. Extrusion parts have to be provided a support. ( ) 1, 2, 3 and (a) d4 (b) 1, 2 and d 3 only l (c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 2, 3 and 4 only Ans. (c)

IES 1993
Assertion extrusion larger force A i (A): (A) Direct Di i requires i l f than indirect extrusion. Reason (R): In indirect extrusion of cold steel, zinc phosphate coating is used. used (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans.(b) (d) A is false but R is true

IES 1994
Metal process is M l extrusion i i generally ll used d for f producing (a) Uniform solid sections (b) Uniform hollow sections (c) Uniform solid and hollow sections (d) Varying solid and hollow sections. A Ans. ( ) (c)

IES 2009
Which Whi h one of f the h following f ll i statements is i correct? ? (a) ( ) In extrusion p process, , thicker walls can be obtained by increasing the forming pressure (b) Extrusion is an ideal process for obtaining rods from metal having poor density (c) As compared to roll forming, extruding speed is high (d) Impact extrusion is quite similar to Hooker Hooker's s process including the flow of metal being in the same direction Ans. (c) ( )

IES 1999
Which following is correct Whi h one of f the h f ll i i the h temperature range for hot extrusion of aluminium? (a) 300340C (b) 350400C (c) 430480C (d) 550650C Ans. (c)

IES 2000
Consider C id the th following f ll i statements: t t t In forward extrusion process 1. The ram and the extruded product travel in the same direction. 2. The ram and the extruded product travel in the opposite direction. 3. The speed of travel of the extruded product is same as that of the ram. 4. The speed of travel of the extruded product is greater than that of the ram. Which of these Statements are correct? (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 Ans. (c)

IES 2009
What in Wh is i the h major j problem bl i hot h extrusion? i ? (a) ( ) Design g of p punch (b) ( ) Design g of die (c) Wear and tear of die (d) Wear of punch

Ans. (b)

IES 2012
Extrusion process can effectively the E i ff i l reduce d h cost of f product through (a) Material saving (b) process time saving (c) Saving in tooling cost (d) saving in administrative cost Ans. (c)

IES 2008
Which Whi h one of f the h following f ll i methods h d is i used d for f the h manufacture of collapsible toothpaste tubes? (a) Impact extrusion (b) Direct extrusion (c) Deep drawing (d) Piercing Ans. (a)

IES 2003
The Th extrusion i process (s) ( ) used d for f the h production d i of f toothpaste tube is/are 1. Tube extrusion 2 Forward extrusion 2. 3. Impact extrusion Select the correct answer using the codes given below: C d Codes: y (b) 1 and 2 (a) 1 only (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only A Ans. (d)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 37

IES 2001
Which statements Whi h of f the th following f ll i t t t are the th salient li t features of hydrostatic extrusion? 1. It I is i suitable i bl for f soft f and d ductile d il material. i l 2. It is suitable for highstrength superalloys. 3.The billet is inserted into the extrusion chamber and pressure is applied by a ram to extrude the billet through the die. 4. The billet is inserted into the extrusion chamber where it is y a suitable liquid. q The billet is extruded surrounded by through the die by applying pressure to the liquid. g the codes g given below: Select the correct answer using Codes: (a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 Ans. (d)

IES 2006
What hydrostatic Wh does d h d i pressure in i extrusion i process improve? (a) Ductility (b) Compressive strength (c) Brittleness (d) Tensile strength

Assertion (A): Pickling and washing of rolled rods is carried out before wire drawing. Reason (R): They lubricate the surface to reduce friction while drawing g wires. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct t explanation l ti of fA (b) Both A and R are individually y true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c)

A Ans. ( ) (a)

IES 2009
Which Whi h one of f the h following f ll i stress is i involved i l d in i the h wire drawing process? (a) Compressive (b) Tensile (c) Shear (d) Hydrostatic stress Ans. (b)

IES 1993
Tandem drawing of and T d d i f wires i d tubes b is i necessary because (a) It is not possible to reduce at one stage (b) Annealing is needed between stages (c) Accuracy in dimensions is not possible otherwise (d) Surface finish improves after every drawing stage Ans. (a)

IES 2000
Match M t h List Li t I (Components (C t of f a table t bl fan) f ) with ith List Li t II (Manufacturing processes) and select the correct answer using i the th codes d given i b l below th Lists: the Li t List I List II A. Base with stand 1. Stamping and p pressing g B. Blade 2. Wire drawing C Armature C. A t coil il wire i 3. T i Turning D. Armature shaft 4. Casting Ans.(d) Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 4 1 2 3

IES 1999
Match M t h List Li tI with ith List Li tII and d select l t the th correct t answer using the codes given below the Lists: ListI ListII A. Drawing g 1. Soap p solution B. Rolling 2. Camber C Wire drawing C. dra ing 3 3. Pilots D. Sheet metal operations using 4. Crater progressive dies 5. Ironing Code:A B C D A B C D (a) 2 5 1 4 (b) 4 1 5 3 ( ) 5 (c) 2 3 4 (d) 5 2 1 3
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1996
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer List I (Metal/forming process) List II (Associated force)

IES 1996
In process, the surface I wire i drawing d i h bright b i h shining hi i f on the wire is obtained if one (a) does not use a lubricant (b) uses solid powdery lubricant. lubricant (c) uses thick paste lubricant (d) uses thin film lubricant Ans. (d)

A. Wire drawing B Extrusion B. E t i g C. Blanking D. Bending C d A B Codes:A C (a) 4 2 1 (c) 2 3 1

1. 2. 3. 4. D 3 4 (b) (d)

Shear force T il force Tensile f Compressive p force Spring back force A B C D 2 1 3 4 4 3 2 1 Ans.(c)

Page 38

IES 1994
Match M hList Li Iwith i hList Li IIand dselect l the h correctanswer usingthecodesgivenbelowtheLists:

IES 1993,ISRO2010
Match M t h List Li t I with ith List Li t II and d select l t the th correct t answer using the codes given below the lists: List I (Mechanical property) List II (Related to) A. Malleability y 1. Wire drawing g B. Hardness 2. Impact loads C Resilience C. 3 3. Cold rolling D. Isotropy 4. Indentation 5. Direction Ans.(b) Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 3 4 2 5 ( ) 5 (c) 4 2 3 (d) 3 2 1 5

IES 2007
Which process Whi h metal l forming f i manufacture of long steel wire? (a) Deep drawing (b) Forging (c) Drawing (d) Extrusion is i used d for f

A. A B. C. D D.

Blanking Coining Extrusion Cupdrawing B 3 2 C 4 1 D 1 5

1. 1 2. 3. 4 4. 5. (b) (d)

Codes:A (a) 2 (c) 3

Wiredrawing Piercing Embossing Rolling Ans.(d) Bending A B C D 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 5

A Ans. ( ) Wire (c) Wi Drawing D i

IES 2005
Which types of Whi h of f the h following f ll i f stresses is/are i / involved in the wiredrawing operation? (a) Tensile only (b) Compressive only (c) A combination of tensile and compressive stresses (d) A combination of tensile, compressive and shear stresses Ans. (a)

IES 2000
Which lubricants is Whi h one of f the h following f ll i l b i i most suitable for drawing mild steel wires? (a) Sodium stearate (b) Water (c) Limewater (d) Kerosene Ans. (c) Ans. (b)

IES 1993
A moving i mandrel d l is i used d in i (a) ( ) Wire drawing g (b) Tube drawing ( ) Metal (c) M l cutting i (d) ( ) Forging g g

IES 2002
Match the M h List Li I with i h List Li II and d select l h correct answer:
List I (Parts) List II (Manufacturing processes)

IAS 2004
Assertion (A): extrusion operation can be A i (A) Indirect I di i i b performed either by moving ram or by moving the container. Reason (R): Advantage in indirect extrusion is less quantity of scrap compared to direct extrusion. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the h correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (d)
Page 39

IAS 1995
The operations are performed Th following f ll i i f d while hil preparing the billets for extrusion process: 1. Alkaline cleaning 2 Phosphate coating 2. 3. Pickling 4. Lubricating with reactive soap. Th correct The t sequence of f these th operations ti i is (a) 3, 1, 4, 2 (b) 1, 3, 2, 4 (c) 1, 3. 4, 2 (d) 3, 1, 2, 4 A Ans. (d)

A. Seamless tubes A 1 1. B. Accurate and smooth tubes 2. C. Surfaces having higher 3. hardness and fatigue strength4. strength4 Codes: A B C A (a) 1 4 2 (b) 2 (c) 1 3 2 (d) 2
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Roll forming Shot peening Forging Cold forming B C 3 1 4 1 Ans.(a)

IAS 2001
Match I (Products) II (Suitable M h List Li (P d ) with i h List Li (S i bl processes) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II A. Connecting rods 1. Welding B. Pressure vessels 2. Extrusion C Machine tool beds C. 3 3. Forging D. Collapsible tubes 4. Casting Ans. (a) Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 4 1 3 2 (c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 4 2 3 1

IAS 1997
Extrusion DOES NOT depend E i force f d d upon the h (a) ( ) Extrusion ratio (b) Type of extrusion process ( ) Material (c) M i l of f the h die di (d) ( ) Working g temperature p

