Grammar Can Cant

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S Grammar Lesson Plan

We can do it!
an egg carton

To understand the meaning of can/cant (ability)
To practice can/cant and be able to produce statements
To practice pronunciation of can/cant
To understand the use of can/cant in various situations

Language Skills:
Reading Board
Listening Teacher talk, Drills, ctivities
Speaking Drills, ctivities
Writing !ome "ork
Language Systems:
Lexis #o ne" vocabulary, but practice vocabulary that they already kno"
Grammar making sentences using can/cant
Function saying ability
Discourse using the modal verbs in conversation
!nstructor: Le"el: #ime:
$tudents are familiar "ith
% simple present, past, future tense
% simple model verbs
$tudents can understand &' percent of the content
$tudents can get information from the content and apply to their comprehension
Anticipated $rrors:
$tudents may be confused "ith the activity(
% )onitor and assist "hen it is necessary
$tudents may pronounce can/cant incorrectly(
% *raise them for trying and correct it
$tudents may have difficulties thinking of vocabulary or e+pressing themselves
during the activities(
% ,ist some "ord and e+amples on the board,
$ome strong students may dominate the class
% -licit from .uiet students
% /ive shy students more eye%contact
$tudents might not talk a lot because of fear making mistakes
% /ive them lots of positive praise and remind them making mistakes is not shameful(
0t is the part of learning
Materials: -nglish only 1one sign, Board,
Whole class
%& Greet students
% /reet students and say can/cant sentence as a lead%0n(
(3or e+ample, !ello -veryone( !o" are you4 /rammar
class555 Dont "orry( We can do it5 What did 0 say4 We
can do it5)
% Write do"n the lead 6 0n sentence on the board so that
students can see it'
(& Present t)e meaning o* can+can,t statements -also
% s a similar e+ample, open/close the blinds in the class
and say 70 can/cant see outside(8
% *oint out the 7-nglish only sign board8 7"e cant say
.& /oncept /)eck 0uestions
% Teacher sho"s an egg carton and says the e+piration
date on it( 7)arch :;, :'';( <ou kno" about this kind
of date4 =ight4 Then, "rite do"n 70 can eat8, 70 cant
eat(8 on the board( lso dra" belo" line on the board(
sk students 7Today is )ay, 2>( $o, "hich sentence goes to
here48 $tudents should say 70 cant eat no"(8 ?r 7could 0 eat
yesterday48 @heck them again( 7Today is )ay 2>( Which
sentence goes to here4 $tudents should say 70 cant eat
today(8 7They could eat on )arch :A8

1& t)e teac)er asks students a2out super)eroes
$licit *rom students'
#)e teac)er asks students dra3ing a super)ero on t)e
45e*ore making t)e super)ero6 let,s study )o3 3e can
use can+can,t in sentences7
Materials: Board,
B 6 &

Whole class
%& 5oard 3ork
! can no3
8ou can,t tomorro3
The teacher asks students fill in the blanks
The teacher checks ans"ers together
The teacher gives some e+amples
7Dont use can for future ability "hen they are talking about
things you learn8
-+C "hen "e finish this class, 0ll be able to speak -nglish
"ell( (?)
0 can speak -nglish "ellDD (E)
Dont use could for a single event in the past
-+C my grandfather "as able to "alk last night "ithout any
0n :'':, they "ere able to "in in the "ord cup((?)

! Am+3as+3ill 2e
a2le to
8ou Are+3ere+3ill 2e
9e+ S)e !s+ 3as+ 3ill 2e
We+ #)ey are+ 3ere+3ill 2e
Whole class
Whole class
Materials: )andout -%1&6 t3o pictures o* t)e 4spider man76

/roup "ork
/roup "ork
/reate a 4super)ero7 acti"ity
% ,ets make in pairs(
The teacher sho"s t"o pictures of 7spider man8 and
the teacher gives students demonstrate about
Discuss "ith a partner about superhero
@reate their o"n superhero and then fill in blank
fter B minutes
$tudents "ill present their o"n superhero(
$rror correction
S:S Acti"ity
#)ink a2out t)e t)ings students can+can,t do in
%& 9ome 3ork
% $tudents think about ones special abilities and "rite
them do"n( )ore than B sentences( 3or e+ample, 0 can
play the drum( 0 can fi+ a computer(

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