CL Mock CAT 10 Key
CL Mock CAT 10 Key
CL Mock CAT 10 Key
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010 1
For question 1 to 5: 5. 2 Referring to the solution given above it can be concluded that
Let the total number of Linen shirts manufactured by all the given only statement II is correct as shown in the table above.
companies = X.
Therefore, the number of Linen shirts manufactured by the companies 6. 3 Options 1, 2, 4 and 5 are exaggerated conclusions. Only
X X X 3X option 3 can be inferred from the paragraph. The fact that
P, Q, R and S is , , and respectively. Washington post has taken the bold decision in response to
4 4 5 10
the blogger-mentality indicates option 3.
Therefore, the total number of shirts manufactured by the companies
5X 5X 4X 6X 7. 4 If option 4 is true, then traffic cannot be a determinant of
P, Q, R and S is , , and respectively.
6 4 3 5 whether one is socialising or not.
1. 2 Therefore the total number of shirts manufactured by the 8. 4 Option 1 cannot be inferred from the paragraph. If it was easy
company Q is the second largest. to understand babies then there would be no need for research
on this area. Option 3 goes beyond the scope of the passage
2. 3 Assume that the total number of Linen shirts manufactured by as the passage focuses on infant behaviour. The word
all the companies is 100. ‘impossible’ is extreme in the context. Option 5 cannot be
inferred as no such comparison of behaviour has been
Therefore, the total number of Linen shirts manufactured by indicated in the passage. Option 4 is a reasonable inference
the companies P, Q, R and S is 25, 25, 20 and 30 respectively. from the paragraph as it talks of babies using
The following table lists down the number of shirts of each self-understanding to understand others.
type of cloth manufactured by each of the companies, when
the total number of Linen shirts manufactured is 100. 9. 5 A, B and C are too definitive and general. They go beyond the
scope of the paragraph. Regarding A, Rousseau has nowhere
Company Silk Cotton Linen Khadi Polyester Total hinted that inequality is good. Or that it has hampered human
P 15 20 25 10 13.33 83.33 evolution(B). We can at best infer from the paragraph that
modern political institutions have created inequality or are
Q 37.5 25 25 18.75 18.75 125
unequal. C is a far-fetched conclusion.
R 40 28 20 16 29.33 133.33
S 22.8 19.2 30 24 24 120 10. 4 Anna continues serving Normal Indian food in the first three
days though customers are disgruntled. The next 3 days
Therefore, for the number of shirts of each type of cloth to be
consist of special food which is costlier. This shows that
an integer we need to convert all the decimal values in the
Anna is assuming that 3 days of special food would be enough
table to the nearest integer.
to retain customers. Hence option 4 is being assumed by
Minimum possible number of shirts manufactured by all the Anna.
companies = (83.33 + 125 + 133.33 + 120) × 60 = 27700.
11. 2 It is given that if either Salsa or Techno is chosen, then Odissi
3. 1 Given that the difference between the profit generated by is not chosen. So if Odissi is chosen we can be sure that both
both the companies is Rs.15000. Salsa and Techno are not chosen by Raman.
From the explanation given above, the number of shirts
5X 6X 12. 4 Option 4 directly follows from the given question.
manufactured by the companies Q and S is and
4 5
respectively. 13. 2 The inference is definitely true as seen from the question
where Parrots becomes a subset of frogs.
Difference in the profit generated by the two companies
5X 6X X 15000 14. 4 Option 4 is the correct interpretation of the question statement.
Q and S will be − = = = 1500.
4 5 20 10
15. 3 Since only club members are allowed inside the club premises,
⇒ X = 3 × 104 option 3 is false.
Difference between the number of Poleyster shirts
manufactured by the companies P and R is
16 5X 22 4X 4X (
4 × 3 × 104 )
100 × 6 – 100 × 3 = 25 = = 960
4. 5 Let the profit per Khadi shirt and per Cotton shirt be 3y and 4y
Assume that the company R manufactures 400 shirts.
So, total profit generated by selling Khadi shirts will be
48 × 3y = 144y and the total profit generated by selling Cotton
shirts will be 84 × 4y = 336y.
Required ratio is 7:3.
