ME401 - Economics and Principles of Management Question Bank Unit - III 2 Marks Questions: Unit - IV (Up To Cycle Test - II)

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ME401 Economics and principles of

Question Bank
Unit III
2 Marks questions:
1. What is management?
2. List out three levels of Management?
3. What are the functions of
4. What is authority?
5. What is scalar chain?
6. What is centralization?
7. What is ivision of la!our?
". What is a #oint stoc$ com%any?
&. 'efine %artnershi% %?
1(. What o you meant !y co)o%erative
1 Marks Questions:
1. *+%lain various functions of
2. 'iscuss %rinci%les of Management
given !y ,.W.-aylor?
3. *+%lain .enry ,ayal/s 14 %rinci%les
of Management?
4. *+%lain sole traers 0ith merit an
5. *+%lain %artnershi% firm 0ith merits
an emerits?
6. 'iscuss co)o%erative societies in
7. *+%lain 1oint stoc$ com%anies in
Unit I! "up to c#cle test $ II%
1. 'efine .2M?
2. What are the ifferences !et0een
3ersonnel Management4 .2M an
3. What is .2'?
4. What is motivation?
5. List out the nees classifie !y
6. What is Leaershi%?
7. What is free)rein Leaershi%?
1 Marks Questions:
1. *+%lain ifferent functions of
.uman 2esource Management?
2. *+%lain Maslo0/s nee hierarchy
3. 'iscuss .erz!erg t0o factor theory?
4. *+%lain various ty%es of Leaershi%

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