Verdict Unsafe

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-<jdr1, (_2____PL-C.

y \y (J^ * C^C^y \ C_____y^Qy>

Other orders made: ORDERS: 1. PRE-SENTENCE RETORT



Notice of Appeal The appellant applie to the Co!rt of Appeal for lea"e to appeal a#ain t the a$o"e con"iction

Dra t Gro!"ds o A##ea$s


(" h(s S!mm("* &#0

1. The $ear"ed tr(a$ )!d*e m(sd(re+ted the ,!r- (" re$at(o" to e.(de"+e /he" he sa(d the o$$o/("*

1a2 #a*e 3456 #ara 2 7Those e8h(9(ts s#ea: or themse$.es.7

or+e !sed. It (s #!t to -o! (" th(s re*ard that the 9rea:("* o the :"( e 9$ade /o!$d ("d(+ate

192 ...the "!m9er o (",!r(es /h(+h /ere d(re+ted to the head a"d e+(a$ area a"d the amo!"t o

+o"s(dera9$e or+e a"d #res!ma9$- that /o!$d ha.e o++!rred at the t(me o the $ast :"( e (",!r-6

1ass!m("* that the :"( e e.e" had a ha"d$e to 9e*(" /(th2

1+2 The )!d*es S!mm("* &# /as $o"* a"d de$(9erate$- +o" !s("* a"d m(s$ead("* to the )!r-6 $ead("* to m(sre#rese"tat(o" o rea$ e.(de"+e.

2. The .erd(+t +a""ot 9e s!##orted 9e+a!se the DPP a"d the #rose+!tor Da.e Dem#ster d(d "ot

#ro.(de the or(*("a$ /(t"ess stateme"t 9- Ta"-a )o- Ammo!" dated 22 )a"!ar- 244; /(th the E"t(re <r(e or the de e"+e +o!"+($6 )!d*e a"d the ,!r- to !se as #art(a$ e.(de"+e.

5. The de e"+e +o!"+($=s m(sdemea"o!r (" a se+ret a*reeme"t /(th the DPP a"d #rose+!tor Da.e Dem#ster6 /(tho!t the #r(or :"o/$ed*e o the a++!sed 1m-se$ 2 (" /(thho$d("* +r!+(a$ e.(de"+e (" esta9$(sh("* the !"re$(a9($(t- a"d #s-+he o the t/o ma(" /(t"esses>.(+t(ms. As "e/ e.(de"+e.

?. The )!d*es !r*e"+- (" /a"t("* the tr(a$ to 9e short a"d @!(+:6 (" do("* so6 #!tt("* #ress!re

o" me a"d "ot to !se the I"ter#reter !$$- (" order to +om#$ete$- !"dersta"d the tr(a$ a*a("st me. Ah(+h I d(d "ot !"dersta"d the e.(de"+e that /as !sed a*a("st me.


The Prose+!tors !se o e.(de"+e a*a("st me /as *ross$- a9r(+ated a"d ma"(#!$ated6 /h(+h $ed to a" !" a(r +o".(+t(o".


The erred (" $a/ (" "ot r!$("* or the de e"+e +o!"se$ Co$$(" Lo.$tt CC=s dema"ds that the ,!r- 9e d(sm(ssed a"d a "e/ tr(a$ ordered or the ,!d*e "ot +o"tro$$("* the #rose+!t(o" /(t"esses a"d a$$o/("* them to ma:e a +om#$ete oo$ o ee de e"+e +o!"se$ Co$$(" Lo.(tt CC.


a"d>or "o me"t(o" o h(m to the "e(*h9o!rs /he" she ("a$$- o!"d some 9od- to he$#.

Yo! /o!$d ha.e tho!*h she /o!$d 9e -e$$("* that her so" (" $a/ A$( /as a ter her a"d her da!*hter Ta"-a a"d tr-("* to :($$ them 9oth6 #$ease *et the #o$(+e a"d m!s 9e +are !$ a9o!t th(s da"*ero!s ma" o" the $ose.

2. It seems $(tt$e stra"*e that /(th a$$ the /orr- P) De$#(e had a9o!t the #oss(9($(t- o her da!*hter ha.("* 9e("* :($$ed a"d>or (" the #ro+ess o 9e("* :($$ed 9- her so" (" $a/ A$(6 that she d(d "ot -e$$ o!t at the to# o her .o (+e6

7/here (s Ta"-a6 (s she a$(.e a"d OD6 #$ease someo"e (" Ta"-a6 m- da!*hter6 m- her so" (" $a/ A$( (s tr-("* to :($$ her a"d>or has ,!st :($$er her6 some he$# #$ease someo"e he$# a"d ("d Ta"-a m- da!*hter.

