This document is a newsletter from Lincoln Trail Elementary School providing updates about recent and upcoming school events. It thanks parents for their involvement in Teacher Appreciation Week and requests volunteers for an upcoming Field Day event. It also lists various field trips, assessments, programs, and celebrations scheduled over the next few weeks including a fine arts night, move-up day for 6th graders, graduation, and a fourth quarter celebration assembly.
This document is a newsletter from Lincoln Trail Elementary School providing updates about recent and upcoming school events. It thanks parents for their involvement in Teacher Appreciation Week and requests volunteers for an upcoming Field Day event. It also lists various field trips, assessments, programs, and celebrations scheduled over the next few weeks including a fine arts night, move-up day for 6th graders, graduation, and a fourth quarter celebration assembly.
This document is a newsletter from Lincoln Trail Elementary School providing updates about recent and upcoming school events. It thanks parents for their involvement in Teacher Appreciation Week and requests volunteers for an upcoming Field Day event. It also lists various field trips, assessments, programs, and celebrations scheduled over the next few weeks including a fine arts night, move-up day for 6th graders, graduation, and a fourth quarter celebration assembly.
This document is a newsletter from Lincoln Trail Elementary School providing updates about recent and upcoming school events. It thanks parents for their involvement in Teacher Appreciation Week and requests volunteers for an upcoming Field Day event. It also lists various field trips, assessments, programs, and celebrations scheduled over the next few weeks including a fine arts night, move-up day for 6th graders, graduation, and a fourth quarter celebration assembly.
Lamar , I N 47550 (812) 544-2929 Mr . Ben Law al i n, Pr i nc i pal bl aw al i n@mai l .nspenc er .k 12.i May 8 t h , 2014 Inspire Challenge Achieve Nurture
School Happeni ngs Teacher Appreciation Week Many thanks to our PTO for all of the wonderful things they planned for Teacher Appreciation Week this past week. Our staff is so lucky to work with such caring and supportive parents. Thank you to all of you who wrote notes, sent in cards, and brought food in this week for the teachers. They had a great week!
Mr. Sisley is in need of parent volunteers for Field Day, which is currently scheduled for May 22 nd . There is a possibility that this date may change as we get closer due to inclement weather. If you are interested/available to help out, please contact Mr. Sisley directly at
There is a Health Fair at David Turnham School on Friday May 9th at 5:30pm. SIRS will have First Steps' therapists there answering questions and possibly doing assessments of kids from birth to 3 years who may quality for early intervention services. These services include Developmental, Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy.
Art News: 3rd and 6th grade students have been working on self-portraits. This has been a great self- awareness art assignment and their art looks awesome, too!
Reminder all junior Patriot girls basketball forms are due in by Friday, May 9 th .
Coming Soon Friday, May 9 th =3 rd Grade Field Trip May 12 th -May 16 th =Acuity Diagnostic 4 Assessment (Grades 3-6) Monday, May 12 th =1 st Grade Field Trip Monday, May 12 th =5 th Grade Field Trip Tuesday, May 13 th =Fine Arts Night @ LT, Dress Rehearsal @ 1:00 Wednesday, May 14 th =6 th Grade Move-Up Day @ HHMS Thursday, May 15 th =2 nd Grade Field Trip PTO Meeting @ 4:00 Friday, May 16 th =6 th Grade Field Trip, 4 th Grade Field Trip, KDG Field Trip Monday, May 19 th =J unior Achievement Lessons (Community Organizations) Tuesday, May 20 th =6 th Grade Graduation @ 6:00 Wednesday, May 21 st =4 th Quarter Celebration Assembly @ 1:30 Thursday, May 22 nd =Field Day