December 4

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The Davis News

December 4, 2015
Important Dates

December 9th- Music

Performance in gym
December 11th- Classroom crafts
in the afternoon
December 14th- Field trip to the
Shell Museum on Sanibel
December 15th- project due
December 18th- Class Party


Academics Next Week:

Math- Begin Chapter 6 Division
Quiz Lessons 1-6 Thursday
Reading: Skill Point of View,
figurative language, test Friday
Vocabulary and Spelling: Unit 2
Week 5 test on Thursday
Grammar: Combining Sentences
Science: Ch 1 Quiz- Thursday
Social Studies: Begin Unit 3Floridas Early History
Dance tickets will be sold in the
following. Tickets are $5 cash only.
The dance is being put on by the
student council and it is Friday,
December 4th after school in the gym.
The 2015 - 2016 Oasis Yearbook is on sale!
For the first year ever the Oasis Yearbook
will be in hard cover so
dont miss out, they are sure to sell out
Pre-order yours today for $20.00.

**After December 18th, the

yearbook will cost $25.00**

Our Christmas Concert is fast-approaching and

your students have been hard at work!! J Here
are a few details:
December 9th, 2015
4th: Arrive by 7:15 Perform 7:30
OCES/OCMS Gymnasium
What are we wearing:
Anything nice/holiday spirited. I am not overly
concerned with dress as long as it is school
appropriate and festive! Hats are acceptable
as long as they do not stick up to block
students behind them.

We will be collecting
new, unwrapped toys
now through
December 11th. Any
donation is greatly
appreciated and will
go to children who
may otherwise not receive presents
on Christmas.
The PTO will have their annual
breakfast with Santa on December
12th. There will be a Toys for Tots
box for this as well.
~No act of kindness, no matter how
small, is ever wasted.~

Technology News:
Website: Free Rice allows students to practice
multiplication facts, vocabulary games,
practicing different languages, etc. For every
question answered correctly the United
Nations World Food Program donates 10
grains of rice. When you enter the website
select the subjects tab at the top and you will
be given different subject areas to choose
from. This could be a good resource for
parents to give to their children at home.
Students can also create a log-in (with parent
permission) and compare scores to students
around the world. Thank you and have a good

It's that time of year again!

OCES PTO is gearing up for our
2nd Annual Breakfast with
Santa event, and we're looking
for some volunteers!
Breakfast with Santa will be
on Saturday, December 12th
from 9-11am in the OCES
Volunteer Time Slots will be
from 8:30 -10am and 10 11:30 am. It is a fun, festive
morning so if you are interested
in volunteering for one or both
shifts (you will receive 2 hours
per shift) please click on the
link below to sign up.

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