This diagnostic report from a Detroit Diesel engine lists several active faults, including low battery voltage, an open circuit crankshaft position sensor, and no communication between the vehicle control unit and programmable logic device. It also indicates issues with individual injectors being at the limit of the idle smoothness governor. The report provides details on each fault such as the fault code, description, and duration.
This diagnostic report from a Detroit Diesel engine lists several active faults, including low battery voltage, an open circuit crankshaft position sensor, and no communication between the vehicle control unit and programmable logic device. It also indicates issues with individual injectors being at the limit of the idle smoothness governor. The report provides details on each fault such as the fault code, description, and duration.
This diagnostic report from a Detroit Diesel engine lists several active faults, including low battery voltage, an open circuit crankshaft position sensor, and no communication between the vehicle control unit and programmable logic device. It also indicates issues with individual injectors being at the limit of the idle smoothness governor. The report provides details on each fault such as the fault code, description, and duration.
This diagnostic report from a Detroit Diesel engine lists several active faults, including low battery voltage, an open circuit crankshaft position sensor, and no communication between the vehicle control unit and programmable logic device. It also indicates issues with individual injectors being at the limit of the idle smoothness governor. The report provides details on each fault such as the fault code, description, and duration.
DDC VIN: 3AKJ C5CV99DAG9572 Engine Serial Number: 460914 U 0893843 , - VCU version:14.23, PLD version:60A ( ) - Page 1 of 1 Active Fault Description Flash ECM ID FMI Start End Duration Count StartTime StopTime Xtr Ovrds Battery Voltage (PLD) - Voltage below normal -- Mas P 168 4 Battery Voltage - Switched - Data valid but below normal (VCU) -- Mas P 158 1 Crankshaft Position Sensor (PLD) - Open circuit -- Mas S 21 3 Data Link VCU&PLD - No communication between VCU and PLD -- Mas S 248 2 Injector Cylinder #1 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 1 12 Injector Cylinder #2 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 2 12 Injector Cylinder #3 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 3 12 Injector Cylinder #4 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 4 12 Injector Cylinder #5 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 5 12 Injector Cylinder #6 (PLD) - Idle smoothness governor at limit -- Mas S 6 12