Presenter: David C. LaJeunesse Outline for Today Educator Quality Core Values Certification Basics special focus on ESE What We Are Working On Certificate Renewal Changes BEC Conversion Projects Paperless Communication Certificates 2014 Legislation HB 433 Maximize FTCE/FELE Program ESE Certification Redesign Educator Certification Contacts Questions & Answers 6/19/2014 2 Educator Quality Core Values Being Responsive Doing Good Work and Expanding the Capacity of Others To Do the Same Serving as Critical Friends through Positive and Transformative Relationships Demonstrating Respect, Honesty, and Integrity Core Purpose: To prepare, support and empower the most skillful teachers and leaders in the nation. BHAG: Every Florida teacher and leader is prepared, developed, supported and supervised by educators who make teaching better
6/19/2014 3 Florida Educators Certificates 301,500+ individuals currently hold a valid Florida Educators Certificate 91% Professional and 6% Temporary (3% Athletic Coaching) Currently 68,000+ Professional in any ESE area (22.6%) Currently 2,300+ Temporary in any ESE area (0.8%)
4 6/19/2014 Certificate Types and Requirements Professional Certificate standard, renewable Florida certificate, valid for 5 years. Requires: A bachelors degree (or masters degree), Mastery of General Knowledge, Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge, and Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education Competence. Temporary Certificate initial, non-renewable Florida certificate, valid for 3 years. Requires: A bachelors degree and meeting subject specialization with a 2.5 GPA, and Employment in a Florida public, charter or state-supported school with an approved PEC program.
5 6/19/2014 Alternative and Traditional Certification Teacher Preparation Programs FLAP/FLTEP, EPI, District Professional Development Certification Program, OSAP FL approved must include strategies appropriate for instruction of students with disabilities 32 FL approved ESE bachelors programs 16 FL approved ESE post baccalaureate and masters programs
6 6/19/2014 Alternative and Traditional Certification Certificate Reciprocity OSCERT ESE specialties vary state to state NBPTS Exceptional Needs Specialist (Early Childhood Young Adulthood) Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Early Childhood, Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Severe/Multiple Disabilities, Visual Impairments ABCTE Special Education Other Alternative Routes College Teaching, PTO, Coursework
7 6/19/2014 Certificate Renewal or Reinstatement 6 semester hours or 120 Florida inservice points during prior 5 years ESE credit acceptable to renew any certificate subject area coverage 7/1/14 credit must include 1 hour or 20 inservice points in teaching SWD
8 6/19/2014 Certificate Renewal Changes Teaching Students with Disabilities (SWD) Credit One (1) semester hour or 20 inservice points Each renewal period Applies to all Renewal Applications received on/after July 1, 2014 Credit earned during validity period; OK, even if before July 1, 2014 Goal of All Renewal Requirements: Educators participate in current, relevant and on-going professional learning for the benefit of all students, including SWD
6/19/2014 9 Certificate Renewal Changes Acceptable SWD Credit: Focuses on Instructing SWD Gifted Education is not acceptable American Sign Language (ASL) generally not appropriate Renewal Law and Rule do not identify a single, specific course or inservice activity that must be completed Goal: Educators select professional learning activities that will expand their knowledge, skills and expertise to better educate their students with disabilities Not Required for District CTE/Substitute Certificates Not Required for Department of Health Licenses
6/19/2014 10 Certificate Renewal Changes Acceptable Courses on Teaching SWD Courses with ESE or Special Education prefixes (Excluding Gifted) Introduction to Exceptional Student Education Nature and Needs of [Various Disabilities: EH, MH, SLD, ASD, etc.] Teaching Students with Disabilities Educating the Learning Disabled [or any other disability] Assessment in Exceptional Education Assessing Students with Disabilities Varying Exceptionalities Individualized Instruction for Exceptional Students Management Strategies for Students with Disabilities The Special Education Curriculum 6/19/2014 11 Certificate Renewal Changes Master Inservice Plan (MIP) Professional Development (PD) Points 20 Inservice Points = 1 Semester Hour Educator May Accumulate One or More Points in Teaching SWD to Satisfy the 20 Point Total
6/19/2014 12 Certificate Renewal Changes Acceptable MIP ESE PD Component Areas 100 - Instructional Strategies 101- Classroom/Behavior Management 102 - Assessment 105 - Curriculum Unacceptable MIP ESE PD Component Areas 103 - Procedural/Legal Requirements 104 - Working with Aides/Volunteers/Mentors
6/19/2014 13 Certificate Renewal Changes Subject Area Examinations (SAE) SAE in Exceptional Student Education, Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, or Speech Language Impaired = 3 semester hours of renewal credit and SWD credit, if the corresponding subject is on the certificate. SAE in Exceptional Student Education = 3 semester hours of renewal credit and SWD credit, if one of the old subjects in EH, MH, SLD, PI, or VE is on the certificate. [Note: Renewed certificate will list the old subject unless/until applicant applies to add Exceptional Student Education]
6/19/2014 14 Certificate Renewal Changes National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certificates NBPTS Exceptional Needs Specialist Certificate = 6 semester hours of renewal credit and teaching SWD credit, if the Florida Professional Certificate includes an ESE coverage.
