Nicole Scarcella Resume Final Eportfolio
Nicole Scarcella Resume Final Eportfolio
Nicole Scarcella Resume Final Eportfolio
0 " am a motivated #ro$essional em#lo%ee &ith demonstrated organisational ca#abilities and skills. " am highl% e'#erienced in success$ull% &orking on #ro(ects and #rograms) business and qualit% management s%stems. " su##ort strategic direction) achieve results) su##ort #roductive &orking relationshi#s) dis#la% #ersonal drive and integrit% and communicate &ith in$luence. "n all m% roles " &ork &ithin the set $rame&orks) ensuring " al&a%s meet the organisational #olicies and #rocedures. Recent Achievements 2014 - *evelo#ed and im#lemented an e$$ective tracking register $or the +trategic Polic% ,eam. ,his register is used b% the -anager and team members to ensure all &ork and deadlines are met accuratel% and timel%. 2013 -14 *evelo#ed an in$ormation resource as requested b% the -inister $or the de#artment. ,he resource is called Protecting .hildren $rom harm. ,he resource is nearl% $inalised and &ill be available online. 2013 -14 /ssisted in the develo#ment and $inalisation o$ "n$ormation 0esources. ,hese resources #rovide #ractical in$ormation about the services and su##orts available and ho& #arents can su##ort their child1s develo#ment and are no& available on online. 2010- 13 /ssisted in established com#liance re#orting arrangements $or the *isabilit% +ector 2ualit% +%stem 32*2+4 2ualit% 0e#orting +%stem
Current Position Policy Support Officer A04 Permanent Part time ! "#on$ay%&ues$ays an$ every secon$ 'e$nes$ay *isabilit% +trategic Polic% 5 "ntergovernmental 0elations /ssist the -anager o$ +trategic Polic% to deliver #olic% advice) co6ordination and im#lementation to the -inister o$ *isabilit% +ervice: *evelo#ed and im#lemented an e$$ective tracking register $or the +trategic Polic% ,eam. *evelo#ed an in$ormation resource about #rotecting children &ith disabilit% $rom harm. ,his resource &as requested b% the -inister. ,he resource is nearl% $inalised and &ill be available online. .o6ordinate and contribute to various de#artmental #lans. 7or e'am#le) *isabilit% /ction Plan) 2ueensland .ultural *iversit%) .hild Protection Partnershi# Plan and the 2ueensland *isabilit% +ervice Plan Processing and assisting &ith the $inalisation o$ research a##lications that come into +trategic Polic% ,eam. .o6ordinating and contributing to the estimates brie$ing $or the +trategic Polic% ,eam Provide a secretariat role $or the ,rans#ort and -obilit% +teering .ommittee. ,his role includes attending meetings) #re#aring minutes and #a#ers $or meetings. /ssisted in the develo#ment and $inalisation o$ 89 "n$ormation 0esources $or $amilies o$ children &ith disabilit%. ,hese resources #rovide #ractical in$ormation
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about the services and su##orts available and ho& #arents can su##ort their child1s develo#ment and are no& available on online. 200(- 2012 Pro)ect Support Officer "A04 Permanent Part time ! "#on$ay%&ues$ays *isa+ility Sector ,uality System "*S,S ,o enable me to &ork to m% highest #otential " ensure that " set and &ork &ithin agreed #riorities) res#ond to changes in requirements) meet deadlines and commit to achieving qualit% outcomes. " have &ell develo#ed inter#ersonal) &ritten and oral communication skills and can deal &ith highl% sensitive and con$idential matters &hilst liaising &ith a &ide range o$ ke% stakeholders. Overvie- of Responsi+ilities #onitorin. *S,S :<= com#liance &ith the standards and risk management o$ non6com#liance /udit timing and outcomes $rom service #roviders ,uality System au$it relate$ activities/ -onitoring the recei#t o$ re#orts $rom .erti$ication >odies 0ecording o$ audit re#orts and issues and ensuring data integrit% Providing u#dates to the team leaders and -anagement on com#liance issues Pre#aring 7ile notes and $ormal corres#ondence on service #roviders -aintaining *+2+ *atabase and electronic mailbo' Processing ne& organisations under the 2ueensland *isabilit% +ervice +tandards 0unning queries $rom >"+ and *atabase and action necessar% changes Pre#aration o$ res#onses to .erti$ication >odies and .ommunit% 0esource =$$icers regarding audit com#liance issues /ssist in the develo#ment o$ team #olicies and #rocedures 0es#ond to request $rom regional sta$$ in relation to +ervice #roviders Electronic and .or#orate 7iling o$ re#orts
