Week 20 Newsletter

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Year 3/4, Week 20 News

What’s Happening This Week

• Monday 4th February DAY 6. Montenegrin, Music
• Tuesday 5th February DAY 1 Montenegrin , Library
• Wednesday 6th February DAY 2. Mother Tongue, P.E. (Early Dismal)
• Thursday 7th February DAY 3 Art, Montenegrin. *Reports on ManageBac
• Friday 8th February DAY 4 Montenegrin, Music, P.E.

Moving onto Unit 4,
Where We Are In Place & Time!
Firstly a couple important notices:
• Grades and comments will be available to parents on Thursday 7th February.
• Discovery Week permission forms and money should be sent to school this week.
Last week the students completed their final projects for How We Express Ourselves.
Their self-portraits are on display in the PYP corridor. Thank you to those families who
have already taken the time to look at these and listen to the explanations.

We also introduced our 4th Unit of Inquiry, ‘Where We Are In Place and Time,’ with
the central idea being, ‘The Earth's physical geography has an impact on human
interactions and settlements.’ As a provocation, we watched the documentary, The
Story of Earth and Life (Blue Planet).This week we will start to explore different
landforms: their names, what they look like and where they are located. Some books
connected to this Unit of Inquiry have also been assigned to students on Raz Kids.

During this unit, in English we look at the structure of explanation texts which are non-
fiction and explain why or how things happen. In Maths, we will be working on
Measurement (telling time, length and capacity) and Shape and Space (maps).

Kind regards, Miss Katrina.

Home Learning

• Spelling: Year 3 Focus (Long a sound ‘ai’ / ‘ay’ )

Year 4 Focus (Prefixes. in-, pre-, mis-, non-)

MUST DO: All ‘spelling / vocabulary’ activities in homework folder.

OPTIONAL EXTRA: Spelling City - Week 20 Spelling assignment tasks.
Spelling test will be on MONDAYS.

• Reading (20 minutes daily):

1. Read at least 5 times a week for approximately 20 minutes.
2. Record reading in Reading Log, write a reflection sentence and ask adult to sign.

Week 20* Complete 2 or more assignments on Raz Kids (read book + quiz).
*Always look for Assessment / Flight Check reading

• Maths (10-15minutes daily):

1. Study Ladder: All activities in ‘Set Tasks’ under the sub-heading “HOMEWORK”.
*Study Ladder helps students revise and consolidate concepts already taught.

Unit of Inquiry: ‘Family Tree’

• Research members of your family from different

generations to complete a family tree.

• On a map, identify the locations where members of

your family have settled throughout time and why.

Due: Monday 11th February 2019

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