Lic 2013 Iulie Re - Varianta 2
Lic 2013 Iulie Re - Varianta 2
Lic 2013 Iulie Re - Varianta 2
Limba i li!"a#"a !$%l!&'
I( )RANSLA)ION *1-+,
C-../! -! l!!" *A0 10 C ." D, .2 -! 3a"ia$ -a b!/ 4.m5l!!/ -! "a$/lai.$(
6"i! .$l7 ONE LE))ER( )-! 2i"/ -a/ b!!$ 8.$! 2." 7.# *0,( A$/9!": *0, C
N-ar fi trebuit s port n viaa mea basca aceea de catifea n carouri, mi-am zis,
ntruct acum m temeam c negustorul ambulant care mi-a vndut-o era, tot ce se
poate, un vrjitor care, punndu-m s port aceast basc, precis c aruncase asupra
mea o vraj rea. a ce lucruri rele trebuia oare s m a!tept"
#$ %&' ought never to have worn t(at %)' in m* life, $ said to m*self, as $ %+' no,
t(at t(e %-' ,(o (ad sold it to me %.' a ,izard ,(o, b* ma/ing me ,ear t(is
beret, must (ave put me %0'1 . 2(at ,as going to befall me"
%from idia 3ianu, English with a choice'
(0) (A) must have never worn
(B) should have never warned
(C) ought never to have worn
(D) ought have ever worn
%-' %4' ambulant seller
%5' commerciant
%6' mobile merc(ant
%7' pedlar
%)' %4' c(ec/ed velvet beret
%5' s8uared velvet bas8ue
%6' c(ec/ velvet beret
%7' s8uared velvet beret
%.' %4' must (ad been
%5' ma* be ,as
%6' mig(t (ave been
%7' s(ould (ave been
%+' %4' (ad got feared
%5' scared
%6' feared
%7' frig(tened
%0' %4' under a (orrible spell
%5' in a nast* enc(antment
%6' over a bad ,itc(ing
%7' be*ond an a,ful magic
1( R!a8 -! 2.ll.9i$% !< a$8 -!$ 4-../! -! b!/ a$/9!" 2." 1-+( O$ -! a$/9!" /-!!
i$8i4a! ONE LE))ER: A0 10 C ." D *$. -! 9."8/,( A$ !<am5l! i/ %i3!$ *0,(
Ma"%a"! a$8 -!" li=#i8 a//!/
Margaret Wilkins is said to have a sith sense!" #he can hold a $orked ha%el rod a&ove the ground
and detect water" #he is increasingl' in demand &' $armers whose wells have dried u("
9oget(er ,it( (er (usband, :argaret 2il/ins runs a ,ell-drilling business, using tec(nolog*
suc( as drilling rigs and air-compressed (ammers. 5ut ,(en it comes to locating ,ater, s(e needs
not(ing more t(an a for/ed (azel stic/. 9(e couple;s success rate is (ig(er t(an <& per cent.
7o,sing = t(e abilit* to locate ,ater, minerals and lost objects underground = is a so-called >si?t(
sense;. 9(ere are man* t(eories about (o, it is done, ranging from t(e p(*sical, suc( as magnetism,
to t(e spiritual. @ne of t(e most credible is based on t(e /no,ledge t(at ever*t(ing on t(is planet
vibrates, ,ater more t(an ot(er matter. $t is suggested t(at do,sers (ave an acute abilit* to sense
vibrations ,(ile standing on t(e Aart(;s surfaceB some do,sers sa* t(at t(e* can >sense; ,ater,
ot(ers t(at t(e* can smell it, smell being t(e most acute sense.
Cor t(e 2il/ins, t(e droug(t *ears of recent times (ave been bus*, ,it( an almost si?-,ee/-
long ,aiting list at one stage. :ost of :argaret;s customers are farmers ,it( ,ells t(at (ave dried
upD >2e ,ill see customers onl* once in a lifetime because ,ells last for a long time.; @t(er
customers o,n remote cottages or barns, no, (olida* (omes, ,(ere t(e e?pense of running ,ater
pipes for great distances is pro(ibitive. @t(ers are golf-course developers ,it( club(ouse facilities
to build.
:argaret tries to locate ,ater bet,een 0& and E& metres do,n. >Fou can;t drill a ,ell ,(ere
t(ere is t(e slig(test ris/ of farm or ot(er ,aste getting into t(e ,ater suppl*. 9(e ,ater ,e locate is
running in fissures of impervious roc/, as long as ,e bring t(e ,ater straig(t up, it s(ould give a
good clean suppl*, t(oug( 6orn,all is ric( in minerals so *ou (ave to ,atc( out for iron.;
4not(er necessit* is electricit* to drive t(e pumpB t(is is too e?pensive to run across miles
of fields so ideall* t(e ,ell s(ould be near to e?isting po,er supplies.