Communicate effectively -ith 0ey sta0ehol$ers to +uil$ an$ maintain -or0in. relationships Partici#ate in team discussions) #roviding strategic advice as required. ?iaise and consult &ith certi$ication bodies@ A/+ /:B@ :<=s@ 0egional sta$$ and #eo#le &ith a disabilit% and other ke% stakeholders about audit issues. Communication relate$ activities DSQS Publications 0es#ond to requests and action i$ necessar% -onitor stock at +*+ and in +toreroom =rder stock i$ de#leted 0evie& and amend &hen required *+2+ ; .ommunities Website C#load ne& in$ormation and amend e'isting &here necessar%. .> 7orums) *+2+ e'ternal ,raining 5 various other &orksho#s /ssist in the co6ordination 5 organisation o$ these events. ,uality 1rants
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0es#onding to queries $rom stakeholders relating to grants 3ne& service) audit cost 5 service develo#ment4
2u$.et /ccruals ; enter invoice and accrual in$ormation 1eneral Pre#are +ervice #rovider related brie$s) $ile notes and emails &hen issues arise Partici#ate in team meetings /dhere to and u#date team #olicies and #rocedures April 2003 ! Octo+er 2004 Pro)ect Support Officer "A04 Permanent 5ull &ime *isa+ility Sector ,uality System "*S,S Major Responsibilities Provided high level e'ecutive su##ort to assist a *irector. ,his included managing the *irector1s diar%) monitoring and actioning emails) ensuring deadlines are met) taking minutes at meetings etc +ecretariat and co6ordination su##ort $or the *isabilit% +ector 2ualit% +%stem .ommittee. ,his involves #re#aring agendas) collating and distributing #a#ers #rior to the .ommittee meetings and taking minutes at the meetings Pre#aration and coordination o$ &eekl% and monthl% #rogress re#orts. -anagement and co6ordination o$ the o$$ice1s -inisterial) ,reasurerDs "ssues >rie$s) <overnance >rie$ing :otes) Estimates .ommittee >rie$s and general de#artment corres#ondence -anagement o$ Euman 0esource Work$lo&) .or#orate .ard 0econciliation ,ravel arrangements $or +enior +ta$$ Event co6ordination $or all internal and e'ternal Worksho#s and 7orums. ,his includes organising catering) room bookings) invite guests) etc. Previous 6mployment - ,ueenslan$ &reasury *epartment ! 2ris+ane 2001 to 2003 April 2003 to 2003 Assistant Pro)ect Officer "AO4 Permanent7 Actin. AO8%9 Share$ Service :mplementation Office ,ueenslan$ &reasury Major Responsibilities Provided high level e'ecutive su##ort to assist a *irector. ,his includes managing the *irector1s diar%) monitoring and actioning his emails) ensuring deadlines are met) taking minutes at meetings etc +ecretariat and co6ordination su##ort $or a number o$ high level ++" <overnance .ommittees &ith across6<overnment re#resentation. ,his involved #re#aring agendas) collating and distributing #a#ers #rior to the .ommittee meetings and taking minutes at the meetings. Pre#aration and coordination o$ &eekl% and monthl% #rogress re#orts -anagement and co6ordination o$ the o$$ice1s -inisterial request) ,reasurerDs "ssues >rie$s) <overnance >rie$ing :otes) Estimates .ommittee >rie$s and general de#artment corres#ondence -anagement o$ Euman 0esource Work$lo&) .or#orate .ard 0econciliation ,ravel arrangements $or +enior +ta$$
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-aintenance o$ the ++"= "ntranet site) utilising +hare #oint technolog% Event co6ordination $or all internal and e'ternal Worksho#s and 7orums. ,his includes organising catering) room bookings) invite guests) etc. .o6ordination and #re#aration o$ the &eekl% Eead1s o$ .or#orate +ervices 3Eocs4 and E'ecutive *irectors o$ +hared +ervice Provider1s 3++Ps4 email that #rovides in$ormation o$ u#coming events) im#ortant milestones) and requests $or su##ort in achieving the "nitiative1s charter.