2 010
For questions 16 to 20: Therefore, Y + 2x + 7x = 720 and Y cannot be more than
It is clear that C + F + H + B + S + V = 18 6 + 6 = 12.
Also, from the bar – graph, the value of C, F, B, H and V is 3, 2, 5, 2 and So, the value of ‘x’ can be 80 or 79.
4 respectively. Required difference 500 – 2x – (688 – 7x) = 5x – 188
If ‘x’ is equal to 80, then the required difference is 212 and if ‘x’
Therefore, S = 18 – (3 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 4) = 2. is equal to 79, then the required difference is 207.
Since, the number of siblings who chose Basketball is 5 and there are
exactly three sports that have not been chosen by Aslam as well as For questions 23 and 24:
Ahmad (Additional information II), therefore, Aslam as well as Ahmad Given that all the bottles containing one or the other of the three acids
chose Basketball. Also, form additional information II, Aslam and Azhar namely Sulphuric, Nitirc and Nitrous are in one or the other of the three
chose Cricket and Swimming. Since, the number of siblings who chose categories S, M and L.
Volleyball is 4, therefore except for Ahmad and Azhar, every other Total number of bottles containing one or the other of three acids
sibling chose Volleyball. Since, Armaan did not choose Basketball and namely Sulphuric, Nitric and Nitrous acid is 384 + 367 + 402 = 1153
there is one sport that has not been chosen by Armaan but is chosen Total number of bottles of acids in the three categories
by Atif, therefore that sport is Basketball. Also, the three sports chosen S, M and L = 360 + 600 + 240 = 1200.
by Armaan are Football, Hockey and Volleyball. Difference = 1200 – 1153 = 47.
Azhar Atif Aslam Aaqib Armaan Ahmad 23. 2 Out of the options given only option (2) can be a possible ratio
Cricket Yes No Yes No No Yes of a: b: c.
Football No No Yes No 24. 1 Maximum possible value of ‘a’ could be 47.
Hockey No No Yes No So, in order to minimize the number of bottles of Benzoic acid
Basketball Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes in Lab 2 that do not belong to any of the three categories
S, M and L we need to maximize the number of bottles of
Swimming No No Yes No No Yes
Benzoic acid that belong to one or the other of three categories
Volleyball Yes Yes No Yes Yes No S, M and L.
So, required answer is 123 – 47 = 76.
16. 1 The value of 6 – S = 6 – 2 = 4.
25. 4 Average number of bottles per variety of the mentioned acids
17. 4 From additional information (III): Ahmad chose Cricket and is 400.
Swimming. In additional information (II) it is given that there are Therefore, number of bottles of Sulphuric, Nitric and Salicylic
exactly two sports that have been chosen by Azhar as well acid is less than the average number of bottles per variety of
as Aslam. Since, the number of siblings who chose Swimming acid.
is 2; therefore Azhar definitely chose Cricket and Basketball.
For questions 26 to 30:
18. 3 Except for Atif and Aaqib, for every other sibling the sports The total number of participants in the surveys conducted in each of
chosen by them can be uniquely determined. Hence, the the three market segments is 1000. The exact number of participants
required answer is 4. selecting the four options, across the three market segments is given
in the following table.
19. 2 Aslam did not play Volleyball.
Market Segments P Q R S Total
20. 5 It cannot be uniquely determined.
Villages 95 390 135 380 1000
For questions 21 to 25: Towns 210 220 220 350 1000
Metros 180 405 230 185 1000
For questions 21 and 22: Total 485 1015 585 915 3000
Given that In Lab 2 as well as Lab 3, the number of bottles of acids in
the category XL as a percentage of the total number of bottles of The two observations made by the brand manager, hold true only for
acids in the respective laboratories is not more than 1%. the following four cases.