5. The e.(de"+e o the "e(*h9o!rs o the street that o!"d Pame$a )!"e De$#(e /as that her

ha"ds /ere t(ed a"d her eet !"t(es a" dtehre /as me"t(o" 9- them6 o !"t-("* ro#e6 "ot ta#e rom the ha"ds o Pame$a )!"e De$#(e6 9!t "o me"t(o" a"-/here o a"-o"e !"t-("* Pame$a )!"e De$#(e=s eet

1a2 E.(de"+e o Da"(e$ Co" <$o*"a o 5 Ste("9e+: P$a+e6 S#ear/ood.

Pa*e 2EB:

Da.(d Demster: A"d /ho /as sheF.


She /as Pam orm "e8t door.

Da.(d Demster: Yo! me"t(o"ed she /as t(ed !#F


Yes. Her arms /ere t(ed !# (" ro"t o her 9od-6 -eah6 c /

Da.(d Demste" Sorr-FG </


The- /ere t(ed !# (" ro"t o herse$ .

Da.(d Demste" Is that at her /r(ts or 9a"dsF..


Yeah6 $(:e +ross t(ed.

Da.(d Demste" Yo! are sho/("* -o!r /r(sts +rossedF...



Da.(d Demste" A"d d(d someth("* ha##e" (" re$at(o" to thatF


Ae the" !sed - a "e(*h9o!r o o!rs !sed the :"( e to !"d!e the ro#es


Da.(d Demste" Aas that the :"( e that -o! had 9ro!*ht..F...



Da.(d Demster: A"d the "e(*h9o!r !sed (t to +!t the...F

< $o*"a:

C!t the ro#es o her6 -es.

Da.(d Demste" Ahere /as she /he" that ha##e"ed6 e8a+t$- (" the streetF


She /as o" m- #ro#ert-6 o" o!r .er*e o o!t ho!se.

Da.(d Demster: That=s the .er*e o "!m9er 5F....



Da.(d Demste" Ahe" the ro#e /as +!t d(d (t ,!st $(e o" the *ro!"d6 do -o! :"o/F


It /as ,!st dro##ed (" the *ro!"d a"d rom /hat I :"o/ (t ,!st sta-ed


?. Loo:("* at the o!r .ers(o"s o Pame$a )!"e De$#(e=s stateme"ts o the .ers(o" o

e.e"ts o" S!"da- 21st )a"!ar- 244;6

1a2 o"e made o" the mor"("* o d(e 22"d )a"!ar- 24-4;6 o"$- ho!rs a ter the e.e"ts o"

S!"da- 21 st )a"!ar- 244;6

192 o"e made o" the 51 st )a"!ar- 244;

1+2 O"e made Bth Har+h 244;

Da.(d Demste" So -o! /ere a9$e to *et thro!*h that door a"d..F

D) De$#(e:

1 *ot thro!*h that door.

Da.(d Demste" 'rom there +a" -o! re+a$$ /here -o! /e"tF..

D) De$#(e:

Yes.. 1 ho##ed a$o"* the - 9eh("d the storeroom /h(+h (s at the e"d o

the *ara*e6 #ast the storeroom /("do/ to the "orth e"d o the ho!se. Someho/ I ho##ed do/" to the *ate0 /e ha.e @!(te h(*h *ates at the s(de6 a do!9$e *ate.. I o#e"ed the *ate 1 do"=t :"o/ ho/ 9e+a!se (t=s rea$$- d( (+!$t to o#e" so (t ma- ha.e a$read- 9ee" ,!st +$osed 9!t !"$o+:ed0 I=m "ot s!re6 9!t 1 *ot thro!*h the *ate. I *ot a9o!t ha$ /a- do/" the dr(.e/a- a"d- a"d the" 1 +o!$d"=t do a"- more6 1 ,!st dro##ed do/" o" m- 9a+:s(de a"d a"d 1 /as st($$ #rett- terr( (ed a"d 1 tr(ed to6 /(th m- 9ottom6 /r(**$e -1 +o!$d"=t sta"d !# 9- that t(me6 there /as "o /a- I +o!$d sta"d !#6 a"d 1 tr(ed to /r(**$e o" m- 9ottom to the e"d o the dr(.e/a- to *et ("to the street a"d e.e" that G

Da.(d Demster. D) De$#(e: Da.(d Demster: D) De$#(e: 9- the. A"d Da.(d Demste"

Pa*e 22B:

That=s mo.("* a$o"* 9- -o!r 9!tto+:s6 (s (tF

Yes. It=s *ood e8er+(se 9!t G

A$$ R(*htF

<!tI d(d"=t *et .er- ar /(th (t I do"=t th(":6 I /as ,!st tota$$- e8ha!sted

A$$ r(*ht. Yo! sa(d -o! +o!$d"=t mo.e o". Yo! ha.e des+r(9ed /here


D) De$#(e:

