Mozartlesson 4

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Amy Tenney Date 4/21/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Mozart/Opera/Composition Grade 4th

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan" Learners will be able to#
)denti*y characteristics o* an opera Articu(ate the di**erence bet,een an o"erture+ chorus+ and aria Act out an abbre"iated scene ,ith others -ormu(ate a *ina( dra*t o* their composition
co!niti"e# $ % Ap An & C' physica( de"e(opment socio# emotiona(

$+ % $+ Ap+ % Ap+ C C+ Ap


Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
ART.M.I.4.2 Expand repertoire. ART.M.I.4.7 Perform with accuracy, rhythmic, and melodic patterns. ART.M.II.4.6 Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 4th grade. ./ote# 0rite as many as needed1 )ndicate ta2onomy (e"e(s and connections to app(icab(e nationa( or state standards1 )* an objecti"e app(ies to particu(ar (earners ,rite the name.s3 o* the (earner.s3 to ,hom it app(ies13 'remember+ understand+ app(y+ ana(yze+ e"a(uate+ create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

Students need to 4no, ho, to read Students need to 4no, ho, to ,rite
Pre-assessment (for learning):

See ho, much students a(ready 4no, about operas

Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities .app(icab(e to this (esson3

Students ,or4 on dia(o!ues in !roups as teacher ,a(4s around to o"ersee see (earnin! and ans,er 5uestions
Formative (as learning):

As4 students *or *eedbac4 on o"erture characteristics in the Ma!ic -(ute and *or sta!in! obser"ations in the aria1 Summative (of learning36 The sheets o* paper ,ith their obser"ations+ their per*ormances and the *inishin! o* their *irst dra*ts o* their compositions1
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 7ro"ide options *or perception# making information perceptible Gi"e students handouts ,ith tan!ib(e in*ormation *or them1 Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 7ro"ide options *or physica( action# increase options for interaction A((o, students to choose ho, to act out their dia(o!ue and use motions1 Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 7ro"ide options *or recruitin! interest# choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Students ,or4 in sma(( !roups *or the dia(o!ues+ a((o,in! more intro"erted+ 5uiet students to *ee( more com*ortab(e spea4in!1 7ro"ide options *or sustainin! e**ort and persistence# optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(- emotionall(etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

7ro"ide options *or (an!ua!e+ mathematica( e2pressions+ and symbo(s# clarify & connect language

7ro"ide options *or e2pression and communication# increase me ium of e!pression

Students o**er the 4no,(ed!e they a(ready 4no, about opera1

A 8ouTube c(ip *or 9The Ma!ic -(ute: to demonstrate an aria *or students1

Students do a (ot o* partner ,or41 Cha((en!e them to be creati"e ,ith both their dia(o!ues and compositions since they are !i"en (ots o* options1


7ro"ide options *or comprehension# activate, apply & highlight

Students ta(4 about ,hat characteristics o* o"erture they hear and the theatrica( obser"ations they made about the opera1

7ro"ide options *or e2ecuti"e *unctions# coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

7ro"ide options *or se(*# re!u(ation# e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Students are (earnin! about opera+ but a(so drama and ho, those art *orms meet and ,or4 to!ether1

=y doin! !roup ,or4+ the teacher can come around to chec4 and see ho, students are doin!1

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation .openin!/ introduction/ en!a!ement3

Three "ideos (oaded and ready C(assroom *o(ders 7enci(s >ar!e 7aper containin! the o"erture characteristics Dia(o!ue ?andouts O"erture ?andouts Scrap 7aper Sta** 7aper $ecorders /orma( Set#up ,ith risers in the bac4 *or discussion+ ru! in the midd(e *or !roup ,or4 .composition project and dia(o!ue practice31