6/19/2014 15 ESE PD Resources Exceptional Education and Student Services @ FDOE ESE Teacher Info ESE PD Portal Floridas Personnel Development supporting ESE FDLRS Institute for Small and Rural Districts College Credit from State Colleges and Universities
6/19/2014 16 BEC Conversion Projects Convert primary database to Microsoft SQL Server Convert to paperless official correspondence Redevelop BEC-PASS and other BEC client systems Support partners with necessary systems Enhance quality and usability Expand direct, electronic transmittal Employ coordinated training modules Improve processes for E-forms and Web viewing Develop Web-based training system Fully expand Online Application
6/19/2014 17 Paperless Communication - Certificates Email notifications begin Summer 2014 Instructions to review via Certificate Status Printable copy via Certificate Status Continue to print and mail Email notifications for all in January 2015 Duplicate application for printed copy Productivity improvements, efficiency gains and cost savings
6/19/2014 18 2014 Legislation: House Bill 433 Educator Certification Chapter 2014-32 Education Effective July 1, 2014 Permits banking of excess SWD credits for renewal Permits adoption of national/international tests for General Knowledge or Subject Area Mastery Study to evaluate Graduate Record Exam (GRE) equivalency to Florida General Knowledge Test Eliminates CLAST to satisfy General Knowledge 6/19/2014 19 2014 Legislation: House Bill 433 Educator Certification Professional Education Test required with college teaching experience for mastery of professional preparation Permits SBE approval of teacher preparation programs offered by other providers Establishes clinical educator requirements for supervisors of field experiences or internships conducted out-of-state/country Educator Certification Rule Development site at
6/19/2014 20 Maximize FTCE/FELE Program May 2014 General Knowledge 2.0, Elementary Education Subtests Model New Development Business Education, Preschool Education, Reading and Spanish Evaluate standardized national/international examinations for low-demand subject areas 6/19/2014 21 ESE Certification Redesign Bureau of Exceptional Education & Student Services (BEESS) Strategic 5-Year Plan Teachers and Leaders Workgroup Floridas State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) ESE Certification Redesign Workgroup Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR) Grant State Leadership Team
6/19/2014 22 ESE Certification Redesign Analyze data and current requirements Develop recommendations for revision of ESE certification standards Performance Indicators: Increase # and % effective and highly effective ESE teachers Increase % of ESE students taught by in-field teachers Increase knowledge and skills of educational leaders related to SWD
23 6/19/2014 Florida ESE Areas current Subject Coverages: Exceptional Student Education (Grades K-12) Hearing Impaired (Grades K-12) Speech-Language Impaired (Grades K-12) [masters degree] Visually Impaired (Grades K-12) Endorsements: Gifted add to any academic coverage (2 IHE, 68 district programs) Prekindergarten Disabilities add to any ESE, early childhood, or elementary area (1 IHE program) Autism Spectrum Disorders add to any ESE area (4 IHE, 9 district programs) Severe or Profound Disabilities add to any ESE area (1 IHE program) Orientation & Mobility add only to Visually Impaired
24 6/19/2014 Florida ESE Areas repealed Prior to FY 2002-2003: Adaptive Physical Education (Endorsement) Emotionally Handicapped (Grades K-12) Mentally Handicapped (Grades K-12) Physically Impaired (Grades K-12) Specific Learning Disabilities (Grades K-12) Varying Exceptionalities (Grades K-12)
25 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 26 FTCE Subject Area Examinations Hearing Impaired K-12 Speech-Language Impaired K-12 Visually Impaired K-12 Exceptional Student Education K-12 lacks sufficient content area assessment for teachers to be highly qualified
27 6/19/2014 6/19/2014 28 ESE Exam Competencies & Skills Knowledge of foundations of ESE Knowledge of assessment and evaluation Knowledge of instructional practices in ESE Knowledge of assessing, designing, and implementing positive behavioral supports Knowledge of language development, reading, and communication skills Knowledge of skills related to interpersonal interactions and participation Knowledge of the transition process
29 6/19/2014 ESE Teachers Required Credentials Based on level of instruction, not student performance level PK-Grade 6 = ESE area plus PK-3 or Elementary Education Middle Grades = ESE area plus relevant 5-9 content area(s) (i.e. English, Math, Science, Social Science) [MGIC repealed 10/2011] High School = ESE plus relevant 6-12 content area(s)
30 6/19/2014 Process for ESE Certification Change Goals: Identify and prioritize policy reform needs Ensure alignment of proposed reforms with student, teacher and leader standards across the full career continuum Collect relevant data to support needs with accountability measures for improved student achievement Conduct research with input from all stakeholder groups to reinforce credibility Identify potential impacts and develop mitigation strategies
31 6/19/2014 Process for ESE Certification Change SBE Rule changes subject area designations subject specialization requirements teacher credential requirements (CCD) FL Legislative changes multi-tier certificates scaffolding standards and expectations
32 6/19/2014 Potential Certification Structures 1. K-12 non-categorical ESE certificate 2. Non-categorical ESE certificate that specifies grade level (elementary/secondary) 3. Non-categorical ESE certificate that specifies grade level (elementary/secondary) and subject area endorsement 4. Categorical ESE certificate that specifies area of disability specialization 5. ESE certificate with a subject content area specialization or endorsement 6. Subject content area certificate with an ESE endorsement 33 6/19/2014
EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION CONTACTS 34 Public Access Points: Office Mailing Address: U.S. Domestic Toll-Free: 800-445-6739 Outside U.S.: 850-245-5049
Bureau of Educator Certification Suite 201, Turlington Building 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Leadership: David C. LaJeunesse, Chief 850-245-0431