Equal Employment Opportunity EEO in Bangladesh

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The key takeaways are that gender discrimination decreases job satisfaction and motivation, commitment and enthusiasm, while increasing stress levels. Gender discrimination was found to be more prevalent in private sector organizations compared to public sector organizations.

The study found a negative relationship between gender discrimination and employee satisfaction and motivation, indicating that experiences of gender discrimination result in lower job satisfaction and motivation.

The study found gender discrimination to be inversely proportional to employee commitment and enthusiasm, meaning that gender discrimination leads to less commitment and enthusiasm towards one's job.

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Gender Discrimination in Workforce and its Impact on the Employees

Article · September 2011

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Pak. J. Commer. Soc. Sci.
2011 Vol. 5 (1), 177-191

Gender Discrimination in Workforce and its Impact

on the Employees
Zahid Ali Channar (Corresponding Author)
HEC Indigenous Scholar for PhD in Management Sciences, Isra University, Hyderabad,
Sindh and Adjunct Assistant, Department of Management Sciences, Isra University,
Sindh, Pakistan
Cell No. 0332-2601242, E-mail: zachanar@yahoo.com

Zareen Abbassi
Associate Professor and Head of Department, Department of Public Administration,
University of Sind, Jamshoro, Pakistan
E-mail: zareenabbassi@hotmail.com

Imran Anwar Ujan

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, University of Sindh,
Jamshoro, Pakistan
E-mail: iujan@yahoo.com

This research paper explores the issue of gender discrimination in workforce and its
impact on the satisfaction and motivation, commitment and enthusiasm and stress level of
employees. Close ended questionnaire was administered from 526 males and females of
lower, middle and higher category employees of public and private health and education
departments of Hyderabad and Jamshoro districts. Gender discrimination in workforce
was measured through independent samples-t test.
The analysis shows that females were discriminated more than males in private
organizations. Thus the findings show that females are discriminated more than males in
private sector than in public sector. The impact of gender discrimination on satisfaction &
motivation, commitment & enthusiasm and stress level was assessed through Pearson
product moment correlation co-efficient. The results show that gender discrimination
decreases satisfaction & motivation and commitment & enthusiasm level of employees,
and increases the stress level in the employees.
Keywords: Gender discrimination, Workforce, Satisfaction & Motivation, Commitment
& Enthusiasm, Stress Level.
1. Introduction
Decenzo, (1998) has described that HRM in any organization is concerned with the
staffing, training, developing, motivating and maintaining the employees. Staffing is
concerned with strategic human resource planning, recruiting and selection. Fifty years
ago, HRM was considerably simpler because work force was strikingly homogenous.
Now-a-days work force has changed from homogeneous to heterogeneous type.
Gender Discrimination in Workforce

Wayne (1995) has explained that Managing Diversity means establishing a

heterogeneous work force to perform to its potentials in an equitable work environment,
where no member or group of members has an advantage or a disadvantage. Managing
diversity is very essential for any organization, especially in this era of globalization.
Managing diversity is required to close the unfair discrimination and thus enable
employees to compete on equal basis.
2. Literature Review
Erik et al., (2006) have conducted the research on whether women are discriminated
through sticky floor or glass ceiling effects in Sweden. They have found through their
research that women in Sweden suffer more from sticky floor effects than glass ceilings.
Their study also showed that women with small children face a largest gender penalty in
careers. Gender penalty is larger for younger and older women and less for middle aged
women. There was no any empirical support in their study that women have lesser career
opportunities in the private sector than in public sector, relative to men.
Susan et al (1998) have focused on the work place gender discrimination rational bias
theory. According to this theory, decision makers may choose to discriminate if they
believe that their superiors or others having power over their careers expect or prefer it.
The findings of their research showed that businessmen discriminated women and people
at the top of the organization are most biased against women than people at the bottom.
Their study has also confirmed that management support discrimination, though those
discriminations were less than the findings of earlier research, reflecting increasing equal
opportunity. It was also confirmed through their research that the discrimination is more
because of external pressures than from internal.
Habib (2000) has studied the effects of Brick Wall and Glass ceiling in public
administration of Bangladesh. His analysis has shown that women are discriminated in
civil services of Bangladesh from entry to the higher posts (Glass Ceiling). Social cultural
factors are the principal stumbling blocks and build a wall for entry of woman into civil
services. Their career path was hindered by the impediments of the systematic and
attitudinal reasons. Government laws and regulations in this regard are proving
ineffective. However, that discrimination was not for the women who came from upper
class. This disparate treatment against women had implications for their morale,
motivation and performance.
Uzma (2004) found out that identity is created through the society, environment and
parents. It is a two-way process - how people view you and how you view yourself.
Attitude of parents towards their children formulate their identity. Parents usually
consider their daughters as weak, timid, and too vulnerable; they need to be protected by
the male members of the society. Because of this reason females cannot suggest or
protest. This is the first step of subjugation and suppression. According to her; even the
educated females have the double identity – professional and private. Another finding of
her research was that the income of the women is not considered as the main financial
source for the family, but as supplementary to the income of their males. She also found
that those results were not valid for the upper and advanced families, where complete
freedom is given to their females.

Channar et al

3. Gender Discrimination
Wayne (1995) says that no law has ever attempted to define precisely the term’
discrimination’, in the context of workforce, it can be defined as the giving of an unfair
advantage (or disadvantage) to the members of the particular group in comparison to the
members of other group. Narrating the decisions of the courts, Ivancevich (2003) writes
that in interpreting title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other laws, the United
States’ courts have held that both intentional (disparate treatment) and unintentional
(disparate impact) acts of covered entities may constitute illegal employment
4. Statement of the Problem
Gender discrimination turns the employees emotionally brittle, simple peace loving
employees transform into paranoid and suspicious, fearful and angry individuals.
Elimination of Gender Discrimination is crucial for the satisfaction and motivation,
commitment and enthusiasm and less stress of the employees.
6. Objectives of the Study
 To assess the gender discrimination in work force.
 To study the impact of gender discrimination on women employees.
 To propose practices to help reduce the sticky floor and glass ceiling effects.
7. Hypotheses
 H1 Gender Discrimination at work place prevails more in public sector than
in private sector
 H2 Gender Discrimination decreases job satisfaction in women workers.
 H3 Gender Discrimination reduces commitment and enthusiasm in women
 H4 Gender Discrimination increases stress level in women workers.
8. Scope of the Study
This research was conducted to assess gender discrimination in workforce in the Public
and Private organizations of Hyderabad and Jamshoro districts. Health and Education
departments were taken from each of the above sectors. This study has measured the
effect of the gender discrimination on the job satisfaction and motivation, commitment
and enthusiasm and stress level of the women workers.
9. Research Methodology
Total sample size for this study is 526. This sample size is calculated at 95 % confidence
level, Confidence Interval ,Margin of error = 4.23, Population = 27000, and percentage
50]. A sample size of male and female employees for public education department for
both districts is 73 and 80 and for private education department of both districts is 44 and
78, respectively; whereas, sample size of 80 male and 85 females was collected from
public health department of both districts and 46 males and 40 females from private health
departments of both districts.
Stratified method of probability sampling is used for collecting data. In this research each
one of the education and health departments, both public and private, was divided into
four strata i.e. education into primary schools, high schools, colleges and universities and

Gender Discrimination in Workforce

health into paramedical, nurses, doctors (BPS-17) and Professors/Senior Doctors; and
then random sample was drawn from each strata.
Standard instrument –Questionnaire- is used for measuring the variables. The aspects
measured through questionnaire are: Gender Discrimination, Satisfaction and Motivation,
Commitment and Enthusiasm, and Stress Level. Gender Discrimination in workforce is
surveyed through the questions, based on the perceptions regarding gender discrimination
in work force identified by the UNDP (1993, p.91). Satisfaction and Motivation is
surveyed by the Motivation and Satisfaction scale (alpha=0.81) developed by Nick Foster
(1999). Commitment and Enthusiasm at work is surveyed by using a similar set of
questions as the ones used by the United States Merit Systems Protection Board
(USMSPB) and reported in Naff (1994, p.512), latter on used by Habib Zafarullah (2000).
Stress level of respondents is surveyed using GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire-
Five point Likert scale was used to ask the respondents how strongly they agree or
disagree with a statement. Rating or Scale questions were used to collect opinion data
from the respondents regarding the gender discrimination, satisfaction and motivation,
commitment and enthusiasm and stress level.
Nominal, Ordinal and at some places Interval scales of measurements are used. However,
ordinal scale of measurement is used mostly. In this research attitudes/tendencies of
respondents regarding Gender Discrimination, Satisfaction and Motivation, Commitment
and Enthusiasm and Stress Level were measured by means of questions, with alternative
answers ranked in ascending or descending order.
9.1 Reliability of Gender Discrimination Scale
Reliability of Gender Discrimination scale, having eight questions, is 0.704, which is
more than the required one i.e., 0.70. Hence this scale is reliable. Reliability of
Satisfaction & Motivation is 0.800. Reliability of Commitment & Enthusiasm is 0.709.
Reliability of Stress Level Scale is 0.728.
10. Analyses
10.1 Analyzing Gender Discrimination in Public Organizations
Gender Discrimination in workforce was assessed through Independent-samples t-test.
Two variables are used for this test, one categorical and other continuous. For this
research categorical variable used is Sex (with male coded as 1 and female coded as 2)
and continuous variable used is ‘discrimination in work force”, which is the total score
that participants recorded on 8 item gender discrimination scale.

Table I: Group statistics for gender discrimination (GD) in work force

Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Discrimination inMale 153 19.6797 4.41536 .35696
work force Female 165 23.1030 4.70680 .36642

Table II: Independent samples test for GD in workforce

Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Mean Std. Error95% Confidence
(2- Differenc Differenc Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) e e Lower Upper
Discrimination Equal
in work force variances 0.624 .430 -6.676 316 .000 -3.42329 .51279 -4.43221 -2.41437
-6.692 315.9 .000 -3.42329 .51155 -4.42977 -2.41681

Table I provides the mean and standard deviation for males and females. N shows the
number of males and females, here the number of males and females is 153 and 165
In table II, the significant level for Levene’s test is .430, which is larger than the cut-off of
.05. This means that the assumption of equal variance has not been violated, therefore we
will use the t-value provided in the equal variance assumed line.
As the assumption of equal variance has not been violated, therefore we choose the value
of Sig (2-tailed) as provided in the equal variance assumed line. As the value of Sig (2-
tailed) is less than .05(.000), there is a significant difference in the mean scores on gender
discrimination for males and females.
An independent-sample test was conducted to compare the Gender discrimination scores
for Males and Females. There was significant difference in scores for males (M= 19.679,
SD= 4.415) and females (M=23.103, SD= 4.706); P=.000 (two-tailed).
Hence females are discriminated more than males in work force.
10.2 Analyzing Gender Discrimination in Private Organization
Gender Discrimination in workforce is assessed by independent-sample T-test. Two
variables are used for this test, one categorical and other continuous. For this research
categorical variable used is Sex (with male coded as 1 and female coded as 2) and
continuous variable used is ‘discrimination in work force”, which is the total score that
participants recorded on 8 item gender discrimination scale.
Table III: Group statistics for GD in work force

Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Discrimination Male 89 19.7640 4.05088 .42939
in work force Female 118 23.2542 5.18411 .47724

Table IV: Independent Samples Test for GD in Work Force

Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Mean 95% Confidence Interval
(2- Differ Std. Error of the Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) ence Difference Lower Upper
Discrimi Equal
nation in variances 6.01 .015 -5.255 205 .000 -3.49 .66421 -4.79975 -2.18064
work assumed
-5.437 204.72 .000 -3.49 .64197 -4.75592 -2.22446

Channar et al

Interpretation: In table III, SPSS gives the mean and standard deviation for males and
females. N shows the number of males and females, here the number of males and
females is 89 and 118, respectively.
In table IV, the significant level for Leven’s test is .015, which is smaller than the cut-off
of .05. This means that the assumption of equal variance has been violated, therefore we
will use the t-value provided in the equal variance not assumed line.
As the assumption of equal variance has been violated, therefore we will choose the value
of Sig (2-tailed) as provided in the equal
182 variance not assumed line. As the value of Sig
(2-tailed) is less than .05(.000), there is a significant difference in the mean scores on
gender discrimination for males and females.
An independent-sample test was conducted to compare the Gender discrimination scores
for Males and Females. There was significant difference in scores for males (M= 19.764,
SD= 4.050) and females (M =23.254, SD= 5.184); P=.000 (two-tailed). Hence females are
discriminated in work force.
10.3 Impact of Gender Discrimination (GD) on Satisfaction & Motivation (S&M)
Here we assess what is the relationship between the gender discrimination at work force
and satisfaction and motivation. Two continuous variables are needed for this analysis,
which are:
 Gender Discrimination at work force, and
 Satisfaction and Motivation
Table V: Correlation between GD and S&M

GD Pearson Correlation 1 -.315**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 524 523
S&M Pearson Correlation -.315 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 523 525
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: The relationship between perceived gender discrimination and Job

satisfaction and motivation was investigated using Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient. Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure no violation of the assumption
of normality. There was a moderate negative correlation between the two variables, r = -
.315, n = 523, p< .05.
10.4 Impact of Gender Discrimination on Commitment and Enthusiasm (C&E)
Here we assess the relationship between the gender discrimination at work force and
commitment and enthusiasm. Two continuous variables used here are:
 Gender Discrimination at work force, and
 Commitment and Enthusiasm

Gender Discrimination in Workforce

Table VI: Correlation between GD and C&E

GDscrmnWF8 C&E
GD Pearson Correlation 1 -.319**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 524 521
C&E Pearson Correlation -.319 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 521 523
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: The relationship between perceived gender discrimination and

Commitment & Enthusiasm was investigated using Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient. Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure no violation of the assumption
of normality. There was a medium negative correlation between the two variables, r = -
.319, n = 521, p< .05.
10.5 Impact of Gender Discrimination on Stress level (SL)
Here we assess the relation of gender discrimination at work force on stress level. Two
continuous variables are needed for this, which are:
 Gender Discrimination at work force, and
 Stress Level
Table VII: Correlation between GD and Stress Level
GD Pearson Correlation 1 .240**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 524 502
SL Pearson Correlation .240 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 502 503
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Interpretation: The relationship between perceived gender discrimination and stress level
was investigated using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Preliminary
analyses were performed to ensure no violation of the assumption of normality. There was
a small positive correlation between the two variables, r = .240, n = 502, p< .05.
10.6 Influence of S&M, C&E and SL on Gender Discrimination

Channar et al

Multiple Regression technique is used to answer the questions of how much variance in
dependent variable can be explained by independent variables and what is the relative
contribution of each independent variable to the dependent variable. Variables needed are:

 One continuous variable (Gender Discrimination); and

 Three continuous independent variables (Satisfaction & Motivation,
Commitment & Enthusiasm and Stress Level)

Table VIII: Model summary for multiple regression

Std. Error of
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square the Estimate
1 .395a .156 .151 4.59180
a. Predictors: (Constant), TStrsLvl, TSatMot, TComEnth
b. Dependent Variable: Total discrimination

Table IX: ANOVA for multiple regression

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1931.652 3 643.884 30.538 .000a
Residual 10457.986 496 21.085
Total 12389.638 499
a. Predictors: (Constant), TStrsLvl, TSatMot, TComEnth
b. Dependent Variable: Total discrimination

Table X: Coefficients for multiple regression

Unstandardized Standardized Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for B Correlations Statistics
Lower Upper
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) 29.019 2.035 14.260 .000 25.021 33.017
TSatMot -.190 .047 -.203 -4.066 .000 -.282 -.098 -.332 -.180 -.168 .681 1.468
TComEnth -.236 .071 -.171 -3.323 .001 -.375 -.096 -.330 -.148 -.137 .643 1.555
TStrsLvl .102 .034 .132 3.013 .003 .036 .169 .241 .134 .124 .880 1.136
a. Dependent Variable: Total discrimination