Yes. I d(d. I ha.e 9!shes o"- o" the "orth s(de6 the "orth s(de o /here

thdt 9$!e oar (s at the e"d o the dr(.e/a-6 /here the the ro"t /a$$ (s. I ha.e some .er- $ar*e 9!shes there so I +o!$d"=t see terr(9$- /e$$ ("to the street 9!t 1 +o!$d see ha$ or the ro"t o a +ar #ar:ed a+ross the road (" ro"t o o!r a+ross the road Ne(*h9o!r=s #$a+e.$t /as #ar:ed more or $ess the /ro"* /a- aro!"d 9e+a!se (t /as #ar:ed a+("* <arrett Street a"d (t had (ts head$("es o" so o9.(o!s$- someo"e had ,!st arr(.ed or /ere *o("*

-o! /ere o" -o!r 9!tto+:s. D(d -o! 9e+ome a/are o -o!r s!rro!"d("*s or a"-th("*

some/here6 I do"Jt :"o/.

Da.(d Demster: A$$ r(*ht.6 +a" -o! des+r(9e /hat ha##e"ed rom thereF

D) De$#(e:

Y es6 I sa/ t/o sha#es o" the oot#ath s(de o the +ar /ere ee("*

to/ards m- ho!se a"d ( +a$$ed o!t to them. I +a$$ed o!t to the6 7 Ca" -o! he$# meF Ca" -o! +ome a"d !"t(e m- eetF a"d a -o!"* ma"=s .o(+e +a$$ed 9a+:6 7Aa(t6 /a(t r($$ the #o$(+e +ome6 the #o$(+e are +om("*.7 A"d that /as a$$ that /as sa(d.

Da.(d Demster: Yo! ha.e a +$ear re+o$$e+t(o" o -o!r mo.eme"ts orm there or "otF

D) De$#(e: remem9er

Not .er-. I remem9er some th("*s.. 9e("*- e.e"t!a$$-6

someo"e d(d +ome a"d +!t m- eet !"t(ed a"d 1 /as to$d - T /as #(+:ed -1 th(": I /as he$# !#6 he$#ed to sta"d !#6 a"d some9od- sa(d6 a"d 1 do"=t /ho6 7Ca" -o! /a$: to the e"d o the street6 to/ards <arrett Street67 a"d I sa(d ( +o!$d6 a"d I do"t :"o/ ( (t /as o"e or t/o #eo#$e aro!"d a"d 1 th(": there /as a s(re" a"d (t /as .er- +o" !s("*.. I +o!$d"=t

see"* +0ear$- 9!t I :"o/ I /as /a$:ed do/" to a #$a+e at the e"d o <arrett Street a"d I remem9er s(tt("* o" a /a$$ there6 a $(tt$e *arde" /a$$6 a"d Ta"-a /as there6 a"d Ta"-a /as a$(.e.. A"d a ter that I do"=t :"o/ ( K ta$:ed or "ot. 1 rea$$- do"=t

:"o/ 9!t 1 :"e/ she /as a$(.e a"d 1 /as a$(.e.


1. It seems $(tt$e stra"*e that /(th a$$ the /orr- P) De$#(e had a9o!t the #oss(9($(t- o th(s so +a$$ed da"*ero!s ma" r!""("* a ter her a"d Ta"-a tr-("* to :($$ that there /as $(tt$e


Da.(d Demster. D(d that #os(t(o" rema("F...

D) De$#(e:

a"d I s!s#e+t m- ha"ds had e(ther 9ee"

re$eased or t(ed (" ro"t o me 9e+a!se I /as a9$e do the to($et th("*s /(th m- ha"ds - sorr-6 /(th m- ha"ds (" ro"t.

Da.(d Demster. So -o!r ha"ds /ere the" t(ed (" ro"t o -o!F..

D) De$#(e:

I th(": the-/ere t(ed (" ro"t atthat #o("t I!sedthe to($et....

Pa*e 225:

Da.(d Demster. Ca" -o! re+a$$ rom there a"-th("*6 a"- memor- (" re$at(o" to -o!r 9("d("*6 e(ther o" -o!r a":$es or -o!r /r(stsF..