IAS 2000
Assertion (A): A i (A) Brittle B i l materials i l such h as grey cast iron cannot be extruded by hydrostatic extrusion. Reason(R): In hydrostatic extrusion, billet is uniformly compressed from all sides by the liquid. liquid (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (d) (d) A is false but R is true

Ans. (c)

IAS 2002
Assertion (A): process, the A ti (A) In I wire i drawing d i th rod d crosssection is reduced gradually by drawing it several l times ti i successively in i l reduced d d diameter di t dies. di Reason (R): Since each drawing reduces ductility of the wire, so after final drawing the wire is normalized. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (b) ( )

g MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswerusing thecodegivenbelowthelists:

Which of the following methods can be used for manufacturing 2 metre long seamless metallic tubes? b g 2. Extrusion 1. Drawing 3. Rolling 4. Spinning Select l the h correct answer using the h codes d given below b l Codes: (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 ( ) 1, 3 and 4 (c) ( ) 2, 3 and 4 (d) Ans. (b)

ListI I A Connectingrods A. B.Pressurevessels C.Machinetoolbeds D.Collapsibletubes

Codes A (a) 2 (c) 2 B 1 4 C 4 1 D 3 3

ListII II 1 Welding 1. 2.Extrusion 3.Forming 4.CastingAns.(b)

(b) (d) A 3 3 B 1 4 C 4 1 D 2 2


or x 2rdr + d x r 2 + 2r x dx + Px 2rdx tan = 0 Dividing by r 2 dr and taking dx/dr = cot we get d x 2 2 + ( x + Px ) + x cot = 0 dr r r Vertical i l component of f Px Px due d to small ll half h lf die di

The equilibrium equation in x-direction will be dx ( x + d x ) ( r + dr ) x r + x cos 2 r cos dx + Px sin 2 r =0 cos PSUs) For-2013 (IES, GATE,
2 2

angles and that of x can be neglected neglected. Thefore two principal stresses are x and Px Thefore, Both Tresca's and Von-Mises criteria will g give x + Px = o

d x 2 o 2 ( o x ) + + cot = 0 dr r r Let cot = B d x 2 = B x (1 + B ) o dr r d x 2 or = dr B x (1 + B ) o r Integrating both side ln B x (1 + B ) o 1 = 2 ln ( rC ) B {Cis integration cont.}

and x = Px = ( o Page x ) 40

or B x (1 + B ) o = ( rC ) B.C at r = ro , x = b


at r = ro

For a round bar both wire drawing g and extrusion will g give same equation except B.Cs B x (1 + B ) o = ( rC )

xo =

o (1 + B )

B b (1 + B ) o C = ro

1 2B

r 1 o r f


r 2 B + . b or x = B ro 2B 2B o (1 + B ) rf rf 1 + . b Drawing stress ( d ) = B r r o o r 1 ro

o (1 + B )

B.C s at r = rf , x = 0 (1 + B ) o C = rf or x =
1 2B

(at exit stress is zero)

A r Extrusion ratio, , R = o = o for round bar Af rf h = o h f

2B 1 R

o (1 + B )

1 r r f


xo =

o (1 + B )

for flat stock

If effect of container friction is considered p f = ram pressure required by container friction

Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Option O ti D C D D B C B Q. Q No N 8 9 10 11 12 13 Option O ti B B A B B A

Q. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Option A C C B C D

i = uniform interface shear stress between

billet and container wall p f . r0 2 = 2 r0 i L or p f = 2 i L ro

Total Extrusion Pressure(Pt ) = xo + p f and Extrusion Load = pt . r0 2

Example l
Determine for a circular D i the h die di and d punch h sizes i f blanking bl ki i l disc of 20mm diameter from a sheet whose thickness is 1.5 mm.

Example l
Estimate the blanking force to cut a blank 25 mm wide and d 30 mm long l f from a 1.5 mm thick h k metal l strip, if f the h ultimate shear strength of the material is 450 N/mm2. Also determine the work done if the percentage penetration is 25 percent of material thickness.


Shear strength of sheet material = 294 MPa Also determine the die and punch sizes for punching a circular hole of 20mm diameter from a sheet whose thickness is 1.5 mm.

By ySKMondal
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 41

Ans. 74.25 kN, 27.84 Nm

For punching a 10 mm circular hole, and cutting a rectangular blank of 50 x 200 mm from a sheet of 1 mm thickness (mild steel, steel shear stress = 240 N/mm2), Calculate, in each case : (i) Size of punch (ii) Size of die (iii) Force required. [10Marks]

IES 1999
A hole h l is i to be b punched h d in i a 15 mm thick hi k plate l having ultimate shear strength of 3Nmm2. If the allowable crushing stress in the punch is 6 Nmm2, the diameter of the smallest hole which can be punched is equal to (a) 15 1 mm (b) 30 mm (c) 60 mm (d) 120 mm A Ans. (b)

With crushing Wi h a punch h for f which hi h the h maximum i hi stress is 4 times the maximum shearing stress of the plate, the biggest hole that can be punched in th plate the l t would ld be b of f diameter di t equal l to t
1 Thickness of plate 4 1 (b) ( ) Thickness of p plate 2 (c) ( ) Plate thickness (a) (d) 2 Plate thickness

A hole, 100 mm diameter, is to be punched in steel plate 5.6 mm thick. The ultimate shear stress is 550 N/mm2 . Wi h normal With l clearance l on the h tools, l cutting i is i complete l at 40 per cent penetration of the punch. punch Give suitable shear angle g for the punch to bring g the work within the capacity of a 30T press.

E Example l
A washer h with ith a 12.7 mm internal i t l hole h l and d an outside t id diameter of 25.4 mm is to be made from 1.5 mm thick strip The ultimate shearing strength of the material of strip. the washer is 280 N/mm2. (a) Find the total cutting force if both punches act at the same time and no shear is applied to either punch or the die. die (b) What will be the cutting force if the punches are staggered so that only one punch acts at a time. staggered, time (c) Taking 60% penetration and shear on punch of 1 mm, what h t will ill be b the th cutting tti f force if both b th punches h act t together. A Ans. 50.25 kN, kN 33.51 kN, kN F = 45.24 kN

Statement for Questions: S f Linked Li k d Answer A Q i In a shear cutting operation, a sheet of 5 mm thickness is cut along a length of 200 mm. The cutting blade is 400 mm long g and zeroshear ( (S = 0) ) is p provided on the edge. g The ultimate shear strength of the sheet is 100 MPa and penetration to thickness ratio is 0.2. Neglect p g friction.

Ans. 4.2o

Assuming force vs displacement curve to be rectangular, the work done ( (in J) is (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 250 (d) 300 [Ans. (a)]

Statement for Linked Answer Questions: In a shear cutting operation, a sheet of 5mm thickness is cut along a length of 200 mm. mm The cutting blade is 400 mm long and zeroshear (S = 0) is provided on the edge. The ultimate shear strength g of the sheet is 100 MPa and penetration to thickness ratio is 0.2. Neglect friction.

The shear strength of a sheet metal is 300 MPa. The blanking g force required q to p produce a blank of 100 mm diameter from a 1.5 mm thick sheet is close to (a) 45 kN (b) 70 kN (c) 141 kN (d) 3500 kN

GATE 2009(PI)
A disk of 200 mm diameter is blanked from a strip of an aluminum alloy of thickness 3.2 mm. The material shear strength h to fracture f i 150 MPa. is MP The Th blanking bl ki force f (i (in kN) is (a) 291 (b) 301 (c) 311 (d) 321

A shear of 20 mm (S = 20 mm) is now provided on the blade. Assuming g force vs displacement curve to be trapezoidal, d l the h maximum force f ( kN) (in k ) exerted d is (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 40 [ Ans. (b)] For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

A Ans. ( ) (c)
Page 42

Ans. (b) ( )

The force required to punch a 25 mm hole in a mild steel plate 10 mm thick, when ultimate shear stress of the plate is 500 N/mm2 will be nearly (a) 78 kN (b) 393 kN (c) 98 kN (d) 158 kN

The requirement in operation of Th force f i i a blanking bl ki i f low carbon steel sheet is 5.0 kN. The thickness of the sheet is t and diameter of the blanked part is d. For the same work material, , if the diameter of the blanked part is increased to 1.5 d and thickness is reduced to 0.4 0 4 t, t the new blanking force in kN is (a) 3.0 (b) 4.5 (c) 5.0 (d) 8.0 Ans (a) Ans.

10 mm diameter holes di h l are to be b punched h d in i a steel l sheet of 3 mm thickness. Shear strength of the material is 400 N / mm2 and penetration is 40%. Shear p provided on the p punch is 2 mm. The blanking g force during the operation will be (a) 22.6 22 6 kN (b) 37.7 3 kN (c) 61.6 kN (d) 94.3 kN A (a) Ans. ( )

Ans. (b)

A metal is l disc di of f 20 mm diameter di i to be b punched h d from a sheet of 2 mm thickness. The punch and the die clearance is 3%. The required punch diameter is (a) 19.88 19 88 mm (b) 19.94 19 94 mm (c) 20.06 mm (d) 20.12 mm Ans (a) Ans.

