Newsletter 10th March

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Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address:

Issue 6

10th March, 2016

Friday 11th March
Monday 14th March
Tuesday 15th March
Wednesday 23rd March
Wednesday 23rd March
Thursday 24th March
Friday 25th March

Out of Uniform Day item for Easter Raffle

Labour Day Public Holiday (no students required at school
Environment Week Excursion Gr 3 & 4
School Photo Day
Summer Lightning Premiership Gr 5 & 6
LAST DAY Term One 2.30pm dismissal.

Tomorrow - Friday 11th March is an OUT OF UNIFORM DAY

Please bring an Easter Item for our Easter Raffle


Thank you to the many parents who had recently expressed interest in attending the Years 5 & 6 Camp to
Sovereign Hill. We are always so very grateful for the overwhelming offers of support for our major schools
In selecting the parents to attend, please be assured that this is given considerable
consideration by teachers in consultation with the schools leadership team. Firstly,
preference will be given to parents who may have a skill set that supports the camp program,
or level of care that can be provided for the duration of the camp, such as a doctor/nurse, park
ranger, outdoor instructor etc.
Once this has been determined, we aim to ensure that places are offered to parents who
have not had the opportunity to attend previous camps, in order to ensure that this
opportunity is one that is shared amongst all parents in our school community.
Camps are organised on a student/adult ratio of one adult to every ten students. For the remaining camps this
year we look forward to parents assisting the educational experience for all students.


We are in the process of updating all of our office records in regards to students participating
in local walking excursions and school bus trips. We would appreciate it, if parents could
make sure these are up to date and promptly returned to school if changes need to be
These forms will provide permission for the duration of each childs enrolment at TPS.


Please note that the school will be closed on Monday 14th March for the annual Labour Day
holiday. I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy the longer weekend! School will resume as
normal on Tuesday 15th March.

In the last week of school all teachers will participate in their first planning week for
Children attend school as usual; however instead of having their specialist lessons
(such as sport, Art, etc.) throughout the week, they will have all of these lessons on
one designated day. In restructuring the timetable in this manner, it means that all
of the teachers at a particular level can be released for an entire day so that they can collaboratively
plan their program outline for Term 2. These strong planning practices continue to ensure that our
curriculum programs are rigorous and that there are heightened degrees of consistency in our
provision in classrooms at each year level.


The Department of Education + Training again this year offering the Camps, Sports and Excursions
Fund of $125 per child which is to be used towards school camps, sports and excursions.
CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardians Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or
Pension Card being eligible on 27th January and successfully validated with Centrelink.
Application forms were sent home with the eldest child in each family. Please return asap.

4/5K our winning grade with the least amount of absences

for February 2016 - Congratulations

Our school photo day is for Wednesday 23rd March

Photo envelopes with your childs name on it were sent home yesterday and
need to be returned together with payment on Wednesday 23rd March.
Family Photo envelopes are available from the School office

Due to the Public Holiday on Monday Instrumental Lessons will be held on

Tuesday students are reminded to please bring their instruments on
Tuesday of next week.
Reminder also to Grade 3 + 4 students that the Briars Environment Excursion will be on
Tuesday 15th March the bus will be leaving at 9.00am and returning to school by 3.00pm.

Student of the Week

Students will be presented with certificates at next Thursday afternoons assembly.

Prep R Mrs Read Poppy Hogan You have been a helpful and reliable Reader Monitor each morning
displaying our School Value of Integrity. Thank You!
Prep S Miss Staley
1A Miss Arnold - Lola Cooke for your enthusiasm and participation during our visit from Mr and Mrs Doig.
You asked many questions about how Tootgarook Primary School has changed over time. Well done on BEING
engaged in the learning
1P Miss Perkins Scarlett Anthony for the amazing at home learning she has been doing! Scarlett reads
every night and has been practising her spelling lists as well. Congratulations Scarlett on BEING responsible for
your own learning.
2B Mrs Baird Tayah Johnstone for her diligence when writing the information for her Pet project and her
organised work habits. She has a positive attitude and always does her best.
2J - Mrs Johnstone
3B Mrs Bos Jasmine Stewart for the fantastic effort in Maths. Wow Jasmine, you recorded 9 subtraction
number stories.
3W Ms Walton Lily Watson- for the effort she is putting in to finishing her work. Keep it up Lily, I am very
4B Miss Broomfield
4F Miss Kain Brooklyn Llewellyn Im so impressed with all the home reading youre doing Brooklyn! You
are such an amazing member of 4F and always putting in 100%.
4/5K Mr Kitchin Jazmin Lawton welcome to Tootgarook PS! You have made so many new friends and
have adapted well to a new learning environment. An exciting year ahead welcome.
5/6M Miss McGhee Hunter Nicholas - For all of his help preparing our softball team for the Summer
Lighting Prem. Hunter has been organising all of the equipment and training the team with specific softball
drills at lunchtime. Keep up the great job Hunter.
5/6Q Miss Quintin Well done Payton Woodford. You played the drums so well at assembly the other week.
Youre a reliable student who fulfils many responsibilities every day at Tootgarook Primary. Keep it up!
Music -Mrs Young Mia Goldberg 5/6Q welcome to band! It is so exciting to have you playing the bass in
band. Congratulations on trying out and getting in so quickly.
P.E. Miss Daley Will Hartley 1A Wills listening skills have improved out of sight! Well done Will for
working on your behaviour and trying your best in sport. Keep up the good work!
Indonesian Prep Gr 4 Ms Lee Kira Boyle-Vella 4F for her outstanding efforts in learning Indonesian
words for greetings and classroom instructions. Kira you are an enthusiastic learner and have tried your hardest
this term. Well Done.

