Schedule For GM Diet Vegetarian

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Schedule for GM Diet ( General Motors Diet ) Vegetarian

Similar to the typical GM Diet, the vegetarian version of GM diet also requires you to follow a seven-day schedule
Day ! "nly fruits! #ust li$e in the regular GM diet, only fruits are allowed to %e consumed on the first day! &ll
fruits can %e consumed in generous quantities e'cept for %ananas, as they are high in car%ohydrates and
potassium! (ater inta$e should also %e o%served at )-* glasses during the whole day!
Day *! +he second day involves potato and vegeta%les! & cup of %a$ed potato would serve as the %ody,s
main energy source for the day, and then it can %e followed up with vegeta%le dishes during lunch and dinner!
Vegeta%le soup is highly powerful during this day, as it provides all the energy the %ody would need!
Day -! .ruit and vegeta%les! .ruits and vegeta%les may %e served the whole day, from %rea$fast to dinner,
including midday snac$s! .ruit /uice can also %e ta$en aside from water, although no %ananas or potatoes are
Day 0! 1ananas and mil$! 1anana and mil$ com%os may %e consumed all day, with vegeta%le soup servings
during lunch and dinner! 1anana and mil$ may %e ta$en in the form of sha$es, during %rea$fast and midday
Day 2! 1rown rice and tomatoes! 3nstead of %eef, %rown rice is used on Day 2! "ne cup of rice is good to
last for the day together with tomatoes in order to induce cleansing!
Day 4! 1rown rice and vegeta%les! "n this day mi'ed vegeta%les may %e consumed all day, together with
one cup of rice!
Day 5! 6p to two cups of %rown rice may %e consumed, together with fruit and vegeta%le servings!
1y the end of Day 5, you should %e feeling much lighter and loo$ more glowing! +his is %ecause the deto'ification
effects have already ta$en place and the %ody has already shed off at least *-- $g or a%out ) l%s!

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