Cours Outline
Cours Outline
Cours Outline
Universit dOttawa
Facult de gnie
Dpartement de
gnie mcanique
University of Ottawa
Faculty of Engineering
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Aut 2011
Course: GNG1105 C
Engineering Mechanics
Course Professor:
Philippe Girault Euring.,ing., M.Sc.
Office: CBY 203 A
Phone: 613-562-5800 (6291) from Tuesday until Thursday Afternoons
Pagette only in emergency cases and without expecting a direct answer :
outside above hours from 09:00 am to 09:00 pm
Fax: 613-562-5177
Teaching Assistants: (TA)
DGD1:Yaser Alinaqian B210
DGD2: Elham Alavi B203C tel: 613-618-1223
DGD3: Bijan Borzou
Prerequisite course: None
Following course: for students in Mechanical Engineering: MCG2108 Mechanics II
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General Objective:
This course will introduce you to the basic principles of engineering mechanics. Most of this course - sections
1 to 5 below - is concerned with the calculation of forces acting on static (i.e. non-moving) objects and
structures. The last part of the course deals with dynamics - determining how objects move under the action of
forces. Calculation of forces is a basic step in the design of anything that has to bear a load, whether it is a
bridge (CVG), machine, vehicle (MCG), reactor vessel (CHG), or an electronic component (ELG). The
dynamic response of systems to forces is an essential part of designing moving machines (MCG), robots
(MCG, ELG, CEG, SEG), and control systems (MCG, CHG, ELG, SEG), as well as in the analysis of the
flow of liquids, gases and two-phase mixtures (CHG, MCG, CVG). As you will see from the problems
covered in your textbook, the material in this course can be applied directly to a wide range of practical
problems in every field of engineering and in everyday life.
Specific Objectives:
1. to be able to calculate forces on objects and in simple structures;
2. to be able to draw a free-body diagram of a structure or part of a structure (this is actually a pre-
requisite to calculating forces, and an essential skill to learn);
3. to be able to calculate the motion of a simple object under an applied force.
4. to understand how structures support loads.
5. to develop an organized approach to problem-solving. You will be introduced to a general strategy for
problem-solving which will be applied to problems throughout the course.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers, 8th Edition in SI Units, F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, and E.R. Eisenberg,
McGraw-Hill (both the Statics volume and the thin Dynamics supplement are required)
ISBN=978-007127359-6. Earlier editions of this text contain the same text material, but different
problems. Problems for assignments and tutorials will be taken from the current edition.
Text Sections
1. Introduction 1.1-1.5
2. Statics of Particles
2.1. Addition of Forces 2.1-2.8
2.2. Equilibrium of a Particle 2.9-2.11
2.3. Forces in Three Dimensions 2.12-2.15
3. Statics of Rigid Bodies
3.1. Principle of Transmissibility of a Force 3.1-3.3
3.2. Moment of a Force 3.4-3.8
3.3. Moment of a Couple 3.12-3.18, 3.20
3.4. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body 4.1-4.4, 4.6, 4.8-4.9
3.5. Centre of Gravity (optional) 5.1-5.5
4. Structures
4.1. Trusses 6.1-6.5, 6.7
4.2. Frames and Machines 6.9-6.12
5. Friction
5.1. Static Friction 8.1-8.5
6. Dynamics of Particles
6.1. Rectilinear Motion 11.1-11.6
6.2. Curvilinear Motion 11.9-11.14
6.3. Forces, Momentum and Angular Momentum 12.1- 12.5, 12.7 - 12.9
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The discussion groups (DGD) listed in the timetable for this course are problem-solving tutorials, and will
be run by the teaching assistants. In each tutorial you will work through problems on the material currently
being covered in class, and some or all of these problems will be handed in to be marked. Many tutorials will
include a quiz (15 - 20 minutes) on material from recent classes. No advance notice will be given of these
quizzes. The marks from the tutorials will be added up to an overall tutorial mark for the semester. Attendance
at tutorial sessions is compulsory. A specific comprehensive assignment will be given in the second part of the
You have already been assigned to a tutorial section, denoted by a section number on your timetable
(e.g. DGD 1). Because of limits on the capacities of the rooms and the need to keep the work load of the
teaching assistants balanced, it will not be possible to change sections.
It is strongly recommended that you solve the maximum number of problems as you can to gain
practice. Short answers for many problems are given at the back of the textbook (although some of them are
wrong!). I will provide a list of suggested exercises for each lecture on Virtual Campus. We will be please to
answer all the questions that you have about those exercises.
Class attendance is mandatory. As per academic regulations, students who do not attend 80% of the class will
not be allowed to write the final examinations.
All components of the course (i.e. DGD, Exams...) must be fulfilled otherwise students may receive an INC as
a final mark (equivalent to an F). This is also valid for a student who is taking the course for the second time.
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You should be spending 6-8 hours per week studying for this course - about twice the amount of time that
you spend in classes. Most of your time should be spent solving problems, beginning with simple ones and
working up to more difficult ones. It is essential to practise your problem solving skills by actually doing
problems - it is not sufficient to read example solutions.
Pedagogical & communication tool: University Virtual Campus Software
You can find the Faculty of Engineering rules and regulations at the following link:
The sanction for academic fraud or plagiarism can be found at this link:
A reference to regulation on plagiarism and academic fraud:
There will be one mid-term exam, to be held in class on 01 Nov. 11. This will cover material up to the end of
section 3.4 in the outline above (section 4.9 in the textbook). The mark for the Quizzes & Midterm will be
added to give the final mark T out of 100.
Midterm Exam 50%
Comprehensive assignment 10%
Problem Tutorials 40%
Total Term 100%
This will be combined with the final exam mark F (out of 100) to give the final mark
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If F > 60% and F > T, the final mark will be calculated as
MARK (%) = (F
/100) + (100-F)T/100,
a weighting scheme which increases the value of the final exam as F increases above T, allowing one to recoup
poor term performance on the final exam.
If F < 60% or F < T, a simple weighting will apply instead, with the final exam worth 60% of the total:
MARK (%) = 0.6F + 0.4T
The course professor will be available each Thursday from 10h30 am to 12h30 pm or on appointment.
The Teaching Assistant will be available at a time to be announced during the DGD
Feel free to come and see us for any type of problems. You can also contact the Student Academic Success
Service At the following link
In case of problems related to any kind of disability, please contact the Access Service at
The Teaching Assistants will be available at a time to be announced.