Essay Scoring Check Listtjl
Essay Scoring Check Listtjl
Essay Scoring Check Listtjl
and specifically analyzes the text using precise details, not all of which we discussed in class. Doesnt focus mainly on the beginning; uses evidence from the entire novel. Substantial, specific evidence is used to prove a point 3 Entire question is answered; response is correct with some insight; inconsistently, but correctly (not always specifically) analyzes text may occasionally list; spare analysis but happens throughout the essay. Evidence is used to prove a point 2 Entire question is answered; response is correct; simple/obvious/vague analysis; may list facts often with little analysis; some good point that they dropped or went nowhere; use of text support is inconsistent or mainly at the start of the text. A little evidence, mainly general, is used to prove a point 1 Entire question is answered; hardly analyzes; mainly facts recited; text references are minimal/absent; some facts wrong/vague; summary with little insight; focuses mainly on the beginning (first ) of text. Evidence is used, but very little. 0 Entire question not dealt with; frequent errors or vagueness; response does not answer question. May use only one or two details total as support. Evidence is sparse or insubstantial