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Robert Murphy
7170 Cape Drive
Saraland, AL 36571 Phone: 251.591.2780 Eail: r!rph"#$araland%oe.or& Objective To obtain a position as an assistant principal. Education Teaching Experience Teaching Responsibilities
Master of Education, Educational Leadership University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama expected December 20! !.0 "#A Bachelor of Science, Double Major Secondar! Education and "istor!# Minor English University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama May 200$ Dean%s &ist 200 Dean%s &ist 200! $$ th %rade &'(' English %rade, $) th %rade *'S' "istor! ' + th ,areer (reparedness (Au)ust 200* #resent+ Saraland ,i)h School &- ,ollege Read! (resenter (Au)ust 202*#resent+ &,T . (raxis Testing (roctor (-ctober 200*#resent+ $/ th %rade %overn0ent and Econo0ics, $) th 1 $$ th %rade *'S' "istor!, 2 th %rade 3orld "istor! (Au)ust 200.* /une 200+ 0ruitdale ,i)h School 4 th %rade &0erican "istor! (Au)ust 2001*200.+ Daphne Middle School 2 th %rade 3orld "istor!. 4 th %rade &0erican "istor! (Au)ust 2002*2001+ /& 3e4ton Middle School 5 th %rade %eograph!. ,ivics (Au)ust 200$*2002+ Scarborou)h Middle School (h!sical Education Teacher, Scarborou)h Middle School 200$52002 6oached middle school intramurals * volleyball, bas7etball, softball, and trac7. Tau)ht individual students, small )roups, and classes of over sixty students. &ead Teacher for A# 8n)lish** increase the number of 9ualifyin) scores on A# 8n)lish 8xams. Directed &ayin) the 0oundation (&T0+ :ertical Team Meetin)s bet4een Middle and ,i)h Schools ;or7ed purposefully, re)ularly, and cooperatively in interdisciplinary teams to improve students% educational experience #roduced and presented #o4er#oint%s durin) class lectures and faculty meetin)s 6reated curriculum based assessment and evaluation materials Supervised and instructed students% learnin) activities &essons involved cooperative learnin), lecture, one*on*one instruction, technolo)y, and interactive teachin) 6ontinuous <mprovement #lan 6ommittee**member Technolo)y 6ommittee**member ;rote and a4arded )rant for needed e9uipment 6ompiled and reported information for Southern Association of 6olle)es and Schools (SA6S+ Accreditation ,oaching Experience. &chieve0ents ,oaching Responsibilities "ead 6arsit! Bo!s, Saraland ,i)h School 200*20! 202 Alabama State #layoffs, Area st =unner*up 0ive players si)ned to play at the colle)iate level in four years. "ead 6arsit! ,ross ,ountr! ,oach, Saraland ,i)h School 202 "ead 6arsit! Baseball ,oach, 0ruitdale ,i)h School 200.*200 200 Alabama State #layoffs, Area st =unner*up "ead 7unior "igh 8ootball ,oach, 0ruitdale ,i)h School 200.*200 Bo!s Soccer ,oach, Daphne Middle School 2001**200.
st #lace 2A >ald4in 6ounty 6hampions 200. 2009 Baldwin County Athletic Association --Coach of the Year &ssistant 8ootball ,oach, Daphne Middle School 2001**200.
st #lace 2A >ald4in 6ounty 6hampions Bo!s Bas9etball ,oach, /& 3e4ton Middle School 2002**2001 Bo!s Soccer ,oach, /& 3e4ton Middle School 2002**2001 2 nd #lace A >ald4in 6ounty 6hampionship Tournament 200? Bo!s Trac9 ,oach, /& 3e4ton Middle School 2002**200? 2 nd #lace A >ald4in 6ounty 6hampionship Tournament 2002 &ssistant 8ootball ,oach, /& 3e4ton Middle School 2002**200? 8ootball Defensive ,oordinator, Scarborou)h Middle School 200$**2002
st #lace 2A Mobile 6ounty 6hampions 200$ 6ommunicated re)ularly and effectively 4ith colle)e coaches for recruitin) athletes :erified student academic eli)ibility for athletic competition. Scheduled "ames and Tournaments Submitted athlete eli)ibility for athletic competition to A,SAA Directed and evaluated athletes throu)h drills in preparation for )ames. 6oordinated stren)th ' conditionin) trainin). Desi)ned defensive and offensive strate)ies for athletic competition. 6oordinated fundraisin) for ne4 uniforms and needed e9uipment ,ertifications 1 Me0berships Technological S9ills Teachin) 6ertificate State of Alabama, Social Science, "rades 2*2 Teachin) 6ertificate State of Alabama, 8n)lish, "rades 2*2 Alabama, Math, Science, and Technolo)y <nitiative (AMST<+ 6ertified Alabama ,i)h School Athletic Directors and 6oaches Association American ,eart Association 6#= ' A8D 6ertified "lobal Association of Teachers of 8conomics ("AT8+ Member 3ational 6ouncil for the Social Studies (36SS+ Member 3ational 8ducation Association Member University of South Alabama Alumni Association Member Advanced #lacement 8n)lish &an)ua)e Trained at University of Alabama and Mississippi State University <3-; 6lassroom Microsoft -ffice (;ord, #o4er #oint, #ublisher, etc.+ Smart >oard @ #romethean >oard "o))le 6hrome Applications (Doc.%s, 6alendar, Drive, etc.+ 6lassroom #erformance System (Student 6lic7er =esponse+ 8&M- <nteractive Document 6amera &6D #roAector 8dmodo Social &earnin) #latform
Innovative Strategies for Accelerated Human Resources Development in South Asia: Student Assessment and Examination: Special Focus on Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka