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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Beth Kusserow Subject/ Topic/ Theme Animal Classification Grade _______K_________

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This lesson addresses what animals are and how they relate

Learners will be able to#

Collaborati!ely ather information from boo's and the internet about a specific cate ory of animals )dentify important information from what they athered Create a presentation to share their learnin with the class $se audio recorders to ta'e +notes,

co niti!e" # $ Ap An % C&

physical de!elopment

socio" emotional

$ An* % C #

( ( ( (

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
S-)A-..-/0 Share ideas about science throu h purposeful con!ersationS-)A-..-/1 Communicate and present 2ndin s of obser!ationsS-)A-..-/3 De!elop strate ies for information atherin 4as' an e(pert* use a boo'* ma'e obser!ations* conduct simple in!esti ations* and watch a !ideo56-76-..-/0 )dentify and compare li!in and nonli!in thin s48ote# 9rite as many as needed- )ndicate ta(onomy le!els and connections to applicable national or state standards- )f an objecti!e applies to particular learners write the name4s5 of the learner4s5 to whom it applies-5 &remember* understand* apply* analy:e* e!aluate* create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Basic 'nowled e of how to na!i ate a website 4locate and clic' the play button on a !ideo* scrollin 5Basic concept of an animal Ability to function in a small roup and stay on tas'
Pre-assessment (for learning):

9or'sheets and discussions indicated that most students understand the concept of an animal* and that animals include more than mammals- Some students did not cate ori:e a spider as an animal* and two did not cate ori:e a fish as an animalFormative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 4applicable to this lesson5

) will wal' around* watch* and listen* to see if the students are stayin on tas' and findin the information they need- )f they are misinterpretin a step* ) can set them bac' on trac' or* if necessary* reteach the whole classFormative (as learning):

There will be a couple chec' points for students to monitor their learnin ;are they on tas'< =a!e they made an audio recordin yet< =a!e they learned anythin about the type of animal they are researchin < Do they ha!e e(amples from the cate ory< Summative (of learning5> ) will listen to their audio recordin s to see what they learned about their animal cate ory + at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation ?ro!ide options for perception" making information perceptible Students will use !ideo with sound and !isuals for their researchProvide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression ?ro!ide options for physical action" increase options for interaction Students will split up into small roups and wor' at a station with a computer 4or i?ad5 and boo'sProvide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement ?ro!ide options for recruitin interest" choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Students ha!e a !ariety of materials to find information from* and the choice of audio recorder or drawin to ta'e notes- ) will help monitor the roups to 'eep @uiet so others can thin'* and may e!en appoint a +Keeper of Auiet, member of each roup-


?ro!ide options for lan ua e* mathematical e(pressions* and symbols" clarify & connect language ) will e(plain the process !erbally at first* then they will access information throu h boo's* !ideo* and photo raphs-

?ro!ide options for e(pression and communication" increase me ium of e!pression

?ro!ide options for sustainin effort and persistence" optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

Students will use audio recorders to ta'e notes-

At the chec'points* students will e!aluate their own pro ressThey will wor' in roups with specific roles assi ned to them to impro!e their collaboration s'ills?ro!ide options for self"re ulation" e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

?ro!ide options for comprehension" activate, apply & highlight

The chec'points will mar' time to mo!e from one acti!ity to the ne(t* pro!idin smaller steps of instruction to remember- The openin is a connection to their own li!es/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

?ro!ide options for e(ecuti!e functions" coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