21. 3 A maximum of 6 bottles each in Lab 2 and Lab 3 can be in the Possible
category XL. P Q R S
Also, a maximum of 688 bottles in Lab 4 can be in the category
Case I Cream Rejected All Chilly Mint
So, in Lab 1, the number of bottles of acid in the category Case II Chilly Rejected All Cream Mint
XL cannot be less than 720 – 6 – 6 – 688 = 20 Case III Mint Chilly Rejected All Cream
20 Case IV Mint Cream Rejected All Chilly
Required percentage = × 100 = 4%
26. 5 If the statement given in the problem is true, then the selection
22. 4 Let the number of the number of bottles of acids in Lab 1 and of option P, in the survey form, must indicate that the participant
Lab 4 that are in the category XL be ‘2x’ and ‘7x’ respectively. had liked the Mint flavour, the least. Accordingly, either Case III
Therefore, the number of bottles of acids in Lab 1 and Lab 4 or Case IV could be true and the two flavours-(Chilly & Cream)
that are not in the category XL will be must be indicated by the two options-(Q & S) but their exact
‘500 – 2x’ and ‘688 – 7x’ respectively. order cannot be concluded. Further, selection of option R, in
Also, let the number of bottles of acids in Lab 2 and Lab 3 that the survey form, indicated that the participant had rejected all
are in category XL be ‘Y’. the three flavours. Hence none of the options (1) or (2) or (3)
or (4) can definitely be concluded but option (5) can definitely
be concluded.
010 3
27. 3 If the statement given in the problem is true, then option P
given in the survey form must indicate Cream flavour. L 15 L9 L8 L2 L13
Accordingly, only Case I is valid. Statement given in option (3) 8 levers 6 levers 10 levers 6 levers 8 levers
is definitely false as the minimum number belonged to the
market segment, Towns.
L5 L6 L10 L14 L 11
28. 4 From the problem statement. We can conclude that option P in 10 levers 6 levers 10 levers 6 levers 10 levers
the survey form, indicates Mint flavour. Accordingly, options
Q and S could indicate Chilly and Cream flavours. Option R The levers of the locks definitely unlocked by Devendra are as follows.
indicated rejection of all the three flavours. Note that, in any of
the given market segments, the number of participants who L1 L3 L4 L7 L12
selected neither option P nor Q is the sum of the number of 8 levers 10 levers 8 levers 6 levers 10 levers
participants who selected either option R or options S. Each
of the five answer options can be verified. Option (4) is correct.
31. 3 On five days, i.e. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4 and Day 6 it can
29. 1 From each of the five given statements, we can make the be uniquely determined which lock has been unlocked by
following conclusions: Devendra.
Statement Conclusion 32. 2 For the aggregate levers to be minimum and also out of the
locks unlocked by him, the number of locks having six levers
I R indicated rejection of all the flavours. has to be less than the number of locks having eight levers.
II P indicated selection of Cream flavour. Hence, the only possible case is
III S indicated selection of Chilly flavour. Day 5 Day 7 Day 8
IV Either Q or R indicated selection of Cream 8 8 6
V P indicated selection of Mint flavour. For questions 33 to 35:
Given that after Day 8 Devendra found that aggregate levers of all the
Statements I, III, IV and V can simultaneously be true. Hence locks that he has unlocked is more than 64 but not more than 68.
option (1) is the correct answer. Therefore, the aggregate levers of the locks unlocked on Day 5, Day
7 and Day 8 has to be greater than 22 but not more than 26.
30. 4 Only Chilly and Cream flavours can be simultaneously selected The following cases are possible
for large scale productions. Hence (4) is correct.
Day 5 Day 7 Day 8
For questions 31 to 35:
As per the information given, the following can be concluded, where Case 1 8 6 10 24
the possible list of locks unlocked by Devendra on each of the eight Case 2 8 8 10 26
days is given in “grey” Case 3 6 8 10 24
Not Possible Case 4 6 10 10 26
Day 1 L1 L7 L8 L4 L11 L4
Case 5 8 10 6 24
Day 2 L3 L15 L14 L12 L8 L12
Day 3 L2 L7 L15 L9 L10 L7 Case 4 is not possible because out of the locks unlocked by him, the
number of locks of 6 levers is less than the number of locks of 8
Day 4 L15 L13 L10 L3 L6 L3
Day 5 L2 L15 L9 L10 L5 L15 L9
Day 6 L13 L6 L1 L8 L10 L1 33. 5 Out of the given locks, it cannot be confirmed which one was
Day 7 L14 L11 L8 L2 L13 L8 L2 L13 unlocked by Devendra.