Channar et al

Table XI: Residual statistics for multiple regression

Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation N
Predicted Value 16.4346 26.9739 21.5820 1.96750 500
Std. Predicted Value -2.616 2.740 .000 1.000 500
Standard Error
.209 .967 .391 .126 500
of Predicted Value
16.3228 27.0189 21.5817 1.96882 500
Predicted Value
Residual -1.32356E1 16.33601 .00000 4.57798 500
Std. Residual -2.882 3.558 .000 .997 500
Stud. Residual -2.896 3.578 .000 1.001 500
Deleted Residual -1.33585E1 16.52494 .00026 4.61573 500
Stud. Deleted Residual -2.918 3.622 .000 1.003 500
Mahal. Distance .037 21.127 2.994 2.837 500
Cook's Distance .000 .037 .002 .004 500
.000 .042 .006 .006 500
Leverage Value
a. Dependent Variable: Total discrimination

10.6.1 Evaluating the model

The R Square value in table VIII tells how much of variance in the dependent variable
(Gender Discrimination) is explained by the model (including the variables of Satisfaction
& Motivation, Commitment & Enthusiasm and Stress level). In this research the value is
.156, expressed as percentage it is 15.6 percent. This means that the model explains 15.6
percentage of the variance in gender discrimination.
10.6.2 Evaluating each of the independent variables
The table X lets us know that which of the variables included on the model contributed to
the prediction of the dependent variable. As we are interested in comparing the
contribution of each independent variable, therefore we will use the Beta values under the
heading standardized co-efficients. We look at the largest value (ignoring any negative
sign). In this research, the largest beta co-efficient is -.203 which is for total satisfaction
and Motivation. This means that this variable makes the strongest unique contribution to
explaining the dependent variable, when the variance explained by all other variables in
the model is controlled for. The beta value for commitment and enthusiasm is -.171,
indicating a lesser contribution to explaining the dependent variable. Stress level made the
lowest contribution (b = .132) to explaining the dependent variable.
Next step is to check whether this value is making a statistically significant unique
contribution to the equation. For this we check the significant value. The significant value
for satisfaction and motivation, commitment and enthusiasm and stress level is .000, .001

Gender Discrimination in Workforce

and .003 respectively, which means that all of them are making a significant unique
contribution to the prediction of the dependent variable.
The part correlation co-efficients, when squared, indicates the contribution of a variable to
the total R squares. In other words, it tells how much of the total variance in the dependent
variable is uniquely explained by that variable and how much R square would drop if it
was not included in that model. In this research, satisfaction and motivation has part
correlation coefficient of -.168, if we square this we will get .028, indicating that this
variable uniquely explains 2.8 percent of the variance in the total gender discrimination.
For commitment and enthusiasm, value is -.137; when squared we get .018. This indicates
a unique contribution of 1.8 percent of the variance in the total gender discrimination. The
part correlation co-efficient for stress level is .124, when squared it becomes .015;
indicating 1.5 percent unique contribution to the explanation of variance in gender
We can interpret the results as: This model, which includes satisfaction and motivation,
commitment and enthusiasm and stress level, explains 15.6 percent of variance in total
gender discrimination. Of these three variables, satisfaction and motivation makes the
largest statistically significant (p=.000) unique contribution (beta = 2.8 percent);
commitment and enthusiasm makes the second largest statistically significant (p=.001)
unique contribution (beta = 1.8 percent); stress level makes the lowest statistically
significant (p=.003) unique contribution (beta = 1.5 percent).
From the above conclusions a model is constructed as:
G.Dc = a + b1SM + b2CE + b3SL
In this model:
GD = Gender Discrimination
SM = Satisfaction & Motivation
CE = Commitment & Enthusiasm, and
SL = Stress Level
Where GDc represents the Gender Discrimination as predicted by the equation (computed
through R square).
‘a’ denotes the Gender Discrimination, when all the other three explanatory variables have
a value of zero simultaneously.
‘b1’ represents the change in Gender discrimination associated with a unit change in SM
variable, when the other variables are held constant.
‘b2’ represents the change in Gender discrimination associated with a unit change in CE
variable, when the other variables are held constant.
‘b3’ represents the change in Gender discrimination associated with a unit change in SL
variable, when the other variables are held constant.
11. Results & Discussions
In hypothesis 1 we predicted that “females are more discriminated than males at work
force in public organizations than in private organizations”. Gender discrimination at
workforce was calculated through the T-Test. For public organizations, the results showed
that there was significant difference for females (Mean = 23.103, SD = 4.706) and males

