Tiffany Robbins Resume 2014 Slms

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400 Abaco Circle Statesboro, Georgia 30458

C: 404-859-1654 E: Tiffan!robbins"g!ail#co!
To obtain an ele!entar sc$ool !e%ia s&ecialist &osition in a &'blic sc$ool setting#

Master of Education: Instructiona Tec!noo"#$ Expected date of completion: December 12, 2014
Georgia Southern Univerit!, Statesboro, Georgia
Bac!eor of Science: Ear# C!id!ood Education$ %&&'
Georgia Southern Univerit!, Statesboro, Georgia
Scre+en Count# Sc!oos (Scre)en Co'nt Ele!entar Sc$ool*
Second ,rade Teac!er +'l ,013--resent
-lan lessons for all le)els of st'%ents in e)er s'b.ect area
Create strategies to a%%ress /ea0nesses an% s0ill ga&s
1e)elo& enric$ing acti)ities to &ro!ote c$allenging t$in0ing s0ills
Collaborate /it$ &eers to increase consistenc t$ro'g$o't t$e content
Atten% &rofessional %e)elo&!ent classes to contin'e e%'cational learning
De-a. Count# Sc!oo District (S!o0e 2ise Ele!entar C$arter Sc$ool*
(re/-inder"arten Teac!er A'g'st ,01,--resent
-lanne%, &ro)i%e% an% instr'cte% content-relate% lessons base% on 1e3alb Co'nt4s c'rric'l'! an%
g'i%elines re5'ire% b 6rig$t 7ro! t$e Start#
7acilitate% $o!e8sc$ool co!!'nication b s'c$ !eans as $ol%ing conferences, tele&$oning, an%
sen%ing /ritten co!!'nications#
YMCA Acade0ies Of Sout! De-a. A'g'st ,010-9a ,01,
)ead (re/-inder"arten Teac!er
-lanne% an% i!&le!ente% lessons accor%ing to 67TS, :9CA, ;ea% Start an% <AE:C g'i%elines#
=or0e% to &re)ent c$allenging or %isr'&ti)e be$a)iors t$ro'g$ > en)iron!ent %esigns, effecti)e
transitions an% engaging acti)ities#
?:9CA Aca%e!ies @f So't$ 1e3alb 2oo0ie @f T$e :ear A/ar%, A'g'st ,010-9a ,011
?:9CA Aca%e!ies @f So't$ 1e3alb Abo)e A 6eon% Ac$ie)e!ent A/ar% 2eci&ient, A'g'st ,011-9a ,01,
?2eferences a)ailable '&on re5'est#

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