Congratulations to the following students who have been voted by the peers to be on Junior School Council
2B Hannah McCormack , 2J Angela Krtalic
Ella Boyle
3W Daniel Malloy,
Riley OBrien
Baxta Penzo
Max Mc Intosh
Hazel Read
4B McKenzie Inglis
4F Jack Sterling
4/5K Josh Sterling
5/6M Chelsea Conduit
Leigh Rosowski
Isabella Conduit
Ingka Mears
Niall Harbour
5/6Q Jarvis Swaby
Mia Goldberg

Students will be presented with their badges at assembly on 17th March.

Tootgarook Kindergarten Easter Fundraiser

Hot Cross Buns from Bakers Delight

Order Forms available at School Office All orders and money MUST be returned by Friday 19th March 2016
Delivery will be Wednesday 23rd March 2016
All Hot Cross Buns can be collected from the Kinder after 8.30am on this day.
Pack of 6 delicious Hot Cross Buns for only $6.50
Choose from: Traditional Choco
The Hot Cross Buns freeze really well too!
Many thanks to Bakers Delight Rosebud Plaza for their support.

What is Premiers Active April?

Premiers Active April encourages all Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. Its free, its fun
and its part of the Victorian Governments commitment to get more people active and healthy.
As a participant, you can log your daily activity with the Active April Activity Tracker and chart your progress throughout
the month. You can also create and join teams, track the progress of team members and discover events that are taking
place in your local area.
In 2016, every Premiers Active April participant will receive*:

10 free passes to a YMCA or local government facility

15% off at Sportsmart in store and online

one hour free tennis court hire at Melbourne Park or Albert Reserve

one free Get into Cardio Tennis session

a 2 for 1 ticket offer to SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium

a chance to win some great prizes including our major registration prizes of tickets to the 2017 Australian Tennis
Open Finals*, a $1,500 bike voucher or a GoPro camera

a chance for your school to win sporting equipment and visits from high-profile sporting personalities

weekly email tips on healthy eating and being active

And if youre a student or teacher, youll also go into the draw to win even more great prizes for your school.
Register now for Premiers Active April 2016. Youll feel great!
What are the rules?

To participate in Premiers Active April, you will need to Register. Registrations open on January 23 and will
remain open until April 30, 2016.
Anyone can participate in Active April friends, students, families, workmates or individuals.
Achieve online trophies simply by tracking your 30 minutes of daily activity using the Active April Activity Tracker.
You can do the activity on your own, together as a family, with your friends, classmates or workmates. There are a
variety of online trophies that can be achieved for completing 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 days of activity. Trophies are
displayed in your online Trophy Cabinet, viewable by logging into the Active April Activity Tracker. You can also print
your trophies or share them on Facebook.

The 30 minutes of activity can be made up of any sort of physical activity, including incidental activity. You can
accumulate your 30 minutes (or more) throughout the day by combining a few shorter sessions of activity of around 10
to 15 minutes each.

At the end of Active April well ask you to complete a short survey. To be eligible for the survey prize draw, just
complete and the return the survey by May 15, 2016.

Registering Students
Parents are encouraged to register their children and then the child can join a school/class team created by a Teacher. I
have created a school team called Tootgarook Primary.
Student registers themselves (over 12 years old)
Students over 12 can register using their personal email address.

Select I am a Student and complete the registration form.


Login to the activity tracker and visit the Teams page to join their school/class team (see below).

If they dont have a personal email address, the parent can register them within the parents account (see Student
registered by parent below).
Student registered by parent (under 12 years old)
Students under 12 are not required to enter an email address. Similarly, if a student is over 12 but does not have a
personal email address, the parent/guardian should follow these steps.

If you havent already registered yourself, select I am a Parent and complete the registration form.
Login to the activity tracker and go to the Teams page. Under Create a team, enter your family team name and
click Create Team.


Under Manage your teams, click on your family team name.


Under Register a new Team Member, register the children that youd like to register.



Once theyre registered, go to the top right navigation, change Logged in as: to the relevant childs name (you
may need to refresh the page to see this). Youll now be viewing the activity tracker as though you are logged in as this
Visit the Teams page to join their school/class team (see below).

I have created a school team called, Tootgarook Primary. It would be fantastic to see all the students of Tootgarook
Primary School signed up to this fantastic opportunity. Any questions, please contact me and happy exercising.
Bree Daley
Tootgarook Primary School
Physical Education Teacher

Enrolment for Year 7 2018

Enrolments open: Tuesday 15 March 2016
Enrolments close: Friday 13 May 2016
At Padua College we pride ourselves on a dynamic curriculum, excellent facilities and a pastoral care
program which cares for each individual student. Enrolment for Year 7 takes place when your child is
in Grade 5, and all the information you will need about this process and the school can be found on
the drop-down menu under the Enrolment tab on the Padua College website:






School Tours are limited and not a compulsory part of the enrolment process; however you will find
the School Tour dates at each campus here:
Enrolment Packs & Prospectus
If you have a child in Year 5 2016 and would like to receive an Enrolment Pack, please contact the
Registrar Christine Mose on Tel 03 5978 2701 or email
Which campus will my child attend?
Padua comprises of three Year 7-10 Campuses located at Mornington, Rosebud and Tyabb.
All students then attend Mornington Year 11-12 Campus for their senior years of schooling.
Places at each Year 7-10 Campus are allocated according to where you live. This zoning is based on
residential address and is critical for appropriate planning of facilities at campuses of the College and
for transport arrangements according to the State Government Conveyance Directives.
For further information on the Year 7-10 campus that your child will attend, visit

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