D) De$#(e:

I :"e/ that /e /ere *o("* to 9e (" #rett- 9ad tro!9$e a"d I :"o/ a $ot

o t(me had #assed so I tho!*h6 7I=.e *ot to *et - - IJ.e *ot to *et !"do"e. '.e *ot to *et m- ha"ds !"do"e67 a"d m- ha"ds /ere (" ro"t o me.. O" m- r(*ht ha"d I had a ma*"et(+ 9ra+e$et I !se or arthr(t(s a"d @!(te - (t /as 9$!e /(th 9$!e sto"es a"d ma*"ets !"der"eath the 9ra+e$et so I +o!$d /or: (t o /(th the 9ra+e$et to see ( (t /o!$d he$# me $ (t o m- ha"d6 a"d (t $oo:ed $(:e (t /as *o("* to /or:.. It started to s$(de to*ether do/" m- ha"d a 9(t

Da.(d Demster Aas A$( aro!"d at that #o("tF

D) De$#(e: Ahe" ( /as do("* hat6 he /as"Jt6 9!t he s!dde"$- +ame ("to the room a"d sto##ed /hat I /as do("* a"d #!t - :e#t m- ha"ds do/" $o/ (" ro"t o me a"d ho#ed he +o!$d"=t see /hat /as *o("* o".

Pa*e 22?:

Da.(d Demster D(d -o! do someth("* aro!"d that #o("tF..

D) De$#(e:

Yes6I=d *ot m-

ha"ds !"t(ed 9- the" a"d 1 st($$ had m- eet t(ed a"d I

*ot o!t o .6 o the 9ed a"d 1 /as reaso"a9$- !$$- +o"s+(o!s at th(s t(me a"d I th(": the "o(se o!ts(de he$#ed6 a"d I ha.e a 9a$+o"- s$(d("* door a"d /(re s+ree" door a"d I /e"t to that6 I o#e" the s+ree" door a"d *ot o"to the 9a$+o"- 9!t there=s a $ot o #$a"ts aro!"d that 9a$+o"- so -o! +a"t a+t!a$$- see the sta(rs rom (t6 1 ha.e 9o!*a(".($$ea a"d a #e"+($ #("e a"d other th("*s0 so 1 /as tr-("* to see 9!t I +o!$d"Jt6 #$!s m- s(*ht /as"t #art(+!$ar$- *ood the" a"d 1 +o!$d"Jt see /hat /as *o("* o" 9- there /as th!m#s a"d 9!m#s a"d s+ream("* a"d -1 started s+ream("* too. I s+reamed o!t or he$#. I ho#ed some9od- /o!$d +ome.

Da.(d Demster 'rom there /hat d(d -o! doF

D) De$#(e:

Ae$$6 Irea$(sed thatth(s /as the +ha"+e to *et o!t ( I +o!$d 9e+a!se

o9.(o!s$- he /as o!t there too6 a"d I do!9ted /hether Ta"-a /as (" a"- #os(t(o" to *et he# the /a- (t /as *o("*... So I _ I *ot 9a+: ("to the 9edroom a"d I ho##ed to the 9edroom door6 /e"t o!t there6 do/" d(e #assa*e/a- to the sta(rs a"d I - I :"o/ I he$d o"to the 9a$!strade o the sta(rs. I do"Jt :"o/ rea$$- :"o/ ho/ I *ot do/" them that eas($- 9!t I -1 Pa*e 223:

m!st=.e ho##ed do/" /h($e I /as ho$d("* o" to the 9a$!strate.

Da.(d Demster: D(d -o! 9e+ome a/are o a"-o"e e$se (" the +o!rse o ho##("* do/" the sta(rsF

D) De$#(e:


I /as#art/a- do/" the sta(rs I heard the ro"t door6 #ro9a9$- the

s+ree" door6 o#e" a"d +$ose.

Da.(d Demster

D) De$#(e A"- /a-6 1 *ot to the 9a+: door a"d 1 o#e"ed (t....


D) De$#(e:

Yes.. The-/eret(ed


Da.(d Demste" Aere -o!r eet ree at that sta*eF...

D) De$#(e:

Ah($e he/as t-("* m- ha"ds the- /oe a" the" m- eet /ere t(ed "e8t

Da.(d Demster: Ho/ /ere -o!r eet t(edF I" /hat /a- do -o! :"o/F...

D) De$#(e:

The- /ere t(ed atthe a":$es or a9o.e the a":$es rea$$- t(*ht.

I a$most e$t $(:e my eet /ere s$(*ht$- +ross 9e+a!se I remem9er sa-("*6

7 That=s too t(*ht7 a"d I d(d"=t *et a res#o"se to that

Da.(d Demste" Yo! /ere o" the *ro!"d. Aere -o! a9$e to see #ro#er$- at that sta*eF.... D) De$#(e: No6a"dthe #erso" :e#t sa.("*6 7 Do"=t $oo: do"=t $oo:.7

Ae$$6 I +o!$d"=t $oo: a"-/a- 9e+a!se m- a+e /as o" the $oor a"d (t /as /et I th(": #ro9a9$e /(th 9$ood6 a"d "o6 I +$osed m- e-es6 I d(d"=t $oo:.