Day 8 L5 L6 L10 L14 L11 34. 4 If L9 is not unlocked, then L15 is definitely unlocked by
Devendra on Day 5 and also L8 is unlocked by Devendra on
Out of the locks unlocked by him, the number of locks of 6 levers is Day 7. This confirms that it is Case 5 The lock that has 6 levers
less than the number of locks of 8 levers. from the choices available on Day 8 is either L6 or L14. So,
one out of these two locks is definitely unlocked by Devendra.
L1 8 levers L7 6 levers L13 8 levers Option (4) is the correct choice.
L2 6 levers L8 10 levers L14 6 levers
35. 2 If out of out of the locks unlocked by him, the number of locks
L3 10 levers L9 6 levers L15 8 levers
of 10 levers is less than the number of locks of 8 levers, then
L4 8 levers L10 10 levers the only feasible case is Case 2. So, the lock unlocked on Day
L5 10 levers L11 10 levers 7 is L13.
L6 6 levers L12 10 levers
36. 3 D necessarily follows A as it talks about taking it forward, B
Also, out of L15 and L9, one lock has been definitely unlocked by discusses the problem which was pertaining to the carriage,
Devendra. E elaborates the plan of action and C concludes the chain of
Out of L8, L2 and L13, one lock has been definitely unlocked by
37. 1 E stems out from the opening generalized statement about
Out of L5, L6, L10, L14 and L11, one lock has been definitely opened Vedic hymns, EC form a mandatory pair taking a cue from the
by Devendra. phrase “on the other hand”, D talks about the praises being
showered on various deities, B is the logical conclusion.
4 010
38. 4 D necessarily follows A as it is in continuation of the exposition 52. 3 The first paragraph of the passage talks about the matter of
of Takashi Murakami the artist, E takes it forward forming a technology of climate change being not so simple as it is
pair with B as it defines the ‘divide’ and C is the concluding prone to zealotry and taboos.
statement on Takashi.
53. 4 The passage mentions the three Achilles heels of the cells
39. 5 D essentially follows A as it explains how managers manage making option 4 the correct answer.
by ‘walking about’, C takes it forward, E & D further explain
the scenario of the 1950s. 54. 5 All, except option 5, have been mentioned as reasons for the
debacle of the fuel cells.
40. 2 C is incorrect, has the error of incorrect parallelism, and should
be ‘collecting’ instead of collect. E is incorrect as the correct 55. 2 The passage discusses the taboos governing geo-engineering
phrase is ‘appealing to’ and not ‘for’. and the fear expressed in the lines “Scientists and
policymakers have been reluctant even to discuss the subject-
41. 1 B is incorrect, use the article ‘a’ before leading to define it, much less research it, because they worry that it could cause
similarly use the indefinite article ‘a’ before lazy habit. more problems than it solves and that it will give politicians an
excuse to avoid curbing carbon emissions” supports the
42. 3 B is incorrect, use the singular ‘relative’ to define motion, option. Hence option 2 is best.
relatives renders the meaning incorrect, C is incorrect, use
‘produce’ as the sentence is in the present. In D, it should be 56. 3 Option 3 can be easily inferred from para 1.
‘is’ instead of ‘are’.
57. 5 Refer to para 3 where the author feels that the invisibility
43. 3 A is incorrect, use an article before ‘main theme’, use the stems from varied prejudices.
preposition ‘in’ before America in B, C is incorrect, used the
past tense ‘cohered’ as the sentence is in the past tense. 58. 2 The passage mentions that Nabokov escaped the
20th century’s greatest tyrannies which were the Bolshevik
44. 5 Option 5 is the correct answer as it takes both the subject upheavals and the Nazi persecution.
matter and the last line of the paragraph forward.
59. 3 The paragraph on Vawdrey emphasizes the fact that the
45. 5 Option 5 is correct; take a cue from the last line of the writer’s work is steeped in greatness and people get to know
paragraph, the word ‘end’ has a negative connotation, making of only the outer layer, the real personality of the writers
it the logical continuation of the passage. comes through only in their work.