GATE 2012
Calculate the punch size in mm, for a circular blanking operation for which details are given below. Si of Size f the h blank bl k 25 mm Thickness of the sheet 2 mm Radial clearance between punch and die 0.06 mm Di allowance Die ll 0.05 mm (a) ( ) 24.83 4 3 (b) ( ) 24.89 4 9 (c) 25.01 (d) 25.17 A Ans. ( ) (a)

A blank of 50 mm diameter is to be sheared from a sheet of 2.5 mm thickness. The required radial clearance between the die and the punch is 6% of sheet thickness. The punch and die diameters (in mm) for this blanking operation, operation respectively, respectively are (a) 50.00 and 50.30 (c) 49.70 and 50.00 Ans. (c) (b) 50.00 and 50.15 (d) 49.85 and 50.00

In operation, the is I a blanking bl ki i h clearance l i provided id d on (a) The die (b) Both the die and the punch equally (c) The punch (d) Brittle the punch nor the die Ans. (c)

The force in punching and Th cutting i f i hi d blanking bl ki operations mainly depends on (a) The modulus of elasticity of metal (b) The shear strength of metal (c) The bulk modulus of metal (d) The yield strength of metal Ans. (b)

A 50 mm diameter disc a di di is i to be b punched h d out from f carbon steel sheet 1.0 mm thick. The diameter of the punch should be (a) 49.925 49 925 mm (b) 50.00 50 00 mm (c) 50.075 mm (d) none of the above Ans (d) Ans.

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 43

IES 1994
In metal shear is I sheet h l blanking, bl ki h i provided id d on punches and dies so that (a) Press load is reduced (b) Good cut edge is obtained. obtained (c) Warping of sheet is minimized (d) Cut blanks are straight Ans. (a)

IES 2002
Consider the statements related C id h following f ll i l d to piercing and blanking: 1. Shear on the punch reduces the maximum cutting force 2. Shear increases the capacity of the press needed 3. Shear increases the life of the punch 4 The total energy needed to make the cut remains 4. unaltered due to provision of shear Which h h of f these h statements are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 Ans. (b)

IAS 1995
In provided I blanking bl ki operation i the h clearance l id d is i (a) ( ) 5 50% on p punch and 5 50% on die (b) On die ( ) On (c) O punch h (d) ( ) On die or p punch depending p g upon p designers g choice Ans. (c) ( )

IES 2006
In I which hi h one of f the h following f ll i is i a flywheel fl h l generally ll employed? (a) Lathe (b) Electric motor (c) Punching machine (d) Gearbox Ans. (c)

IES 2004
Which Whi h one of f the h following f ll i statements is i correct? ? If the size of a flywheel y in a p punching g machine is increased (a) Then the fluctuation of speed and fluctuation of energy will both decrease (b) Then the fluctuation of speed will decrease and the fluctuation uctuat o o of e energy e gy will increase c ease (c) Then the fluctuation of speed will increase and the fl t ti of fluctuation f energy will ill decrease d p and fluctuation of (d) Then the fluctuation of speed energy both will increase Ans. (a)

IES 1997
For F 50% % penetration i of f work k material, i l a punch h with ih single shear equal to thickness will (a) Reduce the punch load to half the value (b) Increase the punch load by half the value (c) Maintain the same punch load (d) Reduce the punch load to quarter load Ans. (a)

IAS 2000
A blank is bl k of f 30 mm diameter di i to be b produced d d out of f 10 mm thick sheet on a simple die. If 6% clearance is recommended, then the nominal diameters of die and p punch are respectively p y (a) 30.6 mm and 29.4 mm (b) 30.6 mm and d 30 mm (c) 30 mm a and d 29.4 9.4 mm (d) 30 mm and 28.8 mm Ans. (d)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

GATE 2007(PI) ( )
Circular Ci l blanks bl k of f 35 mm diameter di t are punched h d from a steel sheet of 2 mm thickness. If the clearance per side between the punch and die is to be kept as 40 microns, microns the sizes of punch and die should respectively be

IAS 1994
In steel I a blanking bl ki operation i to produce d l washer, h the h maximum punch load used in 2 x 105 N. The plate thickness is 4 mm and percentage penetration is 25. The work done during g this shearing g operation p is (a) 200J (b) 400J ( ) 600 J (c) (d) 800 J

(a) 35+0.00 and 35+0.040 (b) 350.040 and 350.080 (c) 350.080 and 35+0.00 (d) 35+0.040 and 350.080 Ans.(c)

Ans. (a)
Page 44

IAS 2002
In between punch I deciding d idi the h clearance l b h and d die di in i press work in shearing, the following rule is helpful: (a) Punch size controls hole size die size controls blank size (b) Punch size controls both hole size and blank size (c) Die size controls both hole size and blank size (d) Die size controls hole size, size punch size controls blank size Ans. (a)

IAS 2007
For operation the is F punching hi i h clearance l i provided id d on which one of the following? (a) The punch (b) The die (c) 50% on the punch and 50% on the die (d) 1/3rd on the punch and 2/3rd on the die Ans. (b)

IAS 1995
Assertion (A): A i (A) A flywheel fl h l is i attached h d to a punching hi press so as to reduce its speed fluctuations. Reason(R): The flywheel stores energy when its speed p increase. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation e planation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a)

IES 2002
Which cutting Whi h one is i not a method h d of f reducing d i i forces to prevent the overloading of press? (a) Providing shear on die (b) Providing shear on punch (c) Increasing die clearance (d) Stepping punches Ans. (c)

IAS 2003
Match List I (Presspart) with List II (Function) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ListI ListII (Presspart) (Function) (A) Punch plate 1. Assisting withdrawal of the punch (B) Stripper S i 2. Ad Advancing i the h work kpiece i through h h correct distance (C) Stopper 3 3. Ejection of the workpiece from die cavity (D) Knockout 4. Holding the small punch in the proper position Codes: A B C D A B C D (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3 ( ) 4 (c) 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1
Ans (c) Ans.

IES 1999
Assertion (A): metal operation, A i (A) In I sheet h l blanking bl ki i clearance must be given to the die. Reason (R): The blank should be of required dimensions. dimensions (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation l of fA (b) Both ot A a and dRa are e individually d v dua y t true ue but R is s not ot t the e correct explanation of A ( ) A is (c) i true t b t R is but i false f l Ans. (d) (d) A is false but R is true

IAS 2003
The in Th 'spring ' i back' b k' effect ff i press working ki is i (a) ( ) Elastic recovery y of the sheet metal after removal of the load (b) Regaining the original shape of the sheet metal (c) Release of stored energy in the sheet metal (d) Partial recovery of the sheet metal Ans. (a) Ans. (c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1997
A cup of is f 10 cm height h i h and d 5 cm diameter di i to be b made from a sheet metal of 2 mm thickness. The number of deductions necessary will be (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four

IFS 2009
y What Wh t is i deep d d drawing i process for f sheet h t metal t l

forming? Explain the function of a blank holder. holder g ratio and how is the drawing g ratio What is drawing increased ? [10 marks]

Page 45

In drawing a tendency to I the h deep d d i of f cups, blanks bl k show h d wrinkle up around the periphery (flange). The most likely cause and remedy of the phenomenon are, respectively, p y, (A) Buckling due to circumferential compression; Increase blank holder pressure (B) High blank holder pressure and high friction; Reduce bl k holder blank h ld pressure and d apply l lubricant l bi t (C) High temperature causing increase in circumferential length: Apply coolant to blank (D) ( ) Buckling g due to circumferential compression; p ; decrease blank holder pressure [Ans. (a)]

Identify Id if the h stress state in i the h FLANCE portion i of fa PARTIALLYDRAWN CYLINDRICAL CUP when deep drawing without a blank holder (a) Tensile in all three directions (b) No stress in the flange at all, because there is no bl kholder blank h ld (c) Tensile e s e st stress ess in o one e d direction ect o a and d co compressive p ess ve in the one other direction (d) Compressive C i in i two t di ti directions and d tensile t il in i the th third direction Ans. (b)

A shell and h ll of f 100 mm diameter di d 100 mm height h i h with ih the corner radius of 0.4 mm is to be produced by cup drawing. The required blank diameter is (a) 118 mm (b) 161 mm (c) 224 mm (d) 312 mm Ans (c) Ans.

The initial blank diameter required to form a cylindrical cup of outside diameter 'd and total l height h h 'h' having h a corner radius d ' ' is 'r' obtained using the formula

Match in I and M h the h items i i columns l d II. II Column I Column II P. Wrinkling 1. Yield point elongation Q Orange peel Q. 2 2. Anisotropy R. Stretcher strains 3. Large grain size S. Earing 4. Insufficient blank holding force 5. Fine grain size 6 6. Excessive blank holding force (a) P 6, Q 3, R 1, S 2 (b) P 4, Q 5, R 6, S 1 (c) P 2, Q 5, R 3, S 4 (d) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2
Ans. (d)

IES 2008
A cylindrical can be li d i l vessel l with i h flat fl bottom b b deep d drawn by (a) Shallow drawing (b) Single action deep drawing (c) Double action deep drawing (d) Triple action deep drawing Ans. (c)

(a ) Do = d 2 + 4dh 0.5r (b) Do = d + 2h + 2r (c) Do = d + 2h + 2r

2 2

(d ) Do = d 2 + 4dh 0.5r


IES 1999
Consider the statements: Earring in C id h following f ll i E i i a drawn cup can be due to nonuniform 1. Speed of the press 2 Clearance between tools 2. 3. Material properties 4. Blank holding Whi h of Which f these th statements t t t are correct? t? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 A Ans. (b)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 1994
For 25 mm and F obtaining b i i a cup of f diameter di d height h i h 15 mm by drawing, the size of the round blank should be approximately (a) 42 mm (b) 44 mm (c) 46 mm (d) 48 mm Ans (c) Ans.