Channar et al

(Mean = 19.679, SD = 4.415); p = 0.000 (two-tailed). Hence it was clear that females
were discriminated more than males at workforce in public organizations. For private
organizations, the results showed that there was significant difference for females (Mean
= 23.254, SD = 5.184) and males (Mean = 19.764, SD = 4.050); p = 0.000 (two-tailed).
Hence it was clear that females were also discriminated more than males at workforce in
private organizations.
When we compare the results of public and private organizations, it was very clear that
females were discriminated more than males at workplace in both organizations, but the
score of discrimination was more in private sector (23.254) than in public sector (23.103).
Hence we accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis:
H0 : Females are not discriminated more than males at work place in public
organizations than in private organizations.
HA: Females are discriminated more than males at work place in public
organizations than in private organizations.
In hypothesis 2, it was predicted that gender discrimination decreases the satisfaction and
motivation level of employees. This hypothesis was tested by correlation. The results of
the correlation were: Pearson Correlation (r) = -0.315, n= 523, p< .05. The results showed
that there was a negative relation between these two continuous variables, thus it
confirmed our prediction that gender discrimination decreases satisfaction and motivation.
On the basis of this analysis we reject the null hypothesis and accept alternative
Ho : Gender Discrimination does not decrease Job satisfaction & motivation.
HA: Gender Discrimination decreases Job satisfaction & motivation
In hypothesis 3, it was predicted that gender discrimination decreases the commitment and
enthusiasm level of employees. This hypothesis was also tested by correlation. The results
of the correlation were: Pearson Correlation (r) = -0.319, n= 521, p< .05. The results
showed that there was a negative relation between these two continuous variables, thus it
confirmed our prediction that gender discrimination decreases commitment and
enthusiasm. On the basis of this analysis we reject the null hypothesis and accept
alternative hypothesis:
Ho : Gender Discrimination does not decrease commitment and enthusiasm.
HA: Gender Discrimination decreases commitment and enthusiasm.
In hypothesis 4, it was predicted that gender discrimination increases the stress level of
employees. This hypothesis was also tested by correlation. The results of the correlation
were: Pearson Correlation (r) = .240, n = 502, p< .05. The results showed that there was a
positive relation between these two continuous variables, thus it confirmed our prediction
that gender discrimination increases stress level. On the basis of this analysis we reject the
null hypothesis and accept alternative hypothesis:
Ho : Gender Discrimination does not increase stress.
HA: Gender Discrimination increases stress.

Gender Discrimination in Workforce

12. Conclusions
From the statistical analysis presented above and the subsequent intensive discussions, the
study identifies the following as the most significant conclusions.

1. The statistical analysis has revealed that females were prone to gender
discrimination behavior at the work place, both in public and private
organizations. However, that biased behaviors was more in public
organizations than in private organizations.
2. Analysis showed a negative relation between GD and S&M; which means that
gender discrimination resulted in low job satisfaction and motivation.
3. Analysis also showed that gender discrimination was inversely proportional
with commitment and enthusiasm, i.e., because of discrimination, women
showed less commitment and enthusiasm towards their job.
4. A positive relation between gender discrimination and stress level was
indicated through statistical techniques; which meant that higher the gender
discrimination, higher will be the level of the stress.
We are grateful to the editors and reviewers for their valuable comments to improve the
earlier draft of the paper.

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