Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)
Paleolithic Man lived in caves and were nomads who traveled from place to place in
search of food. They survived by hunting wild animals and gathering berries, nuts, and
roots. This type of man is called the Hunter-gatherer. The average life span was only
20-2 years. The men during this era made tools by hitting two stones together. The
harder stone would cut off pieces of the softer stone and it would ma!e different sharp
tools. They also learned how to use fire. There were also cave paintings made from
minerals, blood, and animal fat to create pictures of animals.
Neolithic Age (New Stone Age):
"ne of the most important developments is the use of agriculture and living in a
community. Humans began growing their own food and settled in one place to live.
They also had domesticated animals instead of only wild. The most important
invention of the #eolithic $ge was the wheel. %roups of families would live together
and were called tribes. The cave paintings during this age had more humans and the
animals loo!ed more realistic.
The Metal Age:
$round &,000-,000 '.(. people began to use copper. Then in ),00 '.(. they
combined copper and tin to ma!e bron*e. +ater, people used iron, which is the
strongest metal. These metals were used for tools, weapons, and ,ewelry. (raftsmen
appeared during this age because wor!ing with metal is difficult. (raftsmen are people
who only wor! one specific ,ob -blac!smith, ,eweler.. People then began to trade in
between cities.