___ I had a hood6 a hood #!t m- a+e a ter th(s.

Pa*e 21;

Da.(d Demste" Ca" -o! des+r(9e the hood6 or -o!r a/are"ess o .....F

D) De$#(e:

It /as .er- dar: so I ass!me (t /as 9$a+:. It e$t $(:e hess(a" a"d - -eah.

I=m +$a!stro#ho9(+ so (t d(d"=t ee$ *ood.

Da.(d Demster: Do -o! re+a$$ a"- other +o".ersat(o" /(th th(s ma"6 /(th AH6 aro!"d that t(meF...

D) De$#(e:....

<$a8e$$ ):

)!st 9e ore -o! #ro+eed66 -o! $ed the "ame A$(.

Da.(d Demste" Yes.

<$a8e$$ ):

Is that 9- +o"se"t or /hatF She has"=t *(.e" a"- e.(de"+e (de"t( -("*

th(s #erso" -et

Da.(d Demste" I tho!*ht there had 9ee".

<$a8e$$ ):


Da.(d Demste" A$$ r(*ht Pa*e: 21L

Da.(d Demste" So at th(s sta*e am 1 +orre+t (" th(":("* that -o! ha.e the hood -o!r head6 -o! ha.e -o!r ha"ds a"d a":$es 9o!"dF

D) De$#(e:


Da.(d Demste" A"d -o!Jre $-("* a+e-do/" o" the $a!"dr- $oor. Is that the #os(t(o"F D) De$#(e: That=s r(*ht

Pa*e 224:

Da.(d Demste" Ca" -o! re+a$$ rom there ,!st te$$ !s /hat -o! do ha.e a +$ear memor-


D) De$#(e:

__________________________ _ _

I ha.e a .er- +$ear memor- o 9a+:ha"der o" the r(*ht s(de o m- a+e6 .er- stro"* a"d .er- hard6 /here I e$t $(:e m- head /as *o("* to +ome o 1 remem9er 9e("* #!"+hed o" the a9dome"6 the +hest a"d the stoma+h a"d the 9a+:.

Th(s................(s the (rstt(me th(s (s a$$e*ed...............

Da.(d Demster: I" ro"t o -o! or....F m- ha"ds /ere st($$ 9eh("d m- 9a+: or somet(me ...............................

D) De$#(e:

H- ha"ds /ere st($$ 9eh("d m- 9a+: or somet(me..................

Pa*e 221:

Da.(d Demste" Yo! des+r(9ed -o!r ha"ds 9e("* t(edF

D) De$#(e:



Para 1BE

I !sed the 9ra+e$et o" m- r(*ht /r(st to ma"(#!$ate the 9("d("*.

I d(d"=t $oo: at /hat I /as do("*.

Para 1;1.

1 +o"t("!ed ot !se m- 9ra+e$et a"d ma"a*ed to s$(# m- ha"ds ree.

Para 1E5

1 -e$$ed to the #eo#$e rom the +ar to +!t the ta#e o m- eet..

Para 1EB.

Someo"e he$#ed me *et the ta#e o m- a":$es.

I th(": (t /as PACDING TAPE as /e$$.

At the tr(a$ she sa-s her ha"ds /ere ree a"d here eet /ere t(ed

The /(t"esses o!t o" the street a$$ sa(d she ha"ds /ere t(es /(th ro#e a"d

there /as "o me"t(o" o a"-o"e ha.("* to !"t(e her eet

Stateme"t made 9- PAHELA )&NE DEPIC

!"der s/or" oath

at the tr(a$ o A$( Ammo!" o" Lth 'e9r!ar- 244L Pa*e 212 Tr(a$ A$( Ammo!" Date 4L>42>4L

Da.(d DEHSTER: Go("* to that date6 /h(+h /as S!"da-6 21 )a"!ar- o $ast -ear6 d(d -o! ha.e am($- o!t("* /(th Ta"-a a"d the +h($dre" d!r("* the da-F

P) De$#(e: Yes.. Ae /e"t (" the a ter"oo" to Po("t Aa$ter or a s/(m a"d a #(+"(+. P215:

Da.(d Demste" Ca" -o! re+a$$ a9o!t /hat sort o t(me that da- -o! arr(.ed homeF

P) De$#(e:

1 te"dtota:e a$ot o "ot(+e o t(me. 1 $oo:ed at m- /at+h ,!st as (

arr(.ed (" ro"t o m- *ara*e door a"d (t /as a9o!t o"e or t/o m("!tes to 3=+$o+:6 3#m

....1 th(": 1 ha$ t!r"ed to sh!t the door 1$a!"dr- door2 a"d s!dde"$- I o!"d m-se$ *ra99ed a"d thro/" a+e do/" o" the $a!"dr- $oor..

