Lesson Plan Template 2 - Daily

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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce Daily Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Lei Anne McMillon Subject: English Grade Level: 9th

Mentor: Joan Nelson Campus/District:Greenville Date: 4/09/2014
Overall Goal of Lesson: Teach compare/contrast and poetry analysis
Instructional Objectives: analyze themes and connect personally with them; analyze the influence of
classical and traditional literature on todays world; work productively in groups and progress in thinking
abilities due to input from others
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) &
ELPS: TEKS 1(a), 2(a), 2(b), 26(a)

Key Vocabulary: star-crossed lovers, Fate
Higher Order Questions: What is another way to look at it? How are these similar? How are they
Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or Cooperative activities, Groupings, Reading,
Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections to previous knowledge, etc)
Reading, Writing, Listening, Connecting to previous knowledge

Modifications/ELL Strategies: certain
students may write lessons on iPad and
email to teacher
Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Read about Shakespeare
and his world and completed packet on same in previous
class, as well as revise and edit activity
Time Allotted
12 minutes

15 minutes

10 minutes;
30 minutes

15 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes
Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: Read Pyramus and Thisbe
Modeling: Read Pyramus and Thisbe and discuss plot and relation to Romeo and Juliet
Guided Practice: Discussion about journal; Anticipation guide discussion to get ready for
Romeo and Juliet
Independent Practice: Journal blog on How would you react if your parents disapproved of
you dating someone?
Lesson Closure: Recap and go over homework Hot Topic of modern stories that relate to
theme of both stories
Assessment Methods/Strategies: Today during class, by class participation. Homework
Practice 1 Shakespeare and Shakespeares World turned in today.
Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): Literature book, iPads and online journal Moodle blog, teacher created
Anticipation Guide, my notes

Reflection: There is a lot to pack in to this lesson, so I need to keep things moving and the students on

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