4fter considering all t(is, :argaret can start to loo/ for ,ater. @n large areas, suc( as golf
courses, s(e begins ,it( a map of t(e area and a pendulum. >$ (old t(e pendulum still and gentl*
move it over t(e map. $t ,ill s,ing ,(en it is suspended over an area ,(ere t(ere is ,ater.;
4fter t(e map (as indicated li/el* areas, :argaret ,al/s over t(e fields ,it( a (azel stic/,
for/ed and e8ual in lengt( and ,idt( eac( side. >@nce $;m above ,ater $ get a peculiar feelingB $
reel slig(tl*. 2(en it subsides $ use t(e stic/ to locate t(e e?act spot ,(ere ,e s(ould drill.;
Gripping t(e t,o for/s of t(e stic/ ,it( bot( (ands, s(e eases t(em out,ards slig(tl* to give
tension. >2(en ,ater is immediatel* belo,, t(e straig(t part of t(e stic/ rises up. $t;s vital to drill
e?actl* ,(ere t(e stic/ sa*s. 4 fraction t(e ,rong ,a*, and *ou can miss t(e ,aterline altoget(er.
:* (usband ,ill do,se t(e same area as meB usuall*, not al,a*s, ,e agree on t(e precise place to
drill. $f ,e disagree, ,e ,on;t drill and ,ill /eep loo/ing until ,e do agree.;
:argaret 2il/ins is not in isolation, carr*ing out some curious old tradition do,n in t(e
,est of Angland. 4nt(ropologists and ,riters (ave long been fascinated b* t(is ine?plicable
intuition. :argaret calls it an >intuitive perception of t(e environment; and t(at is t(e closest ,e can
get to understanding ,(* s(e locates ,ater so accuratel*. $f s(e did not (ave t(is >si?t( sense;, (o,
else could t(e famil* live off t(eir ,ell-drilling business *ear after *ear"
%from 6ambridge CAE )* p. )+'
*0, :argaret 2il/ins and (er (usband
A( drill for ,ater ,it( (azel stic/s.
1( can locate minerals in t(e soil ,it( <&H success rate.
C( (ave a successful drilling business.
D( retrieve lost propert* from underground.
A$/9!": *0, C
*1, 2(at does t(e ,riter sa* about t(e t(eor* of vibration and do,sers"
A( $t (as onl* recentl* been accepted.
1( 9(ere are limits to its application.
C( 9(ere mig(t be some trut( in it.
D( $t is based on inaccurate information.
*2, @ne reason ,(* people emplo* :argaret to find ,ater is
A( t(e failure of t(eir o,n efforts.
1( t(e isolated position of t(eir propert*.
C( t(e lo, fees s(e c(arges for (er ,or/.
D( t(e speed at ,(ic( s(e operates.
*3, :argaret is cautious about ne, finds of ,ater in 6orn,all because t(e* ma* be
A( unfit for (uman consumption.
1( too insignificant to be ,ort(,(ile.
C( too deep to bring to t(e surface.
D( e?pensive to locate ,it( certaint*.
*>, 2(en :argaret and (er (usband use t(e do,sing stic/ to locate places to drill, t(e*
A( are unli/el* to ac(ieve t(e same result.
1( (ave regular differences of opinion.
C( emplo* different tec(ni8ues.
D( are un,illing to ta/e ris/s.
*+, 2(at does t(e ,riter suggest as proof of t(e effectiveness of :argaret;s do,sing"
A( t(e interest s(o,n in it b* ant(ropologists and ,riters
1( t(e regular income ,(ic( can be made from it
C( people;s appreciation of t(e tradition be(ind it
D( people;s description of it as a >si?t( sense;
2( ?." =#!/i.$/ @-10 "!a8 -! !< b!l.9( U/! -! 9."8/ %i3!$ i$ 4a5ial/ . 2."m a 9."8 -a
2i/ i$ -! /am! $#mb!"!8 /5a4! i$ -! !<( )-! !<!"4i/! b!%i$/ 9i- a$ !<am5l! *0,(
E<am5l!: *0, ARC;AEOLOGA
9(e Ietrie :useum of *0, B material from 4ncient Ag*pt is of international
*@, B . Jecentl* voted one of ondon;s top ten little-/no,n museums, it
deserves muc( ,ider recognition. 2e are loo/ing for a :useum :anager to
ta/e c(arge of t(e da*-to-da* running of t(e museum. 9(is ne, post combines
bot( a *C, B and a strategic role. Ke or s(e ,ould be *D, B for leading t(e
computerisation of t(e museum;s documentation, and devising programmes to
increase t(e accessibilit* of t(e museum.
9(e ne, manager ,ill oversee t(e long overdue *E, B of t(e building, ma/e
several ne, staff *10, B and supervise educational courses.
