Sept 8-12

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Monday: Daily Geography Quiz, Music

Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Homework Due! Music
Friday: Spelling Test, Math Quiz , Language Quiz ,
Library, Health
What Were Learning:
Reading Story: Gertrude Ederle
Reading Skill: Sequencing
Grammar: Subjects and predicates
Spelling: Plurals (-s, -es)
Math: Review skills
Week of Sept.
Upcoming Events:
Haskell Fund Night at Arctic
Edge Ice Arena on Tuesday,
Sept. 9 from 7:15-8:45 PM! ($6)
First PTO meeting on Wed.,
Sept. 10 @ 9:15 AM (commons)
The first AR period & the Box
Tops competition have begun!
No school on Monday, Sept. 16
- Spelling word lists stay in your childs STAR
folder, which goes back and forth every day.
- PLEASE send a family photo for our class board!
- Please sign your childs agenda each night
and help them complete the homework
packet We want to teach responsibility!
Our Weekly Schedule
A Note from Mrs. Horn
Thank you for working so
hard with your child to finish
HW and study for quizzes
each week. They are
practicing important skills
and learning responsibility!
Dont forget to study spelling
words EVERY night!

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