46. 1 The passage is celebrating the success of Paru Jaykrishna, 60. 2 In the olden days, ether was used to anesthetize patients.
logically option 1 takes this thought further as it comments
directly on this success, the other options follow this. 61. 4 The phrase “muttering retreats” makes option 4 correct.
47. 3 The term “Stage moms” refers to parents who live vicariously 62. 4 The passage stresses on the fact that “there will be time” for
or moms who manage their children’s business, since the everything.
passage ends with a mention of something ‘comical’, option 3
is the most amusing. 63. 3 The lines “And indeed… I presume?” spell out the circle of
concern which is limited to the immediate and the temporal
48. 5 Option 5 is incorrect as a game cannot be ‘see through’, one world, nowhere do the lines depict any issues with the larger
can use it in the sense of a strategy in a sentence like “I saw picture in life. The author is in a ‘status quo’ and deciding what
through their game”, which means to be able to ascertain the to do.
strategy. In option 1 it means the score at a particular stage in
a game, in 2 it is a particular manner or style of playing a game, 64. 1 The passage talks about “hole is liberalism’s silence about the
in 3 it is any object of pursuit, attack, abuse, etc. and in 4 it is place and significance of groups” making option 1 correct.
a business or profession.
65. 2 The passage expresses the views that “Liberalism established
49. 2 Option 2 is incorrect as it seems that the accounts were the principle of religious toleration-the idea that religious goals
fighting with each other. ‘On conflict’ is an incorrect usage. could not be pursued in the public sphere in a way that
The correct usage should be “The two accounts of what had restricted the religious freedom of other sects” making option
happened were conflicting”, in option 1 it means disagreement, 2 correct.
in 3 it means a state of opposition between persons or ideas
or interests; in 4 it means opposition between two simultaneous 66. 5 The Reformation identified “true religiosity as an individual’s
but incompatible feelings and in 5 it describes a state of being. subjective state”, making option 5 correct.
50. 4 Option 4 is incorrect, no such thing as pure genetics exists, 67. 3 The passage talks about “One’s social status was now
and the correct usage is ‘pure lineage’. In option 1 the word achieved rather than ascribed; it was the product of one’s
means a homogeneous or uniform composition, in 2 it means talents, work and effort rather than an accident of birth”, the
free of dirt, in 3 it means sinless and in 5 it means unadulterated. elimination of traditional barriers resulted in an emphasis on
the fulfillment of the self rather than anything else.
51. 4 Option 4 is incorrect as ‘her study’ implies the physical
premises, correct usage is only ‘study’ which implies being 68. 2 BBAAA: The sentence is in the past tense so option ‘B’ is
lost in a reverie. In option 1 it means the subject of concern, in correct, heel means the part of the foot and heals - to cure.
2 it implies research or a detailed examination and analysis of Assented means to agree and ascent an upward movement,
a subject, in 3 it means a written account and in 5 means as a Plum is a fruit and plumb means to examine closely or deeply.
guide for a finished production. Choral means of a choir and coral is the hard, variously
colored, calcareous skeleton secreted by certain marine polyps
as in, something made of coral.
010 5
69. 3 ABBAA: Scull means a pair of oars and skull the head as the 74. 1 Let the marked price of 1 meter of cloth be Rs.100.
center of knowledge and understanding, Levee is an If he buys 1 meter of cloth, then he gets 1.1 meter of cloth at
embankment designed to prevent the flooding of a river and the cost of (100 – 5% of 100) = Rs.95.
Levy-an imposing or collecting of a tax. ‘Who’ is used for
people, here the subject is offer so ‘that’ should be used, and While selling he sells 0.9 meter of cloth at the price of
the definite article should be used before union. (100 – 10% of 100) = Rs.90.
Profit is to gain an advantage or benefit, prophet is a person So, he will sell 110 cm of cloth at the price of Rs.110.
who practices divination.
(110 – 95 )
Percentage profit = × 100 = 15.8%.
70. 4 BBABA: Baron means a person with great power, barren 95
means lacking, bereft.
