Sept. 21-25

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September 21-25,


Monday 9/21 Tuesday 9/22 Wednesday 9/23 Thursday 9/24 Friday 9/25
Curriculum Night
7-8 PM

Harthan MAP test Book orders due Bataglia MAP test Homework due
(Reading) (Reading)

Classroom Information Upcoming Events

This past week the 4th grade team worked on: Sept. 24 Curriculum Night 7-8 PM
building math fluency, writing journal entries,
reading and math assessments, and discussing
Oct. 6Student Picture Day
inventions. Oct. 14-16 No School-MEA Break
Oct. 20 Parent Board Meeting
The first unit the 4th grade team has been working on
is inventions. The central idea is: Inventions are
6:30-7:30 PM-Media Center
created to solve a problem and fill a need. The Oct. 22 Windy City Players 1-3 PM
students will be writing in their “Inventor’s Logs” Nov. 5 Picture Re-take Day
during school and also for homework. This is where
Nov. 9 No School-Teacher Work Day
they will write about problems they see around them
and possible solutions to these problems. They need Nov. 17 Parent Board Meeting
to have a “witness” sign the log every time they write 6:30-7:30 PM-Media Center
in them.
Nov. 23 No School-Evening Conferences
This week’s homework includes: Nov. 24 No School-All Day Conferences
Reading Log Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving Break
Inventor’s Log
Inventor’s Survey Please remember to look at your child’s planner/
Math Facts Practice tracker each night and sign at the bottom.
**A note from the Parent Board Talk with your child about what these “Learner
The Innisbrook fundraiser will be running from Profiles” mean. Discuss how they can become:
Monday, September 21st through Monday, October
Open-Minded Caring
5th. Packets will be distributed to classrooms on
Monday morning (the 21st). Delivery of items will be Balanced Communicators
the week of November 16th through the 20th-we Risk-Taker Reflective
should have a more definite date soon. This is a Knowledgeable Thinker
great way to raise money for our school! Principled Inquirer

Mr. Bataglia Ms. Harthan Mrs. Quinn

PHONE: 651-407-7600 ext. 2850 Voice Mail: 651-407-7600 ext. 1615 Voice Mail: 651-407-7600 ext. 1614
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