Pa*e 21?

Da.(d Demste" Ahere -o! *ra99ed rom a #art(+!$ar d(re+t(o"F7=

Da.(d Demste" <!t -o! d(d"=t :"o/ /ho (t /as at that #o("tF..

D) De$#(e:

At that sta*e I d(d"=t. I ,!st tho!*h there=s a home (".as(o" a"d I=m (" rea$


Da.(d Demste" Ahere /as -o!r atta+:ed (" re$at(o" to -o!F....

D) De$#(e: Ae$$6 a+t!a$$-6 he e"ded !# s(tt("* o" m- 9a+:.. I :"o/ he /as s(tt("* there the" he t(ed me.

P) De$#(e: 'rom 9eh("d. So rom 9eh("d /o!$d mea" (" the $a!"dr- (tse$ 6 to/ards the #assa*e/a-.

Da.(d Demste" Ca" -o! sa- /hat -o! /ere t(ed /(thF...

D) De$#(e:... Ae$$6 I d(d"=t see (t 9!t (t e$t $(:e ta#e o some sort.

Yo! :"o/ the sort o ta#e that 9!($ders or #eo#$e tra"s#ort("* !r"(t!re !se. I +a"Jt th(": o (ts #ro#er "ame 9!t (t e$t .er- t(*ht.

Da.(d Demste" Ahere /as that #!t6 /here /ere -o! t(edF

D) De$#(e:

Ae$$6 I/as t(ed /(th m- arms 9eh("d m- 9a+: o" 9oth /r(sts..

D) De$#(e:


Da.(d Demste" So -o!r ha"ds /ere t(ed to*ether 9eh("d -o!r 9a+:.. Is That...F

Da.(d Demste" )!st or the tra"s+r(#t6 -o! are sho/("* -o!r ha"ds 9eh("d -o!r 9a+:F

Para 142.

I -e$$ed to the #eo#$e to +!t the ta#e o m- eet Para 145.

T*e #eo#$e -e$$ed 9a+: or me to /att or the #o$(+e to arr(.e.

Para 14?

I heard s(te"s a"d there /ere $ots o #eo#$e aro!"d me.

I do"=t remem9er m!+h od /hat ha##e"ed "e8t.

Para 143.

Someo"e he$#ed m- *et the ta#e o m- a":$es6

1 th(": (t /as #a+:("* ta#e as /e$$....

Stateme"t o Pame$a )!"e De$#(e made Bth Har+h 244; Para. ?3.

I 9arr(.ed home at a9o!t 3.44 #m a"d #ar:ed o!ts(de the *ara*e door Para 3;.

He /as o" m- 9a+: a"d t(ed m- ha"ds 9eh("d m- 9a+: /(th /hat e$t $(:e ta#e that -o! !se or #a+:("* a"d #!$$ t(*ht I th(": (ts +a$$ed +a9$e t(es. It /as @!(te smooth a"d t(ed .er- t(*ht.

Para 3L.

He a$so t(ed m- $eet to*ther at the a":$es rea$$- t(*ht I -e$$ed that he had mad them too t(*ht Para 3E.

He #!t a 9$a+: hess(a" 9a* m- head a"d 1 +o!$d "ot see a th("*.

It /as t(*ht a*a("st me s:(" a"d e$t a 9(t ro!*h.

K o!"d (t hard to 9reath.

Para B4.

1 to$d h(m that I +o!$d"=t 9reathe #ro#er$-.

He d(d"=t res#o"d to that at a$$.

Para. B5.

1 d(d "ot o#e" m- e-es 9e+a!se he -e$$ed or me "ot to $oo: Th(s steme"t does "ot ma:e se"se /he" she a$read- (s mea"t to ha.e a 9a* o" her head /h(+h /o!$d sto# her rom $oo:("* a"-/a- Para 122

H- ha"ds /ere st($$ t(ed 9eh("d m- 9a+: a"d I +o!$d"=t ta:e (t A$( #!t the ta9$et (" m- mo!th a"d the" the *$ass to m- $(#s.

Para 13B.

I do"=t remem9er ho/ m- ha"d +ame to 9e (" ro"t o me6 or ho/ I *ot to the to($et Para 13L.

I :"o/ I /as a9$e to !se m- ha"ds to *et to the to($et #a#er.

I do"=t remem9er ( the- /ere st($$ t(ed to*ether at the sta*e a"d

,!st (" ro"t o me6 or

the- /ere a+t!a$$- !"t(ed a"d ree.

Para 1BL.

I had to o+!s o" tota$$- o" *ett("* m- ha"ds ree.