IAS 2007
In drawing operation, proper lubrication I d i i l b i i essential for which of the following reasons? 1. To improve die life 2 To reduce drawing forces 2. 3. To reduce temperature 4. To improve surface finish S l t the Select th correct t answer using i the th code d given i b l below: y (b) 1, 3 and 4 only y (a) 1 and 2 only (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 A Ans. (d) is i

Page 46

IAS 1997
Which factor promotes the Whi h one of f the h following f ll i f h tendency for wrinking in the process of drawing? (a) Increase in the ratio of thickness to blank diameter of work material (b) Decrease in the ratio thickness to blank diameter of work k material l (c) Decrease ec ease in t the e holding o d g force o ce o on t the eb blank a (d) Use of solid lubricants Ans. (c)

IAS 1994
Consider C id the h following f ll i factors f punch and the die is too 1. Clearance between the p small. 2 The finish at the corners of the punch is poor. 2. poor 3. The finish at the corners of the die is poor. 4. The punch and die alignment is not proper. Th factors The f t responsible ibl for f the th vertical ti l lines li parallel ll l to t the axis noticed on the outside of a drawn cylindrical cup would ld include. l d (a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 Ans. (d)

IES 1998
Assertion (A): draw in drawing A i (A) The Th first fi d i deep d d i operation i can have up to 60% reduction, the second draw up to 40% % reduction d and, d the h third h d draw d of f about b 30% % only. l Reason ( (R): ) Due to strain hardening, g, the subsequent q draws in a deep drawing operation have reduced p percentages. g (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a)

The of by Th thickness hi k fthe h blank bl kneeded d dtoproduce, d b powerspinningamissileconeofthickness1.5mm andhalfconeangle30,is (a) 3.0 3 0mm (b) 2.5 2 5mm (c) 2.0mm (d) 1.5mm Ans (a) Ans. Ans. (d)

IES 1994
The of Th mode d of f deformation d f i f the h metal l during d i spinning is (a) Bending (b) Stretching (c) Rolling and stretching (d) Bending and stretching.

Comparemetalspinningwithpresswork. [2marks]

High energy rate forming process used for forming components p from thin metal sheets or deform thin tubes is: (a) Petroforming (b) Magnetic pulse forming (c) Explosive forming (d) electrohydraulic forming Ans. (b)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Assertion (A) : In magnetic pulseforming method, method magnetic field produced by eddy currents is used to create force f b between coil il and d workpiece. k i (R) ) : It is necessary y for the workpiece p Reason ( material to have magnetic properties. ( ) Both (a) B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t and d R is i the th correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (a)
Page 47

Assertion (A) : In the high energy rate forming method, the explosive forming has proved to be an excellent ll method h d of f utilizing ili i energy at high hi h rate and d utilizes both the high explosives and low explosives. Reason (R): The gas pressure and rate of detonation yp of explosives. p can be controlled for both types (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c)

IES 2007
Which following metal Whi h one of f the h f ll i l forming f i processes is not a high energy rate forming process? (a) Electromechanical forming (b) Rollforming (c) Explosive forming (d) Electrohydraulic forming Ans. (b)

IES 2009
Which is Whi h one of f the h following f ll i i a high hi h energy rate forming process? (a) Roll forming (b) Electrohydraulic forming (c) Rotary forging (d) Forward extrusion Ans. (b)

IES 2005
Magnetic M i forming f i is i an example l of: f (a) ( ) Cold forming g (b) ( ) Hot forming g (c) High energy rate forming (d) Roll forming Ans. (c) ( )

Writefouradvantagesofhighvelocityformingprocess. [2marks]

A 1.5 mm thick is to unequal hi k sheet h i subject bj l biaxial bi i l stretching and the true strains in the directions of stretching are 0.05 and 0.09. The final thickness of the sheet in mm is (a) 1.414 (b) 1.304 ( ) 1.362 (c) (d) 289 Ans. (b)

The bending force required for Vbending, bending U bending and Edge bending will be in the ratio of (a) 1 : 2 : 0.5 (b) 2: 1 : 0.5 (c) 1: 2 : 1 (d) 1: 1 : 1 Ans. (a)

A 2 mm thick is at an angle hi k metal l sheet h i to be b bent b l of f one radian with a bend radius of 100 mm. If the stretch factor is 0.5, the bend allowance is (a) 99 mm (b) 100 mm (c) 101 mm (d) 102 mm

Match for metal M t h the th correct t combination bi ti f following f ll i t l working processes. Processes Associated state of stress P. Blanking g 1. Tension Q. Stretch Forming 2. Compression R Coining R. 3 3. Shear S. Deep Drawing 4. Tension and Compression 5. Tension and Shear Codes:P Q R S P Q R S (a) 2 1 3 4 (b) 3 4 1 5 ( ) 5 (c) 4 3 1 (d) 3 1 2 4
Page 48

Match the following metal forming processes with their associated stresses in the workpiece. p Metalformingprocess 1.Coining 2 WireDrawing 2. 3.Blanking 4 Deep 4. pDrawing g (a) 1S, 2P, 3Q, 4R ( ) 1P, 2Q, 3S, 4R (c) Typeofstress P.Tensile Q Shear Q. R.Tensileand compressive i S.Compressive p (b) 1S, 2P, 3R, 4Q (d) 1P, 2R, 3Q, 4S

1 radian

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Ans. (c)

Match M h the h following f ll i Product Process P. Moulded luggage 1. Injection moulding Q Packaging Q. P k i containers i f liquid for li id 2. H rolling Hot lli g structural shapes p 3. 3 Impact p extrusion R. Long S. Collapsible tubes 4. Transfer moulding 5. Blow l moulding ld 6. Coining (a) P1 Q4 R6 S3 (b) P4 Q5 R2 S3 ( ) P1 Q5 R3 S2 (c) ( ) P5 Q1 R2 S2 (d)
Ans. (b)

IAS 1999
Match of M t h List Li t I (Process) (P ) with ith List Li t II (Production (P d ti f parts) t ) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ListI ListII A Rolling A. R lli 1. Di Discrete parts B. Forging 2. Rod and Wire C. Extrusion 3. Wide variety of shapes with thin walls D. Drawing 4. Flat plates and sheets 5 5. Solid and hollow parts [Ans. (d)] Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 2 5 3 4 (b) 1 2 5 4 (c) 4 1 3 2 (d) 4 1 5 2

IAS 1997
Match process) M h List Li I (metal ( l forming f i ) with i h List Li II (Associated feature) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: Listl List II A. Blanking 1. Shear angle B. Flow forming 2. Coiled stock C Roll forming C. 3 3. Mandrel [Ans. Ans (c)] D. Embossing 4. Closed matching dies Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 1 3 4 2 (b) 3 1 4 2 (c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 3 1 2 4

Consider the following follo ing statements: statements The material p properties p which p principally p y determine how well a metal may be drawn are 1. Ratio R ti of f yield i ld stress t t ultimate to lti t stress. t 2.Rate of increase of y yield stress relative to progressive amounts of cold work. 3. Rate R of f work k hardening. h d i Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Q. Q No N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Option O ti C B A A D A A A A Q. Q No N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Option O ti C C C C D A B D


Ans. (d)


GATE 2011(PI)
Which of the following powder production methods produces spongy and porous particles? (a) Atomization (b) Reduction of metal oxides (c) Electrolytic deposition (d) Pulverization Ans. (b)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2012
In I electrolysis l l i (a) ( ) For making g copper pp p powder, , copper pp p plate is made cathode in electrolyte tank (b) For making aluminum powder, powder aluminum plate is made anode (c) High amperage produces powdery deposit of cathode metal eta o on a anode ode (d) Atomization process is more suitable for low melting point i t metals t l Ans. (b)
Page 49

IES 2007Conventional
y Metal powders are compacted by many methods, methods but

sintering g is required q to achieve which p property? p y What is hot isostatic pressing?


GATE 2010(PI)
I powder In d metallurgy, t ll sintering i t i of f a component t (a) Improves strength and reduces hardness (b) Reduces brittleness and improves strength (c) Improves hardness and reduces toughness (d) Reduces porosity and increases brittleness Ans. s. (b)

IES 2011Conventional
y Whatisisostatic pressingofmetalpowders? y Whatareitsadvantage?

