Key Achievements / Career Achievements

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Career Profile A qualified Business analyst, with more than 4 years of I e!"erien#e handlin$ di%erse roles from &ro'e#t Mana$ement, (uality analysis to %arious "ro#esses of ser%i#e mana$ement in my tenure)

Skills Summary

&ro%en E!"ertise in end to end project delivery. I I* +, -oundation .ertified with %ast knowledge on service management and its entities. Demonstrated ability in Process Quality Analysis. /i$hly de%elo"ed knowledge on project management. E!#ellent .ustomer ser%i#e s0ills) 1tron$ .ommuni#ation and Inter"ersonal s0ills) E!#ellent ime Mana$ement s0ills) 1i$nifi#ant 0nowled$e of handlin$ tools su#h as Infoman, Ma!imo, 1A2D 3or0flow tool,45 3or0flow tool, 1er%i#e Mana$er, Mana$eNow)

ey Ac!ievements " Career Ac!ievements

#eveloped 0nowled$e on end to end "ro'e#t deli%ery with no "rior trainin$ "ro%in$ ability to ada"t to new en%ironments with ur$e to learn) $sta%lis!ed new 6as well as e!tended7 #ontra#ts from #lients with "ro%en abilities to thin0 and "erform beyond e!"e#tations) #eveloped new im"ro%ed #han$es to #han$e mana$ement "ro#ess to im"ro%e quality, "erforman#e and time mana$ement) Created #han$e mana$ement "ro#ess do#uments for %arious #lients) &rained %arious te#hni#al teams on I I* and 1er%i#e mana$ement "ro#esses)

'usiness Analyst (an )*+) , (an )*+1hell 8lobal

En$a$ed "ro'e#ts early in order to ensure that "ro'e#ts understand the requirements of the su""ort or$ani9ations that will be res"onsible for the run and maintenan#e a#ti%ities oo0 "art in all 1ta$e $ates of 1D*. 6 1oftware de%elo"ment life#y#le7 to Ensure that all the res"e#ti%e deli%erables related to ea#h 1ta$e $ate are in "la#e "rior to hando%er to 1u""ort ,in#ludin$ end to end 1u""ort Model ,:un and Maintain .ost bud$et, E5E a""li#ation #a"ability assessment, .om"lian#e assuran#es and others .haired ; Initiated meetin$s with #lient and other sta0eholders Ensured that the Deli%ery teams are aware of the "ro'e#t and any #han$es required within their "ro#ess areas Ensured that these requirements, as well as other "ro#esses, s#hedules, and resour#es for su""ortability are inte$rated into the &ro'e#t &lan, Bud$et, a$reed and e!e#uted in a seamless manner &erformed Monthly business "ro#ess re%iew on all "ro'e#ts handled) .oordinate a#ti%ities needed to de%elo" and #om"lete the "ro'e#t definition, and then im"lement the "ro'e#t in a##ordan#e with its im"lementation "lan, #ontrollin$ the "ro'e#t assurin$ the required quality of deli%ery. .oordinate and meet with deli%ery team to understand "ro$ress and #han$es to the "ro'e#t before deli%ery to su""ort Re"ortin$ a#ti%ities #arried out re$ularly, needed to demonstrate #ontrol of the "ro'e#t)

.ean Process Quality Analyst (une )*++ , (an )*+)

Analy9e &ool ; eam "erforman#e on 3ee0ly basis and Ad%i#e ways of im"ro%ement) &re"are metri#s, &BA #harts, pool performance reports etc to diagnose trou%le areas for t!e team. /elp improve 0uality of work delivered to customer Perform internal audits #rive #efect Prevention Process1 log defects and perform 2CA and improve Quality delivery

C!ange Controller (une )*+* , (an )*+) Ma!is, Malaysia

Assess im"a#t of the #han$e, in#ludin$ &ro'e#ted 1er%i#e A%ailability 6&1A7 +alidate im"lementation "lan for ser%i#e ris0) Analy9e all #om"leted #han$es to identify "ro#ess im"ro%ements and non#onforman#e &ro%ide final authori9ation for #han$e #ommen#ement) .he#0 .om"lian#e of the #han$e re#ords , :e'e#t or Defer the re#ords that are non-#om"laint Edu#ate :esol%er teams about the "ro#ess and the tool) 1u""ort :esol%er teams durin$ Emer$en#y and E!"edited c!anges. Co3ordinate C/AN4$ A#56S728 '7A2# meetings every week wit! all e9ecutives from account team1 delivery teams and customer representative for reviewing t!e Critical and major c!anges1 conducting P62: Post implementation 2eview;. Maintain failed c!ange log1 review P62 of <ailed c!ange1 document preventive and corrective measures in future deployments. =ont!ly reporting. Created >ork 6nstruction #ocuments.

C!ange =anager April )**? , =ay )*+* 3est"a#; elstra;(antas;Myer, Australia

Maintain -orward 1#hedule of .han$es and resol%e #onfli#ts) .hair E<E.= I+E ./AN8E AD+I1>:? B>A:D meetin$s e%ery wee0 with all e!e#uti%es from a##ount team, deli%ery teams and #ustomer re"resentati%e for re%iewin$ the .riti#al #han$es and for the .han$es with Ma'or Im"a#t) Assess im"a#t of the #han$e, in#ludin$ &ro'e#ted 1er%i#e A%ailability 6&1A7 +alidate im"lementation "lan for ser%i#e ris0) Analy9e all #om"leted #han$es to identify "ro#ess im"ro%ements and non#onforman#e &ro%ide final authori9ation for #han$e #ommen#ement) .he#0 .om"lian#e of the #han$e re#ords , :e'e#t or Defer the re#ords that are non-#om"laint $ducate 2esolver teams a%out t!e process and t!e tool. Support 2esolver teams during $mergency and Critical c!anges.

SA@# :Service activation and #eactivation; Coordinator Nov )**A , April )**?

1er%i#e a#ti%ation and dea#ti%ation of ser%ers for all AN@ a##ounts &ro%ide fo#al "oint #onta#t for all A##ount D&Es Edu#ate :esol%er teams and &M on "roblems when a#tin$ on SA@# c!ecklists Perform SA@# user 6# management 5ia lotus #omino P4= groups and .otus notes work tool interface 2eview"reject non3compliant c!ecklists Attend meetings on SA@# 4lo%al updates or issue management

$ducation @ Qualification
5AA4-5AAB Ba#helor of En$ineerin$ C Information 1#ien#e En$ineerin$, <Name of =ni%ersity>



I I* +, -oundation


:eadin$ boo0s .oo0in$ .rafts

D) < Name and details of :eferen#e in Australia > 5) < Name and details of :eferen#e in Australia >

63ritten :eferen#es a%ailable on request7

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