Detecting Variability: Variable Star Observations
Detecting Variability: Variable Star Observations
Detecting Variability: Variable Star Observations
The most common kinds of variability involve changes in brightness, but other types of variability also occur, in
particular changes in the spectrum. By combining light curve data with observed spectral changes, astronomers are
often able to explain why a particular star is variable.
Variable star observations[edit]
Variable stars are generally analysed using photometry, spectrophotometry and spectroscopy. Measurements of their
changes in brightness can be plotted to produce light curves. For regular variables, the period of variation and
its amplitude can be very well established; for many variable stars, though, these quantities may vary slowly over
time, or even from one period to the next. Peak brightnesses in the light curve are known as maxima, while troughs
are known as minima.
Amateur astronomers can do useful scientific study of variable stars by visually comparing the star with other stars
within the same telescopic field of view of which the magnitudes are known and constant. By estimating the variable's
magnitude and noting the time of observation a visual lightcurve can be constructed. The American Association of
Variable Star Observers collects such observations from participants around the world and shares the data with the
scientific community.
From the light curve the following data are derived:
are the brightness variations periodical, semiperiodical, irregular, or unique?
what is the period of the brightness fluctuations?
what is the shape of the light curve (symmetrical or not, angular or smoothly varying, does each cycle have only
one or more than one minima, etcetera)?
From the spectrum the following data are derived:
what kind of star is it: what is its temperature, its luminosity class (dwarf star, giant star, supergiant, etc.)?
is it a single star, or a binary? (the combined spectrum of a binary star may show elements from the spectra of
each of the member stars)
does the spectrum change with time? (for example, the star may turn hotter and cooler periodically)
changes in brightness may depend strongly on the part of the spectrum that is observed (for example, large
variations in visible light but hardly any changes in the infrared)
if the wavelengths of spectral lines are shifted this points to movements (for example, a periodical swelling and
shrinking of the star, or its rotation, or an expanding gas shell) (Doppler effect)
strong magnetic fields on the star betray themselves in the spectrum
abnormal emission or absorption lines may be indication of a hot stellar atmosphere, or gas clouds surrounding
the star.
In very few cases it is possible to make pictures of a stellar disk. These may show darker spots on its surface.
Interpretation of observations[edit]
Combining light curves with spectral data often gives a clue as to the changes that occur in a variable star. For
example, evidence for a pulsating star is found in its shifting spectrum because its surface periodically moves toward
and away from us, with the same frequency as its changing brightness.
About two-thirds of all variable stars appear to be pulsating. In the 1930s astronomer Arthur Stanley
Eddington showed that the mathematical equations that describe the interior of a star may lead to instabilities that
cause a star to pulsate. The most common type of instability is related to oscillations in the degree of ionization in
outer, convective layers of the star.
Suppose the star is in the swelling phase. Its outer layers expand, causing them to cool. Because of the decreasing
temperature the degree of ionization also decreases. This makes the gas more transparent, and thus makes it easier
for the star to radiate its energy. This in turn will make the star start to contract. As the gas is thereby compressed, it
is heated and the degree of ionization again increases. This makes the gas more opaque, and radiation temporarily
becomes captured in the gas. This heats the gas further, leading it to expand once again. Thus a cycle of expansion
and compression (swelling and shrinking) is maintained.
The pulsation of cepheids is known to be driven by oscillations in the ionization of helium (from He
to He
and back
to He
What Are Variable Stars?
The variable star U Geminorum in its bright state (left) and its faint state (right)
Variable stars are stars that change brightness. The brightness changes of these stars can range
from a thousandth of a magnitude to as much as twenty magnitudes over periods of a fraction of
a second to years, depending on the type of variable star. Over 150,000 variable stars are known
and catalogued, and many thousands more are suspected to be variable.
There are a number of reasons why variable stars change their brightness. Pulsating variables, for
example, swell and shrink due to internal forces. An eclipsing binary will dim when it is eclipsed
by a faint companion, and then brighten when the occulting star moves out of the way. Some
variable stars are actually extremely close pairs of stars, exchanging mass as one star strips the
atmosphere from the other.
The different causes of light variation in variable stars provide the impetus for classifying the
stars into different categories. Variable stars are classified as either intrinsic, wherein variability
is caused by physical changes such as pulsation or eruption in the star or stellar system, or
extrinsic, wherein variability is caused by the eclipse of one star by another, the transit of an
extrasolar planet, or by the effects of stellar rotation.
Why Observe Variable Stars?
The science of variable star astronomy teaches us about one important part of the universe -- the stars. Stars are the primary
engines of cosmic evolution, particularly in the creation of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium which make up us and the
world that we live in. Further, stars and their systems of planets are the only likely places we will find life in the universe; by studying
stars (including our own Sun), we are also learning about possible abodes for life. Research on variable stars is important because
it provides information about stellar properties, such as mass, radius, luminosity, temperature, internal and external structure,
composition, and evolution. Some of this information would be difficult or impossible to obtain any other way. In many cases, it is the
nature of the variability that provides the clues to the answers. This information can then be used to understand other stars.
Variable stars need to be systematically observed over decades in order to determine their long-time behavior. Professional
astronomers have neither the available time nor the unlimited telescope access needed to gather data on the brightness changes of
thousands of variable stars. Thus, it is amateur astronomers utilizing visual, photographic, photoelectric, and CCD techniques who
are making a real and highly useful contribution to science by observing variable stars and submitting their observations to the
AAVSO International Database. These important data are needed to analyze variable star behavior, to schedule satellite
observations of certain stars, to correlate data from satellite and ground-based observations, and to make computerized theoretical
models of variable stars possible.
Variable stars play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe. Cepheid variables have played a major part in determining
distances to far-away galaxies and determining the age of the Universe. Mira variables give us a glimpse into the future evolution of
our own star, the Sun. Accretion disks in cataclysmic variables help us to understand larger scale disk behavior, like the activity
inside active galaxies with supermassive black holes. Supernovae have led us to the surprising realization that the expansion of the
Universe is accelerating. Even the search for extra-terrestrial life is illuminated by variable stars. Transiting extrasolar planets
provide clues into the processes of planetary formation, and the very stuff life as we know it is made of comes from the hearts of
stars that explode in the final stages of their evolution.