GATE 2009(PI)
Whi h of Which f the th following f ll i process is i used d to t manufacture products with controlled porosity? (a) Casting (b) ( ) welding g (c) ( ) formation (d) Powder metallurgy Ans. (d)


GATE 2011(PI)
The binding material used in cemented carbide cutting tools is ( ) graphite (a) hi (b) ( ) tungsten g (c) nickel (d) cobalt b l Ans. (d)

Consider C id the th following f ll i parts: t 1. Grinding wheel 2. Brake lining 3. Selflubricating bearings Whi h of Which f these h parts are made d by b powder d gy technique? q metallurgy (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 2 only A Ans. ( ) (c)

Metallic can be M t lli powders d b produced d d by b (a) Atomization (b) Pulverization (c) Electrodeposition process (d) All of f the h above b Ans. (d)

IES 2002
The of part Th rate of f production d i f a powder d metallurgy ll depends on (a) Flow rate of powder (b) Green strength of compact (c) Apparent density of compact (d) Compressibility of powder

IES 2001
Match List (Components) with List M h Li I (C ) ih Li II (Manufacturing Processes) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II A. Car body (metal) 1. Machining B. Clutch lining 2. Casting C Gears C. 3 3. Sheet metal pressing D. Engine block 4. Powder metallurgy Ans.(d) Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 4 3 1 2 (c) 4 3 2 1 Page(d) 4 1 2 50 3

The operation in which oil is permeated into the pores of a p p powder metallurgy gy p product is known as (a) mixing (b) sintering i i (c) ( ) impregnation p g (d) Infiltration

Ans. (c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Ans. (c)

IES 1998
In the carried I powder d metallurgy, ll h operation i i d out to improve the bearing property of a bush is called (a) infiltration (b) impregnation (c) plating (d) heat treatment

IES 1997
Which components can be Whi h of f the h following f ll i b manufactured by powder metallurgy methods? 1. Carbide tool tips 2. Bearings 3 Filters 3. 4 4. Brake linings Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 ( ) 1, 2 and (c) d 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and d4

IES 1999
The processes in Th correct sequence of f the h given i i manufacturing by powder metallurgy is (a) Blending, compacting, sintering and sizing (b) Blending, Blending compacting, compacting sizing and sintering (c) Compacting, sizing, blending and sintering (d) Compacting, blending, sizing and sintering

Ans. (b) Ans. (a) A Ans. (d)

IES 2001
Carbide tools C bid tipped i d cutting i l are manufactured f d by b powder metal technology process and have a composition of (a) ZirconiumTungsten (35% 65%) (b) Tungsten carbideCobalt (90% 10%) (c) Aluminium oxide Silica (70% 30%) (d) NickelChromium Tungsten (30% 15% 55%)

IES 1999
Assertion of A i (A): (A) In I atomization i i process of f manufacture f f metal powder, the molten metal is forced through a small ll orifice f and d broken b k up by b a stream of f compressed d air. Reason (R): The metallic powder obtained by atomization p process is q quite resistant to oxidation. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation l i of fA (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c)

IES 2007
What of Wh are the h advantages d f powder d metallurgy? ll ? 1. Extreme p purity yp product 2. Low labour cost 3. Low L equipment i cost. g the code g given below Select the correct answer using (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only ( ) 2 and (c) d 3 only l (d) 1 and d 3 only l

Ans (b) Ans.

Ans. (b) ( )

IES 2006
Which are the of Whi h of f the th following f ll i th limitations li it ti f powder metallurgy? 1. High tooling and equipment costs. 2. Wastage g of material. 3. It cannot be automated. 4 Expensive 4. E pensi e metallic powders. po ders Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 3 and 4 (c) Only 1 and 4 (d) Only 1, 1 2 and 4 A Ans. ( ) (c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2004
Consider C id the h following f ll i factors: f p that can be p produced economically y 1. Size and shape 2. Porosity of the parts produced 3. Available A il bl press capacity i 4. High 4 g density y Which of the above are limitations of powder metallurgy? t ll ? (a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 A Ans. ( ) (a)
Page 51

Statement (I): Parts made by powder metallurgy do not have as good physical properties as parts casted. Statement (II): Particle shape in powder metallurgy influences the flow characteristic of the powder. powder (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are i di id ll true and individually d Statement S (II) is i the h correct explanation of Statement (I) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are y true but Statement (II) is not the correct individually explanation of Statement (I) (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true A Ans. (b)

IES 2012

IES 2009
Which Whi h of f the h following f ll i cutting i tool l bits bi are made d by b powder metallurgy process? (a) Carbon steel tool bits (b) Stellite tool bits (c) Ceramic tool bits (d) HSS tool bits

IAS 2003
Which are produced Whi h of f the h following f ll i d d by b powder d metallurgy process? 1. Cemented carbide dies 2 Porous bearings 2. 3. Small magnets 4. Parts with intricate shapes S l t the Select th correct t answer using i the th codes d given i b l below: Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4 ( ) 2, 3 and (c) d 4 (d) 1, 3 and d4 A Ans. ( ) (a)

IAS 2003
In process, I parts produced d d by b powder d metallurgy ll presintering is done to (a) Increase the toughness of the component (b) Increase the density of the component (c) Facilitate bonding of nonmetallic particles (d) Facilitate machining of the part

Ans. (c)

A Ans. (d)

IAS 2000
Consider C id the th following f ll i processes: 1. Mechanical pulverization 2. Atomization 3 Chemical reduction 3. 4. Sintering Which h h of f these h processes are used d for f powder d preparation in powder metallurgy? (a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 1, 1 3 and 4 (d) 1, 1 2 and 4 A Ans. (b)

IAS 1997
Assertion (A): dimensional are A ti (A) Close Cl di i l tolerances t l NOT possible with isostatic pressing of metal powder d in i powder d metallurgy t ll t h i technique. Reason (R): In the process of isostatic pressing, the pressure is equal in all directions which permits uniform density of the metal powder. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (d) ( )

IAS 1998
Throwaway tungsten Th manufactured by (a) Forging (c) Powder metallurgy Ans. (c) carbide bid (b) (d) tip i tools l are Brazing Extrusion

IAS 1996
Which processes is Whi h one of f the h following f ll i i performed f d in powder metallurgy to promote selflubricating properties in sintered parts? (a) Infiltration (b) Impregnation (c) Plating (d) Graphitization Ans (b) Ans.

Matc efollowing o ow g Matcht the Group 1 P.Mulling Q Impregnation Q. R.Flashtrimming S.Curing Group2 1.Powdermetallurgy 2 Injection moulding 2. 3.ProcessingofFRPcomposites 4.Sandcasting (b)P 2,Q 4,R 3,S 1 (d)P 4,Q 1,R 2,S 3

IAS 2007
Assertion (A): of A ti (A) Mechanical M h i l disintegration di i t ti f a molten metal stream into fine particles by means of a jet j t of f compressed d air i is i known k as atomization. t i ti Reason (R): In atomization process inertgas or water cannot be used as a substitute for compressed air. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct co ect e explanation p a at o o of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false ( ) A is false but R is true (d) Ans. (c) ( )

(a)P 4,Q 3,R 2,S 1 (c)P 2,Q 1,R 4,S 3

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)


Page 52

IAS 2004
The are the steps in Th following f ll i h constituent i i the h process of powder metallurgy: 1. Powder conditioning 2 Sintering 2. 3. Production of metallic powder 4. Pressing or compacting into the desired shape I d tif the Indentify th correct t order d in i which hi h they th have h t be to b performed and select the correct answer using the codes given below: b l (a) 1234 (b) 3142 (c) 2413 (d) 4321 Ans. (b)

IAS 2003
Assertion (A): method of A i (A) Atomization A i i h d for f production d i f metal powders consists of mechanical disintegration of molten l stream into fine f particles. l Reason ( (R): ) Atomization method is an excellent means of making powders from high temperature metals. (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both B th A and d R are individually i di id ll true t b t R is but i not t the th correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) ( ) A is false but R is true Ans. ( (c) )

IAS 2007
Consider basic C id the h following f ll i b i steps involved i l d in i the h production of porous bearings: 1. Sintering 2 Mixing 2. 3. Repressing 4. Impregnation 5. Cold C lddie di compaction ti g is the correct sequence q of the Which one of the following above steps? Ans. (b)

1. Explain are blended. E l i why h metal l powders d bl d d Describe D ib what h

1. Discuss the fineness and Di th terms t fi d particle ti l size i

Enumerate the E h steps involved i l d in i powder d metallurgy ll process. Discuss these steps. Name the materials used in powder metallurgy. What are the limitations of powder metallurgy? p gy [IES2005, [ 5, 10 Marks] ]

happens during sintering.

[IES2010, 2 Marks]

distribution in powder metallurgy. [IES2010, 2 Marks] M k ] Ans. Fineness: Is the diameter of spherical shaped particle p shaped p p particle. and mean diameter of nonspherical Particle size distribution: Geometric standard deviation (a measure for the bredth or width of a particle size diameters distribution), is the ratio of p taken at 84.1 and 50% of the cumulative undersized weight g plot, respectively p p y and mean mass diameter define the particle size distribution.

Q. No 1 2 3 4 Option D B C A Q. No 5 6 7 8 Option C B D C

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 53


t,Tolerance o e a ce&Fits ts Limit,

Tolerancesarespecified (a) Toobtaindesiredfits (b) becauseitisnotpossibletomanufactureasize exactly y (c) toobtainhigheraccuracy (d) tohave h properallowances ll Ans.(b)


0 05 mm is E Expressing i a dimension di i as 25.30.05 i the th case of f

GATE 2010,ISRO2012
A shaft has a dimension, ,35 The respective values of fundamental deviation and tolerance are
0.009 0.025

GATE 1992
Two their specified T shafts h f Aand dBhave h h i diameters di ifi das 100 0.1mmand0.1 0.0001mmrespectively. Whichofthefollowingstatementsis/aretrue? (a) ToleranceinthedimensionisgreaterinshaftA (b) Therelativeerrorinthedimensionisgreaterinshaft A (c) ToleranceinthedimensionisgreaterinshaftB (d) Therelativeerrorinthedimensionissameforshaft Aand dshaft h f B Ans.(a)

(a) Unilateral tolerance (b) Bilateral tolerance (c) Limiting dimensions (d) All of the above Ans. s. (b)

( ) 0.025, 0.008 (a) (c) 0.009, 0.008

Ans (d) Ans.

