Ed 353 - Survival of The Fittest P e Activity Handout

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Name: Claudia Larson, Jae Hee Kim, Jordon Bocago, Joseph Pangelinan

School: Marianas Elementary School

Lesson Title: The Circuit Craze
Duration: ! minutes
Unit Topic: Physical "itness
Day: #$%$&%$#', "riday
Theme: Sur(i(al o) the "ittest
Grade: th
Weekly Title: Staying Healthy
Standards & Benchmarks:
*+,-,' .escri/e the /ene)its o) participating in regularly scheduled physical acti(ities
*+,-,$ 0denti)y the components o) health1related physical )itness 2e,g,, )le3i/ility, muscular strength and endurance, cardio1
respiratory endurance4
*+,!,$ Participate 5ith a partner or a small group during cooperati(e physical acti(ities
Student Learning O!ecti"es:
Students 5ill /e a/le to e3plain ho5 daily (igorous acti(ity o(er an allotted time 5ill /ene)it and maintain their health,
Students 5ill /e a/le to descri/e speci)ic acti(ities that may /e practiced )or muscular strength 2e,g,, push1ups, sit1ups,
Students 5ill /e a/le to participate 5ith a partner or in small groups to practice and sol(e pro/lems in(ol(ing
Cones .i))erent color ri//ons T5ine Placards .rin6ing 5ater
Bell$ork: Strap t5ine around chest
Come prepared 5ith com)orta/le clothes and shoes )or physical acti(ity
Sa)ety is al5ays )irst in all acti(ities7 "ollo5 directions
8se encouraging 5ords to5ards one another
9ield to one another7 Let the other person go )irst
Bring a 5ater /ottle
#ini%lesson& #odel: "acilitators 5ill go o(er and demonstrate the directions )or each acti(ity
Teacher Students
Warm%Up 'cti"ity
o Station One
Starting station o) the trac6
:ne "acilitator
0n)orms group o) this station;s e3ercise *
Jumping Jacks
.emonstrates - reps
Stretch <cti(ity
.emonstrates ham-string stretch
Has students per)orm stretch
Students count along 5ith "acilitator
Stretch continues onto other leg
o Stations T$o = Three
Students jog to these stations
:ne "acilitator
0n)orms group o) these stations; e3ercises * Sit-
ups=Mountain Climbers
.emonstrates $, or - reps
Stretch <cti(ity
.emonstrates Upper Chest & Back Stretch
Has students per)orm stretches
Warm%Up (articipation
o Students 5ill jog to each station
Students 5ill ta6e mental note o) each station;s e3ercise
2e.g., push-ups, sit-ups, etc.4
Students 5ill o/ser(e each stations; stretching
Students 5ill then per)orm the stretches at each
Students 5ill count along 5ith the )acilitators,
5hile stretching
Students are encourage to drin6 5ater to /e
properly hydrated
o Station )our
Students jog to this station
:ne "acilitator
0n)orms group o) this station;s e3ercise *
.emonstrates - reps
Stretch <cti(ity
.emonstrates Touch Toes
Has students per)orm stretches
o Station )i"e = Si*
Students jog to these stations
:nce "acilitator
0n)orms groups o) these stations; e3ercises *
Push-ups=Leg aisers
.emonstrates $, or - reps
Stretch <cti(ity
.emonstrates !rm otations=Triceps Stretch
Has students per)orms stretches
Circuit Craze 'cti"ity
o >roups
Students are di(ided into paired groups
Each student 5ill /e pro(ided 5ith a t5ine sash
?i//ons 5ill /e tied onto sash
Each group 5ill ha(e a distinct ri//on color
2e.g., re", blue, etc.4
o ?ules
Students are encouraged to run to each station
They cannot impede % sa/otage other groups
Students encouraged to )ul)ill each stations e3ercise
re@uirement 2i.e., complete reps4
"acilitators may alter re@uirement i) students are
ha(ing di))icultly
Students must /e 5ell hydrated
Tackling is not allo5ed
o Paired >roups
?un to station 2counter1cloc65ise on trac64
Per)orm = complete e3ercises
Students earn ri//ons upon completion o)
Some stops ha(e t5o stations
Cannot do e3ercises until pre(ious group has
$ Lap "inish
:nce a group has completed all stations, they
must complete $ laps )rom their last station
Students a5ait )urther instructions
Auic6 5ater = stretch /rea6
o Three1Legged ?ace
Each paired group 5ill /e tied together at the hip and )eet
2shoulder holds are recommended )or added sta/ility4
>roups 5ill rush to each station to ans5er @uestions
Students 5ill earn e3tra ri//ons
>roups rush to ne3t station a)ter correctly ans5ering
>roups 5ho complete all stations, report to
Station :ne
o Snatch Bem or >ra/ Bem
<)ter three1legged race, students @uic6ly remo(e hip and
)eet ties
Auic6 5ater and physical chec6
Auic6 assessment to determine i) participants
can continue into third phase
Ha(e students earn e3tra points /y ta6ing ri//ons )rom
other paired group mem/ers
Students may run % slip a5ay )rom opposing
teams 25ithin the trac64
Students are allo5ed to snatch /ac6 stolen
ri//onsCand then some,
This acti(ity last )or $ % - % ! minutes
The group 5ith the most ri//on points is
declared the Winner
Circuit Craze (articipation
o Students 5ill run to each station
Student 5ill per)orm each e3ercise )ully and completely to
earn ri//ons
Students are responsi/le )or their o5n ri//ons
Students 5ill run % rush to each station
care)ully * a(oid inDury
Students are encourage to drin6 5ater to /e
properly hydrated
Guided (ractice: Each station 5ill ha(e a )acilitator to go o(er and demonstrate the station acti(ity
+ndependent (ractice: Students 5ill per)orm each acti(ity in each station
,ool Do$n: Stretches
,losure & 'ssessment: Share E<H<F Moment,E count collected ri//ons

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