Master Degree of Business Administration (M.B.A) Engineering
Master Degree of Business Administration (M.B.A) Engineering
Master Degree of Business Administration (M.B.A) Engineering
Career Objective To use my potentials along with the knowledge & training provided by the institution Ive oined in my past! to contribute my sincere services & best o" my duties in behal" o" any organi#ation !Id oin in my "uture. Intend to contribute and grow in the "ield o" $arketing Academia %ursuing post gruate diploma in international marketing operation & PGDIBO) "rom IGNOU New Delhi.
Speciali a!io": Ma#$e!i"% a"& H'(a" Re o'#ce B.A. &%olitical! 2eography! %hilosophy0 )a asthan 4niversity! (haratpur! )a asthan )II *Scie"ce) 2002 *++3
: : : :
Project Handled
Project Title : Measuring the awareness level & satisfaction level of Godrej nterio brand Organisation : Godrej interio pvt. Ltd., Jaipur !uration : may 09 June 09 !escri"tion : The project involved: Under tandin! and analy in! the re earch and development o" companie . #andlin! cu tomer $uery and providin! ati "actory !uidance.
Other activities & e#"erience have done internet mar$eting "rogramme from msme develo"ment institute% o$hla new delhi& 'or$ing e#"erience in (admarc unit of mansa "romoters) as a field manager for *st dec& +, to -*st Aug&.+*+& Certificate of /0!P T1 2 2G undergone M0M3 !evelo"ment institute% 4A P51 science**th 6eb& to ,th mar&.++,& Certificate of 78wor$sho" on communication s$ills) organi9ed b: / T0 P ;A2 &
Hobbie a"& I"!e#e ! )eading books. :istening to music. %laying 'hess. %articipate in social activities
Personal !ossier ,a!he#- "a(e Da!e o/ Bi#!h Na!io"ali!2 3a"%'a%e 4"ow" P#e e"! A&&#e Pe#(a"e"! A&&#e . $r. (iri 6ingh meena : 01!h Oc!obe# 5.84 . Indian : ;nglish! 9indi. : <-**! concor housing 'olony! inside Tughlakabad railway colony! =ew /elhi-55++*+ : $eenao ka gher! anah gate! ba#ariya! bharatpur& )a asthan0 pin- >*5++5