(b) ( ) 0.025,0.016 (d) 0.009,0.016

GATE 2004
In I an interchangeable i h bl assembly, bl shafts h f of f size i +0.020 25.000 mm mate with holes of size 25.0000.000 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be (a) 10 microns (b) 20 microns (c) 30 microns (d) 60 microns
+0.040 0.0100

Dimension of the hole is 50 The minimum clearance is (a) ( ) 0.02 mm (c) -0.02 mm ( (b) ) 0.00 mm (d) 0.01 mm
+0.02 0.00

GATE 2007
+0.02 +0.00
0 .0 5 0

mm and shaft is 50


Ans (c) Ans.

A hole mm. The h l is i specified ifi d as 4 0 0 . 0 0 0 Th mating i shaft has a clearance fit with minimum clearance of 0.01 mm. The tolerance on the shaft is 0.04 mm. The maximum clearance in mm between the hole and the shaft is (a) 0.04 0 04 (b) 0.05 (c) 0.10 (d) 0.11 Ans. (c)

Ans (c) Ans.

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 54

IES 2005
The specified for the Th tolerance t l ifi d by b the th designer d i f th diameter of a shaft is 20.00 0.025 mm. The shafts produced d d by b three th diff different t machines hi A B and A, d C have mean diameters of 1999 mm, 2000 mm and 20.01 mm respectively, ti l with ith same standard t d d deviation. What will be the percentage rejection for th shafts the h ft produced d d by b machines hi A B and A, d C? (a) Same for the machines A, Band C since the standard deviation is same for the three machines (b) Least for machine A (c) Least for machine B (d) Least L t for f machine hi C A Ans. ( ) (c)

GATE 2000
A slot l is i to be b milled ill d centrally ll on a block bl k with ih a dimension of 40 0.05 mm. A milling cutter of 20 mm width is located with reference to the side of the block within 0.02 mm. The maximum offset in mm between the centre lines of the slot and the block is (a) 0.070 (b) 0.070 (c) 0.020 (d) 0.045 Ans. (c) Ans.(d)

GATE 2007(PI) ( )
Diameter of a hole after plating needs to be controlled
0.050 between 30+ +0.010 mm. If the plating thickness varies

between 10 - 15 microns, diameter of the hole before plating l i should h ld be b

0.070 (a) 30+ +0.030 mm 0.080 (c) 30+ +0.030 mm 0.065 (b) 30+ +0.020 mm 0.070 (d) 30+ +0.040 mm

Interference fit joints are provided for: (a) Assembling bush bearing in housing (b) Mounting heavy duty gears on shafts (c) Mounting pulley on shafts (d) Assembly of flywheels on shafts Ans. (a)

GATE 2005
In order to have interference fit, it is essential that the h lower l l limit of f the h shaft h f should h ld be b ( ) Greater (a) G than h the h upper limit li i of f the h hole h l (b) Lesser L th the than th upper limit li it of f the th hole h l (c) Greater than the lower limit of the hole (d) Lesser than the lower limit of the hole Ans (a) Ans.


A hole is of dimension 9


mm The mm.

corresponding shaft is of dimension The resulting g assembly y has (a) loose running fit (b) close l running i fit fi (c) transition a s o fit (d) interference fit Ans. (c) ( )

+0.010 +0.001


In an interchangeable assembly, assembly shafts of size mm mate with holes of size
0 03 0.03 25+ +0.02
0.04 25+ 0.01

An interference assembly, assembly of nominal diameter 20 mm, , is of a unilateral holes and a shafts. The manufacturing tolerances for the holes are twice that for the shaft. Permitted interference values are 0.03 to 0.09 mm. Determine the h sizes, with h limits, l for the two mating parts. parts [10Marks]

IES 2007


The maximum interference (in microns) in the assembly is (a) 4 40 (b) ( )3 30 (c) 20 (d) 10 Ans. (c) ( )
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 55


Ashaftandholepairisdesignatedas50H7d8. 50H7d8 This assemblyconstitutes (a)Interferencefit (b)Transitionfit (c)Clearancefit (d)None N of fth theabove b Ans.(c)

IES 2006
Which fit? Whi h of f the h following f ll i is i an interference i f fi ? (a) ( ) Push fit (b) Running fit ( ) Sliding (c) Slidi fit fi (d) ( ) Shrink fit

IES 2009
Consider C id the th following f ll i joints: j i t 1. Railway carriage wheel and axle 2. IC engine cylinder and liner Which of the above joints is/are the result(s) of interference fit? (a) 1 only onl (b) 2 only (c) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Both 1 and 2 A Ans. (d)

Ans. (d)

IES 2008
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: g 1. The amount of interference needed to create a tight joint varies with diameter of the shaft. 2 An interference fit creates no stress state in the 2. shaft. 3. The stress state in the hub is similar to a thick walled a ed cy cylinder de with t internal te a p pressure. essu e. Which of the statements given above are correct? ( ) 1, 2 and (a) d3 (b) 1 and d 2 only l (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only Ans. (d)

IES 2004
Consider C id the h following f ll i fits: fi 1. I.C. engine g cylinder y and p piston 2. Ball bearing outer race and housing 3. Ball B ll bearing b i inner i race and d shaft h f Which of the above fits are based on the interference system? ( ) 1 and (a) d2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and d3 A Ans. (b)

IES 2003
Match ListI (Phenomenon) with ListII (Significant Parameters/Phenomenon) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: ListI ListII (Phenomenon) (Significant Parameters/Phenomenon) A. Interference fit 1. Viscosity y index B. Cyclic loading 2. Interference C. Gear meshing 3. Notch sensitivity D. Lubricating of bearings 4. Induced compressive stress [Ans. ( (b)] )] Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 4 3 1 2

GATE 2001
Allowance in to All i limits li i and d fits fi refers f (a) ( ) Maximum clearance between shaft and hole (b) Minimum clearance between shaft and hole ( ) Difference (c) Diff b between maximum i and d minimum i i size i of f hole (d) Difference between maximum and minimum size of shaft

GATE 1998
In and I the h specification ifi i of f dimensions di i d fits, fi (a) ( ) Allowance is equal q to bilateral tolerance (b) Allowance is equal to unilateral tolerance ( ) Allowance (c) All i independent is i d d of f tolerance l (d) ( ) Allowance is equal q to the difference between maximum and minimum dimension specified by the tolerance. tolerance Ans. (c)

IES 2012
Clearance in a fit is the difference between (a) Maximum hole size and minimum shaft size (b) Minimum hole size and maximum shaft size ( ) Maximum hole size and maximum shaft size (c) (d) Minimum Mi i h l size hole i and d minimum i i shaft h f size i

Ans (b) Ans.

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs) Page 56

Ans (b) Ans.

B i shaft Basic h ft and d basic b i hole h l are those th whose h upper deviations and lower deviations respectively are (a) +ve, ve (c) ( ) Zero, , Zero (b) ve, +ve (d) ( ) None of the above

IES 2005
Assertion (A): A i (A) Hole H l basis b i system is i generally ll preferred to shaft basis system in tolerance design for getting the required fits. Reason (R): Hole has to be given a larger tolerance band than the mating shaft. ( ) Both (a) h A and d R are individually d d ll true and d R is the h correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true Ans. (c)

Find tolerances and for Fi d the h limit li i sizes, i l d allowances ll f a 100 mm diameter shaft and hole pair designated by F8h10. Also specify the type of fit that the above pair belongs g to. Given: 100 mm diameter lies in the diameter step range of 80120 mm. mm The fundamental deviation for shaft designation f is 5.5 D0.41 The values of standard tolerances for grades of IT 8 and IT 10 are 25i and 64i respectively. Also, indicate the limits and tolerance on a diagram. Will be b discussed di d in i class l [ Marks] [15 M k ]

Ans. (c)

IES 2008
Consider C id the h following f ll i statements: A nomenclature 5 50 H8/p8 /p denotes that 1. Hole diameter is 50 mm. 2. It I is i a shaft h f base b system. 3. 8 indicates fundamental deviation. 3 Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect? ( ) 1, 2 and (a) d3 (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only ( ) 3 only (d) Ans. (a) ( )

IES 2002
In specification 25 D 6, D I the h tolerance l ifi i 6 the h letter l represents (a) Grade of tolerance (b) Upper deviation (c) Lower deviation (d) Type of fit

GATE 2009
What limits Wh t are the th upper and d lower l li it of f the th shaft h ft represented by 60 f8? U the Use h following f ll i data: d Diameter 60 lies in the diameter step of 5080 mm. F d Fundamental l tolerance l unit, i i, in m= 0.45 D1/3 + 0.001D, where D is the representative size in mm; 5 Ans. (a) Tolerance value for lT8 = 25i. Fundamental deviation for 'f shaft = 5.5D0.41 (a) Lower limit = 59.924 59 924 mm, mm Upper Limit = 59.970 59 970 mm (b) Lower limit = 59.954 mm, Upper Limit = 60.000 mm (c) Lower Lo er limit = 59.970 9 9 0 mm, mm Upper Limit = 60.016 60 0 6 mm (d) Lower limit = 60.000 mm, Upper Limit = 60.046 mm