Coal is a piece of glowing, charred, or burned wood or other
combustible substance. 75. 5 If we observe the equation carefully we can come to the
Kohl is powder used to darken eyelids, glowed means to burn conclusion that the value of ‘x’ has to be 1.
brightly and glowered means to show anger. FRIEZE - any The given equation will hold true for any integral value of ‘y’
decorative band at the top or beneath the cornice of an interior and x = 1.
wall, a piece of furniture, etc., freeze means change from the Hence, option (5) is the correct choice.
liquid to the solid state. Synch means harmony or harmonious
relationship, Sink is to fall or descend into or below the surface 76. 1 The length of the line segment BG will be minimum possible
or to the bottom. when the point E coincides with the point B and the point F
coincides with the point C.
71. 1 Total surface area of one fourth portion of the solid sphere
having radius ‘r’ units = curved surface area + plane surface In this case, point G is the point of intersection of the diagonals
of the square.
area =
( 1
4πr 2 + 2 πr 2 = 2πr 2 square units.
2 A (B ,E )
Sum of the areas of one-fourth portion of each of the two
solid spheres having radii 4 units and 6 units is 2π42 + 2π62. G
Total surface area of the solid given in the question will be (C ,F )
2π42 + 2π62 − 2 π42 = 88π square units.
2 1
The length of line segment BG = units
Hence, option (1) is the correct choice. 2
Note that the length of the line segment BG will be maximum
72. 2 Let the total number of large boxes that have been left empty when the point E coincides with the point A and the point F
in the game = ‘x’. coincides with the point B.
Therefore, the total number of medium boxes used by Richa is In this case the length of the line segment BG will be = 1 unit.
5 × (9 – x) = 45 – 5x. For any position of the point E between the points A and B, the
Let the total number of medium boxes that have been left length of the line segment BG will be less than 1 unit but more
empty in the game = ‘y’. 1
than units.
Therefore, the total number of small boxes used by Richa is 2
5 × (45 – 5x – y) = 225 – 25x – 5y.
Hence, option (1) is the correct choice.
It is also known that total number of boxes that have been left
empty = 41. 77. 5 When the value of x = 0, the value of f(x) will be 1.
Therefore, x + y + 225 – 25x – 5y = 41. Also, the minimum possible value of f(x) will be 1.
24x + 4y = 184. Therefore, the graph of f(x) is as is shown in the figure given
6x + y = 46. below.
Total number of boxes used by Richa in the game is 9 + 45
– 5x + 225 – 25x – 5y = 279 – 5 (6x + y) = 279 – 5 × 46 = 49.
Hence, option (2) is the correct choice.
⇒ N= 2 × 2 + 3
( 4 8
× 6577
Now, 6577 is a prime number, therefore the number of
factors of the number N = 18.
Hence, option (5) is the correct choice.
6 010
For questions 78 and 79:
Let A, B, C, D and E denote the weight of Amir, Bhutal, Chetali, Dhani ∴
f(z 2 )
= (
× z −1 = z +1
z − 1
and Esha respectively.
Given that C = 2 + E, B = 8 + A and D = 78. f(z)
Hence, is a linear function.
Also, the total weight of the couples = 2 × (79 + 82) = 322 kg and that f(z2 )
of all the five persons = 5 × 80 = 400 kg.
Hence, option (1) is the correct choice.
Therefore, the weight of the unmarried person = 400 – 322 = 78 kg
which is that of Dhani.
Now, 8 + A + C = B + 2 + E ⇒ 6 + A + C = B + E 83. 1 A a B
⇒ (B + E) – (A + C) = 6
Also, the difference between the total weights of couples is
2 × (82 – 79) = 6. d b
010 7
87. 1 Sum of all the terms in an Arithmetic progression
x+y 1
As per the information given in the question =
× (a1 + an) (3 − x ) + ( 4 − y ) + 5 2
where n is the total number of terms
a1 is the first term in the series. xy 1
‘an’ is the last term in the series. Also, = ⇒ xy = 1
12 − xy 11
(a1 + an )
Mean =
2 MN = x 2 + y 2 = ( x + y )2 − 2xy = 16 − 2 = 14 meter
It implies, sum of an A.P = n × mean
Also, x + = 4.
Using statement A: x
We have the total number of terms of all the A.P.’s. ⇒ x =2± 3
Hence, the sum of all the A.P.’s can be found.
Hence, statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question. x ≠ 2 + 3 as the value of x has to be less than 3.