#arch 2001 to April 2003 6;ecutive Support Officer "AO3 - 5iscal Strate.y 2ranch ,ueenslan$ &reasury Major Responsibilities Eigh level E'ecutive +u##ort to *irector Pre#aring .abinet >udget 0evie& .ommittee and .ommittee =$ >udget =$$icials documentation &hich are used b% .abinet -inisters and senior <overnment o$$icers Pre#aring o$ -inutes $or high level de#artmental >udget #lanning meetings .o6ordinating and collating in$ormation #rovided b% ,reasur% /nal%sts@ and .hecking accurac% o$ data #rovided b% ,reasur% /nal%sts. Actin. <ea$ co-or$inator for the 2002-03 State 2u$.et Papers= Major Responsibilities ?iaising on all levels &ith ,reasur% sta$$ to&ards the develo#ment o$ the +tate >udget Pa#ers 7ormatting and editing +tate >udget Pa#ers .oordinating the #roduction o$ the 900869009 and 900969003 +tate >udget Pa#ers ?iaising and coordinating the #rinting o$ the +tate >udget Pa#ers &ith the <overnment #rinter) <=P0":,@ and .oordinating -inisterial Port$olio +tatement >rie$ing +essions. the 2000-01 priorities in pro.ress report official launch for ,ueenslan$ &reasury Major Responsibilities *evelo#ed an invitation list in consultation &ith the -inister1s =$$ice *esigned and #roduced the launch invitation ?iaised &ith .ommunit% grou#s) stakeholders and -inisters1 =$$ices =rganised the #ublic ?aunch o$ the Priorities in Progress re#ort 3the Premier and ,reasurer attended4 =rganised the <overnment launch o$ the Priorities in Progress re#ort 3attended b% <overnment =$$icials4 =rganised the ,reasur% launch o$ the Priorities in Progress re#ort 3attended b% ,reasur% o$$icials4 =rganised "nvitations) room venues) catering and equi#ment $or all the above launches *istributed co#ies o$ the Priorities in Progress re#ort to -inisters) .E=s) and *e#artments 5e+ 1((( to #arch 2001 A$ministrative Officer "AO3 ! 6$ucation > ?ustice *ivision ,ueenslan$ &reasury
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Major Responsibilities -anaged the *irector1s diar% and assisted the E'ecutive =$$icer to create a##ointments $or the /ssistant under ,reasurer 3/C,4 7inalised all ,reasur% corres#ondence including -inisterial corres#ondence -aintained E0 Work$lo& and the *ivision1s asset register. =rganised travel arrangements $or the *irectorF/C, -aintained stationer% stocks and ordering and maintenance o$ equi#ment. Professional &rainin. an$ S0ills " have attended various training courses #rovided b% the 2ueensland <overnment.
-icroso$t =utlook -icroso$t Word -icroso$t E'cel -icroso$t Po&erPoint -icroso$t /ccess -icroso$t Gisio -icroso$t Pro(ect /crobat /dobeF /crobat *istiller
+hare #oint 3Web design4 Equal Em#lo%ment =##ortunit% *iscrimination in the Work#lace .ode o$ .onduct Work#lace Earassment Work#lace Eealth and +a$et% 7irst /id Personal *evelo#ment .ourses
-ans$ield Eigh +chool Hear 89 .om#leted ,he =$$ice >usiness /cadem% >usiness +kills .ourse
*isabilit% +trategic Polic% 5 "ntergovernmental 0elations *e#artment o$ .ommunities 3074 3947 37!6 ?iI +teel 6 -anager +trategic Polic% and Programs) .entre o$ E'cellence $or .linical "nnovation and >ehaviour +u##ort *e#artment o$ .ommunities 30743006 !736 <etitia Smith - Princi#al Polic% and Program =$$icer Euman +ervice 2ualit% 7rame&ork and *isabilit% +ervices 2ualit% *e#artment o$ .ommunities 30743006 !7J0