Lesson Plan B Final
Lesson Plan B Final
Lesson Plan B Final
Avery Finch
Literacy: Reading and Responding to A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle Date/Time to be Implemented: Tuesday 4/8, 9:30 10:15; Wednesday 4/9, 11:50-12:30 Students: Kindergarten at Lea School Anticipated Time: 85-90 minutes total (two 40/45-minute periods) Goals and Objectives Students will be able to: cite evidence from the text and draw on prior knowledge in order to explain how a shell is like a hermit crabs house, and why hermit crabs change shells. design and describe a hermit crab shell in order to demonstrate understanding of a hermit crab shells function. Standards PA Common Core Standards in Writing CC.1.4.K.W: With guidance and support, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. PA Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 1.5.K.D: Write using illustrations and descriptive words. 1.8.K.A: Ask appropriate questions on a variety of topics. PA Standards in Environment and Ecology 4.1.K.F: Ask questions about objects, organisms and events. Science and Engineering Practices (A Framework for K-12 Science Education) 1. Asking questions 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Materials and Preparation one copy of A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle ongoing class-generated hermit crab KWL chart chart paper and marker pencils and crayons at each table possibly other art materials, including markers, glitter, string, construction paper, small shells, feathers, etc. 22 copies of My Hermit Crab House drawing template (one for modeling) 22 copies of My Hermit Crab House writing template (one for modeling) Classroom Arrangement and Management Arrangement: Students will sit on their rug squares facing the teachers chair for the readaloud and ensuing discussion. Students will dismiss by tables to their seats for the art portion of the lesson. Art materials will already be on each table. When students are finished decorating their shells, they will clean up their spots, then get a sheet of writing from the Attendance Table. Management: Students will be reminded of proper read-aloud etiquette, including rules about raising hands and not calling out. When working at their tables they will use yellow light voices (whispering) to talk only about their work. Depending on the art materials in use,
Lesson Plan II: A House for Hermit Crab students will be reminded of how to keep their tables clean.
Avery Finch
Plan Launch Hook: Introducing the Read-aloud (3 min.) Remind students of norms and expectations: raising hands to speak; being respectful of the space, materials, and each other; listening carefully to instructions. Introduce A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle. Elicit student responses: What do we know about Eric Carle? What do you think this book will be about? Do you think its fiction or nonfiction? Why? Read-aloud (7 min.) Read A House for Hermit Crab aloud. Post-reading Discussion (7 min.) Discuss both the hermit crab in this story and students other knowledge of hermit crabs. Consult KWL chart throughout. Record student responses on piece of chart paper. Was the book fiction or nonfiction? How do you know? What is a house for a hermit crab? In what ways is it like a house for us? In what ways is it different? Why do hermit crabs live in shells? Why did the hermit crab change his shell? Where did he get his shell? How did the hermit crab make his shell special? What happened at the end of the story? Why did he change shells again? Modeling Writing Activity (5 min.) Explain: Now its your turn to create your own shell. You can use this shell template to decorate it however you want. Review the chart paper to see how the hermit crab in the story decorated his shell. Elicit suggestions from the students for other ways they could decorate their shells; record suggestions on the chart. Model decorating the shell with crayons. (If we are able to use other art materials, model/remind students of appropriate use of glue, glitter, etc.) Introduce My Hermit Crab House writing page; model writing name and date. Explain that students will write about their shells. Show the space for title, where they can write My Hermit Crab House. Use descriptive words and lots of details to describe your shell. Explain that students will write three sentences about how their shell looks and also about why their shell makes a good house. Model writing descriptive sentences. Work and Explore My Hermit Crab House: Illustrating and Writing (20 min.) Paper Passer helps teacher pass out drawing papers and students go to their tables to begin working. (If Paper Passer is not a Superstar, Star of the Week does it.) Students decorate their shells as they wish. When they finish decorating their shells, students get the My Hermit Crab House writing paper from the Attendance Table and begin writing. Conference with students as they write and when they are done. Underwrite as necessary. Wrap-Up Students should at least finish decorating their shells by the end of the period. Students who do not finish within the allotted period of time will be able to continue working at a
Lesson Plan II: A House for Hermit Crab later time. At the end of the period, students Collect papers and distribute snack while students are finishing.
Avery Finch
Assessment of Goals and Objectives Formal Assessment: My Hermit Crab House (writing and drawing) Did students: draw on the text for inspiration and/or generate original ideas? describe their shells appearance? describe their shells function? (e.g., My shell is hard because it has to keep me safe.) use descriptive words and details in their writing? write at least three sentences? Informal Assessment: Class Discussion Did students: recount key details from the text A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle, including that the crabs house was his shell, and why the crab changed his shell at the beginning and end of the story? identify the book as fiction? draw on prior knowledge to make inferences about the text? make connections between this book and what they have learned to be true about hermit crabs, both from other books/videos and from their own observations? Accommodations For students who find the work too challenging: Some students may have difficulty coming up with ways to decorate their shells. These students may work together to brainstorm more ideas. They may also flip back through the book to remind themselves of how the hermit crab in the story decorated his shell. Students who have difficulty writing may pair up with a peer and take turns describing each others shells, so that they may draw on the language of a partner. For students who find the work easy/finish early: Students who finish decorating their shells early will be encouraged to add more detail. Students who finish writing early may help a peer by working together to describe the partners shell so that he or she may have inspiration for writing.