%adapted from 6ambridge CAE ), p. )&<'
*10, APPOIN)
3( C-../! -! /#iabl! 2."m .2 -! 3!"b i$ b"a4F!/ *11-1+,( O$ -! a$/9!" /-!! i$8i4a! ONE
LE))ER: A0 10 C ." D *$. -! 9."8/,( A$ !<am5l! i/ %i3!$ *0,(
= *0-:ar*G 2!!8, 4unt 4gat(a;s cat toda*" = Fes, $ guess so, s(e *11-#/#all7G %i3!,
(im some fis( after lunc(. = 9(at cat *12-!a, not(ing but fis( for a ,ee/ no,L 4nd $
*13-$.i4!, *esterda* t(at *ou *1>-$. 4-a$%!, (is ,ater eit(er. 4untie ,ould not be
(app* if s(e *1+-F$.9, ,e ,ere neglecting (er precious feline.
E<am5l!: *0, *A, Kave :ar* feeding *1, 7id :ar* fed *C, Kas :ar* fed *D, 2as :ar* feed
A$/9!": *0, C
*11(, A( is usuall* giving 1( usuall* gives C( (as usuall* given D( usuall* gave
*12(, A( is eating 1( ,ill eat C( (as eaten D( ate
*13(, A( ,as noticing 1( (ave noticed C( (ad noticed D( noticed
*1>(, A( ,asn;t c(anged 1( (aven;t c(anged C( (adn;t c(anged D( didn;t c(ange
*1+(, A( /ne, 1( ,ould /no, C( (ad /no,n D( ,as /no,ing
>( C-../! -! m./ /#iabl! 9."8 *1@-20, -a b!/ 4.m5l!!/ !a4- /!$!$4!( O$ 7.#" a$/9!"
/-!! i$8i4a! ONE LE))ER A0 10 C ." D *$. -! 9."8/,( A$ !<am5l! i/ %i3!$ *0,(
E<am5l!: *0, 9(e museum includes ((( galleries, a librar*, a restaurant and a conference (all.
A( s(o, 1( e?position C( e?(ibition D( demonstration
A$/9!": *0, 1
*1@, ((( an*one object, tell t(em *ou got *our orders from me.
A( $f 1( 2ere C( $n case D( M(ould
*1C, 9(is is a ((( opportunit* for us to raise funds for t(e ne, (ospital ,ing.
A( solitar* 1( sole C( uni8ue D( lonel*
*1D, $ ,is( *ou ((( our airline tic/ets last mont(L
A( (ad boo/ed 1( boo/ed C( ,ould (ave boo/ed D( ,ould boo/
*1E, Four name ((( during a conversation $ (ad ,it( m* colleagues *esterda*.
A( came up 1( turned up C( came out D( s(o,ed up
*20, 9(ere;s not a ((( of doubt in m* mind t(at *ou ,ill perform superbl* toda*.
A( spec/ 1( s(red C( piece D( crumb
+( R!5-"a/! !a4- /!$!$4! *21-2+, i$4l#8i$% -! /#%%!/!8 b!%i$$i$% /. -a -! m!a$i$% /a7/
-! /am! a/ i$ -! ."i%i$al /!$!$4!( A$ !<am5l! i/ %i3!$ *0,(
E<am5l!: *0,( 9(e last time $ ,as in Irague ,as in +&)&.
A$/9!": *0,( $ (aven;t &een to +rague since ,0-0"
*21, $t is impossible t(at (e left t(e (ouse unnoticed.
Ke 1111111.
*22, 9(e ,ind ble, off m* ne, (at.
:* ne, (at 1111111.
*23, $ par/ed m* car t(ere because $ didn;t notice t(e sign.
$f $ 1111111.
*2>, >2(ere do *ou store t(e fuel"; t(e* as/ed me.
9(e* as/ed me ,(ere 1111111.
*2+, Fou ,on;t find suc( delicious peac(es an*,(ere else.
No,(ere 1111111.
All!%."7 a$8 /7mb.l/ i$ N( ;a9-."$!H/ The Scarlet Letter. E<5lai$ -! 9. !"m/ a$8 %i3!
!<am5l!/( A.# 4a$ al/. "!2!" . -! 2"a%m!$ b!l.9: *2+0 9."8/,
#.n the &reast o$ her gown* in $ine red cloth surrounded with an ela&orate em&roider' and
$antastic $lourishes o$ gold thread* a((eared the letter /A"/ 0t was so artisticall' done* and with so
much $ertilit' and gorgeous luuriance o$ $anc'* that it had all the e$$ect o$ a last and $itting
decoration to the a((arel which she wore1 and which was o$ a s(lendor in accordance with the
taste o$ the age* &ut greatl' &e'ond what was allowed &' the sum(tuar' regulations o$ the colon'2"