Employee Screening
Employee Screening
Employee Screening
SK Pemmaraju, March
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Question 1: Some of the alternative selection procedures which the employers can use to screen the possible bad employers are %n!e$r&!y 'es!s( Integrity test is a test which is used for the assessment of attitudes as well as experience related to trustworthiness, dependability, person's honesty, pro-social behaviour and reliability. The test includes several different direct questions regarding the preceding experiences associated with integrity and ethics. urthermore, some integrity test also includes a question concerning interests and preferences from which conclusion can be made about employee future behaviour. The main aim of integrity test is to identify those individuals that are most li!ely to engage in antisocial, dishonest and inappropriate behaviour at wor!. "#$ %n!er)&e* 'es!( Interview test mostly vary a lot in their content, but most of the interviews are utili%ed to assess &ob !nowledge s!ills, communication s!ills, interpersonal s!ills and teamwor! s!ills. 'owever, in order for an employer to screen potential (bad actors( that would not involve outsourced bac!ground chec!s interview test may contain behavioural interview question. )ehavioural interview question may involve the question to find out the way in which an employee can react in a particular condition in that involves honesty, ethical behaviour and integrity. "#$ +eference ,hec-s( *ne of the most useful, reliable and efficient way to screen potential bad employees can be evaluation of the references. +mployers should carry out detailed and thorough reference chec!s to have a clear picture of the person that is to be hired. This can be done by chec!ing the references that the candidate submitted and meeting them or by having a telephonic conversation. "#$
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ollowing can be the implication of using these alternatives selection procedures #. )etter be safe then to be sorry. These chec!s allow the employer to obtain employer that fits his requirement. ,. -andidate are screened thus best possible candidate is hired .. These test lead to supply of a candidate who can increase the productivity and performance of organi%ation in every aspect /. These chec! methods are cost effective and save money of the organi%ation and thus providing the best possible result at the lowest cost 0. +xaminers required to conduct these test do not require any special s!ill
Question 2: Some of bac!ground chec!s carried out by for the employer in order to enable them to ma!e decision for the selection of a candidate are listed below a$ -redit report chec!s b$ -riminal record chec!s c$ 1ie detector test d$ 2rug test ",$ Since these test are carried out by outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing companies therefore employer should ma!e an effort to assure that the information provided for the candidate outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing companies is reliable and valid and this can be done by using following steps #. To chec! the how viable the selected outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing company ,. To chec! the methods and procedures used by selected outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing company in obtaining the data .. To chec! the data provided by the outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing company by the employer himself /. To chec! the viability of source from where the data is obtained by outsourcing bac!ground
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chec!ing company 0. To chec! the wor!ing record and experience of the selected outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing company 3. To chec! the references provided by the outsourcing bac!ground chec!ing company if I was put in place to allow and ensure such assessment then I would carry out the following steps #. Try to gather some information regarding the personality of Theron -arter from some of the colleagues that has wor!ed with him in the previous companies where he has wor!ed ,. To chec! whether the company in which Theron -arter wor!ed is really ordering their employees "drivers$ not to follow safety regulations .. To chec! the criminal record data, credit report data and drug test data of Theron -arter Question 3:
'4 managers or line managers can do some chec!s of the candidate personally in order to remove the need of outsourced bac!ground chec!s. Some of these methods are 1mp.oymen! 2&s!ory( *ne of the ways the line managers or '4 managers can remove the need of outsourced bac!ground chec!s is to chec! the employment history of the candidate. In order to have a clear picture of the candidate the previous employers can be contacted and information can be ta!en. It also gives information about candidate wor! experience, wor! type, salary, etc. urthermore, some vital information on the candidate can be obtained from tal!ing with candidate wor! colleagues of previous organisation. 5dvantages of this method include the valuable !nowledge achieved regarding candidate's honesty, trustworthiness, ethics, decision ma!ing ability, loyalty, etc. 2isadvantage includes the false information given by the previous employers for the candidate thus ma!ing the employer believe that a candidate is a liar and, therefore, sometimes proper candidates can get re&ected. ",$ 10uca!&ona. 2&s!ory( +ducation history chec! is carried out to ma!e sure that the educational qualifications submitted by the candidate are real, valid and it is not purchased by illegitimate universities !nown as 6diploma mills.7 urthermore, it is made sure by this chec! that the candidate has not inflated his qualifications or has carried out any other fraud in the qualifications.
