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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Alison Culver Date 4/8/2014
Subject/ Topic/ Theme Intro into Comparing an Contrasting Stories !rae """"2n"""""""" I. Objectives How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan" This is the introuction into learning ho# to compare an contrast stories$ This lesson buils on the stuents% e&isting 'no#lege on stor( structure$ Learners will be able to# cognitive) * + Ap An , C- ph(sical evelopment socio) emotional * .no# #hat compare an contrast means +nerstan ho# to /in similarities an i//erences bet#een t#o topics$ + 0rgani1e their thoughts +se a 2enn iagram + + A3 Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# CCSS$,4A)4IT,*AC5$*4$2$6 Compare an contrast t#o or more versions o/ the same stor( 7e$g$8 Cinerella stories9 b( i//erent authors or /rom i//erent cultures$ 73ote# :rite as man( as neee$ Inicate ta&onom( levels an connections to applicable national or state stanars$ I/ an objective applies to particular learners #rite the name7s9 o/ the learner7s9 to #hom it applies$9 -remember8 unerstan8 appl(8 anal(1e8 evaluate8 create II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills. Stuents #ill nee to be able to use listening s'ills an be able to recor in/ormation$ Outline assessment activities 7applicable to this lesson9 Pre-assessment (for learning): #hen #e start I #ill practice comparing an contrasting #ithout using an( o/ the terms to see #hat the( are able to o$ I #ill then as' the stuents i/ the( have ever use a 2enn iagram be/ore$ Formative (for learning): I #ill be listening to stuents% responses an loo'ing at #hat the( are #riting$ Formative (as learning): the stuents #ill be able to loo' at eh 2enn iagram #e are oing together to chec' their 'no#lege$ Summative (of learning9; I #ill loo' at the 2enn iagrams the( create to see #hat the( unerstan$ +at barriers migt tis lesson !resent" +at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(- e.!erientiall(- emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do tis lesson" Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement <rovie options /or perception) making information perceptible Stuents #ill be able to see an hear i//erent aspects o/ the lesson$ :e #ill also be organi1ing the in/ormation in a ne# #a($ <rovie options /or ph(sical action) increase options for interaction Stuents #ill be able to voice their opinion b( sa(ing an ispla(ing #hat the( thin'$ <rovie options /or recruiting interest) choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Stuents #ill be interacting throughout the lesson through the activities$ I #ill also be using e&les the( can unerstan$ <rovie options /or language8 mathematical e&pressions8 an s(mbols) clarify & connect language The stuents #ill be using organi1ers to help them visuali1e their ieas$ <rovie options /or e&pression an communication) increase meium of e!pression Stuents #ill get to right an ra# their ieas along #ith vocali1ing them$ <rovie options /or sustaining e//ort an persistence) optimize challenge, collaboration, mastery- oriente feeback I #ill constantl( be as'ing /or /eebac'$ I #ill also be as'ing the stuents to anal(1e the ata$ 1)16)1= <rovie options /or comprehension) activate, apply & highlight The stuents #ill nee to appl( the things learne in this lesson later in the unit$ <rovie options /or e&ecutive /unctions) coorinate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an moify strategies The stuents #ill be learning ne# vocabular($ The( #ill also be using processing s'ills that can be use in all subjects$ <rovie options /or sel/)regulation) e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection I #ill be as'ing the stuents to rationali1e their ans#er$ This #ill give them an opportunit( to thin' about #h( the( chose that ans#er$ /aterials1wat materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for tis lesson and are te( read( to use" Stic'(notes :hiteboar >ar'ers 2 object #e are comparing 2enn iagram sheets How will (our classroom be set u! for tis lesson" The stuents #ill be at their es' iniviuall( as I teach at the boar$ III. 2e Plan 2ime Com!onents 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. /otivation 7opening/ introuction/ engagement9 I #ill open b( as'ing them #hat the( remember about comparing an contrasting t#o things$ The( have one it be/ore in science$ This #ill give