This document contains templates for sections to include in a resume, such as the objective, education profile, relevant courses, technical skills, achievements, projects and trainings, extracurricular activities, and personal interests and hobbies. It provides examples of what to include in the objective section depending on whether you are applying for an internship or job. The education profile section lists degrees earned along with university/board and percentage/CGPA. Other sections give suggestions for what technical and soft skills as well as projects and activities to highlight.
This document contains templates for sections to include in a resume, such as the objective, education profile, relevant courses, technical skills, achievements, projects and trainings, extracurricular activities, and personal interests and hobbies. It provides examples of what to include in the objective section depending on whether you are applying for an internship or job. The education profile section lists degrees earned along with university/board and percentage/CGPA. Other sections give suggestions for what technical and soft skills as well as projects and activities to highlight.
This document contains templates for sections to include in a resume, such as the objective, education profile, relevant courses, technical skills, achievements, projects and trainings, extracurricular activities, and personal interests and hobbies. It provides examples of what to include in the objective section depending on whether you are applying for an internship or job. The education profile section lists degrees earned along with university/board and percentage/CGPA. Other sections give suggestions for what technical and soft skills as well as projects and activities to highlight.
This document contains templates for sections to include in a resume, such as the objective, education profile, relevant courses, technical skills, achievements, projects and trainings, extracurricular activities, and personal interests and hobbies. It provides examples of what to include in the objective section depending on whether you are applying for an internship or job. The education profile section lists degrees earned along with university/board and percentage/CGPA. Other sections give suggestions for what technical and soft skills as well as projects and activities to highlight.
O(JECTIVE It should refect the motive of your resume. It should not be static but dynamic according to the purpose you intend to apply. e.g. If you are applying for Internship, your objective can be :: To pursue a challenging internship with a progressive and innovative organization where I can apply my technical knowledge and which will also strengthen as well as sharpen my technical skills . e.g. if you are applying for a job To build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed and dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and realie my potential to wor! as a !ey player in challenging and creative environment. E/UCATION PROFILE YEAR QUALIFICATI ON UNIVERSITY / BOARD % / CGPA 2009-2013 B. Tech. M.N.I.T (NIT Jaipur) 2009 XII
X RELEVANT COURSES UN/ERTA3EN "ou can mention about the subjects you have studied till now which have relevance to the company you applying for. TECHNICAL S3ILLS #ention $bout the %rogramming &anguages you !now, about the softwares you have wor!ed upon, platforms you are comfortable wor!ing on. ACHIEVEMENTS "ou can mention about your class '( th academic achievements or college achievements. PROJECTS a-' TRAININGS Its always good to mention a brief description of the about them whenever you mention about %rojects)trainings. E4TRA CURRICULAR
PERSONAL INTERESTS5 HO((IES /ECLARATION I hereby declare that the information supplied above by me is true to best of my knowledge. I am responsible for any discrepancy found. Name : Place:
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