I do"=t :"o/ /h- 9!t (t too: a$$ o m- e orts ,!st to o+!s.

I /as des#erate to *et those th("*s o m- ha"ds.

Stateme"t made 51st )a"!ar-6 244; 9- Pame$a )!"e De$#(e Para 25.

O" S!"da- 21 )a"!ar- 244; I /e"t ot Po("t Aa$ter /(th Ta"-a a"d s(8 o the +h($dre".. Para 2B.

I arr(.ed home at a9o!t 3.44#m Para ?E.

A$( sta-ed o" m- 9a+: a"d t(ed m- ha"ds 9eh("d m- 9a+:..

Para 31.

A$( t(ed m- eet to*ether at the a":$es rea$$- t(*ht-I -e$$ed that he has made them too


I st($$ had the 9a* o" m- head a"d +o$d "ot see.

Para ;2

Ta"-a +ame a"d A$( $e t me t(ed !# o" the 9ed Para L2.

1 ma"a*ed to *et m- arms to the omt o m- 9od-.

Para L5.

1 ma"a*ed to $oose" the ta#e aro!"d m- ha"ds. 1 th(": (t /as #a+:("* ta#e. I +a"=t

remem9er /hat +o$o"s (t /as.

Para L?.

I had a $ar*e 9a"*$e o" m- r(*ht /r(st a"d s$(##ed the ta#e (t a"d o m- /r(sts..

Para L3.

1 ma"a*ed to *et !# a"d *et to the s$(d("* door. I d(d "ot ha.e the 9a* o" m- head a"- more.

Para L;.1 o#e"ed the 9edroom s$(d("* door a"d +o!$d hear A$( o" the o!ts(de sta(rs /(th Ta"-a..


I ho##ed to the sta(rs a"d he$d o" to the ha"d ra($..

1 ho##ed do/" the sta(rs a"d made 9- /a- to the $a!"dr-.

Para E3.

I /e"t o!t the $a!"dr- door a"d t!r"ed to m- $e t a"d /e"t aro!"d the s(de o the ho!se. Para EB

I /as ho##("* as m- eet /ere st($$ t(ed Para E;.

I ma"a*ed to *et o!t the s(de *ate a"d ha$ /a- do/" the dr(.e/a-.

Para EL.

I e$$ do/" o" to m- 9a+:s(de. I tr(ed to /r(**$e m- /a- a$o"* the *ro!"d 9!t d(d (t *et .er- ar.

Para EE.

I /as -ett(* or he$# a"d -e$$("* th("*s $(:e m!rder a"d ra#e.

Para 144.

I sa/ a +ar sto# (" the street o!ts(de m- ho!se.

I +o!$d "ot ,!st see the ro"t o the +ar #ast m- shr(99er-.

Para 141

1 /as st($$ -e$$("* or he$# as $o!"d as 1 +o!$d


S!#reme Co!rt o Aester" A!stra$(a

B; o 244;

The State o Aester" A!stra$(a

A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!"

S!9m(ss(o"s (" s!##ort o a##$(+at(o" ($ed 21st Ha- 244L (" s!##ort o do+!me"ts re@!ested to 9e #ro.(ded to A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" a"d h(s e"d!r("* #o/er o Attor"e)!$(e Cham9ers6 a sta- o" a$$ +har*es that A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" has 9ee" o!"d *!($to o" the 15th 'e9r!ar- 244L6 or 9a($ to 9e *ra"ted to A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" a"d or the ho"o!ra9$e )!st(+e <$a8e$$ to *ra"t a +ert( (+ate 14 to A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" 9e("* a de+$arat(o" 9- the ,!d*e that he ee$s A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" has *ood so$(d *ra"ts or a##ea$ a*a("st h(s +o".(+t(o"s

'($ed <-: A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" Date o ($("*: 5rd )!"e 244L-4B-41 Pre#ared 9-:

A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" a"d h(s E"d!r("* #o/er o attor"e- )!$(e Cham9ers O Ha:ea Pr(so"

Stateme"t o PAHELA )&NE DEP1C made 22"d )a"!ar-6 244;

Para ;. Arr(.ed home 3#m 22"d )a" 4; atta+hed 9- some6"ot see" the #erso" /ho ("(t(a$$- atta+:ed her6

$ater o" re+o*"(sed a .o(+e 9e$o"*("* to A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" Para 2L.

Ta"-a +ame a"d A$( $e t me t(ed !# o" the 9ed...

Para 55.

1 had ma"a*ed to *et m- arms to the ro"t o m- 9od- Para 5?..

1 /as a9$e to o#e" m- 9edroom s$(d("* door..

Para 5;.1 o#e"ed the $- /(re door a"d /e"t o!t +m to the ma$$ 9a$+o"- $oo:("* the the ro"t -ard.

