Third Grade's Weekly Newsletter: November 7, 2016

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Third Grades Weekly Newsletter

November 7, 2016

Lanier Elementary School

Dates to Remember!

November 8 NO SCHOOL Election Day

November 21st 25th NO SCHOOL
December 9th Polar Express Night (5-8)

This Week in School

Math - Unit 4 Polygons and Area of a shape
Reading - ask and answer questions to demonstrate
understanding of a text.
Writing - identify the components of realistic fiction, write
narrative stories, organize event sequence, use dialogue and
descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to show
characters responses, provide a sense of closure, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing
characters responses, provide a sense of closure
Grammar - identify and use similes & personification,
identify simple subjects and simple predicates
Science: Unit 3 Rocks, Minerals, and Soil: All about
minerals What are minerals? Where are minerals found?
How are minerals identified?
Social Studies: -identify the 3 branches of government
and responsibilities of each (legislative, executive, judicial)

Helpful Websites to Use At Home math practice sheets Launch Point Link Students can access
FASTT Math (HMH) and many other websites from this
link. They must log in with their 6-digit student id.

Novembers Wildcat Essentials
Being Mannerly This month we are going to
be looking to see if you are using your manners.
Being mannerly means being courteous and kind
to others and being polite.
Reading Bingo Boards
Students should be working on the Yellow
Reading Bingo Board. Students may write the
books they read each night on their regular
Reading Log and on the Reading Bingo Boards.
Please encourage nightly reading. The next
celebration with be on December 9th.
Students who have completed the Yellow
Board will watch a movie and enjoy some
yummy popcorn!


All students are now working on their multiplication math
facts. Your child should be practicing 5 to 10 minutes each
night on these facts. Please see the websites below for
math fact practice help or the sheet in their TEAM Binder.

Homework Written AssignmentsAll due by Friday
Math Math Sheet - one page of the skills we
are working on each week (Due Friday)
Spelling Homework Begins this week! Spelling
tests will be given each Friday. The words for
this week are: saw, draw, crawl, dawn, cause,
taught, haunt, sauce, cross, frost, didnt from,
school, two, would SPELLING TEST FRIDAY
RAH Log (Read at Home) - Complete RAH log
each night Monday through Thursday,
recommendation is 15-20 minutes. Record the
books read on RAH Log in T.E.A.M. Binder.
MAH (Math at Home) - Initial agenda, complete
math facts practice each night Monday through
Thursday, recommendation is 5-10 minutes math
facts practice.
Dojo Tracker Please sign each Friday!


Polar Express Night December 9th

Polar Express Storytime in library

Cookie Decorating in the cafeteria
Concessions Chick-fil-a Sandwiches, pizza,
chips, drinks, hot chocolate bar and cider in
Santa Pictures in Warnock Garden
Raffle in gym - two bikes from Academy, $25
gift card for Chilis, $20 gift card for Outback,
$20 gift card for Cheddars
Cakewalk in gym
Train Ride in outdoor area near gym
Christmas Store


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