them a chance to re/resh their memories an get into the lesson$ Stuents #ill share their 'no#lege o/ comparing an contrasting$ 6 mins 3evelo!ment 7the largest component or main bo( o/ the lesson9 I #ill introuce the terms comparing an contrasting$ I #ill go over their meanings$ The #ors #ill be on the boar$ Then I #ill as' #hat sort o/ things can (ou compare an contrast$ The stuents #ill share their ieas$ 0n the boar I #ill ispla( the t#o columns compare an contrast$ The stuents #ill then ta'e turns going up to the boar an eciing #hich column the trigger #ors shoul go into$ The( #ill be #ritten on pieces o/ paper that I #ill then tape to the boar$ The #ors inclue Similar Di//erent ?oth ?ut Also Stuents #ill respon to m( @uestioning$ Stuents #ill be engage #ith sorting the trigger #ors$ The( #ill get a chance to voice their opinions an the( #ill also get up an move to the boar an tape up their #or into the correct column$ 76 mins 1)16)1= Although Then I #ill introuce the iea o/ organi1ing in/ormation$ I #ill as' stuents about a 2enn iagram an #hat the sections mean$ The( have use them be/ore so the( shoul be /amiliar8 but the( might nee re/reshing$ I #ill also e&plain ho# #e use things li'e 2enn iagrams to help organi1e our thoughts$ I #ill as' the stuents to compare a chil an an ault$ There #ill be a 2enn iagram at the /ront o/ the class an the( #ill have stic'(notes$ The stuents #ill #rite their ans#ers an then raise their hans #hen the( are one$ I #ill call on the stuents an as' them to share their ans#ers an then put their stic'(note in the right part o/ the iagram$ A/ter all the ans#ers have been share #e #ill go over their responses$ I #ill see i/ #e have an( repeats$ Then #e #ill see i/ an( shoul change sections$ :e #ill them iscuss #h( the( chose #hat the( i$ This #ill be /ollo#e b( iscussing #hat sort o/ things #e are comparing$ The 2enn iagram activit( #ill give them another chance to share their e&isting 'no#lege$ This #ill also 'eep stuents engage b( challenging them to brain storm$ It is not important that the( get the ans#ers right I just #ant to get them thing$ I #ant them to notice pattern so the( are able to then trans/er this 'no#lege to other topics$ 78 mins 6 mins Closure 7conclusion8 culmination8 #rap)up9 I #ill as' the stuent i/ the( see an( patterns in #hat #e #ere comparing$ I #ant to get at the iea that #e compare the ph(sical characteristics an the actions o/ #hat happens$ At this time the stuents can share their 'no#lege$ This can also be a time #here the( are just thin'ing an anal(1ing$ 9our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 7:rite this a/ter teaching the lesson8 i/ (ou ha a chance to teach it$ I/ (ou i not teach this lesson8 /ocus on the process o/ preparing the lesson$9 I reall( enjo(e teaching this lesson$ I ene up teaching it over t#o a(s$ The /irst a( that I starte teaching there #as a substitute teacher$ I recogni1e earl( into the lesson that it #as not going #ell$ The stuents #ere ver( unrul( an I #as /ighting #a( too much /or their attention$ I got through the opening an a couple stuents ha put their #ors on the boar #hen I ecie to stop #hat #e #ere oing an move on$ I tol the stuents #e #oul be moving into inepenent reaing$ I pic'e up #ith the lesson t#o a(s later$ The secon a( o/ the lesson I i a @uic' recap to #hat #e ha alrea( one an then jumpe right into the #or sorting$ 0verall I /elt that the lesson #ent @uite #ell$ The stuents #ere getting up an moving b( coming up to the boar an I #as able to var( the level /or each stuent epening on #hat #or I gave them$ The stuents #ere using the 'no#lege the( ha be/ore o/ pre/i&es an base #ors to help them sort the #ors I gave them$ It #as a reall( cool e&perience because I /elt li'e I coul see the #heels o/ their brains turning right in /ront o/ me$ 0ne thing I #oul change is I #oul give the stuents a 'in o/ organi1er that the( coul be /illing out as #e go so that the( #eren%t just sitting there #aiting /or their turn$ I #as able to o an in/ormal chec' o/ their unerstaning base on #here the stuents #ere placing there #ors an #hat the( gave as their rational8 but the #or'sheet #oul have been an aitional #a( /or me to get a better unerstaning i/ the stuents #ere at least listening$ Arom m( observing ho#ever it loo'e to me that the majorit( o/ them #ere involve$ The amount o/ times I ha to call /or their attention #as much less then in previous lessons$ 1)16)1=