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5dvantages of this method include the hiring of proper educated and s!illed employees. 2isadvantages include the extensive period required to carry out these chec!s. ",$ Soc&a. Me0&a ,hec-( 8ow a day all most each and every person uses social media either directly or indirectly. This allows '4 and line managers to obtain some information about candidate. Information obtained from social media chec! that is from chec!ing twitter, face boo!, twitter and *r!ut account can be the most valuable and reliable information and will give the true picture of what the candidate is. 5dvantages of social media chec!s are the easiest and the fastest way to obtain the most accurate and latest information which not only saves the time but also the cost of the organi%ation. 2isadvantage of social media chec! may be the ill feeling of the candidate that '4 or line manager has to try to access his personal and private life information. ",$
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+eferences #. Society for Industrial and *rgani%ational 9sychology",:#/$, Types of +mployment Tests., 4etrieved 5pril 0th, ,:#/, from http;<<www.siop.org<wor!place<employment =,:testing<testtypes.aspx ,. >niversity of ?entuc!y",:#/$ , '4 9olicies., 4etrieved 5pril 0th, ,:#/, from http;<<www.u!y.edu<hr<policies<pre-employment-screening .. Ingmar, )., -arl, ., @ 'yeon, A., ",::B$. Institutional theory and C8- subsidiary '4C practices; evidence from a three-country study. Journal of International Business Studies,38,/.:-/.3 /. 9aula, -., ",:#/$. Cany moving parts; actors influencing the effectiveness of '4C practices designed to improve !nowledge transfer within C8-s. Journal of International Business Studies,45, 3.-B,
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Identifies alternative selection procedures discussed in the chapter that could be used for screening potential bad actors without outsourcing background checks; discusses implications.
Makes vague or no or inaccurate reference to alternative selection procedures; fails to discuss implications or onl does so vaguel or inaccuratel
%ccuratel identifies alternative selection procedures and discusses implications( showing high"level understanding of the issues.
+iscusses evidence one might want to collect to assess the value of information gathered b outsourced screening; identifies what to put in place to allow or ensure such assessments.
,ails to discuss or inaccuratel discusses evidence that would be good to collect for verification; fails to identif or clearl itemi-e what to put in place to ensure such assessments.
+iscusses valuable evidence one might want to collect to assess the value of information gathered b outsourced screening; identifies effective items to put in place to allow or ensure such assessments.
+iscusses ver valuable evidence one might want to collect to assess the value of information gathered b outsourced screening; suggests highl effective or innovative items to put in place to allow or ensure such assessments.
!1)"*0 points$
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!0"1# points$ Identifies wa s for ./ managers to do their own homework on applicants and discusses pros and cons of these. ,ails to identif wa s or identifies inaccurate or less effective wa s; does not discuss pros or cons or fails to do so with clarit and accurac .
!1&"1' points$ Identifies cutting edge wa s for managers to do their own checking; discusses pros and cons Identifies cutting edge wa s for managers to do their own checking and e1plains with e1ceptional clarit ; discusses pros and cons with significant insight
!12"1# points$ !0"11 points$ !1*"10 points$ 3 nthesi-es relevant information and materials to provide evidence of critical thought. 3 nthesi-es information at a minimal level. ,or the most part( effectivel s nthesi-es information( which supports main ideas. 4onsistentl and effectivel s nthesi-es information( which provides strong support to main ideas.
!0"' points$ !) points$ +evelops ideas with clarit and logic. +emonstrates little clarit and logic. /eaders have difficult following the line of reasoning. +evelops ideas with clarit and logic. /eaders can generall follow the line of reasoning.
!5"10 points$ +evelops ideas with clarit and logic. Ideas flow smoothl from one to another and are clearl linked to each other.
!0"' points$
!) points$
!5"10 points$
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Inade7uate or minimal use of proper terminolog in the field!s$. 8rovides no specific e1amples or uses inade7uate e1amples.
,or the most part( uses proper terminolog and provides specific e1amples.
4onsistentl uses proper terminolog and provides specific e1amples to support ideas.
!0"' points$ 6ses supporting documentation that has been properl references and cited. Inade7uate or minimal use of supporting documentation or not properl referenced or cited.
!) points$ ,or the most part( uses supporting documentation that is properl referenced and cited.
!5"10 points$ 4onsistentl uses supporting documentation that is properl referenced and cited.
!0"0 points$ 4onsidered holisticall ( demonstrates the abilit to write at the graduate level. 4onsidered holisticall ( the student demonstrates an inade7uate abilit to write at the graduate level.
!2 points$ 4onsidered holisticall ( the student demonstrates an acceptable abilit to write at the graduate level.
!# points$ 4onsidered holisticall ( the student demonstrates a proficient abilit to write at the graduate level.
!0"' points$
!) points$
!5"10 points$
SubTotal Points = Turnitin.com +id not turn paper into Turnitin.com Minus # points /evisions based on the originalit /eport. +id not revise paper based on the originalit
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