Ans. (c)

GATE 2008(PI)
Following data are given for calculating limits of di dimensions i and d tolerances t l f a hole: for h l Tolerance T l unit it i (in (i m) = 0.45 0 45 D + 0.001D. 0 001D The unit of D is mm. mm Diameter step p is 183 30 mm. If the fundamental deviation for H hole is zero and IT8 = 25 i, the maximum and minimum limits of dimension for a 25 mm H8 hole (in mm) are (a) 24.984, 24.967 (c) 25.033, 25.000 (b) 25.017, 24.984 (d) 25.000, 24.967 Ans. (c)

GATE 2000
A fit value fi is i specified ifi d as 25H8/e8. H8/ 8 The Th tolerance l l for f a nominal diameter of 25 mm in IT8 is 33 microns and fundamental deviation for the shaft is 40 microns. The maximum clearance of the fit in microns is (a) 7 (b) 7 (c) 73 (d) 106 6 Ans. (d)

GATE 1996,IES2012
The Th fit fi on a hole h l shaft h f system is i specified ifi d as H7 H s6.The type of fit is (a) Clearance fit (b) Running fit (sliding fit) (c) Push fit (transition fit) (d) Force fit (interference fit) Ans. (d)

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 57

GATE 2003
The Th dimensional di i l limits li i on a shaft h f of f 25h7 h are (a) ( ) 25.000, 5 , 25.021 5 mm (b) 25.000, 24.979 mm ( ) 25.000, 25.007 mm (c) (d) ( ) 25.000, 5 , 24.993 4 993 mm Ans. (b)

A small bore is designated as 25H7. The lower (minimum) and upper (maximum) limits of the bore are 25.000 mm and d 25.021 mm, respectively. ti l When Wh the th bore is designated as 25H8, then the upper (maximum) limit is 25.033 mm. When the bore is designated as 25H6, then the upper (maximum) limit of the bore (in mm) ) is ( ) 25.001 (b) 25.005 (c) (a) ( ) 25.009 (d) 25.013

What is the difference between hole basis system and shaft basis system y ? Why y is hole basis system y the more extensive in use ? What are the differences between interchangeability and selective assembly ? [ Marks] [12 k ]


GATE 2003

GATE 1997
Three blocks Th bl k B1 , B2 and d B3 are to be inserted in a channel of width S maintaining a minimum gap of width T = 0 125 mm, 0.125 mm as shown in Figure. Figure For P = 18. 75 0.08; Q = 25.00 0.12; R = 28.125 0.1 and S = 72.35 + X, (where all dimensions are in mm), the tolerance l X is
(a) ( )+0.38 3 [Ans.(b)] (b) ( ) 0.38 3 (c) ( )+0.05 5 (d) ( )0.05 5 Ans.(d)

IES 2000
Which tolerances set on inner Whi h one of f the h following f ll i l i diameter and outer diameter respectively of headed jig bush for press fit is correct? (a) G7 h 6 (b) F7 n6 (c) H 7h 6 (d) F7j6 Ans (b) Ans.

Plug gg gauges g are used to (a) Measure the diameter of the workpieces (b) Measure the diameter of the holes in the workpieces ( ) Check (c) h k the h diameter d of f the h holes h l in the h workpieces (d) Check the length of holes in the workpieces Ans. (c)
For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

GATE 2004
GO and d NOGO plug l gages are to be b designed d i d for f a 0.05 g tolerances can be taken as 10% hole 200.01 mm. Gage 0 01 of the hole tolerance. Following ISO system of gage design sizes of GO and NOGO gage will be design, respectively ( ) 20.010 mm and (a) d 20.050 mm (b) 20.014 0.0 4 mm a and d 20.046 0.046 mm (c) 20.006 mm and 20.054 mm (d) 20.014 mm and d 20.054 mm Ans. (b)
Page 58

GATE 1995
Checking the of GONOGO Ch ki h diameter di f a hole h l using i gauges is an, example of inspection by ..(variables/attributes) The above statement is (a) Variables (b) Attributes (c) Cant say (d) Insufficient data Ans (b) Ans.

GATE 2006,VS2012
A ring i gauge is i used d to measure (a) ( ) Outside diameter but not roundness (b) Roundness but not outside diameter ( ) Both (c) B h outside id diameter di and d roundness d (d) ( ) Only y external threads Ans. (c) ( )

The vernier reading should not be taken at its face value before an actual check has been taken for (a) Zero error (b) Its calibration (c) Flatness of measuring jaws (d) Temperature equalization Ans (a) Ans.


Th least The l t count t of f a metric t i vernier i caliper li having 25 divisions on vernier scale, matching with 24 4 divisions of main scale ( (1 main scale divisions = 0.5 mm) is (a) 0.005 mm (c) 0.02 mm Ans. (c) (b) 0.01 mm (d) 0.005 mm

ISRO2009, 2009 2011

I a simple In i l micrometer i t with ith screw pitch it h 0.5 mm and divisions on thimble 50, the reading corresponding p g to 5 divisions on barrel and 12 divisions on thimble is (a) 2.620 mm (c) 2.120 mm Ans. (a) (b) 2.512 mm (d) 5.012 mm

GATE 2008


A displacement sensor (a dial indicator) measures the lateral displacement of a mandrel mounted on the taper hole inside a drill spindle. The mandrel axis is an extension of the drill spindle taper hole axis and the protruding portion of the mandrel surface is perfectly cylindrical. Measurements are taken with the sensor placed at two positions P and Q as shown in the figure. The readings are recorded as Rx = maximum deflection minus minimum deflection, corresponding to sensor position at X, over one rotation.

GATE 2008contd d from f S1

If Rp= RQ>0, >0 which one of the following would be consistent with the observation? (A) The drill spindle rotational axis is coincident with the drill spindle p taper p hole axis (B) The drill spindle rotational axis i intersects the h drill d ill spindle i dl taper hole h l axis at point P (C) The Th drill d ill spindle i dl rotational t ti l axis i is i parallel to the drill spindle taper hole axis (D) The drill spindle rotational axis intersects the drill spindle taper hole axis at point Q For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

A master gauge is (a) A new gauge (b) An international reference standard (c) A standard gauge for checking accuracy of gauges used on shop h floors fl (d) A gauge used d by b experienced i d technicians t h i i

St d d to Standards t be b used d for f reference f purposes in i laboratories and workshops are termed as (a) Primary standards (b) ( ) Secondary y standards (c) ( ) Tertiary y standards (d) Working standards Ans. (d)


Ans (c) Ans.

Page 59

Afeeler f l gaugeis i used dto t check h kthe th (a)Pitchofthescrew (b)Surfaceroughness (c)Thicknessofclearance (d)Flatnessofasurface Ans. s.(c)

A sine i bar b is i specified ifi d by b (a) Its total length (b) The size of the rollers (c) The centre distance between the two rollers (d) The distance between rollers and upper surface Ans. s. (c)

) GATE2012( (PI)
A sine bar has a length of 250 mm. Each roller has a diameter of 20 mm. During taper angle measurement of f a component, the h height h i h from the surface plate to the centre of a roller is 100 mm. The calculated taper angle (in degrees) is (a) 21.1 Ans. (a) (b) 22.8 (c) 23.6 (d) 68.9

GATE 2011(PI)
The best wire size (in mm) for measuring effective diameter of a metric thread (included angle is 60o) of 20 mm diameter and 2.5 mm pitch using two wire method is (a) 1.443 (b) 0.723 (c) 2.886 2 886 (d) 2.086 2 086 Ans. (a)

IES 1992
Which rough Whi h grade d symbol b l represents surface f h of f broaching? (a) N12 (b) N8 (c) N4 (d) N1 Ans. (b)

What is meant by interchangeable manufacture? Laser light has unique advantages for inspection. What are they ? Define the terms 'roughness h i ht' 'waviness height', ' i width' idth' and d 'lay' 'l ' in i connection ti with surface irregularities. irregularities [10marks]

CLAvalueandRMSvaluesareusedfor measurementof (a)Metalhardness (b)Sharpnessoftooledge (c)Surfacedimensions (d)Surfaceroughness Ans.(d) For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

IES 2006
The M and Esystem in metrology are related to measurement of: f ( ) Screw (a) S threads h d ( ) Angularity (c) A l it (b) (d) Fl Flatness S f Surface fi i h finish Ans (c) Ans. Ans (d) Ans.