90. 2 Lets assume that x litres of acid having concentration 20%, Case IV:
y litres of acid having concentration 30% and (10 – x – y) When one of the numbers in the product is 7.
litres of acid having concentration 50% are mixed by Sunil to The other number in the product can be 11 and 13.
get a final concentration of 40%. There are 2 such possible products.
x × 20 + y × 30 + (10 − x – y ) × 50
⇒ = 40 Case V:
10 When the two-digit number is a perfect cube.
There is only one such number, i.e. 27
⇒ 3x + 2y = 10
The only possible solutions are (x = 2, y = 2) or (x = 0, y = 5) Therefore, in total there are 30 such two-digit numbers that
⇒ Minimum amount spent = 2 × 20 + 2 × 30 + 6 × 40 = Rs.340. have exactly 4 factors.
For questions 91 and 92: 94. 4 The three-digit number EEE can be written as E × 3 × 37.
A So, when one of the two-digit numbers is 37, then the other
two-digit number can be 12, 18, 24.
3 –x Also, when one of the two-digit numbers is 74, then the other
5 two-digit number can be 12.
3 (In all the other cases the condition that A, B, C, D and E are
distinct is not satisfied)
x Therefore, the possible values of AB can be 37, 74, 12, 18,
C 24.
B y N 4 –y
4 Required sum = 37 + 74 + 12 + 18 + 24 = 165.
8 010
For question 95 and 96: There are 16 points having integral coordinates on the X-axis
and 10 points with integral coordinates on the Y-axis other
M ario (40 ) N in te nd o (90 ) than the origin.
In the first quadrant, for y = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 we get 7, 5, 4, 2
and 1 points respectively, having integral coordinates inside
a the region enclosed by the graph in the first quadrant.
m n
Therefore, there are 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 19 points having
x integral coordinates in each of the four quadrants other than
b c the points on the Y-axis and X-axis.
The total number of points having integral coordinates inside
the region enclosed by the graph = 16 + 10 + 1 + 4 × 19 = 103.
f Hence, option (2) is the correct choice.
N FS (14 5)
98. 2 When two dice are tossed simultaneously there are 6 × 6 = 36
possible outcomes.
m + n + f + a + b + c + x = 150 ...(i)
m + a + b + x = 40 ...(ii) The following cases are possible to make ab a perfect square.
a + c + n + x = 90 ...(iii) Case I:
b + c + f + x =145 ...(iv) ab will be a perfect square when ‘b’ is an even number and ‘a’
Adding equation (ii), (iii) and (iv) we get, any number from 1 to 6.
2a + 2b + 2c + 3x + m + n + f = 275 ...(v) (1, 2) (1, 4) (1, 6)
Subtracting equation (i) from (v), we get (2, 2) (2, 4) (2, 6)
a + b + c + 2x = 125 ...(vi) .
95. 1 125 persons played atleast two games, which implies that (6, 2) (6, 4) (6, 6)
a + b + c + x = 125, but from equation (vi) = 18 cases
a + b + c + 2x = 125, hence x = 0.
m + n + f = 25. Case II:
So, to minimize ‘f’ we need to maximize m + n, and the maximum a = 1 and b = 1, 3 or 5
value that (m + n) can take is 5, so the minimum number of (1, 1) (1, 3) (1, 5) = 3 cases
persons that played only NFS is 20.
Case III:
96. 2 In order to minimize the amount we need to minimize the number a = 4 and b = 1, 3 or 5
of persons playing all the three games and maximize the number (4, 1) (4, 3) (4, 5) = 3 cases
of persons playing exactly one of the games. ⇒ Total of 24 cases.
24 2
M ario (40 ) N in te nd o (90 ) Required probability = =
36 3
99. 5 The only possible perfect squares which can be obtained are
0 0 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36.
These perfect squares can be obtained in the following ways:
0 (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6), (1, 4) and (4, 1)
35 85
⇒ Therefore, total of 8 cases.
25 8 2
Hence, required probability = =
36 9
N FS (14 5)
A 5 1813
Therefore, minimum possible amount that the persons paid for 100. 3 As per the question = 113.3125 = 113 =
B 16 16
playing the games is 25 × 2 + 125 × 3 = Rs.425.