3evelo!ment .the (ar!est component or main body o* the (esson3

3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Students ,a(4 in 5uiet(y into the c(assroom ,hi(e ) ha"e Students 5uiet(y ,a(4 in+ (istenin! to the the 9O"erture to the Abduction *rom the Sera!(io: p(ayin! piece1 in the bac4!round1 Once they are sittin! in their risers+ ) as4 students i* they Students ans,er ,hat they thin4 the piece reco!nized the piece@ /o hands+ e2p(ain it is the o"erture is1 *rom the opera that ,as just per*ormed at &ast Grand $apids a (itt(e o"er a month a!oA &2p(ain that (ast ,ee4 ,e (oo4ed at the socia( aspect o* Students (isten to e2p(anation dance in the c(assica( period and this ,ee4 ,e ,i(( *ocus on operas1 >ead ,arm#ups to !et Students do ,arm#ups As4 students ,hat an opera is/ho, much they 4no, about Students ans,er ,hat an opera is and ho, them@ much they 4no, about it1 0hat type o* entertainment do ,e ha"e that ,ou(d be Students ans,er ,ith the modern comparab(e to opera in this time period@ .Mo"ies+ p(ays+ e5ui"a(ent o* opera1 te(e"ision+ etc31 This ,as one o* the main *orms o* entertainment in this Students (isten to the e2p(anation1 time period+ since they had no techno(o!y and cou(d not !et this at their homes1 )* they e"er ,anted to see somethin!+ they ,ou(d ha"e to !o out to the theater1 $e*er bac4 to the piece ,e ,a(4ed in to1 0hat type o* piece Students respond ,ith ,hat type o* piece it ,as it@ An o"erture1 0hat is an o"erture@ ,as and pro"ide ,hat an o"erture is1 An o"erture is an introduction to the opera that is p(ayed by Students (isten to the e2p(anation1 just the orchestra to set the mood1 )t !enera((y inc(udes these thin!s .these are ,ritten on a handout in studentsB *o(ders36


On(y a *e, di**erent chords .three3 So(emn Section -ast section+ sounds (i4e a round >oud+ *ast section ,here a(( instruments p(ay to!ether C1 &ndin! section >etBs (isten to a di**erent o"erture no, *rom the Ma!ic -(ute1 Ta4e out your scrap paper *rom (ast time1 This time+ ,rite do,n ,hich o* these thin!s *rom the (ist you heard and be ab(e to describe ,here they ,ere and ,hat they sounded (i4e1 A(so+ ,rite do,n a(( the di**erent instruments you hear p(ayin! in the piece1 =e ready to share at the end o* the piece1 http6//youtu1be/"oD0"zmmT,4 Discuss ,hat they heard 0hat ma4es an opera di**erent *rom a symphony@ .Sin!in!A3 &ach opera has a story (ine (i4e a p(ay+ but e"erythin! is sun!1 &ach opera is di"ided into acts1 Gi"e a brie* synopsis o* the Ma!ic -(ute &"erythin! is sun! in an opera and the t,o major types o* sin!in! are6 arias and choruses1 Arias is ,hen someone sin!s a so(o or duet and choruses is ,hen a(( the opera sin!ers come out and sin! to!ether1 >etBs ,atch an aria1 0rite do,n ,hat you notice about the set+ costumes+ sin!ers+ and music@ http6//youtu1be/h5=,e;=Cj4A .start at 16CC3 A*ter discussin! obser"ations+ put students into !roups o* t,o#threes and ha"e them each ta4e one o* these dia(o!ues1 Gi"e them appro2imate(y < minutes to practice be*ore per*ormin! them 5uic4(y .shou(d not ta4e more than C minutes tota(31 %se the dia(o!ues *ound on pa!e 1D6 http6//artistsp(ay!round1ca/ima!eshoe/Ma!ic-(uteGuide1pd * A*ter this+ ha"e students re!roup ,ith their composition partner to *inish o** their composition and be!in to ma4e or *inish their *ina( notated copy o* their composition ,ithin the *ina( 1E minutes1 7ut *ina( dra*ts in one o* the partnerBs *o(ders and hand bac4 to the c(assroom he(pers be*ore !oin! to (ine up at the door1

11 21 <1 41

Students (isten to the Ma!ic -(ute ,hi(e ,ritin! do,n obser"ations1

Students share ,hat they heard Students say ,hat is di**erent bet,een an opera and a symphony Students (isten to the e2p(anation and the synopsis1 Students (isten to the di**erence bet,een the main types o* son!s in operas Students ,rite do,n their obser"ations Students are assi!ned a dia(o!ue+ practice it *or < minutes and then per*orm it *or the c(ass

Students *inish up their dra*t o* their composition and ma4e it into the *ina( dra*t

Closure .conc(usion+ cu(mination+ ,rap#up3

Students put a,ay their penci(s and materia(s+ hand them to the c(assroom he(pers and (ine up at the *ront o* the c(assroom1

6our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. .0rite this a*ter teachin! the (esson+ i* you had a chance to teach it1 )* you did not teach this (esson+ *ocus on the process o* preparin! the (esson13 2 is lesson was !articularl( difficult to scale bac* since o!era is suc an enormous genre. In t e future- I mig t focus on o!era for a unit in itself in order to give students more time on t is uge !art of t e musical world and to reall( get t em to understand and a!!reciate it.


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