IES 2007
What direction Wh is i the h dominant d i di i of f the h tool l marks k or scratches in a surface texture having a directional quality, called? (a) Primary texture (b) Secondary texture (c) Lay (d) Flaw

Page 60

IES 2008
What term is used to designate the direction of the predominant d surface f pattern produced d d b by

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists: List I List II (Symbols for direction of lay) (Surface texture)

IES 2008

machining operation? (a) Roughness (c) Waviness Ans. (b) (b) (d) Lay Cut off

[A (b)] [Ans. (a) (c) A 4 4 B 2 1 C 1 2 D 3 3 (b) (d) A 3 3 B 2 1 C 1 2 D 4 4


Surface roughness on a drawing is represented by y (a) Triangles (b) Circles (c) Squares (d) Rectangles Ans. (a)

GATE 1997
List List Li t I Li t II (A) Surface profilometer 1. Calibration (B) Light Section Microscope 2. Form tester (C) Microkater 3 3. Film thickness measurement (D) Interferometer 4. 4 Centre line average a erage 5. Comparator 6. Surface lay measurement Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 3 5 1 ( ) 4 (c) 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4

GATE 2003
Two slip 1.000 mm T li gauges of f 10 mm width id h measuring i and 1.002 mm are kept side by side in contact with each other lengthwise. An optical flat is kept resting on the slip pg gauges g as shown in the figure. g Monochromatic light g of wavelength 0.0058928 mm is used in the inspection. The total number of straight fringes that can be observed on both slip gauges is (a)2 (c)8 (b)6 (d)13


GATE 1998
Auto collimator is A lli i used d to check h k (a) ( ) Roughness g (b) Flatness ( ) Angle (c) A l (d) ( ) Automobile balance. Ans. (c) ( )

GATE 2009(PI)
A autocollimator An t lli t is i used d to t (a) measure small angular displacements on flat surface (b) compare known and unknown dimensions (c) measure the flatness error (d) measure roundness error between centers Ans. s. (c)


BySKMondal For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

Page 61

Optical O i l square is i (a) ( ) Engineer's g square q having g stock and blade set at 9 90o (b) A constant deviation prism having the angle of deviation between the incident ray and reflected ray, ray equal to 90o (c) A constant deviation prism having the angle of deviation dev at o bet between ee t the e incident c de t ray ay a and d reflected e ected ray, ay, equal to 45o (d) Used U d to t produce d i t f interference fi fringes Ans. (b)

IES 1998
Match ListI with ListII and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ListI ListII (Measuring Device) (Parameter Measured) A. Diffraction grating 1. Small angular deviations on long flat surfaces B. Optical flat 2. Online measurement of moving p parts C. Auto collimators 3. Measurement of gear pitch D. Laser scan micrometer4. Surface texture using interferometer 5. Measurement of f very small ll displacements Code: A B C D A B C D (a) 5 4 2 1 (b) 3 5 1 2 (c) ( ) 3 5 4 1 (d) ( ) 5 4 1 2

GATE 1992
Match M t h the th instruments i t t with ith the th physical h i l quantities titi they th measure: I Instrument M Measurement (A) Pilottube (1) R.P.M. of a shaft (B) McLeod Gauge (2) Displacement (C) ( ) Planimeter (3) Flow velocity y (D) LVDT (4) Vacuum (5) Surface finish (6) Area [Ans. (b)] C d A Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 4 6 2 (c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4

GATE 2004
Match M h the h following f ll i Feature to be inspected Instrument P Pitch and Angle errors of screw thread 1. Auto Collimator Q Flatness error of a surface plate 2. 2 Optical Interferometer R Alignment error of a machine slide way 3. Dividing Head and d Dial Di l Gauge G S Profile of a cam 4. Spirit p Level 5. Sine bar 6 Tool maker 6. maker's s Microscope (a) P6 Q2 R4 S6 (b) P5 Q2 R1 S6 (c) P6 Q4 R1 S3 (d) P1 Q4 R4 S2

GATE 1995
List Li I (Measuring ( g instruments) ) (A) Talysurf 1. (B) Telescopic Tl i gauge 2. (C) ( ) Transfer callipers p 3. 3 (D) Autocollimator 4. Codes:A d B C D (a) 4 1 2 3 (b) (c) 4 2 1 3 (d) Ans. (b) ( ) List Li II (Application) ( pp ) Tslots Fl Flatness Internal diameter Roughness A B C D 4 3 1 2 3 1 2 4

GATE 2010
A taper hole h l is i inspected i d using i a CMM, CMM with i h a probe b of 2 mm diameter. At a height, Z = 10 mm from the bottom, 5 points are touched and a diameter of circle ( (not compensated p for p probe size) ) is obtained as 20 mm. Similarly, a 40 mm diameter is obtained at a height Z = 40 mm. mm the smaller diameter (in mm) of hole at Z = 0 is ( ) 13.334 (a) (b) 15.334 (c) 15.442 ( ) 15.542 (d)

An experimental setup is planned to determine the taper of workpiece as shown in the figure. If the two precision rollers have radii 8 mm and 5 mm and the total thickness of slip gauges inserted between the rollers is 15.54 mm, the taper angle is (a) 6 degree (b) 10 degree (c) 11 degree (d) 12 degree

IES 2000
Ascrewthread h dspecified ifi dby b M20x2.5CasperBIS threadsystemmeans (a) Metricthreadof20mmnominaldiameterand2.5 mmpitchhavingcoarsetolerance (b) Metricthreadof20mmrootdiameterand2.5mm pitch hh havingcoarsetolerance l (c) Metric et ct thread eadof o fine ec class asshaving av g20 0mmroot oot diameterand2.5mmpitch (d) Metric M t i th thread dof f20mmshank h kdi diameter t and d2.5mm threaddepthwithcoarsetolerance Ans.(c)
Page 62

Q.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Option C C A C C B C B B Q.No 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Option D A B B D B C B

For-2013 (IES, GATE, PSUs)

GATE2013 GATE2013
In process, the of I a rolling lli th state t t of f stress t f the th material undergoing g g deformation is (a) pure compression (b) pure shear (c) compression and shear (d) tension and shear ( ) 4 (a)P 4,Q3 3,R1,S2 (c)P2,Q3,R4,S1 pairs Match the CORRECT pairs. Processes P.FrictionWelding Q.GasMetalArc Q Welding R Tungsten R. T t Inert I tGas G Welding S.Electroslag Welding Characteristics/Applications 1.Nonconsumableelectrode 2 Joiningofthickplates 2. 3.Consumable C bl electrode l t d wire i 4.Joiningofcylindrical dissimilarmaterials ( ) 4 (b)P 4,Q2,R3 3,S1 (d)P2,Q4,R1,S3

A metric t i thread th d of f pitch it h 2 mm and d thread th d angle l 60 6 inspected p for its p pitch diameter using g 3wire method. The diameter of the best size wire in mm is (a) 0.866 (b) 1.000 (c) 1.154 (d) 2.000

A steel bar 200 mm in diameter is turned at a feed of 0.25 mm/rev with a depth of cut of 4 mm. The rotational speed of the workpiece is 160 rpm. The material removal rate in mm3/s is (a) 160 (b) 167.6 167 6 (c) 1600 (d) 1675.5 1675 5

A cube solidifies in The b shaped h d casting ti lidifi i 5 min. i Th solidification time in min for a cube of the same material, which is 8 times heavier than the original casting, will be ( ) 10 (a) (b) 20 ( ) 24 (c) (d) 40

Two cutting tools are being compared for a machining operation. The tool life equations are: Carbide tool: VT 1.6 = 3000 HSS tool: VT 0.6 = 200 Wh Where V is i the h cutting i speed d in i m/min / i and d T is i the h tool life in min. The carbide tool will p provide higher g tool life if the cutting speed in m/min exceeds (a) 15.0 (b) 39.4 (c) 49.3 (d) 60.0

In mirror image of I a CAD package, k i i f a 2D D point i t P(5,10) (5, ) is to be obtained about a line which p passes through the origin and makes an angle of 45o counterclockwise with the Xaxis. The coordinates of f the th transformed t f d point i t will ill be b (a) (7.5, (7 5 5) (b) (10, (10 5) (c) (7.5, (7 5 5) (d) (10, (10 5)

0.020 Cylindrical pins of 25+ +0.010 mm diameter are

During the electrochemical machining (ECM) of iron (atomic weight = 56, valency = 2) at current of 1000 A with 90% current efficiency, the material removal rate was observed to be 0.26 gm/s. If Titanium (atomic weight = 48, valency = 3) is machined by the ECM process at the current of 2000 A with 90% current efficiency, the expected material removal rate in gm/s will be (a) 0.1 0 1 1 (b) 0.23 0 23 (c) 0.30 0 30 (d) 0.52 0 52

electroplated l t l t d in i a shop. h Thickness Thi k of f the th plating is 30 2.0 micron micron. Neglecting gage tolerances, the size of the GO gage in mm to inspect the plated components is (a) 25.042 (b) 25.052 (c) 25.074 (d) 25.084
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GATE-2013 Asked Questions

In orthogonal turning of a bar of 100 mm diameter with a feed of 0.25 mm/rev, depth of cut of 4 mm and cutting velocity of 90 m/min, it is observed that the main (tangential)cutting force is perpendicular to friction force acting at the chiptool interface. interface The main (tangential) cutting force is 1500 N.
y The orthogonal rake angle of the cutting tool in degree is

In orthogonal turning of a bar of 100 mm diameter with a feed of 0.25 mm/rev, depth of cut of 4 mm and cutting velocity of 90 m/min, it is observed that the main (tangential)cutting force is perpendicular to friction force acting at the chiptool interface. interface The main (tangential) cutting force is 1500 N.
y The normal force acting at the chiptool interface in N is

(a) zero

(b) 3.58

(c) 5

(d) 7.16

(a) 1000 (b) 1500

(c) 20oo

(d) 2500

GATE-2013 Asked Questions

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