Let A = 1813K (Where K is a natural number)
B = 16K
97. 2 The graph of 2|x| + 3|y| = 18 is given below.
When (A2 – 4) is divided by B:
Y ( A − 2 )( A + 2 ) = (1813K − 2)(1813K + 2 )
B 16K
(0 ,6)
(5K + 2 )(5K − 2 )
(– 9,– 0 ) (9 ,0) 25K 2 − 4
(0 ,–6 )
Remainder will be 0 when K = 2.
⇒ B = 16K = 16 × 2 = 32.
010 9
101. 3 Sum of 8 can be obtained by adding either 1, 2 and 5 or 1, 3 103. 5 It is given that a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 210
and 4, so ball no. that were pocketed in first three strokes can Also, 210 = 5 × 7 × 2 × 3
either be either 9, 8 and 5 or 9, 7 and 6. Few possible ways ‘210’ can be split into four parts are
Sum of 22 can be obtained by adding either adding 5, 8 and I. a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 21 × 2 + 21 × 2 + 21 × 2 + 21 × 4
9 or 6, 7 and 9, so ball that were pocketed in last three strokes LCM (a1, a2, a3 ,a4 = LCM (42, 42, 42, 84) = 84
can either be either 5, 2 and 1 or 4, 3 and 2.
II. a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 35 × 1 + 35 × 1 + 35 × 2 + 35 × 2
CASE I CASE II CASE III LCM (35, 35, 70, 70) = 70
First three stroke 9, 7 and 6 9, 7 and 6 9, 8 and 5
III. a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = 60 × 1 + 60 × 1 + 60 × 1 + 30 × 1
4th, 5th and 6th stroke 3, 4 and 8 1, 5 and 8 1, 6 and 7 LCM (60, 60, 60, 30) = 60
Last three stroke 5, 2 and 1 4, 3 and 2 4, 3 and 2 The minimum possible LCM will be achieved in (III).
Sum of 19 can be obtained by 9 + 8 + 2 from CASE II Hence, option (5) is the correct choice.
Sum of 12 can be obtained by 7 + 3 + 2 from CASE I
Sum of 8 can be obtained by 5 +1 + 2 from CASE III 104. 3 Weight of 1 unit of B = 1 × 5 + 4 × 3 + 1 × 8 = 25 kgs.
but sum of 23 is not possible Weight of 1 unit of C = 2 × 5 + 6 × 3 + 1 × 8 = 36 kgs
Therefore, weight of 1 unit of A = weight of 4 units of
102. 4 Let the length of the other two sides of the triangle be ‘a’ and B + weight of 5 units of C = 4 × 25 + 5 × 36 = 280 kgs.
‘b’ respectively,
⇒ a2 + b2 = 2402 = 57600 Therefore, 1400 kgs of A will have = 5 units of A.
Also, a + b + 240 must be a perfect square.
Therefore, the number of units of B and C required to make
Perimeter of a right angled triangle is maximized when the
1400 units of A is 4 × 5 and 5 × 5 respectively.
two sides other than its hypotenuse are equal in length.
Therefore, the number of units of Y required to make 20 units
Therefore, the maximum perimeter of the right angled triangle
of B and 25 units of C is 20 × 4 and 25 × 6.
will be 120 ( 2 ) + 120 ( 2 ) + 240 = 579(approx). Weight of Y required = (20 × 4 + 25 × 6) × 3 = 690 kgs.
Also, the perimeter of the triangle should be greater than 105. 2 If we choose the 10 points on the X-axis having coordinates
twice of the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. (0,1), (0, 2), ...., (0, 10), then the coordinates of the midpoints
Therefore, the perimeter of the triangle should be greater than obtained on joining every possible pair of two points is 0.5,
480 and less than 579. 1.5, 2, 2.5, ....., 9 and 9.5.
Possible squares in the above range are 484, 529 and 576. Therefore, the number of points that are marked with red
colour is 9 + 8 = 17.
But, as per the information given in the question, the perimeter
can only be equal to 576.
The values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ will be 192 and 144 units not necessarily
in that particular order.
Hence, option (4) is the correct choice.
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