Audio recorders will allow Students will ha!e chec'lists to students to 'eep trac' of their 'eep trac' of their pro ress and thou hts and learnin monitor itChec'point chec'lists will help them to monitor their pro ress and stay on trac'%nou h computers or i?ads for each roup to ha!e one 4C total;0 or 1 from the classroom* some from AD* my own<<* some belon in to the school<* o to the computer lab<5 A chec'list for each roup Audio recorder for each roup 4from AD;hope they ha!e si( for me to use5 Boo's on animals 4from their library* from the curriculum center5 ?aper and pencils for the students if they want to draw somethin ) will need si( stations;each with a computer and boo's a!ailable* and each set up with a !ideo on the computer to watch about that specific cate ory of animal- These can be on the floor or at tablesTwo will be close to the class computers* perhaps one on the round and another on a table to separate them- 7ne could be at the brown table* and one at the table by the teacherEs des'- The fifth could be by the clippin chart* and the last at the table closest to the document camera- %ach area would need a computer or i?ad and boo's3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. =a!e e!eryone on the ru - As' them to thin' of Students sit @uietly on the ru * thin' of their their !ery fa!orite animal* and then say> fa!orite animal* then raise their hand when ) come )f your fa!orite animal is a 'ind of bird* raise your to that cate oryhand- )f your fa!orite animal is a 'ind of fish* raise your hand- )f your fa!orite animal is a 'ind of They listen to my instructionsreptile* raise your hand- %tc%nd with amphibian and as' if anyone 'nows what an amphibian e!en is%(plain how thatEs what weEre oin to be learnin about today- 9eEre oin to split into roups* and then youEre oin to watch !ideos and read boo's in a small roup to find out more about 78% 'ind of animal- Then youEre oin to ha!e to share with the rest of the class* but donEt worry about all of that ri ht now- 9eEll ta'e it step by step) will tell them to stay seated* but that Fs- Doo d Students sit and listen to instructions- They and ) will tell them when to o- Then we assi n remember their role in the roup* obtain an audio them a partner or two* i!e the roles of +recorder, recorder* and et a chec'listand +researcher, and +facilitator*, and direct each team to their station- Before they o* ) i!e them a

III. 2 e Plan 2ime 6 min Com!onents /otivation 4openin / introduction/ en a ement5

7 min

3evelo!ment 4the lar est component or main body of the lesson5


!oice recorder* and say if they need help fi urin it out* to let me 'now* and ) will help- The same with the computers8 min Then one more thin > ) i!e each roup a chec'list on a piece of paper G +) am usin a @uiet !oice, +) am wor'in hard, +e!eryone in the roup is learnin , and tell them that in a few minutes* )Em oin to tell them to free:e and weEll see how weEre doin usin @uiet !oices* wor'in hard* and learnin As they wor'* ) wal' around and ma'e sure theyEre wor'in well and donEt need e(tra help-

Students o to their tables-

6 min

The students choose how to o about researchin their type of animal* but they watch a !ideo* loo' at the boo's* and record their !oices tal'in about what that 'ind of animal isStudents put their hands on their head* thin' about their beha!ior* and jud e how to mo!e on from there- They circle the smiley faces for their beha!iorAfter listenin * they proceed to wor' on finishin the research and tal'in into the recorder7ne last chance to say what they wanted to into the recorder-

8 min 7 min

After fi!e minutes* ) say +free:e, and as' them* with !oices off* to loo' at their chec'list- ) read the @uestions for them* as' them to thin' about it and circle the smiley or frowny face- After tellin them they ha!e two minutes to finish the !ideo and boo's* they may +melt-, After two minutes* ) tell them to ma'e sure theyE!e tal'ed into the recorder and they 'now somethin about their 'ind of animal- After another two minutes* weEll all come bac' to the front-

7 min

6 min Closure 4conclusion* culmination* wrap"up5

) collect the recorders from them* and ma'e sure to label them with the names of who was usin themThen ) as' e!eryone to sit down+9ho learned somethin new today< 9hat is it<,

They hand in the recorders and sit downThose who learned somethin raise their hands and share-

Then ) say that we donEt ha!e time for it this day* but ne(t time weEll listen to the recordin s and tal' more about the 'inds of animals- DonEt for et what youE!e learned* because youEre oin to ha!e to teach the whole classH 9our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 49rite this after teachin the lesson* if you had a chance to teach it- )f you did not teach this lesson* focus on the process of preparin the lesson-5


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