Master Degree of Business Administration (M.B.A) Engineering

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Mobile: E-Mail: sam.mba84@gmail.



Career Objective To use my potentials along with the knowledge & training provided by the institution Ive oined in my past! to contribute my sincere services & best o" my duties in behal" o" any organi#ation !Id oin in my "uture. Intend to contribute and grow in the "ield o" $arketing Academia %ursuing post gruate diploma in international marketing operation & PGDIBO) "rom IGNOU New Delhi.

'ompleted master degree of business administration (M.B.A) Engineering 'ollege

(ikaner &E.C.B) (ikaner )a asthan /egree provided "rom )a asthan technical university & R.T.U0 1ota )a asthan *++,-+..

Speciali a!io": Ma#$e!i"% a"& H'(a" Re o'#ce B.A. &%olitical! 2eography! %hilosophy0 )a asthan 4niversity! (haratpur! )a asthan )II *Scie"ce) 2002 *++3

M.A Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Bharatpur (Raj)

) 2yandeep sec. school! (haratpur &)a 0 Training Attended 2000

P#o+ec! Ti!le O#%a"i a!io" D'#a!io" De c#ip!io"

: : : :

sales promotion& consumer perception at . SPENCERS RETAIL INDIA LTD.

56T 7une +8 8 54T9 august +8

The pro ect

involve o! to attend the customer.

)ealising the needs and importance o" 'ustomer satis"action.

Project Handled

Project Title : Measuring the awareness level & satisfaction level of Godrej nterio brand Organisation : Godrej interio pvt. Ltd., Jaipur !uration : may 09 June 09 !escri"tion : The project involved: Under tandin! and analy in! the re earch and development o" companie . #andlin! cu tomer $uery and providin! ati "actory !uidance.

Other activities & e#"erience have done internet mar$eting "rogramme from msme develo"ment institute% o$hla new delhi& 'or$ing e#"erience in (admarc unit of mansa "romoters) as a field manager for *st dec& +, to -*st Aug&.+*+& Certificate of /0!P T1 2 2G undergone M0M3 !evelo"ment institute% 4A P51 science**th 6eb& to ,th mar&.++,& Certificate of 78wor$sho" on communication s$ills) organi9ed b: / T0 P ;A2 &

Hobbie a"& I"!e#e ! )eading books. :istening to music. %laying 'hess. %articipate in social activities

Personal !ossier ,a!he#- "a(e Da!e o/ Bi#!h Na!io"ali!2 3a"%'a%e 4"ow" P#e e"! A&&#e Pe#(a"e"! A&&#e . $r. (iri 6ingh meena : 01!h Oc!obe# 5.84 . Indian : ;nglish! 9indi. : <-**! concor housing 'olony! inside Tughlakabad railway colony! =ew /elhi-55++*+ : $eenao ka gher! anah gate! ba#ariya! bharatpur& )a asthan0 pin- >*5++5



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