I started -e$$("* or he$# as $o!d as I +o!$d.

Para 5E.

I ha##ed to the sta(rs a"d made m- /a- do/" the sta(rs to the $a!"dr-.

Para ?4.

I /e"t o!t the $a!"dr- door a"d t!r"ed do/" to m- $e t a"d /e"t aro!"d the s(de o the ho!se.

I /as ho##("* as m- ha"ds /ere st($$ t(ed a"d so /ere m- $e*s.

Para ?1.

I ma"a*ed to *et o!t the s(de *ate a"d /e"t d(re+t$- a+ross the road to the ho!se o##os(te. Para ?2.1 /as st($$ -e$$("* or he$# as $o!d as I +o!$d. I *ot as ar as the dr(.e/a- a"d the "e(*h9o!rs +ame o!t to he$# me. #ara ?5

The "e(*h9o!rs he$#ed me a"d +!t the t(es o m- ha"ds a"d eet I th(": (t /as #a+:("* ta#e

1d2 a" mas: Lth 'e9r!ar-. 244L !"der s/or" oath at the tr(a$ o A$( Ra+h(d Ammo!" There (s "o do!9t that Pame$a )!"e Dd#(+Ms stateme"ts o the .ers(o" o e.e"ts o" S!"da- 21st )a"!ar- 244;. are "ot tr!th h($$ (" +(r+!msta"+es that:


She :ee#s +ha"*("* her stor- a9o!t her ha"ds a"d>or eet 9e("* t(ed a"d>or !"t(ed0

1((2 Her stor- does "ot ma:e $o*(+a$ se"se /he" she sa-s she /as a9$e to !"t(e her

ha"ds (" the !#sta(rs 9edroom6 a"d the" #$a" a" es+a#e rom the ho!se6 ho/ a" a .er- ("te$ $(*e"t /oma" she doe s"ot th(": to ta:e a se+o"d to !"t(e her eet as /e$$ a"d them ma:e a r!" or (t as ats as she +a" o!t o the ho!se. No o"e (" the(r r(*ht m("d /o!$d ta:e a$$ the e ort a"d determ("at(o" to !"t(e the(r ha"ds a"d the" "ot !se the(r ree-ha"ds to !"t(e the(r eet /h(+h /(th ree ha"ds /o!$d ha.e ta:e" o"$- a .er- short t(me1 "o more tha" a9o!t o"e m("!te2 a"d 9e .er- eas- to do. As a*a("st r(s:("* tr-("* to $ea.e the ho!se ho##("* a"d>or +ra/$("* /(th o"e=s eet t(ed /h(+h +o!$d ha.e te" ha$ a" ho!r a"d she ma- 9e ar too s$o/ /(th a da"*ero!s ma" r!""("* a ter her. Th(s #art o her stor- does "ot ma:e a"- $o*(+a$ se"se at a$$ a"d a ter te$$("* th(s o9.(o!s a$s(t-6 "o o"e +o!$d 9e$(e.e a"-th("* e$se she sa(d.

1(((2 I" her (rst stateme"t she sa-s her ha"ds a"d ee$ /ere t(ed /he" she es+a#ed rom

the ho!se

Nt.2 I" her other stateme"ts a"d o" s/or" oath at the tr(a$ she sa-s her eet /ere t(ed a"d her ha"ds /ere t(ed.

1.2 The "e(*h9o!r Da"(e$ Co" <$o*"a o 5 Ste("9e+: P$a+e6 S#ear/ood stated @!(te

+$ear$- /(tho!t hes(tat(o" that he a"d the other "e(*h9o!r !"t(ed ro#e o her ha"ds a"d there /as "o me"t(o" / o !"t-("* a"-th("* orm her eet ad>or a":$es.

1.(2 She o"$- *a.e e.(de"+e a9o!t 9e("* t(ed !# /(th some sort o smooth t-#e

#a+:("* ta#e .er- t(*ht$- o" 9oth her ha"ds a"d her eet6 -et (" the e"d the "e(*h9o!rs sa(d that (t /as ro#e that the- +!t rom her ha"ds6 "ot a"- sort o ta#e.

Stateme"t 22"d 244L Para ?1.


I ma"a*ed to *et o!t the s(de *ate a"d /e"t d(re+t$- a+ross the road to the ho!se o##os(te. Para ?2.1 /as st($$ -e$$("* or he$# as $o!d as I +o!$d. I *ot as ar as the dr(.e/a- a"d the "e(*h9o!rs +ame o!t to he$# me. #ara ?5

The "e(*h9o!rs he$#ed me a"d +!t the t(es o m- ha"ds a"d eet 1 th(": (t /as #a+:("* ta#e.

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